System 411

Wednesday Nov 29, 2017

PIV Lockdown Information

Below are two resources that are available for users regarding the PIV lockdown that is being implemented on November 30, 2017.

1) The Badge on Page. This page includes information on the PIV card as well as procedures and FAQs.

2) PIV Enforcement Scenarios for Users:


On Campus  (Headquarters or Regional Office)

Telework with SOHO (Headquarters or Regional Office)

Telework – No SOHO (Headquarters or Regional Office)

Lost/Damaged PIV

Already on-campus. Replacement card is issued the same day if damaged, 5 business days for lost PIV cards. Will use exception process (logical access using user name and password) until card is replaced.

Call Service Desk. Remote access to laptop will then allow for employee to use exception process (logical access using user name and password). PIV Card must be replaced within 4 weeks.

Must return to the office (headquarters or assigned Regional Office) for replacement card. Replacement card is issued the same day if damaged, 1 week for lost PIV cards. Will use exception process (logical access using user name and password) until card is replaced.

Card Expired

Already on-campus. Replacement card is issued the same day. Will use exception process (logical access using user name and password) if delays in card being replaced.

Call Service Desk. Remote access to laptop will then allow for employee to use exception process (logical access using user name and password). PIV Card must be replaced within 4 weeks. Should be rare. 

Must return to the office (headquarters of assigned Regional Office) for replacement card. Replacement card is issued the same day. Will use exception process (logical access using user name and password) if delays in card being replaced. Should be rare.

New Employee 

New employees have two (2) weeks before a PIV card is issued. Will use exception process (logical access via user name and password). Some employees may take longer due to fingerprint read issue. Not eligible for telework



Not eligible for telework


Forgot PIV


Already on-campus. Temporary badge is issued the same day for physical access. Until the card is found or a replacement PIV issued, will use exception process, (logical access via User name and password). Note: Cards issued at the Security Service Center in Madison will be tied to the record sharing platform and record entrance and exits.  Call Service Desk. Remote access will then allow for employee to use exception process (logical access using user name and password).


Employee must retrieve badge from the office (headquarters or assigned Regional Office). For forgotten badges, there is no option to login without a SOHO router. If on campus and employee forgets the badge at home, a temporary badge is issued for physical access and exception process is followed (logical access using user name and password).  

PIV Locked 

Already on-campus. Visit Security Service Center/Supervisor for a PIN reset the same day.

If user has Finger Printer Verifier (FPV), they can reset PIN at home. If user does not have a finger print reader, they will need to come to the Security Service Center/Supervisor for a PIN reset. In the interim, call the service desk for permission to use the exception process (logical access using user name and password).

Must return to the office (headquarters or Assigned Regional Office) and visit Security Service Center/Supervisor for a PIN reset the same day.