The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) held a public roundtable on December 11, 2013, to obtain additional input regarding the burden associated with the Initial Patent Applications information collection (the 0651-0032 collection) and ways to potentially reduce it. The USPTO provided this additional opportunity for public input to increase the level of stakeholder participation in the renewal under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of the 0651-0032 collection.
The list of registered roundtable participants was as follows:
- Dave Abbott - Reed Technology and Information Services
- Ethan Eisner - Reed Technology and Information Services
- Brian Elias - LexisNexis
- Sam Hardman - Reed Technology and Information Services
- Esther Kepplinger - American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA)
Written Comments
In accordance with the PRA, the USPTO published a notice on October 1, 2013, inviting written public comment on the renewal of the 0651-0032 collection. The October 1 notice provided USPTO's estimates of the burdens associated with providing the information covered by the 0651-0032 collection. The October 1 notice requested feedback from the public on the estimates provided by the USPTO in the 0651-0032 information collection request.
The deadline for receipt of written comments in response to the October 1 notice has passed.
Additional Information
Draft Supporting Statement: a draft of the supporting statement associated with the renewal request for the 0651-0032 collection. The draft supporting statement contains a more detailed analysis of the USPTO's burden estimates for the 0651-0032 collection.
Roundtable slides: slides presented during the December 11 roundtable.
Roundtable announcement: on November 13, 2013, the USPTO published a notice in the Federal Register announcing the December 11 roundtable.
Requests for additional information should be directed to the attention of Raul Tamayo, Senior Legal Advisor, Office of Patent Legal Administration, by telephone at 571-272-7728 or by email.
Additional information about information collection 0651-0032 Initial Patent Applications is also available at under ''Information Collection Review.''