that become
valuable innovations
Fiscal Year 1998
A Patent and Trademark Office Review
- Cover Page
- Introduction
- Message from the Acting Commissioner
- Management Discussion and Analysis
- Patents
- Overview
- Goal 1: Reduce the PTO processing time to patent original inventions to 12 months in 2003.
- Goal 2: Establish industry sectors.
- Goal 3: Receive applications and publish patents electronically.
- Goal 4: Exceed our customers' quality expectations through the competencies and empowerment of our employees.
- Goal 5: Assess fees commensurate with resource use and customer efficiency.
- Trademarks
- Information dissemination organizations
- Intellectual property policy
- PTO Management
- Message from the Acting Chief Financial Officer
- Financial Discussion and Analysis
- Financial Statements
- Notes to Financial Statements
- NOTE 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
- NOTE 2. Fund Balance with Treasury
- NOTE 3. Property and Equipment
- NOTE 4. Deferred Revenues
- NOTE 5. Actuarial Liability
- NOTE 6. Leases
- NOTE 7. Imputed Financing
- NOTE 8. Program or Operating Expenses
- NOTE 9. Program or Operating Expenses by Category and Responsibility Segment
- NOTE 10. Commitments and Contingencies
- Inspector General's Report
- Innovators and Innovations
- Supplemental Information
- PTO at a glance
- Acknowledgements
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