Sequences - Part of the description of the patent application file that gives a detailed disclosure of the nucleotide and/or amino acid sequences and other related information.
The definition of sequence types can be found in the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Handbook on Industrial Property Information and Documentation, Standard ST-25, ANNEX C, Standard for the Presentation of Nucleotide and Amino Acid Sequence Listings in International Patent Applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).
Megatables - Are large tables, not presented as HTML, that are disclosed as part of an invention.
Search Results - Are the records returned in response to your query or request. Search results will share some or all of the items designated on your search inquiry screen.
Computer Program Listings (CPL) - Are computer program listings that are disclosed as part of an invention.
Drawings - Drawings filed by the applicant as part of the application's disclosure, all drawings for Design applications, and drawings other than black and white line drawings for all other applications.
Chemical Formulas - Supplemental chemical structure content in text format (i.e. txt file) filed by Applicant
Mathematical Formulas - Supplemental protein structure content in text format (i.e. txt file) filed by Applicant
3D Protein Crystals - Supplemental protein structure content in text format (i.e. txt file) filed by Applicant
Interim Copy FRPR - TXT Files - Part(s) of an interim copy of a foreign priority application filed only as a plain text computer file in a foreign patent office
Certified FRPRs w/color - Copy of a certified foreign priority document containing color illustrations
US Patents w/color - Copy of a US Patent document containing color illustrations
Appendices - Miscellaneous content filed by applicant
Red Book - XML tagged text with imbedded TIF images and external content such as DNA sequences for Unpublished Patent Application Documents