Sequence listing FAQs

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) and their answers related to World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Standard ST.26 for filing sequence listings in eXtensible Markup Language (XML) format are found below. These FAQs regularly reference WIPO Sequence, a desktop software tool that was developed to support authoring, validating, and generating ST.26-compliant, XML format sequence listings. The most current version of WIPO Sequence is downloadable for free from the WIPO Sequence Suite page.

WIPO also has answers to FAQs: Implementation of WIPO ST.26, related to general questions, WIPO Sequence, PCT filings, and national/regional filings.


Applicability of WIPO Standard ST.26


Filing an ST.26-compliant sequence listing XML


Formatting for WIPO Standard ST.26 – general


Formatting sequences for WIPO Standard ST.26 – either nucleotide or amino acid sequences


Formatting sequences for WIPO Standard ST.26 – specifically amino acid sequences


Formatting sequences for WIPO Standard ST.26 – specifically nucleotide sequences


Creating an ST.26-compliant sequence listing XML using the WIPO Sequence tool


Validating an ST.26 sequence listing XML using WIPO Sequence