The Bicoastal Biotechnology, Chemical and Pharmaceutical (BCBCP) Partnership Meeting

Join us at the Silicon Valley USPTO office in San Jose to participate in the USPTO's second Bicoastal Biotechnology, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical Customer Partnership (BCBCP) Meeting. This BCBCP expands the USPTO's long-standing partnership in this industry sector to customers across the country. The BCBCP Meeting will be simultaneously available at locations on both the EAST (Alexandria, VA) and West (Silicon Valley, CA) coasts. During the BCBCP, participants will be able to interact with Office personnel in-person on both coasts, or alternatively, via webcast.

The Biotechnology, and Chemical and Pharmaceutical Customer Partnership was developed to create a collaborative forum for USPTO customers in this industry sector to share ideas, experiences, and insights with USPTO staff.  The BCP is intended to be informal in nature and will include participants from across the industry. 

Some of the topics to be discussed by USPTO staff and industry customers will include:

  • Stakeholders’ perspectives on subject matter eligibility (101)
  • USPTO guidelines on subject matter eligibility (101)
  • Subject matter eligibility discussion panel
  • Update on Cancer Immunotherapy Pilot Program (Patents 4 Patients)
  • Update on the Sequence Rules

Please check back and click here to view the final BCBCP Agenda once posted. The USPTO looks forward to hearing the individual views from its customers and does not intend to use this forum to seek or arrive at any consensus.  This customer partnership is formed with full recognition of the USPTO's responsibility under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), and accordingly, is not established as FACA compliant committee.                                

Registration Information

Please email USPTOBCP1600@USPTO.GOV to register by July 30th. Please include “BCP Registration” in the email subject line.  In the email body, please include the following information:

  • Your name, title and organization
  • Contact information (e-mail, phone, etc.)
  • Your attending location (Silicon Valley or online).

For information on past and future meetings and presentations, please go to


Please note that the Silicon Valley USPTO is a Federal facility. Attendees are required to present a valid form of government-issued identification (driver license or passport) and may be subject to security screening.