Inventing AI: Tracing the diffusion of artificial intelligence with U.S. patents

Inventing AI: Tracing the diffusion of artificial intelligence with U.S. patents

This report finds that AI is diffusing broadly across technologies, inventor-patentees, companies, and U.S. geography.

October 2020
Read IP Data Highlight 5
Supplementary material 

Technology diffusion is the spread and adoption of a new technology by inventors, companies, and other innovators. Technologies that diffuse broadly have potentially large effects on innovation, productivity, and economic growth. For example, steam power, electricity, and information technology greatly enhanced the volume, as well as the variety, of goods produced within the economy.

The figure below shows that the percentage of U.S. organizations (green line) and inventors (dashed blue line) that patent in AI increased from under 5% in 1980, to just over 20% in 2018. This is remarkable growth and shows that AI is increasingly important to U.S. invention.


Graph of patent grant year (1976-2020) x-axis vs percent U.S. AI patents (0-25%); solid green line for U.S. owners-at-grant, blue dashed line for U.S. inventor-patentees. Start 1-2%, concave rise with dip 2015; owners higher until 2009 then inventors higher. Owners end 22.1%, inventors 24.9%.

The percentage of patent assignees and inventor-patentees with U.S. AI patents.