Patent Wednesday, part one: Patent Process

The Elijah J. McCoy Midwest Regional USPTO hosts an interactive, rotating three-part series on the patent process, resource navigation, and patent searching every third Wednesday of each month. 

  • Part one: Patent Process — January 15, 2020
  • Part two: Types of Patent Applications and How to File —February 19, 2020
  • Part three: Patent Searching — March 18, 2020.

Space is limited. Register early for part one.

Coming to the Midwest Regional Office for an event? View parking information.
Stop in for a search! Reserve a workstation today (link sends e-mail) (link sends e-mail).

The USPTO is a federal facility and visitors are required to show a valid form of government issued ID (driver's license or passport), and may be subject to security screening.

Questions? Feel free to call 313-446-4800 or email

This event is part of a series: Patent Wednesday