AI Strategy

ornamental design with binary numerals and color swatches

The USPTO AI Strategy outlines how we aim to address AI's promise and challenges across intellectual property (IP) policy, agency operations, and the broader innovation ecosystem. Published in January 2025, this strategy will guide our agency in expanding innovation and opportunity across the dynamic AI ecosystem.

The strategy sets forth our agency’s AI vision and mission, which we will advance across five focus areas: 

  1. Promoting the development of IP policies that advance AI innovation and creativity
  2. Building best-in-class AI capabilities by investing in computational infrastructure, data resources, and business-driven product development
  3. Promoting the responsible use of AI within the USPTO and across the broader innovation ecosystem
  4. Developing AI expertise within the USPTO’s workforce, and
  5. Collaborating with other U.S. government agencies, international partners, and the public on shared AI priorities.

Our AI strategy reflects feedback and input gathered through various AI-related engagements with experts and stakeholders not only from our agency, but also from across the nation and the world, including through the USPTO AI/ET Partnership and our Public Advisory Committees. We are grateful to the many individuals and organizations who have contributed to our efforts in this exciting and complex area.

Download the USPTO AI Strategy here.