Trademark Status and Document Retrieval (TSDR) and Trademark Electronic Application System International (TEASi) Outage
The USPTO is currently experiencing technical difficulties with TSDR and you may be unable to view your trademark documents. You may also be unable to use the pre-populated TEASi forms, and can use the free-text TEASi forms instead. We are working to restore service as quickly as possible. At this time, we don’t know when services will be fully restored but additional information will be posted as soon as it’s available.
If your deadline is today and you are unable to view an office action that you need to respond to, we can send you a PDF copy of the office action. Please email and use the email subject line “Filing deadline today.” Include: (1) your name, (2) telephone number, (3) serial number and/or registration number, and (4) the type of document you need (e.g., post-registration office action, final office action).