Remy Yucel serves as the Acting Deputy Commissioner for Patents in the Patents business unit. In this role, Ms. Yucel works with and has oversight over the Office of Patent Financial Management, the Office of Patent Planning and Data Analysis, the Office of the Chief Data Analytics Office, the Project Management Office, and the Patent Workforce Management Office. Ms. Yucel also provides executive oversight over patent examining functions in Technology Centers (TC) 2100 and 2400.
Prior to becoming Acting Deputy Commissioner, from 2020-2022 she served as an Assistant Commissioner for Patents with direct oversight over the Office of Patent Financial Management, the Office of Patent Planning and Data Analysis, the Office of the Chief Data Analytics Office, the Project Management Office, and the Patent Workforce Management Office. From 2015-2020, Ms. Yucel was an Assistant Deputy Commissioner (ADC) for Patents overseeing TCs 2100 and 3700. From 2011-2015, Ms. Yucel was the Director of the Central Reexamination Unit (CRU) where she was responsible for the oversight of de novo review of patent files and reexamination requests from all technological areas. She was selected to the Senior Executive Service in 2008 as a Group Director in TC 1600. TC 1600's subject matter area comprises biotechnology, biochemistry, organic chemistry, and pharmaceutical patent applications. Prior to her selection to the Senior Executive Service, Ms. Yucel examined in TC 1600, covering the biotechnological arts with particular emphasis on gene regulation, gene therapy, and transgenic organisms.
Ms. Yucel has led numerous projects and initiatives including the Quick Path Information Disclosure Statement program; Request for Continued Examination outreach; efforts to update patent examination time, application routing, and examiner performance appraisals; and establishment of the Office of the Chief Data Analytics Officer and Patents Workforce Management Office. She is the recipient of several Department of Commerce awards including Silver and Bronze Medals as well as the Performance Excellence Award. Ms. Yucel served on a detail to Capitol Hill during the 110th Congress to assist the Senate Judiciary Committee on patent reform, which was enacted as the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act. She also provided scientific and intellectual property-technical support to the committee for legislative initiatives including Orphan Works and Follow-on Biologics.