Request for extension of time filing receipt update

On Saturday, March 4, 2023, we updated the forms to resolve technical issues and incorporate enhancements based on stakeholder suggestions.

All TEAS and TEASi forms

  • Corrected the forms to remove the display of “Updated” and “Proposed” owner, attorney, and correspondence information in the input table and text form when no changes were made.
  • Removed the telephone number warning messages that appear when owner, attorney, or signatory phone numbers are not provided.
  • Clarified the wording appearing below the attorney bar number entry field with additional instructions. 
  • Revised the image size error message appearing when the image pixel count of the trademark drawing file is too large. Message enhanced to recommend using a basic image-editing tool to adjust the size of the trademark drawing.  
  • Made technical enhancements to reduce down time during TEAS or TEASi deployments.

Request for Extension of Time to File a Response form

Updated the filing receipt for the Request for Extension of Time to File a Response form. Receipt now states that the extension request has been granted. The updated language is shown below.


The USPTO issued an Office action for Serial Number XXX identified above. Applicant's request for an extension of time to file a response to that Office action has been GRANTED. Applicant must file a response within six (6) months calculated from the date the Office action was issued or the USPTO will abandon the application. No further extensions of time will be granted for the response deadline of this Office action.