Trademark Examining Attorney Hiring Timeline

This chart is representative of the usual hiring process.

Table showing the timeline of the hiring process for a trademark examining attorney


Description of the "Trademark Examining Attorney Hiring Process (18-week timeline)" is below. After the Job Opportunity Announcement (JOA) closes on, the 18-week timeline begins as follows: 

  • Weeks 1-2:         Vacancy Announcement open period
  • Week 3:              Vacancy Announcement closes
  • Weeks 4-5:         Office of Human Resources (OHR) determines minimum qualifications
  • Week 6:              OHR requests qualifying applicants to submit responses to the writing sample questions within five days
  • Weeks 7-12:       OHR provides" Certificate of Eligibles" (list of qualifying applicants) to hiring officials for initial screening
  • Weeks 13-16:     Hiring officials review applications, schedule and begin interviews
  • Week 17-18:       Initial selections made and references are checked; and OHR makes formal offers