Additional publications
USPTO reports
- China Intellectual Property Rights Toolkit, 2023 Edition (November 2023)
- Diagnosing COVID-19: A perspective from U.S. patenting activity (October 2023)
- A U.S. county-level analysis of women’s patenting from 1990 to 2019 (October 2022)
- Public views on how current jurisprudence affects investment and innovation (June 2022)
- Public views on the article of manufacture requirement (April 2022)
- Intellectual property and the U.S. economy: Third Edition (March 2022)
- Patenting activity among leading 5G innovators (February 2022)
- Compendium of selected intellectual property and related measures of China (January 2022)
- Secondary trademark infringement liability in the e-commerce setting (August 2021)
- Trademarks and patents in China (January 2021)
- Progress and Potential: 2020 update on U.S. women inventor-patentees (July 2020)
- Report to Congress pursuant to P.L. 115-273, the SUCCESS Act (October 2019)
- Progress and Potential: A profile of women inventors on U.S. Patents (February 2019)
IP policy and international affairs bulletins
A series of short reports on current international IP issues.
- Generic or not: A dispute over the term “gruyere” comes to an end (April 2024)
- As industrial designs move to the virtual environment, laws and practices around the globe are changing (October 2022)
- Recent IP-related actions by Russia create challenges for U.S. rights holders (June 2022)
- China joins WIPO copyright and industrial design treaties (April 2022)
- Report on the 2021 WIPO Assemblies (November 2021)
Economic research publications
Groundbreaking research and policy findings from the USPTO’s Office of the Chief Economist on the economics of intellectual property, including evaluating the nature, role, and impact of IP on innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic performance.