Introducing the Trademark search builder feature

Published on: 05/20/2024 17:04 PM


Trademark Alert

US Patent and Trademark Office

Introducing the Trademark search builder feature

We’ve launched a new feature to help you formulate your trademark searches. 

The search builder is a middle ground between searching with the drop-down menu and searching by field tag. This means you can create complex searches even if you’re still learning search syntax. 

Trademark Search - Search Builder Feature PNG

To use the search builder: 

  1. Select Field tag and Search builder in the drop-down menu.
  2. Select Search builder to reveal it.
  3. Select the field you want to search.
  4. Enter your search term. 
  5. Click Build
  6. Refine your search by adding more criteria. 

Want to learn more about the search builder? Our federal trademark searching webinar series will cover the search builder starting June 7.  


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