The persons and organizations listed below have submitted comments in response to the Miscellaneous Changes to Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Rules of Practice. If any person or organization has submitted comments that are not included in this listing, please notify
- Mandour & Associates, APC - Intellectual Property Law [PDF]
- King IP Law [PDF]
- Michael Goodman [PDF]
- Intellectual Property Owners Association [PDF]
- Sergey Vernyuk [PDF]
- Allison Strickland Ricketts, Fross Zelnick Lehrman & Zissu, P.C. [PDF]
- Siegrun Kane, Kane Advisors LLP [PDF]
- The International Trademark Association (INTA) [PDF]
- E-Trademarks listserv [PDF]
- Patricia A Walker, Walker & Jocke Co., LPA [PDF]
- Erik M. Pelton, Erik M. Pelton & Associates, PLLC [PDF]
- Vito T. Giordano, Von Maltitz Derenberg Kunin Janssen & Giordano [PDF]
- Siegrun Kane, Kane Advisors LLP (2) [PDF]
- The American Bar Association (ABA) [PDF]
- Siegrun Kane, Kane Advisors LLP (3) [PDF]
- The American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) [PDF]
- Mary L. Kevlin, Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman, P.C. [PDF]
- Scott W. Johnston, Merchant & Gould P.C. [PDF]
- Allison Strickland Ricketts, Fross Zelnick Lehrman & Zissu, P.C. [PDF]