USPTO Executive Speaking Engagements for the week of November 2

Monday, November 2 (11 a.m. to 12 p.m. ET)
USPTO Director Andrei Iancu
Nebraska University (NUtech Ventures) University faculty and students
Expanding American innovation

Monday, November 2 (4:30-5:30 p.m. ET)
USPTO Director Andrei Iancu
Emory and Georgia Tech University faculty and students
Expanding American innovation

Thursday, November 5 (4-5 p.m. ET) [Rescheduled for November 12]
USPTO Director Andrei Iancu
Yale University faculty and students
Expanding American innovation

All events to be held in a virtual format. Events open to the public are noted with a link. Other events are shared for advisory purposes only. Follow our social media to stay up-to-date with highlights from these engagements and others. Questions from the media can be directed to Press Secretary Paul Fucito at