Scientific and Technical Information Center (STIC) Awareness Campaign

Moving ForwardThe Scientific and Technical Information Center (STIC) Awareness Campaign helps advance  Patent Quality by raising awareness of the search tools and resources, such as search advice and translation services, that are currently available to examiners through STIC.


STIC is a one-stop resource for all patent examination reference needs. STIC staff raise awareness of the search tools and resources by providing search advice and translation service, which are currently available to examiners.  STIC assists examiners with searching prior art, translating foreign documents, and accessing non-patent literature in print and electronic format. The STIC Awareness Campaign began in August 2015 and continued for 12 months. Through a series of focused marketing campaigns, STIC spread the message to the examining corps about available resources to promote increased use of products and services.


STIC achieved many milestones throughout the duration of the 12-month campaign, and the following initiatives highlight STIC’s accomplishments. Overall, STIC’s participation in Art Unit meetings increased from 45 to 115 sessions between FY15 and FY16, and attendance increased from 1,063 to 2,597.

STIC created a computer-based training series to instruct the examining corps on how to conduct more targeted searches with the goal of increasing examiner search proficiency and yielding better search results.

STIC embarked Technology Centers (TCs) roadshows that increased STIC awareness by providing TC Directors and Supervisory Patent Examiners (SPEs) with an overview of STIC’s mission and the portfolio of services available to aid in the patent prosecution process. Through the TC Roadshows, STIC established a relationship with TC Directors and SPEs, and now regular engagement with the examining corps.

STIC participated in the Patents Training at Headquarters (PaTH) Expo, a USPTO-wide initiative that aims to enrich team collaboration within USPTO’s remotely connected work staff.  STIC participated in both TC3600 and TC1600 PaTH events in May and August 2016. Through 10+ display tables showcasing STIC’s resources available to the examining corps, STIC reached over 800 examiners.

In March 2016, STIC participated in the Patent Quality Fair which provided an opportunity to explain the purpose and objectives of the 12 EPQI programs to USPTO employees. STIC advertised its services through displays and handouts.  STIC achieved great exposure as over 10% of the workforce attended the event in person or through Livestream broadcast.

Examiners access electronic resources and request products and services through the STIC website. Throughout the STIC Awareness Campaign, STIC made several enhancements to the STIC website in order to promote more efficient use of STIC resources by examiners, including a STIC awareness video, catalog of STIC resources and training, and monthly patent examination Quality Resources.

Moving Forward

The success of the STIC Awareness Campaign has demonstrated the need for STIC to continue its engagement with the examining corps.  STIC will continue to build on the foundation that the campaign started with increased engagements with the Patent Corps throughout the year.

More Information

Learn More about Prior Art Electronic Resources Available to Patent Examiners 
View Information about STIC Library Public Access Information Services 

Contact Us 
STIC Service Desk 571-272-2520 or 571-272-3547; Fax: 571-273-0048