Attend the 13th Annual Design Day at the Midwest Regional Office

Join a lively and thought-provoking discussion about various aspects of design patents, from conception through enforcement, at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's (USPTO) Midwest Regional Office (MWRO). Get insights from USPTO design examiners and managers, design patent practitioners, and industrial designers from across the country. Register early for this free event.

No CLE credit is offered for attendance.

The event will include:

  • An update from the director of Technology Center 2900
  • A discussion of the latest developments at the USPTO regarding the Hague, ID5, and Design Law Treaty initiatives
  • A report from the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore on recent changes in design law in Singapore
  • Presentations from major corporations, including IBM, Gentex Corp., and more, on strategic protection and enforcement of designs
  • A panel discussion by in-house attorneys about design patent portfolio management
  • Case law summaries on important design patent decision over the past year, from the federal circuit, district court, and PTAB

In preparation for our panel on best practice tips and pitfalls, we would like your input. Please email your own personal tips for success, or design patent prosecution issues that you'd like to see improved, to Beth Ferrill at

Please note that the Midwest Regional USPTO is a federal facility. Attendees are required to present a valid form of government-issued identification (driver license or passport) and may be subject to screening to gain access.

For more information, contact or call 313-446-4800. 

Register today