Reports contain various metrics regarding ex parte appeals, reexaminations, and interferences. They also contains graphics depicting appeals inventory, pendency, intake, and outcomes, as well as interference inventory. Updated monthly, September 2016 to present.
Receipts and Dispositions by Technology Center
A report listing the cumulative number of cases received by the PTAB from each Technology Center during the present fiscal year, as well as cumulative results (e.g., number affirmed, reversed, etc.). For ex parte appeals, reexaminations, and interferences. Updated monthly, FY2014 to present.
Data Visualization Dashboards
A graphical representation of current Appeals statistics from the Data Visualization Center at USPTO.
Legacy format statistics archive
This page is an archive of all of the regularly-published PTAB/BPAI reports from FY1998 – FY2015, which are no longer being updated.
Email questions about PTAB statistics to PTAB Statistics Box.