USPTO Systems Status and Availability

Wednesday Mar 04, 2015

EFS-Web and EFS-Web Contingency Experiencing Intermittent Problems, and Problems Viewing USPTO Web Pages with Older Web Browsers

EFS-Web and EFS-Web Contingency Experiencing Intermittent Problems

EFS-Web and EFS-Web Contingency users are experiencing intermittent problems with submitting applications and follow-on submissions.

The USPTO is aware of this issue and is working to resolve it as quickly as possible.

If you experience slowness or are unable to submit, please try again later.

If you have any questions, contact the Patent EBC by phone at 866-217-9197 or by email at  


Problems Viewing USPTO Web Pages with Older Web Browsers

If you are using an older version of a Web browser, you may experience slow response or script errors when viewing pages on

USPTO is continuing to work towards a resolution. In the meantime, your use of a newer browser should significantly improve performance.