USPTO directs customers to online portal for patent and trademark copy requests

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) encourages customers to submit requests for copies of certified and uncertified patents and trademarks using the Certified Copy Center (CCC) storefront on the USPTO website.

Beginning January 1, 2021, the USPTO will direct all email and fax requests to its CCC storefront. Customers may also visit the patent page of the USPTO website to search for and download uncertified copies of issued patents, or the trademark page to search for and download uncertified copies of registered trademarks. 

The CCC storefront was established in 2019 to replace the Order Entry Management System. Under the new system, customers can place online orders for certified and uncertified copies and track the order progression in real time.

Please direct any questions to CCC customer service personnel at or (571) 272-3150, or visit the customer service webpage for more information.