What to expect from our new trademark search system (and why we’re replacing TESS)

Published on: 09/25/2023 15:50 PM


Director's Blog

US Patent and Trademark Office

What to expect from our new trademark search system (and why we’re replacing TESS)

Guest blog by Dave Gooder, Commissioners for Trademarks

Screenshot of new trademark search


The Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) has been a fixture of the USPTO’s information technology portfolio for decades. Those of us in the trademark community have grown accustomed to it, and perhaps even grown fond of it over the years. Maybe you have field tags and design search codes memorized, and you can formulate complex search strings to pull up the exact mark you’re looking for in a snap.

Although TESS has served us well, its long tenure is ending in November. The Bibliographic Retrieval System that has underpinned our internal and external search systems since 1993 is now outdated. On the bright side, we now have an opportunity to provide a more stable, modern search experience that can grow and adapt to the ever-evolving needs of the trademark community.

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