Comments on Interim Guidance for Determining Subject Matter Eligibility for Process Claims in View of Bilski v. Kappos

On or prior to October 18, 2010, the organizations and persons listed below have submitted comments in response to Interim Guidance for Determining Subject Matter Eligibility for Process Claims in View of Bilski v. Kappos, first published in the Federal Register at 75 Fed. Reg. 43922 (July 27, 2010).

It is hoped that the public will review this list of comments submitted on or prior to October 18, 2010, to determine if it is complete. If any person or organization has submitted a comment on or prior to October 18, 2010, but it is not included in this listing, please resubmit the comment by electronic mail message to, or contact Caroline D. Dennison by telephone at (571) 272-7729.

Please note that the following documents are posted as originally received but may contain artifacts of scanning, OCR, or document format conversion.

A. Intellectual Property Organizations and Government Agencies

  1. ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law
  2. AIPLA
  3. IPO
  4. JIPA
  5. New York Law Schools' Center for Patent Innovations

B. Corporations and Associations

  1. Accenture
  2. IBM Corporation
  3. Intellectual Ventures, LLC
  4. Microsoft
  5. Red Hat

C. Law Firms


D. Individuals

  1. Aaron
  2. Harm Aarts
  3. Martin Aavik
  4. David Adams
  5. Kirk Aebersold
  6. Ahasiuk
  7. Aaron Alai
  8. Clay Alberty
  9. Hilary Albutt
  10. Julie Alessio
  11. Alexander
  12. Charles Alexander
  13. Jason Alexander
  14. Brad Allen
  15. Bryan Allen
  16. Jamie Allen
  17. Erik B. Andersen
  18. Chris Anderson
  19. Stephan F. Andre'
  20. C. Scott Andreas
  21. Anothergmale
  22. Brian Armstrong
  23. Ric Armstrong
  24. Kris Arnold
  25. Stephen L. Arnold
  26. Shawn Asamato-Brown
  27. Scott Ashman
  28. Bill Atchison
  29. Shai Azoulai
  30. James Babcock
  31. Elizabeth Bacon
  32. Ellen Badinelli
  33. William Baer
  34. Reinier B. Bakels, PhD
  35. Nathan Baker
  36. Michael Ball
  37. Richard Ballantyne
  38. David Barnard
  39. Derek Barnett
  40. Joshua Barney
  41. David Barrett
  42. Daniel Bartholomew
  43. Ben Baston
  44. Alfred Reinold Baudisch
  45. Hilary Baumann
  46. Keith Baumwald
  47. Eric Bavier
  48. Roberto J. Bayardo PhD
  49. Bruce Beare
  50. Gregory Beaver
  51. Eric Beland
  52. Henrik Bennetsen
  53. Trevor Bentley
  54. Paul Bergeron
  55. Jess Bermudes
  56. Karl Berry
  57. Aditya Bhargava
  58. Joseph Bironas
  59. Eric Black
  60. Eric Blake
  61. Luke Blanshard
  62. Joe Blossom
  63. John Bohumil
  64. Andy Bolstridge
  65. Timothy Bolz
  66. Brian Bonner
  67. Ben Bordwell
  68. Jonah Bossewitch
  69. Jonas Bosson
  70. Kyler Bourgeous
  71. Mike Bourgeous
  72. Matthew R. Bowen
  73. Grant Bowman
  74. Scott Boyd
  75. Tom Brander
  76. Mike Bravo
  77. Tim Bray
  78. Kenneth Breeman
  79. Jimmy Brokaw
  80. Charles Brown
  81. Dallas Brown
  82. Vicki Brown
  83. David Bruce, M.D.
  84. Alex Brugh
  85. Jonathan Bryan
  86. Jason L. Buberel
  87. Kelly Buchanan
  88. Matthew Buck
  89. Philip Budne
  90. Chuck Burgess
  91. Chris Burke
  92. Thomas R. Burke
  93. Nathanael Burton
  94. Kevin Butler
  95. Matt Butner
  96. John Button
  97. Tom Cahalan
  98. Douglas Calobrisi
  99. Dwight Calwhite
  100. Jim Campbell
  101. Sheldon L. Campbell
  102. David Cann
  103. Andrew Cantino
  104. Chris Caputo
  105. Pete Carapetyan
  106. Aret Carlsen
  107. Bob Carlson
  108. Brian D. Carlstrom
  109. David Carlton
  110. James Jeremiah Carman
  111. Terry Carmen
  112. Michael Carrano
  113. Alejandro Castillo
  114. Mark Caudill
  115. Marcus Cavanaugh
  116. cbc0777
  117. Ross Centers
  118. Chris Cera
  119. Saikat Chakrabarti
  120. William Chan
  121. William Chappell
  122. Ross Charette
  123. Firmin Charlot
  124. Evan Charlton
  125. Michael Chelen
  126. Joshua Chia
  127. M. Chira
  128. John Cisar
  129. Citbresearch2
  130. Michael L. Clark
  131. Miles Clark
  132. Roland Lee Clark II
  133. Ian Clarke
  134. Zach Coelius
  135. Jeremiah Cohick
  136. Sean Coleman
  137. David Combs
  138. Tim Connor
  139. Giff Constable III
  140. Kyle R. Conway
  141. Allen Cook
  142. Gordon Cooke
  143. Jason Cooksey
  144. Joe Cooper
  145. Travis Cooper
  146. Stephen Corona
  147. Patrick H. Corrigan
  148. Cory
  149. Rick Crawford
  150. John Cromartie
  151. Phil Crooker
  152. Linn Crosetto
  153. Richard Crowley
  154. Justin Cummins
  155. Erik Cunningham
  156. Colin Curtin
  157. Ryan Curtis
  158. Matt Cutts
  159. Dagus
  160. Jon Dahl
  161. Kevin Dahlhausen
  162. Chris Dalton
  163. Thomas Dalton
  164. Lars Damerow
  165. Dan'l Danehy-Oakes
  166. Matthew L. Daniel
  167. Joel Dare
  168. Bill Daul
  169. Mike Davis
  170. Mike Daymon
  171. John R. Deal Jr.
  172. Vicente C. de Baca
  173. Ian Dees
  174. Ralph M. deGennaro
  175. Seth Delackner
  176. Elijah Delventhal
  177. Eric DeMenthon
  178. Sean DeNigris
  179. Aaron Denney
  180. John DesJardins
  181. Brian Deterling
  182. Matthieu Devin
  183. Dustin M. DeWeese
  184. Michael Dexter
  185. Patrick Dickey
  186. Violet Bliss Dietz
  187. Toby DiPasquale
  188. Justin Doiel
  189. Peter A. Donis
  190. Michael Donohoe
  191. Alex Dorey
  192. Corey Downing
  193. Dan Downs
  194. Scott Draves, PhD
  195. Brian Drupieski
  196. Marcus DuFrane
  197. James Durrell
  198. Thomas Durso
  199. Sanford Duryee
  200. Zack Dwiel
  201. Samuel H. Dworetsky
  202. Noah Dyer
  203. Mike Ebert
  204. Sean Eby
  205. Nate Edel
  206. J. Scott Edwards
  207. Matt Elliott
  208. Tim Elliott
  209. Martin Emde
  210. Lucas Endres
  211. Drew Engelbrecht
  212. Chris Erickson
  213. Evan Eusey
  214. Chris Evich
  215. Terra Ezeri
  216. George F
  217. Jason Fager
  218. Chuck Falzone
  219. Peter J. Farrell
  220. Susan Farrell
  221. Troy Farrell
  222. Dr. William M. Fawley
  223. Jeff Federman
  224. Adam Feldman
  225. Enedino Fernandez
  226. Bruce Ferrell
  227. John Fiala
  228. Adrienne Fichtner
  229. Miles R. Fidelman
  230. Nathan Fiedler
  231. Timothy Finley
  232. Nick Fitzgerald
  233. Brad Fitzpatrick
  234. Daniel J. Fitzpatrick
  235. Ian Flanigan
  236. Matthew Flaschen
  237. Avi Flax
  238. Benito Flores
  239. Timothy G. Flynn
  240. Tony Ford
  241. James Frandsen
  242. Brian Frank
  243. George Frank
  244. Phil Freo, Jr.
  245. Hunter Freyer
  246. Richard Freytag
  247. Ben Friedman
  248. Rob Friedman
  249. Erich B. Friesen
  250. Kenneth G. Fuchs
  251. Ben Galbraith
  252. Tom Gallagher
  253. Ron Garret, PhD
  254. Eric Garrido
  255. Nicholas A. Gasper
  256. Gregory Gerard
  257. Byron Gibson
  258. Dj Gilcrease
  259. Elliot Glaysher
  260. Martin Goetz
  261. Yaron Y. Goland
  262. Ken Goldsholl
  263. Alexis Goldstein
  264. Jose Gomez
  265. John Gonzalez
  266. Lance Good
  267. Grant Gordon
  268. Jerry Gosney
  269. Trevor Grandle
  270. Peter Grandstaff
  271. Lawrence Greenfield
  272. Jack Griffin
  273. Kurt Griffiths
  274. Rytis Grybauskas
  275. S.R. Guenter
  276. Jorge Guevara
  277. Brian Gupta
  278. Gus3
  279. Rob Haag
  280. Paul Haahr
  281. Bob Hagemann
  282. Peter Hajas
  283. Jack E. Haken
  284. Jon Hale
  285. Walker Hale
  286. Larry Hamel
  287. Jamie Hamilton
  288. Sean Hammons
  289. Don Hardaway, PhD.
  290. John Harlien III
  291. Kevin Harness
  292. Kurt Harriger
  293. Chad Harrington
  294. Jeffrey Harris
  295. Matt Harrison
  296. David Hauser
  297. Matt Havener
  298. Peter Havens
  299. Brandon Haynes
  300. Kirsten Hazard
  301. Nicholas Hebb
  302. Stuart Heinrich
  303. Alison Heittman
  304. Rob Heittman
  305. Jessica Henline
  306. Dennis S. Hennen
  307. Eric Kennedy Herman
  308. Brendan Hickey
  309. Ben Higgins
  310. Will Hill
  311. Rich Hilliard
  312. Mark Hochstein
  313. Moses Hohman
  314. Steve Holden
  315. David S. Holland
  316. Dennis Hollarn II
  317. Shane Holloway
  318. Timothy E. Holy
  319. Keith Hopkins
  320. Scott Horwath
  321. Barnabas Howard
  322. Walt J. Hucks
  323. Steven E. Hugg
  324. Adrian P. Hull, PhD
  325. Edwin Hunt
  326. Max Hyre
  327. Ian
  328. Paul J
  329. Andrew Jackman
  330. Aubrey Jaffer
  331. Sumeet Jain
  332. Brad Jasper
  333. Monroe Edwin Jeffrey
  334. Adam Jensen
  335. David Jensen
  336. Jon Jensen
  337. Sean Jensen-Grey
  338. Jason Jobe
  339. John
  340. Eric E. Johnson
  341. Mike Johnson
  342. Vaughan Johnson
  343. Caleb Johnston
  344. Andrew Jones
  345. Brian Jones
  346. Patrik Jonsson
  347. Jim Kahn
  348. Kurt B. Kaiser
  349. Peter Kananen
  350. Nilesh D. Kapadia
  351. Jason Katzer
  352. James Kauzlarich
  353. Alan Keefer
  354. Mike Kelley
  355. Michael Kelly
  356. James Kelso
  357. Brian Kennedy
  358. Hugh Kennedy
  359. Patrick Kettner
  360. Travis Kiefer
  361. Robert Kieffer
  362. David Kinder
  363. Austin King
  364. Bryan J. Kirch
  365. Thomas Kirchner
  366. Aaron Klemm
  367. Jerome Knapp
  368. Jonathan Knezek
  369. David Koontz
  370. Jonathan Koren
  371. Mahendra Kothari
  372. James Koval
  373. Ken Kovar
  374. Ryan Kowalick
  375. Matt Kraai
  376. Peter J. Kraljic
  377. Peter Krenesky
  378. Corey T Kump
  379. Nathan Kurz
  380. Blaine LaFreniere
  381. Olivier Lalonde
  382. Bill Landers
  383. Dario Laverde
  384. Richard Lawler
  385. Richard Lawrence
  386. Allen Lee
  387. Brian Lee
  388. Justin Lee
  389. Gurdy Leete
  390. Jen Leibhart
  391. William Leler PhD
  392. Florian Lengyel, PhD
  393. Kieran Levin
  394. Nir Levy
  395. Chris Ley
  396. Jeffrey A. Libert
  397. Pol M Llovet
  398. Tom Longson
  399. Jose Lorenzo
  400. Frank Lortscher
  401. Merrick Lozano
  402. Ken Luczkiewicz
  403. Michael Ludwig
  404. Erik Lund
  405. Zac Luzader
  406. Brian Lyttle
  407. Dan Maas
  408. William MacGhee
  409. Craig MacKay
  410. Frank Maker
  411. Nathaniel Manista
  412. Vincent Marquez
  413. Nick Marsh
  414. Ted Masters
  415. Joseph Mastey
  416. Alec Matusis
  417. Jonathan Max-Sohmer
  418. Justin Mayer
  419. Dominic Mazzoni
  420. Joshua McAdams
  421. Gabe McArthur
  422. Aaron McBride
  423. Neal McBurnett
  424. Gary McCampbell
  425. Jason McCampbell
  426. Paul S. McCarthy
  427. Sean McCleary
  428. Mark McCormick
  429. Tim McCune
  430. Kevin McFadden
  431. Jay McGavren
  432. Matt McGinnis
  433. Gregory McKeever
  434. Evan Meagher
  435. Ray Meiers
  436. Noah Mendelsohn
  437. Paul E. Merrell
  438. M.R. Mikkilineni
  439. Jackson Miller
  440. Peter Miller
  441. Stephen E. Miner
  442. Justin Miramontes
  443. Jed Mitten
  444. Abel Mohler
  445. Christian Monsieur
  446. Daniel Montalvo
  447. Luis Montealegre
  448. Sean Scot August Moon
  449. Hugh Morgenbesser
  450. Rich Morin
  451. Ben Morris
  452. Roberta J. Morris
  453. Mia Movray
  454. Hasan Muhammad
  455. Partha Pratim Mukherjee
  456. Ward Mundy
  457. John Murray, PhD
  458. Stuart Myles
  459. John Nagle
  460. Andre Navarro
  461. Philip Nelson
  462. Russ Nelson
  463. Burke Nersesian
  464. Sam Neubardt
  465. Matthew Newell
  466. J.B. Nicholson-Owens
  467. Evan Niessen-Derry
  468. Miles Nordin
  469. Ken Norton
  470. Norwoods
  471. Jason Novek
  472. Michael Nussbaum
  473. Michael Nuzzo
  474. Reed O'Brien
  475. Kris Occhipinti
  476. Paul O'Day
  477. David Odell
  478. Stephen O'Grady
  479. Nathan Oleson
  480. Greg Olsen
  481. Gary Olson
  482. LT Niels Olson
  483. Ben Orenstein
  484. Ciaran O'Riordan
  485. Daniel Orofino
  486. Robert L. Paddock
  487. John W. Palmieri
  488. Colin Pantell
  489. John Pappas
  490. Efthimios Parasidas
  491. Scott R. Parish
  492. Alex Parkinson
  493. Todd Pasanen
  494. Derek Payton
  495. Akkana Peck
  496. Michael Pederson
  497. Liliana Perez
  498. Charles Perry
  499. Dennis Peterson
  500. Ryan Phillips
  501. Benjamin C. Pierce
  502. Fernando Pino
  503. Alan Pinstein
  504. James Pirruccello
  505. Kurt Ploeger
  506. Scott Plummer
  507. Ben Poliakoff
  508. Douglas Pope
  509. Sam Post
  510. Tom Preston-Werner
  511. Larry Price
  512. Matt T. Proud
  513. Marasoiu Marian Puiu
  514. Jeffrey Putnam
  515. Kelly A. Putnam
  516. Skye Quarto
  517. Daniel Quelhorst
  518. Raymond Racine
  519. Andrew Radford
  520. Brian Radmin
  521. Daniel Raffel
  522. Brian Rak
  523. Justin Ram
  524. Shishir Ramam
  525. Paul R. Ramer
  526. Scott R. Randby
  527. Pandu Rao
  528. Cody A. Ray
  529. Marsh Ray
  530. Sean Ray
  531. Dan Reese
  532. Shaun Reich
  533. Alex Reuman
  534. Stephen Revilak
  535. Peter Rexer
  536. Andrew Richards
  537. Mike Richards
  538. John L. Ries
  539. Matthieu Riou
  540. Dr. Jose M. Ripalda
  541. Tim Ritchey
  542. Scott Ritchie
  543. Jason Rivard
  544. J.S. Roberts
  545. Bill Robertson
  546. Seth A. Roby
  547. Jose R. Rodriguez
  548. R. Roe
  549. Jacob Roeland
  550. Nevada Romsdahl
  551. Casey Rosenthal
  552. Rick Ross
  553. Aric Rothfus
  554. Jeremy Rothman-Shore
  555. David Roundy
  556. Brandon Runyon
  557. William Ruppert
  558. James C. Ruska
  559. Brian Russell
  560. Todd Russell
  561. Tom Russell
  562. Shawn Rutledge
  563. Justin Alan Ryan
  564. Greg Sabo
  565. Jason Sackett
  566. Adam Sah
  567. Tim Sally
  568. Billy Sanders
  569. Keith Sanders
  570. Tony Schmidt
  571. Ray Schmitz
  572. Scott Schnaars
  573. Joe Schottman
  574. Eric C. Schug
  575. Eric Schulte
  576. Eric Schultz
  577. Michael Schurter
  578. Pete Schwamb
  579. Michael Scudder
  580. Ryan Seeber
  581. Kirby Seitz
  582. Stephen Jacob Sekula
  583. Jason Self
  584. Ken Settle
  585. Dave Sewhuk
  586. Richard Shea
  587. Andy Sheehan
  588. Asif A. Sheikh
  589. C. Andrew Shepp
  590. Shogun79
  591. Lee Short
  592. Joshua Siler
  593. Jacob Silterra
  594. Patrick Simmons
  595. Mischa Singer-Fierer
  596. Shane Singleton
  597. Greg Slepak
  598. Chris Smith
  599. Curtis Smith
  600. JB Smith
  601. John Smith
  602. Roland K. Smith
  603. Victoria Spagnolo
  604. Parnell Springmeyer
  605. Joey Stanford
  606. Donavan Stanley
  607. Michael Steffan
  608. Curt Stein
  609. Eric Stein
  610. Kathleen Stidham
  611. Collin Stocks
  612. Richard Stokes
  613. Stephen Stokols
  614. Adrian Stovall
  615. Mark Stringer
  616. James T. Strosser
  617. David Strubbe
  618. Kenneth Stults
  619. Yasir Suhail
  620. Peter Kwangjun Suk
  621. Jay Sulzberger
  622. Olle & Susan
  623. Bradley Swain
  624. Mark W. Swartwout
  625. Takumi
  626. Ian Taylor
  627. Jose Tee
  628. Ben Teitelbaum
  629. Matthew Terenzio
  630. Maxwell Terry
  631. Jason Tholstrup
  632. M.Thomas
  633. Matt Thomas
  634. Anthony R. Thompson
  635. Gary Tong
  636. Michael Trout
  637. Ed Trujillo
  638. Daniel Tunkelang
  639. David Turner
  640. Greg Turnquist
  641. Michael Twentyman
  642. Noah Tye
  643. Jarin Udom
  644. Jared Updike
  645. Daniel P. Valentine
  646. Nathan Van Gheem
  647. David Vanderson
  648. Shannon VanWagner
  649. Shannon VanWagner
  650. Michael VanZant
  651. Abhay Vardhan
  652. Sridhar Vembu
  653. Jerome Verstrynge
  654. Susan Victor-McCarthy
  655. Vishi
  656. Jake Voytko
  657. David Vydra
  658. Richard J. Walker
  659. Eric W. Wallace
  660. Norman Walsh
  661. Kurt Ward
  662. Andy Warner
  663. Greg Weber
  664. Joel N. Weber II
  665. Doug Wehmeier
  666. David Weinraub
  667. Nick Wesselman
  668. Amanda West & Nicolas Kassis
  669. David A. Wheeler
  670. Paul Wheeler
  671. Ian White
  672. Travis Whitlock
  673. Mike Wiacek
  674. Kyle Wiens
  675. David Wilemski
  676. Mike Wilkens
  677. Benjamin Williams
  678. David Williams
  679. Joe Williams
  680. Ben Wing
  681. John P. Withers
  682. David Wolfe
  683. Scott Wolpow
  684. Brian Wong
  685. Matthew Woodward
  686. Christian Wright
  687. Michael A. Wright
  688. John Wyatt
  689. Jeffrey Yang
  690. Steve Yelvington
  691. Ed Young
  692. Nicholas Young
  693. Brendan Younger
  694. Zev Youra
  695. Kenneth W. Zahorec
  696. Daniel Zwell
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