In WIPO Standard ST.26, where a sequence that meets the length requirements of paragraph 7 is disclosed by enumeration of its residues only once, but the length of the sequence may vary (for example, due to copy number variation), the longest embodiment of the sequence is considered the “most encompassing” sequence and is the single sequence that should be included in the sequence listing. For example, consider a sequence containing a repeated region that can vary from 2 to 5 copies as enumerated. The embodiment with 5 copies of the repeat is the most encompassing sequence and should be included in the sequence listing.
Regarding the sequence “P[R/K]TN-X2-4-MTF-X1-3-SQNCE-X0-1-I[D/E]” - since the disclosed sequence is a consensus sequence based on natural variation, the feature key ‘VARIANT’ along with a note qualifier should be used to indicate variations.
A. With respect to the “R” or “K” (position 2) and the “D” or “E” (position 21), there are two ways to present this:
i) Use “X” at positions 2 and 11 (i.e., PXTNXXXXMTFXXXSQNCEXIX), annotate positions 2 and 11 with feature key ‘VARIANT’, and add a note qualifier as value “R or K” and “D or E”, respectively; or
ii) Use a more prevalent amino acid in the sequence (e.g. “R” at position 2 and “D” at position 11, PRTNXXXXMTFXXXSQNCEXID), annotate positions 2 and 11 with feature key ‘VARIANT’, and add a note qualifier to indicate that “R” can be replaced by “K” and “D” can be replaced by “E”.
B. With respect to the variable numbers of “X” residues, it is recommended to include the maximum number of residues in the sequence (the “most encompassing” sequence; see WIPO Standard ST.26, Introduction to Annex VI) and then annotate to indicate one or more may be absent (see Annex VI, Example 36-3). Thus, for the sequence PXTNXXXXMTFXXXSQNCEXIX, the feature key ‘VARIANT’ can be used with a note qualifier describing how many resides can be absent.
For example:
i) feature key ‘VARIANT’ at position 5..8, and a note qualifier with the value “one or two X residues may be absent”;
ii) feature key ‘VARIANT’ at position 13..15, and a note qualifier with the value “one or two X residues may be absent”; and
iii) feature key ‘VARIANT’ at position 19, and a note qualifier with the value “may be absent”.
The example does not state what amino acids the “X” variables can represent. WIPO Standard ST.26, provides that absent a specific definition of “X”, it will be construed as any one of “A”, “R”, “N”, “D”, “C”, “Q”, “E”, “G”, “H”, “I”, “L”, “K”, “M”, “F”, “P”, “O”, “S”, “U”, “T”, “W”, “Y”, or “V” (see paragraph 27). If the definition of X is different, then a note qualifier should be used to provide the desired definition consistent with the disclosure in the application.