USPTO Systems Status and Availability

Tuesday Sep 08, 2020

Planned Events

OEDIS​ Maintenance​​

The USPTO will perform maintenance on the Office of Enrollment and Discipline Patent Practitioner Search, Registered Practitioner Portal, and Exam Applicant Portal​ ​​​(OEDCI) beginning at 7 a.m., Saturday, Sept 12 and ending at 10 a.m., Saturday, Sept 12 ET.

​​​​OEDCI will be unavailable during the maintenance period.

Adjudicated Case Tracking System (ACTS) and Patent Trial Appeal Board End-to-End (PTAB E2E) users will be unable to access OEDIS during the maintenance period.

OEDIS users should save all work and log off before the maintenance period be​​​gins.​​