Official Gazette for Patents

The Official Gazette for Patents is published each Tuesday in electronic form only, and contains bibliographic (front page) text, a representative claim, and a drawing (if applicable) of each patent issued that week. Please note that the Official Gazette Notices are also included in each issue and provide important information and changes in rules concerning both patents and trademarks.

The most recent 52 weekly issues of the OG for Patents are available to view online using the issue date links below. These issues may be browsed by classification or type of patent, e.g., utility, design, and plant. Specific patents may be accessed by classification or patentee name. For each patent displayed, you may click the "Full Text" button in the upper left corner to retrieve the full text of the patent from the USPTO Full Text database. See usage notes within each issue or refer to the Frequently Asked Questions for additional information.

In addition, all of the issues published since July 2, 2002 can be downloaded from: Patent official gazettes (JUL 2, 2002 – present). The USPTO has not digitized the OG Gazette issues published before 1995. We do have an almost complete set of physical copies from January 1872 to September 2002 in our Public Search Facility here in Alexandria, VA.

Information on each patent may also be found in the comprehensive, searchable patent full-text, and full-page image databases, which are updated for each weekly issue and accessible directly from the home page of the USPTO Web site.

Trial Certificates published after January 18, 2018, will no longer display patent owner and petitioner data.  The change in the composition of Trial Certificates makes the data published consistent with data published in Reexamination Certificates and simplifies the publication process.

February 04, 2025051531-1
January 28, 2025041530-4
January 21, 2025031530-3
January 14, 2025021530-2
January 07, 2025011530-1
December 31, 2024531529-5
December 24, 2024521529-4
December 17, 2024511529-3
December 10, 2024501529-2
December 03, 2024491529-1
November 26, 2024481528-4
November 19, 2024471528-3
November 12, 2024461528-2
November 05, 2024451528-1
October 29, 2024441527-5
October 22, 2024431527-4
October 15, 2024421527-3
October 08 , 2024411527-2
October 01 , 2024401527-1
September 24, 2024391526-4
September 17, 2024381526-3
September 10, 2024371526-2
September 03, 2024361526-1
August 27, 2024351525-4
August 20, 2024341525-3
August 13, 2024331525-2
August 06, 2024321525-1
July 30, 2024311524-5
July 23, 2024301524-4
July 16, 2024291524-3
July 09, 2024281524-2
July 02, 2024271524-1
June 25, 2024261523-4
June 18, 2024251523-3
June 11, 2024241523-2
June 04, 2024231523-1
May 28, 2024221522-4
May 21, 2024211522-3
May 14, 2024201522-2
May 07, 2024191522-1
April 30, 2024181521-5
April 23, 2024171521-4
April 16, 2024161521-3
April 09, 2024151521-2
April 02, 2024141521-1
March 26, 2024131520-4
March 19, 2024121520-3
March 12, 2024111520-2
March 05, 2024101520-1
February 27, 2024091519-4
February 20, 2024081519-3
February 13, 2024071519-2
February 06, 2024061519-1