Published on: 10/18/2023 15:00 PM
| Retiring TESS: What to know about the new trademark search system- Provides a modern, more stable search experience
- Offers a simplified search interface while supporting complex searching for advanced users
- Supports new features and capabilities to adapt to the ever-evolving needs of the trademark community
Thank you for the feedback you’ve provided throughout the development process. We’ve incorporated numerous changes into the new search system based on your input, including accessing expert mode from the home page and exporting your history of search statements. Please use the link on the new search system homepage to continue providing feedback and suggestions on how we can improve your search experience. This will help guide how we prioritize and develop updates beginning in 2024 and beyond. To make the transition from TESS as smooth as possible, we strongly encourage you to begin using the new system. Recordings of basics, advanced, and expert federal trademark searching training webinars will be available on our search page soon. While we’re working on additional resources, you can visit the help section for guidance on how to conduct basic and advanced searches. |
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