Get USPTO to SXSW 2019

We need your PanelPicker® vote!

The annual South by Southwest (SXSW) Conference in Austin, Texas, provides an opportunity for global professionals at every level to participate, network, and discuss economic and cultural issues. The wide range of participating individuals and organizations have one thing in common: they all work with intellectual property (IP).

SXSW is a prime opportunity for the USPTO to highlight the importance of protecting intellectual property. SXSW crowdsources their conference programming through the PanelPicker platform, and community voting counts for 30 percent of the panel selection decisions.

We need your PanelPicker vote to ensure IP is part of the SXSW conversation. From August 6-30, 2018, you can vote for the USPTO’s 2019 PanelPicker session proposals. Make sure you leave comments about what you’d like us to talk about, and share the details about the panels with friends. You can vote for more than one panel, and you can vote even if you don’t plan to attend SXSW personally. Let SXSW know how vital IP protection is by voting for our four panels today!


Vote to see intellectual property panels at SXSW 2019. Community voting August 6-30.


How to cast your vote:

  1. Create a free SXSW account
  2. Vote for the USPTO's panels
  3. Leave comments or questions for us on the panel page
  4. Join the conversation on social media with #USPTOatSXSW 


Battle of the Brands: Bands and Intellectual Property


Battle of the Brands: Bands and intellectual property


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Nirvana. The Beatles. The Rolling Stones. Music icons. Lucrative brands. You think of intellectual property protection for your music, but what about for the brand you are building with your Blood, Sweat & Tears?

Our speakers will discuss how to build and protect your band’s valuable goodwill and reputation with real-world examples of brands that have gone global—and what happens to that brand if the music stops and members go their separate ways.


IP and the Internet of Things


Intellectual property and innovation in the internet of things


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The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of devices, objects, animals, or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

By 2020, there may be nearly 50 billion smart devices seeking to communicate and share data to enhance user experiences amongst the IoT. This paradigm shift presents difficult questions regarding innovation, IP rights, and access to technology.

Our speakers will discuss the issues and opportunities in standardization and its role in innovation in the midst of increasing demand for IoT infrastructure in daily life.


IP to IPO: Protect and Get Your Idea to Market


IP yo IPO: Integrating IP into your strategy


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You’ve got a great idea, but now what? Whether you want to produce and market your invention yourself or license it to another company, the best way for you to profit from your idea is to file for a patent with the USPTO. Venture capitalists often prefer to invest in ideas or start-ups that have already secured a patent or provisional patent. 

Our speakers will discuss how and why inventors should obtain IP protections and how entrepreneurs benefit from those protections.


The IP Ecosystem: Why it Matters to You


The IP Ecosystem: Why it matters to you


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Have you ever wondered how and why IP affects you? It’s a pervasive part of our modern world, and whether you know it or not you are part of the IP ecosystem. Understanding that system is vital, whether you’re creating music, starting a business, or just using social media. 

Without legal protection for their ideas, businesses and individuals would not reap the full benefits of their inventions and would focus less on research and development. Similarly, artists would not be fully compensated for their work and the vitality of our culture would suffer as a result. 

Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office Andrei Iancu will discuss how our agency is working to strengthen and stabilize the IP ecosystems that fuel innovation, and what roles we all play within that system.


Andrei Iancu, Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office