ESTTA Incomplete Performance/Intermittent outage
ESTTA is intermittently unavailable. The USPTO is working diligently to resolve the issue. Customer impacts: 1) ESTTA may be inaccessible, 2) you may be able to start a filing session, but the filing session may unexpectedly terminate, return a bogus error or return a blank page, or 3) you may not receive an ESTTA filing receipt (even if you have received an ESTTAID number) because ESTTA could not complete your submission.
Workaround: As the issue is intermittent, first retry filing your submission with ESTTA. If you do not receive an ESTTA filing receipt (even if you receive an ESTTAID number) or your filing session is unexpectedly terminated, please also retry filing your submission with ESTTA. If your deadline is today and you are not able to complete your filing via ESTTA (receiving an ESTTA filing receipt), please read Filing TTAB documents during an outage | USPTO for alternative filing methods.