USPTO Systems Status and Availability

Thursday Jul 23, 2015

TMOG and eNEWS Maintenance

TMOG Maintenance

The USPTO will perform maintenance affecting the Trademark Official Gazette (TMOG), available at, beginning at midnight and ending at 5 a.m., Friday, July 24 ET.

The TMOG at the location referenced above will be unavailable during the maintenance period.

However, the PDF version of the gazette, located at, will be available during the maintenance period.

The legacy version of the ID Manual, located at, will be also available during the maintenance period.

e-NEWS Maintenances

The USPTO will perform maintenance on the Patents E-News Newsletter beginning at 12:01 a.m. and ending at 5 a.m., Saturday, July 25 ET.

E-News will be unavailable during the maintenance period.

The E-News Subscription Center will also be unavailable during the maintenance period.