The United States Patent and Trademark Office is committed to strengthening our support of those who are new to the innovation system and bringing more Americans into the fold through enhanced outreach and impact. As part of these efforts and in response to the requirements under the Unleashing American Innovators Act of 2022 (UAIA) to establish an additional regional office in the southeast region and four new community outreach offices, we have issued a Request for Comments (RFC) in the Federal Register requesting public comment on potential locations for the Southeast Regional Office (SERO) and the Northern New England Community Outreach Office (NNECOO). The notice also seeks input on the planning and design of these offices. Comments on are due by July 17, 2023.

The below frequently asked questions (FAQs) are designed to help the public and commenters better understand the Request for Comments. If you have any questions that are not addressed within the Notice or the FAQs below, please feel free to contact us at


Regional offices (ROs) and community outreach offices (COOs) will cultivate and expand a vibrant innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem for all, supported by intellectual property across the United States. To do so, the offices will conduct broad stakeholder engagement with individuals and entities ranging from individual inventors to multi-national business entities; establish and leverage partnerships and relationships to scale the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s work; incentivize regional innovation and entrepreneurship, especially in key emerging technology areas; and promote full participation by innovators, entrepreneurs, and businesses to support U.S. innovation and jobs. Public comments on further defining the roles for each office within statutory guidelines are welcome via the Request for Comment (RFC) process.

All general or technical inquiries should be sent to Please note that if you would like your comments responding to the questions in the RFC to be considered, you must submit your comments through the process outlined in the RFC.

Similar to the process for selecting the regional offices established by the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA), selection of the Southeast Regional Office (SERO) and Northern New England Community Outreach Office (NNECOO) will be determined using publicly available datasets to empirically align potential locations with statutory requirements of the Unleashing American Innovators Act (UAIA) of 2022. The USPTO will also consider public comments received in response to the Request for Comment (RFC) in the determination. Please refer to the RFC for more details and provide comments as to the datasets as well as other selection criteria.

The public is welcome to submit comments on one or more of the information requested as indicated in the Request for Comments (RFC). Please submit comments via the electronic form. The deadline for submitting comments is 11:59 p.m. ET, on July 17, 2023. 

The purposes of the regional offices (ROs) as outlined by the Unleashing American Innovators Act (UAIA) of 2022 is to “better connect patent filers and innovators with the [United States Patent and Trademark] Office, including by increasing outreach activities, including to the individual inventors, small businesses, veterans, low-income populations, students, rural populations, and any geographic group”1  of underrepresented inventors.  The UAIA further indicates that the purpose of the ROs is to “enhance patent examiner and administrative judge retention…from economically, geographically, and demographically diverse backgrounds.”2

The statutory purposes of the community outreach offices (COOs) as outlined by the Unleashing American Innovators Act (UAIA) of 2022 is to further the purposes of the ROs while also “partner with community organizations, institutions of higher education, research institutions, and businesses to create community-based programs that provide education regarding the patent system”3 and “promote career benefits of innovation and entrepreneurship.”4 The UAIA further indicates that COOs will “educate prospective inventors, including individual inventors, small businesses, veterans, low income populations, students, rural populations, and any geographic group”5 of underrepresented inventors about “public and private resources available to potential patent applicants, including the patent pro bono programs.”6

1 Public Law 117-328
2 Id.
3. Id.
4. Id.
5. Id.
6. Id.

Regional Offices

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) intends to staff the ROs so that the statutory purposes of the Unleashing American Innovators Act (UAIA) of 2022 can be carried out, including providing experienced and likely new positions to support stakeholder outreach to innovators, small businesses, veterans, low-income populations, students, rural populations, and any geographic group of innovators that may be determined to be underrepresented in patent filings.

The USPTO welcomes public comments and input as outlined in the Request for Comments as to the services, including outreach, education, customer service, convening space, and employee support that should be offered by the ROs to achieve the statutory purpose of the UAIA.

The services of the Southeast Regional Office (SERO), and any future ROs, will likely mirror the services of the four existing ROs, including providing intellectual property education and outreach to stakeholders, strategically collaborating with other organizations to expand the innovation ecosphere, promoting entrepreneurship and innovation, and supporting inventors and entrepreneurs in their intellectual property and business endeavors through individual meetings, workshops, trainings, conferences, and roundtable discussions. The ROs will also continue to provide public convening spaces, opportunities to engage with United States Patent and Trademark Personnel (USPTO) in-person and virtually to learn about available resources, discuss matters pending before the USPTO, and participate in hearings and other proceedings.

The USPTO welcomes public comments and input as outlined in the Request for Comments as to the services, including outreach, education, customer service, convening space, and employee support that should be offered by the ROs to achieve the statutory purpose of the Unleashing American Innovators Act (UAIA) of 2022.


The United States Patent and Trademark Office will be considering locations in the southeast region to establish the Southeast Regional Office (SERO). The Unleashing American Innovators Act (UAIA) of 2022 defines the southeast region to include the states of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas.

Similar to the process for selecting the regional offices established by the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA), selection of the Southeast Regional Office (SERO) will be determined using publicly available datasets to empirically align potential locations with statutory requirements of the Unleashing American Innovators Act (UAIA) of 2022. Such datasets may include, but are not limited to, business demographics, socioeconomic and demographic metrics, the concentration of research and other industries with intellectual property or related assets, and the type and availability of existing business development resources. Using the noted datasets and public comments received in the Request for Comments, the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO shall determine the location for the SERO.

In accordance with the requirements for the Unleashing American Innovators Act (UAIA) of 2022, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) shall establish the SERO no later than three years after the enactment of the UAIA. Therefore, the SERO will be established no later than December 29, 2025.

The timeline for establishing the SERO is independent of the timeline for establishing the community outreach offices COOs. In accordance with the requirements for the UAIA, the USPTO shall establish no fewer than four COOs no later than five years after the enactment of the UAIA. Therefore, all four COOs will be established by no later than December 29, 2027.

Community Outreach Offices

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) intends to staff the community outreach offices (COOs) so that the statutory purposes of the Unleashing American Innovators Act (UAIA) of 2022 can be carried out.  Through the input provided by the public in the Request for Comment the USPTO will determine what essential services shall be provided at the COOs and determine the number of experienced and new positions that will be needed to support the services.

The USPTO welcomes public comments and input as outlined in the Request for Comments as to the services, including outreach, education, and customer service that should be offered by the COOs to achieve the statutory purpose of the UAIA.


As indicated in the Unleashing American Innovators Act (UAIA) of 2022, the community outreach offices (COOs) will further the purposes of the regional offices (ROs) and also “partner with community organizations, institutions of higher education, research institutions, and businesses to create community-based programs that provide education regarding the patent system”7 and “promote career benefits of innovation and entrepreneurship.”8

As such, the COOs will provide services in order to carry out the statutory purposes of the UAIA. The USPTO welcomes public comments and input as outlined in the Request for Comments as to the services, including outreach, education, and customer service that should be offered by the COOs to achieve the statutory purpose of the UAIA.

7 Public Law 117-328
8 Id.

Similar to the process for selecting the regional offices established by the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA), selection of the Northern New England Community Outreach Office (NNECOO) will be determined using publicly available datasets to empirically align potential locations with statutory requirements of the Unleashing American Innovators Act (UAIA) of 2022. Such datasets may include, but are not limited to, business demographics, socioeconomic and demographic metrics, the concentration of research and other industries with intellectual property or related assets, and the type and availability of existing business development resources. Using the provided datasets and public comments received in the Request for Comments, the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO shall determine the location for the NNECOO.


The United States Patent and Trademark Office will be considering locations that serve the northern New England region to establish the Northern New England Community Outreach Office (NNECOO). The Unleashing American Innovators Act (UAIA) of 2022 defines the northern New England region to include the states of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. Locations for future COOs to serve other regions will be identified at a later time.