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 [Search a list of Patent Appplications for class  83]   CLASS 83,CUTTING
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Class 83 is the residual locus of patents directed to methods and machines for penetrating material, without substantial reshaping flow of such material, by means of (1) a solid tool, or fluid current, either of which applies mechanical deforming force to the material by direct physical contact therewith, the fluid current forcing the material against a solid tool whose edge defines the line of cut; (2) a heated solid tool which directly engages the material (to effect penetration thereof by melting, or by transmission of mechanical energy, or both); or (3) opposed, controlled fluid currents.

(A) Specifically (as well as implicitly) excluded, is a patent to apparatus or process for cutting by the transmission of heat to the work material from a hot gas, such as flame cutting (for the location of which, see Lines With Other Classes, subsection A, Relationship to Other Classes Including, per se, Cutting, Severing, or Incising, paragraph 8, Classes related to flame or other heat-cutting).

(B) While a disclosure of the production of a reshaping flow, in the operation of its apparatus or accomplishment of its method, will preclude original placement of a patent in this class, a disclosure of a flow of the material which is inherent in, or purely incidental to, the act of cutting will not operate as such a bar. The following types of factual situations illustrate the rule:

(1) A disclosure that the work material flows, due to melting, will not preclude placement herein of the patent so disclosing; but the further teach-that the flow accomplishes a significant or definable reshaping of the work beyond that inherent in the penetration there-of will bar such placement. Exemplary of such reshaping is the formation of a rim or bead around a hole coincident with the penetration which forms the hole.

(2) A patent to a cutting machine or process employing a tool which, as disclosed, creates a flow of the material while penetrating the material only partially (that is, it fails to reach the surface opposite the surface of entry) will be excluded from this class only if there is a teaching from which it can be fairly inferred that there is no severance of the surface fibres of the work, but rather that the material is compacted, creased, forged or otherwise plastic worked, thus indicating that the reshaping is not an incident of a cutting operation. A disclosure that a "cutting" tool penetrates only partially through tacky, flowable, or green, plastic work material (such as soft synthetic "plastics", food dough, etc.) will be considered to supply such a teaching, unless (by the same disclosure) the work attains its flowable or soft condition by the action of the cutting tool (e.g., a hot tool). If such tool is disclosed as softening or plasticizing the work, a patent directed to same would be proper for this class (83).



Class 83 is an elemental or basic class. That is, its subject matter is restricted (so far as possible) to means for, or steps of, accomplishing the following functions: cutting something (the "work"); or cutting, and handling the work to be cut; or cutting, and handling the product of the cutting operation. As a result, the great preponderance of patents directed to cutting combined with some other work treatment will be found in the respective class of the other treatment or in some more general class of combined operations, such as Class 156 or Class 29 (particularly subclasses 33+ and 566+). The few exceptions to this general statement are set forth explicitly in section II, Lines With Other Classes, subsection B, Relationship to Other Treating Classes (which appears later in this class definition).

The class does not act as the sole repository for patents directed to cutting machines or even to cutting machines of the functional types signalized in the subclasses of the class. Based upon past development of the system of patent classification, such patents are to be found in many classes, their disposition depending mainly upon the nature of the material disclosed as constituting work for the cutting operation. A listing of such classes is included in Lines With Other Classes, subsection A, Relationship to Other Classes Including, per se, Cutting, Severing, or Incising (which appears later in this class definition). With respect to such classes, Class 83 is residual.

As an incident of such residual nature, this class will not receive for original placement a patent disclosing alternative embodiments (claimed generically, or with a specific claim to each), one of a type proper for this class and one of a type related to another cutting class or subclass. Nor will it so receive a patent disclosing two purposes for a claimed cutting machine, one general or related to the art of this class (as shearing metal) and another specific to another cutting class or subclass (as, for instance, cutting plastic block or earthenware; or nail making). In both such cases, the original patent will be placed in the other cutting class or subclass.


The following enumeration and discussion of such classes, although including the loci of patents relating to many and varied types of cutting, does not purport to be exhaustive:

1. The class of cutting implements, Class 30.

Other than as governed by the exception set forth immediately following description 4 below, a patent is deemed to be directed to a cutting implement, and thus to be placeable originally in Class 30, if its claimed subject matter fits any one of following descriptions:

a. A cutting device which as an entirety is disclosed to be supported or held against the force of gravity by the operator during cutting.

b. A cutting device which as an entirety is disclosed as deriving from the work a substantial amount of its support against gravity (i.e., work-supported) during cutting, including a cutting device which is disclosed as being guided and supported during cutting by a member which is itself supported on the work (i) a cutting device which is disclosed as having a loose, work supported tool and powered means for driving the tool into the work, will be placed in Class 83; (ii) a cutting device which includes means to affix, hold, or positively locate a portion of the device relative to the work, for support of the device against gravity, and means to guide movement of the cutter relative to the work-affixed or work-located portion, will be placed in Class 83; (iii) a cutting device which includes (1) means to position or positively locate a portion of the device relative to the work in such a manner that said portion remains in said relative position during cutting and (2) means to guide the cutter in predetermined path with respect to said portion, will be placed in Class 83.

c. A cutting device which is disclosed as being capable of movement in a random path instantaneously under the control of the operator during cutting, including a cutter suspended or supported near the work; e.g., a cutter mounted at one end of a flexible shaft whose other end is anchored to a table, or a cutter suspended from a trolley, or a cutter mounted on a steerable vehicle.

d. A cutting device of the type referred to in the preceding paragraph in combination with a work support or work holder wherein neither the cutting tool itself nor the tool support is modified or constructed to either constrain the motion of the cutter or to guide it in a predetermined path with respect to the work support or work holder.

However, a patent drawn to a device including a cutting tool and means to support a reserve stock of the work in which the work supply is in the form of a web or strand wrapped upon itself and the supply is supported for rotation upon an axis will be placed originally in this class (83) even though it fits one or more of the above listed descriptions.

A patent for the combination of a cutting device meeting any of the criteria set forth above and a work holder provided for in Class 269 will be placed originally in Class 30, although a patent for the work holder, per se, will be placed in Class 269.

A patent which only claims a cutting tool nominally, that is, in which the claimed structure does not sufficiently define a cutting tool substantially in its ultimate use form, or elements, adjuncts, or materials structurally limited to such use, is regarded as proper subject matter for original placement in Class 428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles.

2. The class of severing by tearing or breaking.

Class 225 includes patents for process or apparatus for severing determinate portions of work material by causing failure of the work under tension at the point or line of separation, effected by moving one part of the work relative to another part. In such devices or processes, the tension is applied by stretching, bending, twisting, manually or mechanically grasping the work on one side of a fixed edge and forcing it against the edge, or moving a breaking or tearing tool and supported work material relative to each other. Also included in the reference class are tearing or breaking devices combined with any other type of severing means.

For a detailed statement of the distinction between Classes 83 and 225, see the (1) Note and (2) Note under section I, Class Definition, subsection B, Breaking or Tearing, of Class 225.

3. The class of comminuting.

Class 241, Solid Material Comminution or Disintegration, includes original patents for process or apparatus directed to the cutting or severing of solid material into a number of smaller solid masses, which smaller masses do not have imparted to them any desired or significant shape. As between Classes 83 and 241, the provision of means for (or steps of) retaining an original dimension of the work in the cut up product will exclude a patent for the apparatus (or process) from Class 241.

4. The class of selective cutting.

The art of selective cutting is collected in Class 234, Selective Cutting (e.g., Punching). The distinction between a selective cutting device or a method of selective cutting (either of which is proper for Class 234) and a cutting means or method of this class (83) is set forth in the following statement:

Class 234 is superior to Class 83, and takes or contains original patents directed to cutting devices as defined in Class 83 which are further distinguished by the claimed inclusion of a plurality of cutting tool pairs and an actuating power train for each pair (one power train may be common to all), so that power may be delivered to any or all pairs for any cutting cycle, and wherein each and all of the tool pairs assembled in the machine are constantly available to be chosen for cutting or noncutting (in any desired number, from one to the total number available) by (a) a pattern (b) combinational coding means [defined in section III, Glossary, of the class definition of Class 234, Selective Cutting (e.g., Punching)], or (c) means not a part of the tool actuating power train and which does not partake of all the movements of either tool or the pair; which pattern or means conditions which pair so chosen to (a) enable, or (b) prevent, a cutting operation thereby when its driving power train is actuated.

The distinction expressed above is intended to exclude from Class 234 patents for devices wherein, for example, (a) there is no distinct conditioning means [see U.S. Patent No. 682,197 (subclass 225 of Class 83) to Hollerith: each punch is selected and actuated by its individual key-connected linkage]; or (b) less than the whole number of tools is constantly available [see U.S. Patent No. 878,775 (subclass 552 of Class 83) to Colbert: a turret of tools]; or (c) the tool conditioning means move bodily with their associated tools [see U.S. Patent No. 746,625 (subclass 559 of Class 83) to Allen: manipulable locking pins are fixed to the tools]; and is intended to include, for example, devices wherein a tool-actuating power train common to all tools is tripped, manually or automatically, after operation of selected conditioning means [see U.S. Patent No. 1,110,261 (234/111) to Hollerith: initial depression of a key conditions one punch for actuation, and further depression of the key trips a common punch hammer or actuator], and devices wherein a plurality of combinations of less than the total number of tools are actuated or conditioned for actuation, by coding means (see U.S. Patent No. 422,728 to Clark: a turret of coded interposers is positionable to select groups of tools from an array thereof).

5. The class of mechanical manufacturing (metal working).

The class of reference (29, Metal Working) includes patents for machines for bias cutting of tubular stock (subclasses 2.1+); shredding metal; e.g., metal wool making (subclasses 4.51+); spiral cutting of flat stock (subclass 20.1); and filing (subclass 76.1). Patents for files and rasps are found in subclasses 78+.

6. The class of presses.

The class of reference, (100, Presses) includes patents for reciprocating press structures, which (as both claimed and disclosed) may perform, alternatively, a cutting operation or some other forming operation (such as forging, drawing, bending), as well as patents containing such equivocal disclosures of forming devices that the type of forming operation such devices are intended to perform cannot be ascertained accurately.

7. The class of abrading.

With few exceptions (such as those found in Class 132, Toilet), patents claiming a cutting means, or a step involving the use of a cutting means, which (as disclosed) is composed of crystalline material-removing particles, are placed originally in Class 451, Abrading.

8. Classes related to flame or other heat-cutting.

In addition to the classes enumerated below, it will be noted that subclasses 18.1+ of Class 33, Geometrical Instruments, contained original patents for flame-cutting scribers, and that Class 65, Glass Manufacturing, subclass 113, provides for glass preform treating including flame severing, and subclasses 269+ provides for glassworking means including flame severing means.

a. The class of metal treatment.

Subclasses 194+ of Class 148, Metal Treatment, includes original patents for methods of flame-cutting metals.

b. The class of metallurgical apparatus.

Original patents for flame-cutting apparatus are collected in subclasses 48+ of Class 266, Metallurgical Apparatus. In addition, subclass 271 of Class 266 contains original patents for devices used for drilling or cutting taphole plugs of metallurgical furnaces.

c. The class of combustion.

Class 431, Combustion, contains original patents for a torch comprising a fluid fuel distributor and a feature which specializes it for producing a flame; e.g., pilot burner etc., or which depends on the heat generated by the flame to perform its function; e.g., vaporize fuel.

d. The class of electric heating.

Class 219, Electric Heating, includes original patents directed to methods or apparatus effective to sever, part, or burn or melt away, a portion of a workpiece without using a solid tool which engages and penetrates the work. Examples will be found in subclasses 68+.

e. The class of fluid sprinkling, spraying, and diffusing.

Class 239, Fluid Sprinkling, Spraying, and Diffusing, includes original patents for fluid distributing nozzles or tips, per se, even though disclosed as burners.

9. Classes related to the cutting of metal.

In addition to the classes enumerated herein, attention is invited to the discussion of patents directed to improvements in the flame- or heat-cutting arts, contained in paragraph H, above.

a. The class of nail making.

Patents directed to apparatus for cutting nails to shape are found as originals in subclasses 157+ and 192+ of Class 470, Threaded, Headed Fastener, or Washer Making: Process and Apparatus.

b. The class of chain, staple, and horseshoe making.

Cutting machines disclosed as being useful in making such products are the subject of patents in subclass 29 of Class 59, Chain, Staple, and Horseshoe Making.

c. The class of tool making.

A patent for a cutting machine or process employed in the manufacture of a tool will be found, as an original copy, in Class 76, Metal Tools and Implements, Making, (e.g., in subclasses 12+, 28, 29, 30, 31+, 37+, 82+).

d. The class of wireworking.

Patents for methods of, or means for, cutting wire will be found, as original copies, in many subclasses of Class 140, Wireworking, particularly subclasses 58+, 66, and 67.

e. The class of type casting.

Original copies of patents for machines or processes for cutting cast type are included in subclass 59 of Class 199, Type Casting.

f. A patent directed to cutting metal (or other hard substance whose cutting is not the subject of a subclass is some other class) will be placed originally in one of the following classes, if not earlier placed on the basis of product (e.g., nails) according to the criteria expressed:

i. Class 408, Cutting by Use of Rotating Axially Moving Tool, will take original patents to machines for making a hole, reducing the outside of a round workpiece, trepanning, screw threading either the outside or the inside of a tubular workpiece, as well as any other cutting operation by use of a tool turning about an axis and moving along that axis toward a workpiece; provided, there is no additional motion of the operating tool. Class 408 is intended to ultimately include all cutting in the manner provided in the definition of that class; however, not all classes have now been screened for art proper for Class 408. Included among the classes likely to include patents proper for Class 408 that have not been screened are Classes 82, 142, and 451.

ii. Class 82, Turning. Original patents for devices or processes for severing or cutting off work, wherein the cutting movements of tool and work relative to each other include (1) rotation of either or both about an axis passing through the work (except as provided for in Class 408) and (2) relative translation substantially normal to said axis, are in Class 82 as meeting the general concepts of "turning".

iii. Class 409, Gear Cutting, Milling, or Planing, includes original patents for a process and apparatus for shaping material, usually metal, by means of (1) a toothed rotary cutter to produce an article of desired configuration or (2) a nonrotary tool for making a series of comparatively light cuts or a series of such tools, between which tool(s) and the workpiece there is a relative reciprocatory movement in substantially a straight line. Generally, Class 409 is broad enough to take any patent for shaping by means of a toothed rotary cutter not provided for in Class 77 or Class 82. Included in Class 409, subclasses 288+, is a patent for a single edge cutter device which shapes work (e.g., grooving, shaving, slotting, or flash trimming) by means of relative movement between tool and work in one or more passes. See (1) Note under Class 409, subclass 288.

10. Classes related to the cutting of wood.

a. The class of coopering.

Patents for machines adapted to cut barrels, or staves therefor, will be found as original copies in many subclasses of Class 147.

b. Other patents whose claimed method or apparatus is disclosed as being directed to the cutting of wood will be placed originally in the proper woodworking class; Class 142, Wood Turning; Class 144, Woodworking (including pencil sharpening in subclasses 28.1+); or Class 30, Cutlery (including pencil sharpening implements in subclasses 451+); except for patents directed to veneer-web or -sheet clippers (including those intended to cut a layer to be laminated) which are placed in this class (83).

11. Classes related (in whole or in part) to cutting the earth or the fruits thereof in situ, or well tubing imbedded in the earth.

A patent directed to a machine or process for accomplishing any one of the above enumerated purposes will be placed in the appropriate earth exploring or exploiting, or agricultural, class. A list (not intended as exhaustive) of such classes follows: 37, Excavating; 47, Plant Husbandry; 56, Harvesters; 111, Planting; 166, Wells; 171, Unearthing Plants or Buried Objects; 172, Earth Working (e.g., subclasses 13-22); 175, Boring or Penetrating the Earth; 299, Mining or In Situ Disintegration of Hard Material.

12. Classes related to the cutting of plastic material, stone, or hard glass.

A patent directed to apparatus for cutting plastic, green ceramic or cementitious preformed material will be found as an original in Class 83 unless shaping other than by cutting is involved. See Class 65, Glass Manufacturing, appropriate subclasses for a process of, or apparatus for, cutting or scoring glass combined with glassworking or treating, and subclass 133 for a process of severing a stream of molten glass and also see the collection of search notes under subclasses 112 and 133; Class 125, Stone Working, for stone cutting; Class 264, Plastic and Nonmetallic Article Shaping or Treating: Processes, particularly subclasses 138+ for a process of plastic shaping by or with cutting; and Class 425, Plastic Article or Earthenware Shaping or Treating: Apparatus, for means shaping or reshaping of plastic material combined with cutting means.

13. Classes related to the treatment, care, or handling of living animal (including human) bodies.

a. The class of surgery.

A patent directed to the cutting of a live animal body will be placed as an original copy in Class 128, Surgery.

b. The class of dentistry.

Original patents for devices for trimming plaster bases of dental models will be found in subclass 38 of Class 433, Dentistry.

c. The class of toilet.

Patents for cutting, scraping, or filing devices, disclosed as useful in manicure or pedicure operations, are placed originally in subclasses 75.4+ and 75.8 of Class 132.

d. The class of farriery.

The reference class (168), in subclass 48.1+, contains original patents to apparatus for sawing, milling, scraping, filing, or otherwise cutting animal hooves.

e. The class of fishing, trapping, and vermin destroying.

In addition to the typical fish hook and tackle therefor, the class of reference (43) contains patents for such cutting devices as spears and harpoons subclass 6 and impaling traps subclasses 77+.

14. Classes related to the preparation of food.

a. The class of butchery.

A patent directed to the cutting of the dead body of a previously living creature, preparatory to its use as food, will be found in Class 452, Butchering. For instance, patents relating to fowl beheading, carcass splitting, or fish cutting are found, respectively, in subclasses 12, 23, or 53+ thereof.

b. Bakery and confectionery type foods.

A manipulative process of shaping edibles combined with preform severing is provided for in Class 99, Foods and Beverages: Apparatus, subclasses 450.1+ and 537+, whereas comparable apparatus is provided for in Class 425, Plastic Article or Earthenware Shaping or Treating: Apparatus, appropriate subclasses. Cutting of edible preforms, per se, is provided for by Class 83 whereas severing of same by tearing or breaking is provided for by Class 225.

c. Other classes of food cutting.

A patent directed to one of the following types of food cutting will be placed originally in the appropriate food preparation class: Class 99, Foods and Beverages: Apparatus, for a cutting device which is adapted to a peculiar characteristic of the food, or wherein the cutting device separates distinguishable portions of the food, (e.g., leafy top portion, seeds, core, skin portion, eyes, etc.).

15. Classes related to the working of leather, skins, or hides.

a. The class of leather working.

Class 69, Leather Manufactures, includes patents directed to means and processes for splitting, skiving, defleshing, whitening, or buffing of hides or leather, and for cutting, (per se), in the production of certain articles typical of the class (e.g., leather straps, the subject of patents in subclass 17 of Class 69).

b. The class of boot and shoe making.

Patents for cutting means or methods specialized or peculiarly adapted to operation upon footgear are placed originally in Class 12, Boot and Shoe Making, particularly subclasses 27, 28, 40, 41.05, 41.7, 46, 47, 47.1, 57.5+, 62, and 85+.

16. Textile classes.

a. The class of cloth finishing.

Subclasses 7+ of Class 26, Textiles: Cloth Finishing, constitutes the locus of original patents limited to apparatus or process for severing threads or fibers projecting from textile fabrics. Such patents may relate, for instance, to shearing or to the cutting of float threads, pile loops, or weft ends.

b. The class of fiber preparation.

Patents for "tow-to-top" staplizing machines or methods are placed originally in Class 19, Textiles: Fiber Preparation. The type of severance therein involved is that in which a bundle of filaments of indefinite length (termed "tow") is subjected to a treatment which reduces the individual filaments to staple length fibers without disrupting the continuity or integrity of the bundle (which, when emerging from the machine or processes, is known as "top"). In Class 83, on the other hand, are found patents for machines or processes for the reduction of isolated individual filaments to staple length fibers (for instance, Beria-type cutters) or for the disruptive reduction of filament bundles to such fibers, in both cases without further textile treatment.

c. The class of weaving.

Original copies of patents for cutting devices mounted on loom parts (e.g., temple mounted cutters) are found in subclasses 302+ of Class 139.

d. The class of sewing machines.

Patents for cutting devices disclosed as attached to sewing machines will be found, as original copies, in subclasses 45 and 285-301 of Class 112.

e. The class of apparel apparatus.

Means for trimming the bottoms of dresses or skirts, for trimming hat brims, or for cutting (e.g., clipping) the nap of hats comprise subject matter of patents in subclasses 1.1, 16, and 19 of Class 223.

f. The general class of textiles.

Subclass 144 of the class of reference (28, Textiles) contains original patents for machines for making chenille yarn by cutting a woven fabric.

17. Classes pertaining to the communications and information arts.

a. The class of typewriters.

Subclasses 127+ and 135+ of Class 400, Typewriting Machines, includes original copies of patents drawn to keyboard operated means for cutting intelligence-bearing indicia, as, for instance, stencil cutting, and to processes utilizing such means.

b. The class of printing.

Generally speaking, the recording of intelligence by cutting is proper subject matter for Class 101, Printing. More particularly, individual cases of cutting machines or method may be tested for aptness to Class 101 by reference to the following statements:

i. A patent for a machine or process for cutting on or adjacent the printed or written matter on a document to prevent unauthorized or fraudulent alteration of such matter due to the proximity of the cut surfaces to the printed or written matter (e.g., check protecting) will be placed originally in Class 101, subclasses 3.1+.

ii. A patent for a machine or process for cutting work in the form of a character, a design, or a pattern which will impart information to an observer is proper for Class 101, subclasses 3.1+, if a cut is disclosed as extending only part way through the thickness of the work (e.g., embossing). If all of the cuts forming such character, design, or pattern are disclosed as extending all the way through the thickness of the work, the patent will be found in Class 83.

iii. If in addition to a cutting machine or process of this class (83) there is claimed a means or step peculiar to Class 101, (e.g., the application of ink to the cutting tool to additionally outline or mark an aperture made by the punch), such addition has been considered sufficient to place a patent directed to such combination in Class 101, subclasses 3.1+. This is in accordance with the general rule that a patent for a combination of cutting with another treatment of the work will be placed in the class of the other treatment. (See subsection B, Relationship to Other Treating Classes, below).

iv. An original patent claiming both the process and apparatus for the manufacture of stencils by cutting, or only such process, will be found in Class 101, subclass 128.4.

c. The class of recorders.

A process or apparatus which would be otherwise proper for Class 346, Recorders, will not be removed from the scope of that class merely by virtue of the fact that the recordation, as claimed, is accomplished by an incising or penetrating means or method step.

d. The class of registers.

Original patents directed to means for cutting or punching a record medium, in response to the results of the operation of a calculating machine or register, will be found in Class 235, Registers, particularly subclasses 58+ and 60.27+ (especially subclass 60.29).

e. The class of railway signaling.

Patents for apparatus which cuts or punches a record medium, in response to the operation of a block-signal system or of a cab signal or train control device, are placed originally in subclasses 107 and 185 (respectively) of Class 246, Railway Switches and Signals.

f. The class of telegraphy.

A patent for a cutting device which is actuated by means responsive to a telegraphically transmitted signal will be placed originally in Class 178, Telegraphy, those in subclass 92 being typical.

g. The class of binder devices releasably engaging aperture or notch of sheet.

A sheet binder device of that class (402) (i) in combination with a discrete sheet aperture forming device, which device perforates a sheet prior to placing the same on the retainer, (ii) including means to force a sheet upon the sheet retainer and (iii) including a sheet retainer which penetrates and inserts a pliant strand through a sheet will be found in subclasses 1, 7, and 25, respectively, of Class 402.

18. Receptacle classes.

a. The class of deposit and collection receptacles.

Patents claiming a ticket receiving and collection receptacle, with means to punch or cut tickets introduced into the receptacle, will be found placed originally in Class 232, Deposit and Collection Receptacles.

b. The class of special receptacles.

Patents for cigar- or tobacco-containing receptacles having an attached cutter are placed originally in Class 206, Special Receptacle or Package, subclasses 238+.

c. The class of paper receptacles.

Original patents for paper receptacles with attached means for opening a receptacle by cutting, tearing, or ripping will be found in subclasses 87.05, 200+, and 307 of Class 229, Envelopes, Wrappers, and Paperboard Boxes.

d. The class of metallic receptacles.

Subclasses 265+ of Class 220, Receptacles, includes original patents for general-utility receptacles with attached openers which function to open the receptacle by cutting part thereof.

19. Certain other classes distinguished by the nature or identity of work or product.

a. The class of tobacco.

Patents for machines which are disclosed as being specially adapted to the cutting of tobacco or cigars will be found, as original copies, in subclasses 248+ and 281 of Class 131. (Patents for tobacco cutting machines of more general utility are placed originally in appropriate subclasses of Classes 30 and 83).

b. The class of button making.

Patented machines or processes for cutting button blanks are disclosed in subclasses 15 and 16 of Class 79.

c. The class of brush, broom, and mop making.

The class of reference (300) includes a subclass (17) restricted to the, per se, trimming of articles of the class. Most of the devices represented by patents therein operate to accomplish such trimming by cutting.

d. The class of wheelwright machines.

Patents directed to machines and processes for lacerating or buffing the exterior surface of vehicle tires are collected in subclass 13 of Class 157, Wheelwright Machines, except those claiming an abrading means or step, which latter are to be found in Class 451, Abrading.

e. The class of ships.

Patents for ships carrying means to cut or break ice are placed originally in subclasses 40-42 of Class 114.

f. The class of chemical manufacture and adhesive bonding of articles.

Class, 156, Adhesive Bonding and Miscellaneous Chemical Manufacture, provides in subclasses 625+ for severing a workpiece by the action of a reactive or solvent fluid. It also provides for the combination of laminating and cutting in subclasses 250+ and 510+.

20. The class of geometrical instruments.

Subclasses 18.1+ of Class 33, Geometrical Instruments, include original patents for means for scoring or indenting a reference point, respectively.


1. This class is an elementary class and generally does not include patents claiming the combination of a cutting method or means with a process or apparatus for other treatment(s). Certain specific exceptions to this general rule exist, as follows:

a. Heating or cooling work and cutting same.

Subject matter of subclasses 15+ and 170.

b. Cleaning work and cutting same;

subject matter of subclass 168.

2. Means for, or steps of, performing certain other operations whose character as treating or nontreating operations, it is recognized, will vary with individual judgement also are included in patents of this class in claimed combination with cutting instrumentalities or steps, as follows:

a. Weighing the cut product in subclass 77.

b. Separating or assorting product in subclasses 102+

c. Applying a transient, nonpropellant fluid (e.g., lubricant or coolant) to work in subclasses 22 and 169.

d. Temporarily deforming work; in subclasses 17+, 175, and 176.

e. Unwinding material from, or supporting material on, a spool, beam, bobbin, or the like, for presentation to a cutting device for operation thereon; note particularly subclasses 649+. (The combination of a cutting machine and significantly claimed means for winding the product thereof is subject matter for Class 242, Winding, Tensioning, or Guiding, as is the Combination of a winding machine and a means to cut the tail, extending from a package wound by such machine, from the source of material to be wound. See Class 242, subclasses 487.1+, 521, and 522+.

3. As to methods, the claimed recitation of a step of performing a treatment other than cutting will exclude a patent from original placement in this class, regardless of whether such treating step is claimed in detail.

4. In interpreting a claimed combination of cutting and noncutting treating means, a purely nominal recitation of the other (noncutting) treating means will not exclude an original patent from this class if all of the following conditions are met:

a. No means or instrumentality is claimed as being synchronized with the other treating means.

b. A single material handling means presents work to both such treating means; or, the means which presents material (as work) to a second treating means in line is the means which removes it (as product) from a first treating means in line.

c. No support or guide means is claimed as orienting or redirecting the material (work or product) between treating means.


1. Product handling means.

a. This class (83) receives original patents claiming significantly both a cutting tool of the class and means to separate or assort portions of the product resulting from the cutting operation. An original patent claiming such separating or assorting means in structural terms, and the cutting tool in nominal terms only, will be placed in Class 209, Classifying, Separating, and Assorting Solids.

b. Original patents drawn to the combination of cutting means of this class and product weighing means which does not govern the operation of the cutting means will be placed in this class (83) without regard to the degree of specificity with which the cutting means is claimed therein. If the weighing means is claimed as controlling a cutting device, which cutting device terminates feed or flow of material to the weighing means, a patent thereto is placed originally in Class 177, Weighing Scales.

c. As to other product handling devices (i.e., instrumentalities which effect or affect motion of the product of a cutting machine), the claimed combination of such device with a cutting machine constitutes subject matter for this class (83), regardless of the degree of specificity with which the cutting means is claimed.

2. Work handling means.

a. As between this class (83) and Classes 193, Conveyors, Chutes, Skids, Guides, and Ways; 198, Conveyors: Power-Driven; 212, Traversing Hoists; 414, Material or Article Handling; 226, Advancing Material of Indeterminate Length; 406, Conveyors: Fluid Current; and 271, Sheet Feeding or Delivering; the claimed recitation in purely nominal terms, of a cutting instrumentality with respect to which a work handling means may move or feed work will not of itself exclude placement of an original patent for such work handling means in the respective material handling class listed above. However, when such instrumentality is set forth with structural specificity, the claimed congregation of elements is properly placed with the work modifying instrumentality (class 83). For example: A claim reciting a structurally defined work handling means (not claimed as synchronized with a work modifying means), and a "work station" (or "tool station", or "work modifying means", or "tool", or "cutter", or "punch", or "knife", etc.) in so many words, is properly placed on the basis of the work handling means. A claim reciting a work handling means and, for instance, a work station including a "reciprocating tool element", or a "tapered tool", or a "round cutter", or a "rotary punch", is properly placed in the class of the specific tool set forth. The true test for proper placement in this class (83) is whether or not the combination of a tool and work-feed means is a significant tool-to-work-relationship. For further notes on this relationship see (2) Note, under subclass 703 of this class (83) referring to Class 414.

c. Further, this class (83) receives original patents claiming a cutting tool (of the type provided for in the class) synchronized with or in power-transmitting driving relation with, a work handling means, regardless of whether such tool is claimed significantly or merely nominally.

3. Tool handling means.

Class 483 provides for a Class 83 cutting process or apparatus combined with tool changing.


Class 173, Tool Driving or Impacting, provides for subject matter directed to driving or impacting a tool, when such subject matter includes combined features peculiar to tool driving, but which does not include features limiting the subject matter to a specific tool art such as specific shape of the work contacting portion of a tool, related tools, or an opposed work support. Class 83 has not been cleared as to subject matter in conflict with this line.


This relationship is set forth in section II, Lines With Other Classes, of the class definition for Class 269.


1. A perusal of the first line or skeleton schedule of the class will reveal that the class is composed of a relatively small number of major subclass groups. Generally, in order of superiority, these major subclass groups provide search fields for:

a. a method including a step of cutting (subclasses 13-56).

b. noncyclic means to halt or prevent motion of a part or all of a cutting machine (subclasses 58-68).

c. means to monitor and control operation of a cutting machine (subclasses 72-76).

d. means to handle the product of a cutting operation (subclasses 78-166).

e. means to cut hollow work from the inside (subclasses 178-195).

f. means to cut work while cyclically halted (subclasses 202-283).

g. a flying cutter (subclasses 284-349).

h. a cutter (of a type other than those previously enumerated) synchronized with work moving means (subclasses 350-357).

i. a cutting machine with an appurtenance such as a clamp, work stop or gauge, work guide; firstly, synchronized with the tool cycle (subclasses 373-398), and secondly, not so synchronized (subclasses 438-468).

j. means to control the operation of a part (at least) of the machine in response to means to sense the work, product, or another part of the machine (subclasses 358-372, 399, 400).

k. a cutting machine having work moving means not claimed as synchronized with the tool cycle; providing for tool-station-type work moving means (subclasses 401 through 437.7).

l. a rotatable disc type cutting machine (subclasses 469-508).

m. means to produce or facilitate the cutting motion of a tool or tools (subclasses 513-519; 523-647).

n. a cutting tool, per se, or combined with its support (subclasses 651-699.61).

o. a method of, or means for, cutting other than all the way through the work thickness-wise, providing for scoring, skiving, and related operations (subclasses 6-12).

2. In addition, a limited number of groupings have been established on secondary bases of classification, to facilitate state-of-the-art searches. These subclasses, which contain no original patents are numbered from 901.

The following index is provided for convenience in locating certain elements or types of cutting machines according to keywords generally of art terminology. This index is not intended to be exhaustive.



72+,for automation.
278,391+, 401+, 467.1, for back gage.
788+,for band saw.
562,640, for beam dinker.
531+,561, 658+, for bed block.
403,for beria-type cutter.
788+,for chain saw.
182,206, 262, 282, 294, 319, 325, 375+, 409, 422, 452+, for clamp.
531+,652+, for clicker die.
32,42+, 50, for core lamination making.
288,for crop cut.
638,643, 644, for draw cut.
425.2+,for edge-cutter.
111+,for ejector.
284+,for flying cutter.
218,278, for four-motion feed.
572,573, for gag.
,See back gage for gage
598,620+, for gang punch.
450,(also see clamp and stripper), for holddown.
915.3,for ice cutting.
102.1,for kerf spreading.
637,for leader pin.
305,for miscut.
746+,for miter box.
237,916, 917, for nibble.
169,for oiler.
333,918, for pinkin.
,See clamp and holddown for presser foot.
213,214, 255, 256, 519, 611, 622, 636, for progressive cutting.
616,for punch hammer.
703+,for saw-mill dog.
401+,for saw-mill feed.
830+,835+, for saw-teeth.
923,for scrap cutter.
174+,for sharpener (tool).
223+,582+, for spring storage (cutter, punch).
111+,for stripper.
637,for sub-press unit.
477+,483+, for table saw.
353,483+, 614, for traveling cutter.



A tool comprising a smooth-faced, imperforate member, the smooth face having the purpose of contacting the work and providing a reaction surface against which a relatively movable tool may abut in its work penetrating movement.


A mechanism for sensing a physical property or characteristic of, or the presence or absence or passage of, the work or the product or a movable element of a machine; which mechanism effects a signal or impulse as a result of such sensing. The signal or impulse is sent through a transmitter, (see definition of "transmitter" below) and effects or initiates the functioning of a machine part or assembly controlled by the detector.


Moving with the work material. The term "flying" means that the part so described has, at the time of cutting, a motion component in the direction of the work as it moves to and through the cutting station.


Passive means to direct the movement of something (e.g., work, product, machine part) in a desired path. (Note: although a guide may be movable for the purpose of adjustment, yet it accomplishes its directing function by presenting an obstacle to movement in an undesired direction, rather than by causing the directed thing or part to move with it).


The cutting of a discrete product from a workpiece through the thickness of the workpiece with the line of cut starting at an edge of the workpiece and returning to the same edge. The edge of the workpiece may be either an exterior edge or an interior edge. A cut which extends solely along a single straight line is not considered to be a notching cut.


Material which has been treated by the cutting tool; the result of a cutting operation. (Note: material which is "product" for one cutting operation may be "work" for an ensuing operation).


The cutting of a discrete product out of the confines of a workpiece through the thickness of the workpiece so that the cut does not intersect any edge (exterior or interior) of the workpiece.


Cutting effected by the relative motion of two cutting tools having edges which are initially on opposite sides of the work with the cutting taking place by one tool moving towards the other tool and the edge on the moving tool moving past and in close and overlapping relationship to the edge of the other tool.


The instrumentality that contacts the work for effecting directly the operation of the class either by itself or by cooperation with another tool.


The elapsed time between, and all of the motion traced by the tool between, the time the tool leaves any particular datum point in its approach to (or recession from) the work until it again leaves that point in its next succeeding approach to (or recession from) the work, the location of such datum point for a series of recurring cycles being determined without giving significance to mere positioning movements of the tool with respect to the work (Note: positioning movements of the tool are considered to be part of the cycle of motions constituting the tool cycle, and the time they occupy is part of the span of the cycle. They are disregarded only for the purpose of establishing the datum point of one cycle with respect to that of a preceding or succeeding cycle).


A plurality of tools, each having a work contacting portion, said portions being initially separated from each other and cooperating to effect cutting of the work when they have relative movement toward each other.


The motion of the tool toward and into the work to effect a cut, and the motion of retraction of the tool from the product to its base position.


An element connected to the tool for supporting it against gravity and that partakes of all of the movement of the tool and has no relative movement with respect to the tool except for purposes of adjustment.


A system for sending the signal or impulse which has been effected by a detector (see definition of "detector" above) to a means for establishing (in response to receipt of such signal or impulse) a driving connection between a source of power and a machine part or assembly; or sending such signal or impulse to a mart or assembly directly (as by a linkage).


Article, material, or stuff to be treated (cut). (Compare "product").


An instrumentality for advancing work to the treating (cutting) zone.


In general, the least dimension along a substantially planar outer surface of work. As to hollow workpieces, the thickness dimension at an annular section is taken as the wall thickness; at a solid section, it is the thickness of the entire workpiece as though it were not hollow. The thickness dimension of a strand is defined as follows: (a) as to those of circular, triangular or elliptical cross-section, by any line passing through the strand from surface point to surface point, (b) as to those of other polygonal cross-section, by any line passing through the strand from one outer surface to a nonintersecting outer surface. As to spheres a line extending through the sphere from one point on the surface to another is deemed to define the thickness dimension. As to all other shapes of work pieces, thickness is not considered significant for the purpose of this classification.

Throughout the definitions of subclasses herein below, the appearance of an asterisk (*) will indicate a word or term which has been defined in this section. However, the words "product", "tool", and "work", defined in this section, occur so frequently in the subclass definitions, that the use of the asterisk in reference thereto has been omitted.


[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 13]    13PROCESSES:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Method which includes a step of cutting.
(1) Note. A step of cutting, as herein applied, consists in moving a tool and work into contact with and relative to each other such that the tool moves entirely through the thickness of the work. Once the cut through the wall thickness has been achieved, then, an interruption of said relative movement, or of cutting contact extending throughout said wall thickness, shall be construed as a termination of said "step".
(2) Note. A special exception to the limitations expressed in these definitions (i.e., the limitations which require a moving tool and/or an edge backup member) exists in the case of wherein sound waves (e.g., supersonic sound) cause work to be cut through its thickness. Such a step will be proper for this class and this subclass as a process of cutting.


701,for the corresponding apparatus.
861,and 866 through 880, for methods of cutting but generally not completely through work thickness.


29Metal Working,   subclass 557 for process of shaping a one piece blank which includes a step of severing.
234Selective Cutting (e.g., Punching),   subclasses 1+ for a method of selective cutting.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 14]    14With preparatory or simultaneous ancillary treatment of work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 13.  Process which includes a step, either before or during the cutting step, of performing an operation (other than a cutting operation) which changes the shape or state of the work, which change of shape or state facilitates the cutting.
(1) Note. The operation may either facilitate the operation of the tool upon the work or effect a necessary or desired change of shape of the work with respect to the tool.
(2) Note. Included in this subclass (14) are processes which recite a step of placing the work under tension or compression; however, applying such force for the purpose of merely immobilizing the work, as by clamping, has not been considered a treatment step to admit the patent to this subclass. Such patents are classified below on other steps of their method.


451Abrading,   subclasses 35 and 54+ for a process of abrading including ancillary treatment of work.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 15]    15By heating or cooling:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 14.  Process which includes a step of increasing or decreasing the temperature of the work.


170+,for apparatus for modifying or controlling the temperature of the tool or work.


264Plastic and Nonmetallic Article Shaping or Treating: Processes,   subclasses 138+ for molding or shaping processes within the class definition when combined with a cutting or severing step.
451Abrading,   subclasses 33 and 53 for a process of abrading including temperature modification or control of work or abradant.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 16]    16At localized area (e.g., line of separation):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 15.  Process in which the treatment is confined to a specific portion of the work, as by applying a heated tool on the line on which the separation is effected.


219Electric Heating,   subclasses 260+ for a process of burning a hole by means of electrically generated heat, and subclasses 69.1+ for a process of cutting by means of an electric arc.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 17]    17By distorting within elastic limit:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 14.  Process which includes a step of temporarily altering the shape or dimension of the work within the cutting zone and concurrently with the cutting operation.


175,and 176, for corresponding apparatus.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 18]    18By stretching:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 17.  Process which includes a step of subjecting the work to forces which are directed away from each other (i.e., tensile forces) to elongate the work.


175,for corresponding apparatus.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 19]    19By compressing:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 17.  Process which includes a step of subjecting the work to forces directed toward each other, which forces density, reduces the volume, or reduces a dimension of the work.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 20]    20By flexing around or by tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 17.  Process which includes a step of bending the work by engaging the work with a tool so as to thereby distort or deform the work.


18,for a process of both stretching and flexing the work by contacting the work with a tool.
19,for a process of both compressing and flexing the work by contacting the work with a tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 21]    21To conform to shape of tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 20.  Process which includes a step of subjecting the work to bending forces which direct the work toward a tool so as to compel the work to assume the shape of the tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 22]    22By fluid application:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 14.  Process in which the treatment includes contacting the work with a fluid or gas.
(1) Note. This subclass includes methods of applying a lubricant to the tool or work.


15+,for process of heating or cooling by a fluid application.
17+,for process of distorting the work by fluid pressure before or during the cutting step.
24,for process of subsequently handling the produce by fluid application.
53,for process of cutting by the direct application of fluid pressure to the work.
169,for corresponding apparatus.
402,for apparatus to move work by fluid current.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 23]    23With subsequent handling (i.e., of product):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 13.  Process which includes a step of manipulating a product resulting from the severing step.
(1) Note. Moving cut work between claimed cutting steps has been considered work-feeding rather than subsequent handling of a product; and patents thereto have been placed below on the basis of other steps.


39+,for a method including the feeding of work from one tool station to another; and see the Notes thereto.
78+,for corresponding apparatus.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 24]    24By fluid application:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 23.  Process in which the manipulation of the product is effected by contacting the product with a gas or liquid.


98+,for corresponding apparatus.
402,for apparatus to move work by fluid current.


226Advancing Material of Indeterminate Length,   may include a nominal recitation of a supply or take-up coil (e.g., less than a support for such a coil or a cooperative relationship between a tension or exhaust detector* and reel driving or reel stopping means, etc.), subclass 7 for a process of or subclasses 97.1+ for apparatus using fluid current to advance the material.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 25]    25By retaining or reinserting product in workpiece:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 23.  Process which includes a step of holding or replacing the product in the workpiece from which it was separated.
(1) Note. The retention or reinsertion is usually for the purpose of conveying the product away from the cutting station by means of the workpiece.
(2) Note. This subclass has been designated a collecting place for disclosures of methods of, and means for, retaining a product in position in a workpiece.


103,for apparatus for removing a reinserted product from cut work.
108,for apparatus for replacing a product in the workpiece from which it has been cut.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 26]    26By accelerating travel:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 23.  Process wherein the speed of product being delivered is increased with respect to that of the work being fed or with respect to the speed of an adjacent product piece.
(1) Note. Such process usually accomplishes the purpose of conveying the product away from the following work, or out of the path of a tool, or moving one product with respect to another product while both are moving away from the cutting zone.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 27]    27By separating products from each other:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 23.  Process which includes a step of moving one of a plurality of products with respect to the other.
(1) Note. The piece remaining in the cutting zone and unmoved after cutting has not been considered a product for purposes of this subclass.


102+,for corresponding apparatus.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 28]    28By moving work support to which a tacky product is adhered:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 23.  Process in which the work has an adhesive on one surface, which surface is adhered to a work holder to which the product remains adhered subsequent to the cutting step, and which includes a step of manipulating the support with the product adhered thereto.


225Severing by Tearing or Breaking,   subclasses 23+ , for means to move tacky work to a tool station.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 29]    29Including stacking of plural workpieces:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 13.  Process which includes a step of assembling workpieces one upon another prior to the cutting step, and cutting the assembled workpieces.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 30]    30Puncturing:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 13.  Process which includes a step of shaping an opening in the work, as by a sharp, pointed tool, so that no substantial amount of material is removed from the work; i.e., there is only one product.


660,for a pointed perforating tool.
866+,for a perforating device, or method, which does not produce, or result in, complete penetration of work.


137Fluid Handling,   subclass 15.14 for a process of tapping a pipe or tank (e.g., gas main, water main, keg, etc.) having an aperture forming cutter or cutting tool.
428Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles,   subclasses 596+ for metallic stock material having apertures; e.g., resulting from a puncturing operation.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 31]    31With manipulation of tool protective strip (e.g., backing strip):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 13.  Process which includes a step of positioning a wear preventing material between one tool of a tool pair and the work, and repositioning the material relative to both the tool and work between cutting steps.


547+,for corresponding apparatus.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 32]    32Cutting of interdigitating products:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 13.  Process which includes a step of severing a plurality of products from a workpiece, each of which products has an interfitting portion which lies within a recess of the other product, the product portions which define the cooperating interfitting portions constituting the parts of the whole of a common area of the workpiece, and at least part of the separation being effected along the lines of the interfitting portions.
(1) Note. The mere longitudinal separation of a web of indefinite length into two or more ribbonlike products by means of an undulant cut, or the mere transverse separation of a product from a web of indefinite length by means of an undulant cut, is not considered sufficient to bring the patent within this subclass but will be found below in subclasses 48 and 56.


48,for process of transversely separating products from the leading edge of the work by means of an undulant cut, and see (1) Note above.
56,for process of separating the work longitudinally by means of an undulant line of cut, and see (1) Note above.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 33]    33Making and using a registration cut:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 13.  Process which includes the steps of effecting a cut upon the work and then utilizing that cut (as by engaging the edges thereof) or orient, locate, or feed the work with respect to a tool, for a subsequent cut.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 34]    34With reorientation of tool between cuts:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 13.  Process which includes a step of shifting the tool intermediate successive cutting steps to rearrange or readjust the tool with respect to the work.
(1) Note. The mere movement of the tool toward and from the work in its normal cutting cycle has not been considered reorienting. The reorientation is superimposed upon the tool stroke, resulting in such additional movements as a change from the previously normal path of the tool during the tool feeding cycle, and inversion of the tool, or an indexing of the tool.


35+,for process which includes reorienting the work between cuts.
215+,for apparatus for imparting a plurality of motions to a tool during its cutting cycle.
556+,for tool positioning means synchronized with the cutting stroke.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 35]    35With reorientation of work between cuts:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 13.  Process which includes a step of shifting the work intermediate successive cutting steps to rearrange or readjust the work with respect to a tool or a cutting station.
(1) Note. The mere advancement of the work into the cutting zone has been considered feeding rather than reorienting. The reorientation is superimposed upon the work-feeding motion, resulting in such additional movements as: a change in the path of an established direction of feed, an inversion of the work, or a turning end-for-end of the work.


34,for process which includes reorienting the tool between cuts.
219+,for apparatus for feeding the work in a plurality of directions.
249,for apparatus to facilitate a manual repositioning of the work between cuts.
256,for apparatus for changing the direction of work-feed between work stations.
404+,for means to move work from one tool station to another.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 36]    36Relative to same tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 35.  Process wherein the reorientation is effected with respect to the tool which has accomplished the earlier of the successive cutting steps.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 37]    37During movement of work past flying cutter:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 13.  Process which includes a step of cutting while the work is moving through a cutting zone, which step includes moving the tool, at the time of cutting, in the direction the work is moving.
(1) Note. A method of slitting the work longitudinally of the direction of work movement by means of a rotatable disc tool has been excluded. Patents thereto will be found in subclass 56 below; whereas patents for slitting apparatus will be found in subclasses 426+.
(2) Note. Apparatus used to practice this process is usually called a flying cutter, patents to which will be found in subclasses 284+.


42+,for process of sequentially separating products from the leading edge of the work.
56,and see (1) Note above.
284+,for corresponding apparatus.
426+,and see (1) Note above.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 38]    38Cyclically varying rate of tool or work movement:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 37.  Process which includes a step of changing either the speed of the tool during a portion of its cyclic travel, (i.e., toward, from, or concurrent with, the moving work) or the speed of the work as it traverses the cutting zone.
(1) Note. Oscillating and reciprocating tools of necessity have a period of nonuniform rate of travel due to the reversals of direction. Since such tools inherently operate in this manner, patents for methods of operating them have not been included in this subclass and will be found in other subclasses indented under subclass 13. However, all patents for methods of operating unidirectionally moving rotary tools which start their cycle of movement from a position of rest have been placed here because of the difficulty distinguishing between rotary tools which stop and those which merely slow down.


238+,for means to feed work unequally in recurring series.
313,for a flying cutter with means for cyclically varying the work-feed speed.
324,for a flying cutter with means for cyclically varying the tool speed of an orbitally moving tool.
617,for a tool having means to vary the force or speed of the tool stroke.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 39]    39Plural cutting steps:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 13.  Process which includes more than one cutting step as defined in (1) Note to subclass 13.


34,for process of reorienting a tool between cutting steps.
35+,for process of reorienting the work between cutting steps.
213+,for plural tools successively actuated at the same cutting station.
255+,for plural tool stations of a subclass 202 type.
404+,for means to move work between plural tool stations.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 40]    40Blanking and cutting:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 39.  Process which includes a step of blanking, as defined in (1) Note to subclass 55, below; and further includes a step of making some other kind of cut.


49,for process of making a progressive cut by a series of blanking operations.
50,for process of repetitive blanking.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 41]    41Cutting to join blanked holes:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 40.  Process in which a series of blanking steps is accompanied by a cutting step which connects the blanked out areas.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 42]    42Repetitive transverse severing from leading edge of work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 39.  Process which includes the steps of feeding the work to and through a cutting station and making serial cuts each of which separates a product(s) from the advancing edge of the work.


37+,for a process of repetitive transverse severing from the leading edge of the work while the work is moving through the cutting station.
202+,for an apparatus for cutting the work during a dwell in the work-feed.
284+,for a flying cutter which may sever work transversely.
350+,for a cutter synchronized with moving work, which may sever work transversely.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 43]    43Alternately forming products of less than total width of work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 42.  Process in which a product is separated from a portion only of the transverse extent of such advancing edge of the work, and the remaining portion of the transverse extent is subsequently severed in the formation of one or more separate products.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 44]    44With longitudinal severing:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 42.  Process which includes a step of cutting the work along a line generally parallel to the direction of work-feed.


408,for apparatus to accomplish the same purpose.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 45]    45Effected by plural steps:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 44.  Process in which the longitudinal severing is accomplished by a series of cutting steps.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 46]    46Along zigzag or undulant line or cut:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 44.  Process in which the longitudinal severing is along a side-to-side or wavy line of separation.


32,for process of cutting transversely of the work combined with longitudinal severing along a zigzag or wavy line where the cuts make interdigitating products.
45,for the combination of transverse and longitudinal severing in which a zigzag or wavy line of longitudinal separation is effected by plural cuts.
48,for process of nonrectilinear transverse cutting to sever a product from the leading edge of the work.
56,for process of making a zigzag or wavy line of separation.
333,for a rotatable tool having an undulant cutting edge.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 47]    47Prior to transverse severing:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 44.  Process wherein the step of longitudinal cutting is made before that of transverse cutting in the severance of each product piece from the advancing edge of the work.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 48]    48Nonrectilinear cutting:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 42.  Process wherein the line of cutting produced by the serial cuts does not define a straight line path.


32,for process of cutting interdigitating products.
46,for process of making a nonrectilinear longitudinal cut and a transverse cut.
56,for process of making a continuing line of cut which may be undulant.
410+,for a work carrier guided in a nonrectilinear path, thus effecting a nonrectilinear cut.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 49]    49Plural cutting steps effect progressive cut:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 39.  Process which includes making a continuing line of cut by a series of cutting steps.
(1) Note. The successive cuts may be effected by a single tool or by a plurality of tools mounted on a single carrier.
(2) Note. A cutting step is defined in (1) Note to subclass 13.


52,for process of effecting a progressive cut in increments during a single cutting step.
56,for process of making a continuing line of cut by a single step.
332,for apparatus including a segmented disc slitting or slotting tool effecting a progressive cut on moving work.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 50]    50Repetitive blanking:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 39.  Process which includes a plurality of blanking steps as defined in (1) Note to the definition of subclass 55.


32,for process of cutting interdigitating products by repetitive blanking steps.
34,for process of repetitive blanking wherein the tool is reoriented between cuts.
35+,for process of repetitive blanking wherein the work is reoriented between cuts.
40+,for process of blanking and cutting.
41,for process of blanking out a plurality of holes in a workpiece and cutting to join the holes.
45,for process of progressive slotting which comprises a series of blanking operations.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 51]    51Cutting part way through from opposite sides of work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 13.  Process in which plural cutting tools penetrate work disposed between them and meet in cutting engagement interiorly of the work.
(1) Note. Included are patents for process of "nipping".


566+,600, and 623, for structure wherein each of two tools of a tool pair moves toward the other
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 52]    52Effecting diverse or sequential cuts in same cutting step:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 13.  Process which includes a step of making in a single cutting step, either (a) two or more cuts differing in kind (e.g., cut, slit, punch) or (b) similar cuts effected serially and overlapping in time.
(1) Note. See (1) Note to subclass 13 for the definition of a cutting step.


40+,for process of blanking and cutting in two or more steps.
49,for process of making a single continuous cut progressively through the work by a plurality of cutting steps.
56,for process of making a continuous cut by a single cutting step.
513+,for plural tools with individually actuated tool supports, and particularly subclass 519 for successively acting tools, and subclass 518 for diverse tools.
554+,for means driving a tool through plural steps in cutting strokes.
688,for a punch having spaced, successively operating, portions.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 53]    53Cutting by direct application of fluent pressure to work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 13.  Process which includes the step of cutting solely by contacting the work with a pressure medium which conforms to the configuration of a passive supporting tool, on or against which the work is supported.
(1) Note. The pressure medium may be liquid, gaseous or of a readily yieldable material such as rubber.


177,for corresponding apparatus.
431,for means (which may be fluent means) to force work upon tool.


451Abrading,   subclasses 28+ for a process of severing by abrading.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 54]    54Cutting wall of hollow work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 13.  Process which includes a step of severing a cup, tube or the like.


178+,for cutting apparatus which includes a tool within hollow work.


82Turning,   subclass 47 for process of cutting hollow work while effecting relative rotary movement about an axis passing through the work, and subclass 82 for corresponding apparatus.
137Fluid Handling,   subclass 15.14 for a process of tapping a pipe or tank (e.g., gas main, water main, keg, etc.) having an aperture forming cutter or cutting tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 55]    55Blanking:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 13.  Process which includes a step of blanking.
(1) Note. Blanking is defined as separating a product from within the confines of the work so that not more than one of the edges of the product is an edge of the workpiece, or so that less than 1/2 of the circumference of a curved product is a part of the circumference of initially curved work. Mere serration does not in itself comprise more than "one edge" of the workpiece.


40+,for the combination of blanking and cutting steps.
49,for process of progressive slotting which comprises a series of blanking operations.
50,for process of repetitive blanking.


428Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles,   subclasses 577+ for metallic blanks not elsewhere provided for.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 56]    56Cut advances across work surface:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 13.  Process which includes a step of making a continuous cut which extends through the work thickness wise and which proceeds in a direction toward or from one edge of the work, which may be a leading or trailing edge.
(1) Note. Included are processes of "drawcutting" and "slitting".


44+,for process of progressively cutting longitudinally of the work combined with transverse severing from the leading edge of the work.
49,for process of making a progressive cut by a plurality of cutting steps.
52,for process of progressive cutting effected in increments during a single cutting step.
341+,for progressive transverse "flying" cutter.
425+,for means to move work past a fixed-type slitting cutter.
483+,for means to carry a rotatable disc-type tool across work.
611,for a progressively cutting oscillating cutter.
614,and 636, for a progressively cutting reciprocating cutter.
642+,for "draw-cut" mechanism.
689,for a progressively cutting punch.


225Severing by Tearing or Breaking,   subclass 3 for process of breaking or tearing longitudinally of the direction of work-feed.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 57]    57WITH MANUALLY ACTUATED MEANS TO DISTURB CYCLIC OPERATION:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Device which comprises means, actuatable by force applied by and at the will of an operative, to override the normal cyclic functioning of a part(s) of the device, which part(s) returns to normal functioning when the application of the intervening force ceases.
(1) Note. The disturbance referred to is temporary and exists only during the application of force by an operative. (Example: A machine, set to cut products of a given size, is controlled by a pushbutton to cut small pieces for sampling purposes).
(2) Note. The disturbance herein contemplated does not embrace stopping. For disclosures, of noncyclic stopping means, see subclasses 58+; and, for cyclic stopping means, see other appropriate subclasses whose titles include the work "stopping" or equivalent term (e.g., subclasses 202+).
(3) Note. Adjustment of a device establishes a new condition which persists indefinitely, and is thus distinguishable from a "disturbance" which permits the disturbed part to return to the previous condition upon withdrawal of the intervening force.


68,for manually caused stopping of a machine or a part thereof.
232+,for tool actuating means adapted to be struck by a mechanical part, which means might be urged manually to cause tool operation at will.
252,for supplemental manual work-feed means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 58]    58WITH RANDOMLY ACTUATED STOPPING MEANS:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Device provided with means capable of bringing any or all of the moving parts of the device to a halt, such means acting to accomplish its halting effect in response to a signal or impulse which cannot be predicted to occur during any particular one of a number of recurring cycles of operation (either of the machine as a whole, of the tool, or of any part of the machine which has a cyclic law of operation).
(1) Note. Such means may comprise, for example, a device effective to disrupt the flow of power to a part or all of the machine, as by effecting the disconnection of the parts of a clutch.
(2) Note. It is not a bar to original placement of a patent in this subclass, that the claimed power train disrupting, braking or other "stopping" means may be activated at a time when the part to be halted is, purely adventitiously, at a standstill due to its normal cyclic operation.
(3) Note. If, however, the normal and intended operation of power disrupting, friction gripping, or other motion preventing means, is to forestall the impending start of movement or activation of a part of the device, then the motion preventing means is regarded as an interlock and its claimed combination with an instrumentality of a cutting machine is found in subclasses 399+, below.
(4) Note. If the normal and intended operation of power disrupting means is to forestall or prevent future movement of a tool or tool support by disrupting its power-transmitting connection to an uninterruptedly moving tool-actuating mechanism, the claimed combination of the power-disrupting means with the tool support and tool actuating mechanism is found in subclasses 572+, indented under subclass 571 in this schedule.


57,for manually caused disturbance (i.e., temporary change) of cyclic operation.
69,for stopping means effective on completion of a predetermined number of cutting cycles.
70,for delayed stopping after cessation of cyclic operation.
571+,for devices which disables a tool without bringing to a halt any moving part other than the tool or its support; see (4) Note above.


72Metal Deforming,   subclasses 1+ , for a stopping feature in a metal-deforming machine.
100Presses,   subclasses 341 through 352for a press having a safety control.
192Clutches and Power-Stop Control,   appropriate subclasses, for stopping means in general; and subclass 134 for a device applicable to a punch press which is peculiarly designed to stop machine operation in response to detection of the unauthorized presence of a part of an operative"s body.
234Selective Cutting (e.g., Punching),   subclasses 30+ for a selective cutting device provided with randomly actuated stopping means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 59]    59With means to permit subsequent hand operation:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 58.  Device provided with means which may be actuated manually to thereby cause at least a portion of the device to go through its normal cyclic motions after the stopping has been effectuated.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 60]    60With stop-signal-responsive means to actuate auxiliary cutter:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 58.  Device provided with means whereby the signal or impulse also brings into action means to bring the work into cutting engagement with another cutter or to cause such other cutter to engage and cut the work.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 61]    61With sensing of product or product handling means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 58.  Device wherein the signal or impulse is generated by a detector* for either (a) a product of the cutting operation, or (b) means to accomplish direct, or otherwise affect movement of such product.


73,for means to otherwise control a machine by monitoring a product.
78+,for a product handling feature in a cutting machine environment.
358+,for the control of an operation by means responsive to product.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   appropriate subclasses for different types of conveyors or systems of plural conveyors having operation control means responsive to a condition of a conveyor or to a condition of the conveyed load.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 62]    62Responsive to tool detector or work-feed-means detector:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 58.  Device in which the signal or impulse is generated by a detector* which directly or indirectly senses a condition or location of the tool or of the work-moving means.
(1) Note. The direct contact of the detector with the tool or work-moving means may be that which occurs in the normal, uninterrupted operation of the device, in which case the signal for stopping is generated by failure of the detector to make such direct contact.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 62.1]    62.1Responsive to tool characteristic:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 62.  Device in which the detector* senses a condition or a location of the tool*.
(1) Note. Included in this subclass are broken tool alarms and safety devices.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 63]    63Responsive to work sensing means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 58.  Device in which the signal or impulse is generated by a detector* for the work.


80,for product handling means initiated by means responsive to work.
209+,211+, 286+, for operation controlled by means responsive to work in cyclically operated cutting machines.
360+,for operation controlled by means responsive to work, in cutting machines in general.


226Advancing Material of Indeterminate Length,   subclass 43 for material responsive control means for stopping the operation of feeding means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 64]    64Of buckled work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 63.  Device in which the detector contacts a portion of the work moving in a bent or arcuate path.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 65]    65Running loop:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 64.  Device in which a portion of the work normally moves in a predetermined bent or arcuate path, or in any one of a number of possible bent or arcuate paths in a zone whose limits are defined by two such paths, and the signal is generated upon departure of the work from the predetermined path or zone.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 66]    66Detector supported on or urged against work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 63.  Device in which the detector is under the influence of gravity or any other force which tends to keep it constantly in contact with the work.


64+,for a device in which the detector is supported on or urged into contact with buckled work.
360+,for specific types of work responsive means; and see the Notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 67]    67Resiliently biased:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 66.  Device in which the detector is elastically urged into contact with the work.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 68]    68Manually operated:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 58.  Device wherein the impulse or signal which brings about or initiates the stoppage is entirely a product of the will of an operative.
(1) Note. This subclass excludes means for halting a machine part solely by the application of braking force, or the interposition of blocking means, in a yieldable drive train. Examples of such excluded subject matter may be found in the patents of subclass 593.


57,for manually actuated device which disturbs cyclic operation, rather than starts of stop a cyclic cutting operation.
571,for disconnecting means between tool and tool actuator, as for changing a machine set-up, and subclasses 572+, indented thereunder, for means capable of connecting or disconnecting a tool, or tool and its support, to or from an actuating element while the latter is in motion (i.e., "gag" or "gag block"), and see (4) Note under subclass 58, above.
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Device including means to bring one or more parts to a halt after a tool has carried out a fixed (but not necessarily unalterable) plurality of tool cycles*.
(1) Note. Where the part stopped is a cutter, the tool cycle of reference is the cycle of such cutter itself, not that of another cutter operating on a different cycle.


61,for a device which includes means for stopping upon completion of formation of a stack of products of predetermined size.
203+,for a cutting machine in which the operative relationship between the work-feed means and tool actuating means thereof is interrupted, once for every cutting cycle, by the stoppage of a part or parts, so that the intervention of human will is necessary to restore such interrelationship and bring about another cutting cycle.
524+,for unicyclic cutting machines (other than subclass-203 type).


234Selective Cutting (e.g., Punching),   subclass 21 for means to stop a selective cutting machine after a given number of operations.
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Device which includes means effective to bring a part or all of the device to a halt upon the lapse of a certain limited period of time subsequent to the termination of feeding and cutting operations.
(1) Note. Examples are the tape "run-out" devices on message-handling tape punches.


234Selective Cutting (e.g., Punching),   subclasses 59+ for a pattern-controlled selective cutting machine.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 72]    72WITH MEANS TO MONITOR AND CONTROL OPERATION (E.G., SELF-REGULATING MEANS):
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Apparatus, each of whose parts has a desired operating condition according to a law of operation; such apparatus being provided with a detector for sensing a deviation of a part(s) (or all of the apparatus) from its or their desired operating condition; and including means to modify - in response to a signal or impulse transmitted by said detector - (a) the cyclical operation of such part(s) (or the entire apparatus) to correct the deviated operating condition; and/or, (b) the normal cyclical operation of another part(s) to compensate for the deviated condition; whereby, in either event, the maintenance of a normal cyclical desired operating condition of the apparatus as a whole is achieved.
(1) Note. The sensing or detecting may be direct; i.e., by determining the operation of a component of the device (as, for example, in U.S. Patent No. 2,175,828, wherein a driven feed roller is coupled to a roller-speed detector); or may be indirect, i.e., by determining the result of the operation of a component of the device (as, for example, in U.S. Patent No. 1,961,538, wherein work is moved by feed rollers, indicia on the work are scanned stroboscopically to detect any variations in work speed imparted by the feed rollers, and such speed variations are eliminated by correcting the feed roller speed).
(2) Note. Merely stopping or starting a cyclic component of the device to effect the functioning thereof is not considered to be modifying the operation of a component. However, a regulating means, which accomplishes such modification of a cyclic operation, may itself be started or stopped (to effect the cyclic operation), in response to the detection of a deviation in the desired condition. (See, for example, U.S. Patent No. 2,023,243, wherein the leading edge of the work initiates the actuation of a regulating means, which means compares the position and speed of the entering work relative to the angular position and speed of a flying cutter and modifies the angular position of the cutter to compensate for the entrance timing of the work).
(3) Note. The imposition of a change upon a component by an operator (e.g., physical relocation of a component) is not considered a deviation within the meaning of the definition above. Thus, patents claiming means for detecting operator-imposed changes, and means to vary the operation of the device in response to detection of such changes, will be found in other subclasses; e.g., subclasses 399+, below.
(4) Note. Detection of an irregularity in the work, which irregularity is not the result of a deviation in the desired operation, but is a part of the work, is not considered a deviation detection within the meaning of the definition above. Thus, devices claiming means to detect such irregularities and means to vary the operation of a cutting device in response to the detecting means, will be found in other subclasses; e.g., subclasses 360+, below.
(5) Note. For Search Note relating to other Control Functions, see the Notes in subclass 399, below.


226Advancing Material of Indeterminate Length,   subclasses 10+ for means to sense material and control the operation of material feeding means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 73]    73Including means to monitor product:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 72.  Device in which a deviation in the operating condition of the device is indicated indirectly by the means to detect or sense the product.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 74]    74Including means to correct the sensed operation:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 72.  Device in which the means to vary the cyclic operation effects a revision in the operating condition of the component whose deviation is detected or sensed.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 75]    75And modify another operation:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 74.  Device in which the means to vary the cyclic operation also effects a revision in the operating condition of a component different from the component whose deviation is detected or sensed.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 75.5]    75.5Optimizing product from unique workpiece:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 74.  Device including means to compare the work, the desired product and the stored data to better utilize that particular piece of work to produce more or better product.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 76]    76Including means to compensate tool speed for work-feed variations:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 72.  Device in which the detecting means senses the speed or position of the work and in which the means to vary the cyclic operation effects a revision in the speed of a cutting tool in response to the detected speed or position of the work.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   appropriate subclasses for different types of conveyors or systems of plural conveyors having operation control means responsive to a condition of a conveyor or to a condition of the conveyed load.
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Device provided with memory means, i.e., a member in which digital or analog data can be impressed for subsequent recall, and including means to detect the data on the memory means and accordingly regulate the operation of the device.
(1) Note. The "memory" means of this subclass may comprise permanently installed structure of the device or it may comprise a removable tape or card.
(2) Note. A templet, per se, is not considered to be a replaceable information supply; however, a device including a templet from which information is retrieved and stored in the device is included in this subclass.


399,for a cutting machine with a portion thereof controlled by a remote member and see the Search Notes thereunder for a comprehensive listing of subclasses in this class including "control" features.
565,for a cutting machine of this class type including means to drive or guide the tool with a templet surface following tool.


72Metal Deforming,   subclass 7 for analogous "pattern" sensing means which controls a metal deforming device.
234Selective Cutting (e.g., Punching),   subclasses 59+ for a pattern controlled selective cutting machine.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 76.2]    76.2For cutting component of animal; e.g., hair clipper:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 76.1.  Device particularly adapted to severing a portion of an animal, either living or dead.
(1) Note. Included herein is a hair clipping (or wool shearing) machine on which an animal is placed, having a control means responsive to replaceable or selectable information program which guides the cutter.


13+,for the method of cutting hair, or for the method of shearing a sheep.


30Cutlery,   subclasses 196+ for randomly manipulated hair clippers, generally.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 76.3]    76.3Removable element carries program:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 76.1.  Device wherein the member on which the replaceable data is impressed is physically detachable from the device.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 76.4]    76.4Indeterminate length, web or strand:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 76.3.  Device wherein the removable member on which replaceable data is stored is generally elongated and wherein the device either engages no end of the removable member or engages only the leading or trailing end thereof.
(1) Note. The replaceable member may be endless, or it may be wound on a spool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 76.5]    76.5Magnetic:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 76.4.  Device wherein the magnetic characteristics of the removable member are utilized in storing data thereon.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 76.6]    76.6Arithmetically determined program:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 76.1.  Device wherein the memory means can be impressed for subsequent recall only by digital data.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 76.7]    76.7With condition sensor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 76.6.  Device including means to detect a characteristic other than that of the "memory".
(1) Note. The condition sensor of this subclass may respond to work, product, a component of the device, or to the environment.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 76.8]    76.8Responsive to work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 76.7.  Device including means to detect the material to be cut before the cutting action takes place.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 76.9]    76.9With operator input means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 76.6.  Device also having means to alter the operation thereof (without changing the program) at the control of the person operating the device.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 77]    77WITH MEANS TO WEIGH PRODUCT:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Device having means to determine the weight of a piece or portion of the cut product.


177Weighing Scales,   appropriate subclasses for the combination of a cutting machine and a weighing scale which received material cut or to be cut by the cutting machine, characterized by means for actuating, or modifying the operation of, the cutting machine in response to determination of the weight of material accumulated on the weighing scale; and subclasses 60+ for weigh chamber responsive material control.
198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 504+ for a conveyor having load weighing means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 78]    78WITH PRODUCT HANDLING MEANS:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Apparatus including means to move, guide, or otherwise affect the motion of, the product of a cutting operation - other than by the mere provision of a receptacle or support into or onto which product may descend at random (i.e., without necessarily assuming any regular arrangement).
(1) Note. A cutting machine including such receptacle or support for receiving product in random arrangement constitutes subject matter of subclass 167, below.
(2) Note. The handling given recognition by this and indented subclasses is additional to that which inherently is accomplished by the tool(s) in the cutting operation. A tool, qua tool, is therefore not to be considered a product handling means. But a specific element fixed to, or a portion integral with, a tool will be recognized as a product handling means if there is a clear teaching, in the disclosure of the device, that the element or portion performs a product handling function.
(3) Note. Inasmuch as many work moving means of the cutting arts also function to carry away the product of the cutting operation, a patent whose only claimed means capable of product handling is a device for moving, guiding, supporting, or stopping motion of, work will not be placed originally in this subclass unless such work handling device is claimed in terms of its specific product handling function. (Of course, a patent claiming work handling means in combination with additional means to give the work handling means a product handling effect - such as means to tilt a work table to effect product sliding - will be placed originally in this or an indented subclass).
(4) Note. For the purpose of original placement in this classification, a means to handle the product of one of a claimed series of tool stations, while proceeding from such one station to a succeeding station, will be considered a work handling means for the succeeding station rather than a product handling means for the earlier station. (Disclosures of such means may be placed as cross-reference copies in this or indented subclasses, where deemed pertinent).


23+,for method of cutting and subsequently handling the product.
77,for a device under the class definition combined with means to weigh the cut product.
167,for a device under the class definition combined with a receptacle or support for the cut product; and see (1) Note, above.
404+,for a device including means to move work between successive tool stations.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclass 339.1 for a conveyor arranged to facilitate working on the conveyed load at a work station, and subclasses 373+ for a conveyor having means for changing the attitude of the conveyed load relative to the conveying direction.
242Winding, Tensioning, or Guiding,   subclasses 487.1+ and particularly subclasses 522+ and 911 for cutting a product which is subsequently wound classified along this line: Patents which claim a device for cutting material and for winding are placed in Class 242 whereas patents which claim a device for cutting material supplied from a wound source, or in which disclosed structure for winding a cut product is not significantly claimed are placed in Class 83 or related Class 225 (Severing by Tearing or Breaking).
271Sheet Feeding or Delivering,   subclasses 278+ for a device for removing individual sheets to some determined position (where no means to treat the sheet is claimed specifically).
414Material or Article Handling,   appropriate subclasses, for an instrument or mechanism for placing or displacing articles in a particular manner, as in stacks or piles; also for a carrier or forwarding mechanism of general type combined with special means for placing the load on the carrier or removing it therefrom (where no means to treat the material is claimed specifically).
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 79]    79Initiated by means responsive to product or work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 78.  Device including a detector* for sensing product or work, a transmitter*, and means to effect or initiate product handling or delivery as a direct or indirect result of the receipt by said means of a detected and transmitted signal or impulse.
(1) Note. As between Classes 83 and 209, patents claiming significant assorting of the work for, or the product of, a disclosed cutting device will be placed as an original copy in Class 209 unless the cutting device also is claimed significantly, in which latter case the original copy will be placed in this class (class 83).
(2) Note. Included in this subclass are patents disclosing the sensing of product and the initiation of product handling responsive thereto, whereas subclass 80 (indented hereunder) is the repository for patents disclosing product handling responsive to work sensing.


360+,for means to initiate an operation, other than product handling, controlled by product sensing or work-sensing means.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   appropriate subclasses for different types of conveyors or systems of plural conveyors having operation control means responsive to a condition of a conveyor or to a condition of the conveyed load.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 80]    80Responsive to work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 79.  Device in which the detector senses work.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 81]    81Initiated by means directly responsive to tool movement:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 78.  Device including a detector* for sensing the presence of a moving tool, or of an element partaking of all tool motions, at a predetermined point in the path of motion of said tool or element; and including a transmitter* and means to effect or initiate product handling or delivery as a direct or indirect result of the receipt by said means of a detected and transmitted signal or impulse.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 82]    82In return motion of tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 81.  Device in which the detector acts to sense the retraction of the tool from the work.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 83]    83Including means to drape the product:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 78.  Device which comprises, as part at least of the product handling means, or is additionally provided with, means adapted to receive and support the cut product with the ends of the product depending downwardly on opposite sides of the support means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 84]    84Including means to form or hold pile of product pieces:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 78.  Device which includes structure for placing or retaining product pieces in some regular order relative to, and in contact with, one another.
(1) Note. Included in this group of subclasses are patents which disclose that elongated product pieces are arranged in substantial parallelism or that flat product pieces are arranged sequentially in face-to-face contact.
(2) Note. As indicated by the subclass definition, a patent claiming a receptacle or support which is disclosed as serving to receive and retain the product pieces in an orderly arrangement will be included in this group of subclasses. However, where there is no teaching that the product pieces are placed or held in the receptacle or on the support in some regular order the patent will be placed in subclass 167, below.


414Material or Article Handling,   subclasses 6+ for a device adapted to arrange articles in special relation to each other in a pile or stack.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 85]    85In nested relation:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 84.  Device which has means to place together, or retain, a plurality of similar nonplanar cut pieces in sequential interfitting order, with at least a portion of one piece located within, and in contact with, a mating hollow portion of the next adjacent piece.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 86]    86In stacked or packed relation:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 84.  Device which has means to place together, or to receive and retain, a multiplicity of substantially planar-faced cut pieces in sequential face-contacting relation, supported one on another or edgewise on a common base.
(1) Note. A stack or pack is formed by superposition or juxtaposition of the pieces thicknesswise. Herein, and in the indented subclasses, the term "stack" will be used to designate the concepts generally included in both the terms "stack" and "pack".
(2) Note. Such stack need not be static but may be in motion, such as one which is continually diminished at one end and replenished at the other end.
(3) Note. A patent disclosing a device which includes a mere product-conforming cavity in a hollow tool or in the tool and its support, though it inherently holds the pieces in stack formation, is not included in this group of subclasses (86+) but is placed on the basis of other features. However, a stack holding means which communicates with such tool or its support, or which is incorporated as an added element within the tool or its support, its proper subject matter for this group.


164,for a hollow tool having a product diverting conduit within it or extending therefrom which does not include a stack holding means within the definition of subclass 86.


271Sheet Feeding or Delivering,   subclasses 207+ for a sheet delivery device having means for receiving and retaining the sheets in stacked or packed relation.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 87]    87Stacker sweeps along product support:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 86.  Device including means to support product pieces, individually or in stacks, in spaced relationship in substantially parallel planes so that an edge of one such piece or stack is above the adjacent edge of the next or adjacent piece or stack, and including stacking means which moves along the support means for engaging the pieces or stacks sequentially and moving them into superposed stacked relation with each other.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 88]    88Including cut pieces overlapped on delivery means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 86.  Device including means to arrange a series of cut pieces on a product-moving support so that each piece of the series rests partly in contact with the support and partly on an adjacent piece.
(1) Note. Included in this subclass are patents disclosing apparatus as above defined and further including means to place additional cut pieces on the overlapped series.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 89]    89And means to separate product portions:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 86.  Device including means to move one or more product pieces from a stack, or to cause product pieces to proceed, or be directed to, a stack, and other product pieces to proceed or be guided in another direction (as, for instance, but not necessarily, to another stack).


102+,for a device under the class definition which includes means to divert one portion of product from another, but without means to stack the product pieces.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 90]    90Including means to move stack bodily:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 86.  Device which is effective in itself to move, or is provided with additional means for moving, a formed stack of product pieces as a unit.


89,for a device including means to move a portion of a stack of product pieces from the stack.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 91]    91By movement of stack holder:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 90.  Device in which the bodily movement of the stack is accomplished by moving the support on which the pieces are received to form the stack.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 92]    92By timed relocation of holder along path of stack growth:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 91.  Device in which means is provided to move the support progressively broadside away from the source of product pieces as product pieces are added to the stack.
(1) Note. A typical device of this kind operates to keep the product receiving end of the stack at all times in the same position with respect to the source of pieces for the stack.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 92.1]    92.1Interrelated adjustment of holder movement and work-feeder:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 92.  Device including means to vary the progressive broadside movement of the product, which means is operatively linked to the mechanism which adjusts the extent that a work-feeding device moves between each cutting cycle.
(1) Note. Included in this subclass are devices having means to vary the thickness of product pieces being cut, which means effects the adjustment of the movement of the product holder to compensate for such variance in thickness.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 93]    93And means to resist stack movement:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 86.  Device which includes means to oppose broadside movement of the stick away from the source of product pieces as product pieces are added to the stack.
(1) Note. Devices including a receptacle telescoped over a stack holder or guide in which the receptacle is moved by the growing stack are typical of the art of this subclass.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 94]    94Including means to deliver individual pieces to a stack holder:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 86.  Device including means to move or guide cut product pieces singly to a means for supporting a plurality of the pieces in stacked relation.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 95]    95With spindle to enter a hole or to make hole in product:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 94.  Device in which the stack holder is provided with a rod-like projection which is introduced into an aperture in each product piece so as to hold the pieces in stacked relation, the aperture being either preformed or formed by the projection upon placement of the piece thereon.


402Binder Device Releasably Engaging Aperture or Notch of Sheet,   subclass 1 , for a sheet binder device of that class which includes in combination, an impaling type sheet retainer and a discrete sheet aperture forming device, which device perforates a sheet prior to placing the same on the retainer; subclass 7 for such device including an impaling type sheet retainer which penetrates and inserts a pliant strand through a sheet surface, and subclass 25, for a sheet binder device including an impaling type sheet retainer including means to force a sheet upon the sheet retainer.
414Material or Article Handling,   subclasses 1+ for a device having a projection engaged in the apertures of a series of articles for holding the articles in stacked relation.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 96]    96By face-engaging means to push product broadside into stacked relation:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 94.  Device which functions to engage a piece of cut work on its surface of greatest area and move it in a direction perpendicular to that surface into face-contacting relation with a previously cut piece.


97+,for means to hold a stack of product pieces which may be discharged broadside from within a hollow cutter but not by means to deliver individual pieces.


271Sheet Feeding or Delivering,   subclass 83 for oscillatory fly means to deliver a sheet to a stack.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 97]    97Upon emergence from hollow cutter:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 86.  Device in which the stack is formed by means which receives pieces, formed by a tool having a cavity or aperture and a continuous cutting edge bounding the open end of said cavity or aperture, after the pieces have left the confines of the tool.
(1) Note. The stack former may be claimed in some general term such as "a chute"; but if, as disclosed, it actually forms a stack, a patent therefor is placed here regardless of the breadth commonly assigned to the name applied to such stack former.
(2) Note. For the distinction between this subclass and subclass 164, below, see (3) Note under the definition of subclass 86 above.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 98]    98By fluid current:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 78.  Device which effects movement of product directly by means of one or more jets or streams of liquid or gaseous material.
(1) Note. The pressure of the fluid current may be superatmospheric or subatmospheric.
(2) Note. Fluid pressure means (blast or vacuum) which function merely to push or pull product into contact with a mechanical product-moving or product-braking means do not constitute subject matter for this subclass. Original patents claiming such fluid blast devices will be placed in the subclass based on the nature either of the mechanical product-moving means or the mechanical product-braking means.
(3) Note. The Notes under the definition of subclass 402, below, include a comprehensive listing of subclasses in this class and in other classes which deal with material handling by fluid current.


152,for a product-moving means with suction means for pressing product to the moving means.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 428 , 438, and 493 for a power-driven conveyor combined with means for impinging fluid on the conveyed load.
226Advancing Material of Indeterminate Length,   subclasses 97.1+ for means to advance material by fluid current.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 99]    99Plural blasts directed against plural product pieces:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 98.  Device comprising a number of fluid jets each of which impinges upon a separate, independent, unitary part of the product resulting from the completion of one cutting cycle.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 100]    100By suction means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 98.  Device including means to produce a zone of subatmospheric pressure so related spatially to the cutting zone or product path that the product will move under the influence of atmospheric pressure toward or through said zone of subatmospheric pressure.
(1) Note. See (2) Note and the search subclass note under the definition of subclass 98 above.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 101]    101By brush means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 78.  Device in which movement of the product is effected by frictional engagement with bristles mounted on a backing having relative motion with respect to the product.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 102]    102Including means to divert one portion of product from another:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 78.  Device including means for accomplishing one of the following functions:
  • causing contiguous (either touching or adjacent) products which have been traveling along parallel paths to now travel in diverging directions; or preventing their paths from merging or overlapping;
  • (b) causing, or permitting, product pieces which have been proceeding seriatim along a common path to now follow respective discrete and individual paths;
  • (c) causing, or permitting, one or more product pieces to follow a path away from the zone of separation while restraining one or more pieces from proceeding away from the zone of separation (i.e., holding one piece back while another moves away);
  • (d) dividing a moving group of products into smaller groups (or units) traveling in the same direction of general path as that before division; or
  • (e) positively moving products from the zone of separation in different directions.
(1) Note. Such separation must be additional to that inherently accomplished by the tool(s) in the act of cutting.
(2) Note. The removal (or facilitation of removal) of one product portion from the as-cut position, while leaving the portion from which it has been cut in the cutting zone to serve as work for a succeeding cut by the same tool, is not considered to be separation.
(3) Note. The separation signalized by this subclass is distinct from that brought about by means for moving a product from contacting engagement with a tool (such as stripping or ejecting means). So, the movement of product out of contact with a tool, even though it may involve a motion away from another product portion, is not considered a separation for the purpose of patent placement in this and indented subclasses.
(4) Note. On the other hand, a product portion which has been subjected to the action of a stripper- or ejector-type means (as defined in subclass 111) is not considered (for the purpose of this classification) to be closely adjacent to other product portions from which the stripper or ejector has moved it apart, so that a further movement of the portions in different directions will not be deemed to be a separation. (A positive teaching that a stripper or ejector places a product portion in actual contact with another portion, however, will not be ignored). For patents claiming means to strip or eject a product portion and thereafter convey it away, see subclass 112.
(5) Note. The combination with cutting, of separation accomplished in response to a sensing of a physical characteristic of the pieces to be separated (such as quality separation), is provided for in subclass 79.
(6) Note. Merely allowing pieces to fall freely from a common height or place of departure is not considered to permit them to travel in substantially different directions. But diverting guides which cause certain of the so dropped pieces to travel in one path and others to follow a different path constitute separating means.
(7) Note. Since this subclass is specific to that of produce, (i.e., cut work) handling, which requires the operation of motion-affecting means additional to the work-feeding means, at least one of the separated product portions must be directed to its destination by means other than the work moving means.
(8) Note. Although separation inherent in a cutting operation (e.g., the removal of certain product pieces through a hollow cutter) is not sufficient to place here a patent disclosing such, a patent directed to product separating means carried by a cutter is proper for this and indented subclasses.


27,for a method of cutting including a step of product separation.
79+,for means to separate product portions responsive to detection of a product characteristic; and see (5) Note above.
89,for a cutter combined with means to divide a stack of pieces resulting from the cutting operation.
98+,for product separating means employing a fluid current.
101,for product separating means including a product-engaging brush.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 348+ for a system of plural conveyors having selectable plural sources or destinations for the conveyed load, subclasses 418+ for a system of plural conveyors having means for establishing and moving a group of items, and subclasses 434+ for a system of plural conveyors having means for arranging or rearranging a stream, or streams, of items.
209Classifying, Separating, and Assorting Solids,   appropriate subclasses, for a product separating means, per se; and see (1) Note to subclass 79 above.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 102.1]    102.1By kerf entering guide:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 102.  Device in which a kerf* entering means engages the contiguous sides of the work to prevent their paths from merging or overlapping.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 103]    103Remaining or re-inserted product portion from base material:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 102.  Device wherein means are provided to dislodge a severed product from the surrounding material from which it has been cut but with which it is still in contact; or to dislodge from such material a severed product which has been cut, removed, and reinserted into its original position.


108,for means to reinsert product in base material after severance therefrom.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 104]    104Gravity type:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 102.  Device in which means are provided to permit the earth"s gravitational field to act selectively on a plurality of product portions; with the result that one portion or piece will move along a path have a downward component, under the gravitational impetus, while another portion or piece will move along some other path or will be restrained from moving away from the zone of separation.


157,for means for tilting or withdrawing a product support so that the product is left without support against gravity, such means not having a product separating function.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 311 , 359+, and 523+ for a power-driven conveyor combined with a gravity conveyor.
209Classifying, Separating, and Assorting Solids,   appropriate subclasses, for a gravity type separator, per se.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 105]    105Deflecting guide:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 102.  Device provided with passive means for guiding a product into a path diverging from that followed by another product.
(1) Note. The deflecting guide of this subclass is effective to direct a moving product portion into a desired path, not to hold it from further movement. Stationary means (catchers) which prevent a product portion from moving, while another portion continues in motion, will be found in subclass 102 and in subclass 104 indented thereunder.
(2) Note. The divergence effected by a guide of this type may be either simultaneous with the passage of another product portion through the zone of separation or may be temporarily spaced therefrom. That is, the guide may operate on one or more product portions traveling along parallel paths or moving seriatim along the same path.


102,for means to hold back one product portion positively while another portion proceeds to travel past the area of such holding back, and indented subclass 104 for such means wherein the product portion not held back escapes from the zone of separation under the impetus of gravity; and see (1) Note, above.
373,for a work guide whose positioning movement is synchronized with tool actuation.
438+,for a guide for directing the travel of moving work, rather than product.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 351+ , 367, 442, 525+, 599, and 633+ for passive means for guiding a load from one conveying path to another conveying path diverging therefrom.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 106]    106Positionable gate in product flow path:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 105.  Device, provided with passive means for guiding a product portion into any one of a number of different paths, which means may be reoriented (either at will or cyclically) with respect to oncoming product so as to effect such selective guidance.


104,for a gravity type product separator, including a tiltable or with drawable product support which functions to separate product portions.
157,for a product deflecting means in the form of a tiltable or with drawable support for the product, which means does not have a separating function.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 107]    107Diverging product movers:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 102.  Device which includes plural dynamic product moving means which function to effect separation by directly and positively moving one product from the zone of separation in a direction or path different from that in which another product is directly and positively moved.
(1) Note. One of the product moving means may be a work moving means, which may be claimed as such.
(2) Note. Means which move a product portion out of contact with a tool (e.g., stripper or ejector) are not considered product moving means for the purpose of this subclass, in accordance with (3) Note to subclass 102.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 370.07 through 370.09,370.1, 370.11 through 370.13, 426+, 432, 433, 434+, 597+, and 601 for power-driven conveyor means for moving a load from one conveying path to another conveying path diverging therefrom.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 108]    108Including means to replace product in base material after cutting:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 78.  Device wherein means is provided to re-engage the product piece with the surrounding material, from which it was severed, by inserting the piece into the aperture formed when the piece was produced.


25,for a corresponding method.
103,for means to remove such reinserted piece from the base material.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 109]    109Means to move, guide, or permit free fall or flight of product:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 78.  Device having active means to propel the product or passive means in the form of a guide* to define, limit or change (without terminating) the path of moving product; or means which allows or facilitates motion of unsupported product; or means, other than the cutter or work-feed means, to cause relative motion between the product and a member of the cutting pair.
(1) Note. A mere support for product is not a guide.


78,for a brake or abutment stop for product.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   appropriate subclasses for a power-driven conveyor or for such a conveyor combined with a gravity conveyor.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 110]    110Means to move product at speed different from work speed:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 109.  Device including means to move the product away from the cutting zone at a speed which is greater or less than the speed of the work as it moves toward the cutting zone.
(1) Note. For a device which includes a brake or abutment for stopping the product completely, see subclass 78, above.


78+,and see (1) Note above.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 460.1+ and 579 for a conveyor feeding the conveyed load to another conveyor having a greater conveying speed.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 111]    111Means to move product out of contact with tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 109.  Device, provided with means for causing or assuring relative motion between a product piece or portion and a cutter which has produced for penetrated it so as to remove from contact with such cutter a product piece or portion which tends to cling thereto.
(1) Note. A device of this type may be termed a "stripper" or "ejector".


72Metal Deforming,   subclasses 257 , 328, 344+, and 427 for a press-type metal deforming device including a means to eject or strip a product from a forming die.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 112]    112With means to effect subsequent conveying or guiding:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 111.  Device in which the means for removing the product from the cutter delivers the product to means for thereafter transporting such product away from the first product moving means, or to means for supporting the cut product as it continues to move under the influence of gravity.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 113]    113Out of contact with a rotary tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 111.  Device which cooperates with a tool having a cutting edge located on the outer or arcuate periphery of a circular disc or cylinder turning unidirectionally about an internal axis.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 114]    114Mover surrounds axis of tool rotation:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 113.  Device which encompasses a substantial portion of the rotary tool axis and periphery.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 115]    115Mover mounted on rotary tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 113.  Device in which the relative-motion-producing means is physically attached to, or otherwise supported by, the stripped tool or cooperating revolving tool.


136+,for a stripper mounted on a moving tool (other than rotary) or tool support; and see the Notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 116]    116For radial movement of product:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 115.  Device which is effective to produce the relative motion in a radial direction, from or towards the axis of rotation of the rotating tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 117]    117Resiliently mounted:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 116.  Device including elastic or springlike means deformable to urge or move the relative-motion-producing means from one position to another.
(1) Note. Springlike means may function to move a "stripper" or "ejector" to its normal position after movement to its operative position by a cam means, etc.
(2) Note. A typical device of this type is a coil spring, which may directly contact the product or urge another device which directly contacts the product.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 118]    118Mover is resiliently mounted:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 113.  Device including elastic or springlike means deformable to urge or move the relative-motion-producing means from one position to another.
(1) Note. The springlike means may be integral with the stripping or ejecting means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 119]    119Pivoted mover:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 113.  Device including relative-motion-producing means which is mounted to permit limited oscillatory movement thereof about an axis while it is exerting force on the product.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 120]    120And plural rotating tools:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 119.  Device including means which functions to move product relative to at least one of two cooperating tools which revolve about spaced parallel axes.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 121]    121Stationary mover:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 113.  Device including a relative-motion-producing means located in a fixed position relative to immovable parts of the machine.


145,and 146, for a stationary stripper in combination with an oscillating or reciprocating tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 122]    122And plural rotating tools:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 121.  Device including means which functions to move product relative to at least one of two cooperating tools which revolve about spaced parallel axes.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 123]    123By ejector within a hollow cutter:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 111.  Device wherein the product lies within, and in contact with the walls of, a cavity in a tool which has produced it, said tool having a continuous cutting edge bounding said cavity, and in which the relative-motion-producing means removes the product from the cavity.


97+,for means to form a pack or stack of cut pieces delivered from a hollow cutter.
98+,for means to accomplish ejection from a hollow cutter by fluid blast or suction.
116+,for a device of this type mounted on a rotary tool support.


72Metal Deforming,   subclasses 344+ for means to eject a formed article from a female die.
408Cutting by Use of Rotating Axially Moving Tool,   subclass 68 , for a hollow drill combined with means to eject the product therefrom.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 124]    124And means to strip the outer surface of a cutter:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 123.  Device wherein means is also provided to remove product from the outer surface of either the hollow tool, a cooperating tool, or a tool mounted on the hollow tool support.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 125]    125Ejector operated with return stroke of cutter:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 123.  Device wherein the actuation of the product-moving means is synchronized with movement of the hollow tool in its retraction from the work and cooperating cutter after said tool has made its cut.


82,for product-moving means initiated by means directly responsive to return movement of the tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 126]    126By means carried by cooperating cutter:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 123.  Device wherein the product-moving means is carried by the other tool which coacts with the hollow tool to form a tool pair*.


136+,and see the Notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 127]    127By cam-operated ejector:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 123.  Device wherein the ejector slides back and forth within the tool cavity under the influence of a smooth surface, irregularly shaped member rotatable or slidable operating against the ejector or against a motion-transmitting means between said member and the ejector.


115+,for a device of this type wherein the hollow cutter is mounted on the periphery of a rotary member.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 128]    128By resiliently biased ejector:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 123.  Device wherein the ejector slides back and forth within the tool cavity and includes, or is provided with, compressible or extensible elastic means for urging it in one of said directions when compressed or extended.


115+,for a device of this type wherein the hollow cutter is mounted on the periphery of a rotary member.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 129]    129Moving stripper timed with tool stroke:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 111.  Means including an instrumentality for moving the means (a stripper) which causes relative motion between the cutter and product, such instrumentality moving stripper in a definite temporal relationship with respect to the cutter"s movement into and out of cutting engagement with the work.
(1) Note. This and indented subclasses do not include patents for strippers or ejectors operating upon the product of circumferentially edged revolving tools, for which see subclasses 113+.
(2) Note. For a holddown clamp (or other form of clamp) timed with tool stroke, see subclasses 375+.


113+,for a stripper or ejector for removing a product from a revolving cutter in timed relation with the tool"s motion; and see (1) Note, above.
123+,for an ejector for removing a product from within a hollow cutter, and moved in time relation to a tool stroke.
375+,and see (2) Note, above.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 130]    130And alternatively movable to or from operating position:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 129.  Device in which the stripper may be removed from or placed in product-moving relation with the tool, to disable the stripper or enable it to perform its function, either at the will of the operator or by the machine itself during its operation.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 131]    131Latched stripper released by tool return:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 129.  Device in which means are provided to lock the stripper in product contacting position, and the movement of the tool out of cutting engagement with the work actuates a mechanism to release the lock after the tool is withdrawn from the product, so as to permit the stripper to withdraw.


125,for a similar device operative with a hollow cutter.
399,for other interlock means in a cutting machine.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 132]    132Plural strippers operative upon plural tools:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 129.  Device wherein more than one stripper is provided to strip a multiplicity of tools, and each stripper acts to remove the product from only one tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 133]    133Single stripper operative upon plural tools:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 129.  Device wherein one stripper is provided which acts to remove the product simultaneously from more than one tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 134]    134Spring arm stripper:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 129.  Device in which the part of the stripper which contacts the product comprises, or is mounted on one end of, a thin flexible resilient element; and the other end of the element is fixedly attached to some part of the machine.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 135]    135Linkage actuated:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 129.  Device wherein the stripper-moving instrumentality comprises one or more levers which are pivoted to a part of the machine or to each other.


127,for an ejector-actuating linkage which is actuated by a cam.
131,for a linkage which latches a stripper in position and which is released by the return movement of the tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 136]    136Carried by moving tool element or its support:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 129.  Device in which the stripper is mounted on a moving tool or its support* and moves with respect to, and in timed relation with, said tool and support.


115+,for a stripper or ejector mounted on a rotary tool.
126,for an ejector carried by a cutter which cooperates with a hollow tool.
218,for a pilot or locating pin carried by a moving tool or tool support.
294,319, and 382, for a work gripper or clamp mounted on a moving tool or tool support.
395,for a work-stop abutment mounted on a moving tool or tool support.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 137]    137Fluid pressure actuated stripper:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 136.  Device in which the stripper is actuated by means applying a force to a gas or liquid, which gas or liquid applies a moving force (directly or indirectly) to the stripper.


390,and 461, for a cutting machine having a fluid pressure actuated clamp.
639,for fluid pressure tool actuating means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 138]    138Stripper biased against product:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 136.  Device in which (a) the stripper or its mounting includes an elastic, resilient and/or flexible element, which element is compressed or extended during the cycle of operation, and whose tendency to return to its normal state urges the product away from the tool; or in which (b) the stripper is mounted on the tool or tool support by means of a lost-motion connection (in which gravity acts on the stripper to urge the stripper into contact with the product as the tool is withdrawn).
(1) Note. An original patent for an elastic, rubberlike, resilient mounting for a nonelastomeric stripper will be found in this subclass (138).


128,for a resiliently biased stripper which ejects a product from within a hollow cutter.
134,for a tool-synchronized stripper which is carried on an end of a spring arm.
142+,for a tool-synchronized stripper not carried by the moving tool or its support and which is biased against the product.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 139]    139Elastomeric stripper contacting product:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 138.  Device in which that portion of the stripper which engages the product is made of an elastic, rubberlike, resilient material.


138+,for an elastic, rubberlike mounting for a nonelastomeric stripper.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 140]    140By spring means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 138.  Device in which the compressed or extended element is an elongated or coiled flexible and resilient metallic member (e.g., coil spring).


128,for a spring-urged means to eject product from a hollow cutter.
134,for a device in which a tool-synchronized stripper is carried on an end of a spring arm.
143,for a similar device which is not carried by the moving tool or its support.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 141]    141By free weight of stripper:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 138.  Device in which the mounting of the stripper on the tool or tool support* permits relative motion of the stripper with respect to such tool or support, and in which the force of gravity acts to urge the stripper against the product to separate the product from the tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 142]    142Stripper biased against product:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 129.  Device in which (a) the stripper or its mounting includes an elastic resilient and/or flexible element, which element is compressed or extended during the cycle of operation, and whose tendency to return to its normal state urges the product away from the tool; or in which (b) the stripper is mounted on its support by means of a lost-motion connection in which gravity acts on the stripper to urge the product away from the tool.


128,for a resiliently biased means which ejects a product from within a hollow cutter.
134,for a tool-synchronized stripper which is carried on an end of a spring arm.
138+,for a stripper biased against the product, which stripper is carried by the moving cutting element or its support.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 143]    143Spring biased stripper:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 142.  Device in which the compressed or extended element is an elongated or coiled flexible and resilient metallic member (e.g., coil spring).
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 144]    144Manually operated stripper:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 111.  Device wherein movement of the means (stripper) for causing relative motion between the cutter and product is effected by hand manipulation of the stripper itself or of a device which controls its movement.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 145]    145Stationary stripper:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 111.  Device in which the means (stripper) for causing relative motion between the cutter and product is fixed with respect to machine parts which do not have a cyclic motion.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 146]    146Stripper encircles moving tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 145.  Device wherein the stationary stripper substantially surrounds a tool during its cyclic motion.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 147]    147Blockable exit port:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 109.  Device which includes a housing having a product delivery opening, which opening is adapted to be selectively obstructed so as to prevent egress of the product (thus also preventing entry of undesired objects) therethrough.
(1) Note. The instrumentality which effects the blocking may be a cutting tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 148]    148Tool conforming member interposed between tool and work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 109.  Device in which a flexible element is located between the tool and the work such that, in cutting, the flexible member will take the shape of the tool, transmit the cutting force of the tool to the work, and then urge the product away from the tool which has produced it.
(1) Note. The subject matter of this subclass is distinguished from that of subclasses 111+, in that a tool provided with a flexible element of the type of this subclass does not directly engage the work or product.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 149]    149Including means to move, or resist movement of, cut pieces along delivery chute:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 109.  Device comprising a guideway, inclined to the horizontal and vertical planes and so disposed as to receive cut pieces for movement therealong, provided with means for engaging a cut piece to urge it along the guideway, or to brake it, while it is disposed on or within the confines of the guideway.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclass 534 for a power-driven conveyor combined with a chute having means to retard movement of the conveyed load.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 150]    150Active delivery means mounted on tool support:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 109.  Device including means for positively moving the product, said means being supported against gravity by a tool support*.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 151]    151Product mover including gripper means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 109.  Device in which the means for propelling the product includes means to engage and firmly secure the product against movement relative to the propelling means at least during movement of the product away from the cutting zone.
(1) Note. Included within the scope of the term "gripper means" are devices which engage and grasp two opposed surfaces of the product as well as devices which engage one surface and retain it against the propelling means (e.g., a magnet, clamp jaw, perforating pin, suction gripper, etc.).


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 468.2+ and 470.1+ for a conveyor having load gripping members, subclasses 679 and 690 for a conveyor having magnetic load holders, and subclasses 692+ for a conveyor having load impalers.
271Sheet Feeding or Delivering,   subclasses 204+ for sheet delivery apparatus including means to grip the sheet.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 152]    152Suction gripper:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 151.  Device in which the securing means includes a perforated surface and means to draw air through the surface so as to cause the product to adhere to said surface under the influence of atmospheric pressure.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 428 , 438, 449+, and 689.1 for a conveyor having means for applying suction to the conveyed load.
271Sheet Feeding or Delivering,   subclasses 194+ for sheet delivery apparatus including pneumatic means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 153]    153Reciprocating product handler:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 151.  Device in which the propelling means moves to and from the cutting zone in a straight line.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 468.2+ and 470.1+ for a reciprocating conveyor having load-gripping members.
271Sheet Feeding or Delivering,   subclass 85 for sheet delivery apparatus including reciprocating sheet gripping means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 154]    154Rotating or oscillating product handler:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 151.  Device in which the propelling means moves in an arc of a circle, either in the same direction or to and from the cutting zone.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 468.2+ and 470.1+ for an oscillating conveyor having load-gripping members.
271Sheet Feeding or Delivering,   subclass 82 for rotary sheet delivery apparatus having gripper means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 155]    155Endless conveyor:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 109.  Device which comprises a continuous web- or strand-like member (e.g., a belt or chain) which moves the product while the product is supported thereby.
(1) Note. In the case wherein the product conveyor also is effective to move the work into cutting position, a patent directed to such device will be placed originally in this subclass only if the conveyor is claimed in terms of its specific product handling function.


88,and 91+, for a conveyor operative to move a stack of product pieces.
94+,for a conveyor which functions to deliver product pieces to a stack holder.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 804+ for an endless belt conveyor.
271Sheet Feeding or Delivering,   subclasses 67 , 69 and 198+ for sheet delivery apparatus including endless conveyor means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 155.1]    155.1And means to remove product therefrom:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 155.  Device including means to remove the product from the endless conveyor.
(1) Note. In many of the devices in this subclass, the same conveyor moves both work and product.


418+,for a work conveyor means and additional means to engage the work and orient it relative to a tool station.
732,for means to position work transversely on a moving conveyor.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 367+ , 370.07 through 370.09, 370.1, 370.11 through 370.13, 426+, 463.1+, 497, 597+, 599, 637, and others for means for moving an article or material off a conveyor.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 156]    156Roller(s):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 109.  Device which includes one or more cylindrical or spherical members, each rotatable about an axis transverse to the path of the product and supporting, guiding or moving the product in said path.
(1) Note. Patents disclosing either idling or powered rollers, in train or in opposed pairs, are included in this subclass.


193Conveyors, Chutes, Skids, Guides, and Ways,   subclasses 35+ for rollerways.
198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 385+ , 387, 501, 604, 608, 611+, 624, 779, and 780+ for rollers carrying a load, subclass 840 for rollers guiding a load supported on an endless belt conveyor, and subclasses 359+ and 539 for a nonpowered roller conveyor combined with a power-driven conveyor.
271Sheet Feeding or Delivering,   subclasses 71 , 72 and 314+, for sheet delivery apparatus including rotary conveyor means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 157]    157Tiltable or withdrawable support:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 109.  Device which permits downward movement of the product by either pivotal movement of a means holding the product against gravity, thereby to provide an inclined surface down which the product may slide; or by complete removal of such means from beneath the product, thereby to permit free fall.
(1) Note. The platform of this subclass must be moved after, or simultaneously with, the cutting stroke which produces the product to be handled by the platform. If a platform is, for instance, tilted to an inclined position prior to the cutting stroke (so that the product, instead of being supported on a platform which may tilt to urge the product to slide, is allowed to drop onto an inclined plane), such platform is considered an adjustable or movable chute or plane, the search for which is in subclass 165.


165,for a chute or inclined plane down which product may slide; and see (1) Note, above.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 535+ for a chute swingable between horizontal and inclined positions.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 158]    158Means to move product laterally:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 109.  Device provided with means to engage a product piece and move it bodily in a straight line path in a direction which is opposite or transverse to the direction in which (a) the piece is moving as it leaves the tool or (b) the work is moving as it enters the cutting zone.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclass 598 for an endless belt conveyor that shifts a load laterally of another conveyor.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 159]    159Oscillating means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 158.  Device in which the product moving means is pivoted and has a to-and-fro motion about said pivot.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 370.07 through 370.09, 370.1, 370.11 through 370.13, 426+, 468.1+, 598 and others for a swingable conveyor that shifts a load laterally of another conveyor.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 160]    160Reciprocating means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 158.  Device in which the product engaging portion of the product moving means has a translatory to-and-fro motion in a plane.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 370.07 through 370.09, 370.1, 370.11 through 370.13, 429+, 597+, and others for a linearly reciprocating conveyor that shifts a load laterally of another conveyor.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 161]    161Means to move product in a nonrectilinear path:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 109.  Device in which the propelling means moves the product otherwise than in a straight line.


150,for such means mounted on a tool support.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 162]    162Guide:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 109.  Device including passive means which is operative to define, limit, or change the path of (without terminating), product movement (i.e., to direct, wholly or partially, the course of moving product).


105+,for a guide which serves to separate moving product portions.
438+,for means to guide moving work; and see the Notes thereto.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 351+ , 367, 442, 525, 599, and 633+ for passive means for changing the direction of movement of a conveyed load.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 163]    163Abutment in path of product being moved by work feeder:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 162.  Means in which the product is moved by the work or by means that moves work to the tool station, and in which the passive means is so disposed as to present an obstacle or obstruction to the unimpeded passage of product being so moved; the result being initiation of, or a change in, relative directions of motion of the product and the work or work moving means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 164]    164Product-diverting conduit in or from hollow tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 162.  Device in which the guide is a tubular cavity within a hollow tool or its support, or in a member rigid with the tool or its support, said tool having an aperture and a continuous cutting edge bounding the open end of said aperture and together with said tubular cavity forming a path for the product pieces, away from the cutting zone, which does not follow only a single straight line.
(1) Note. A mere passage coextensive with the cutting edge opening and extending rectilinearly within the hollow tool is not considered a guide for this subclass.


97,for a device including means to form or hold product pieces in stacked relation upon emergence from a hollow cutter.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 165]    165Inclined conduit, chute or plane:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 162.  Means including a supporting surface or tubular body, disclosed as extending generally from an upper location at one end to a lower at the other (but not extending solely straight up and down vertically) and so positioned that product may travel therealong or therethrough.
(1) Note. The traveling product on or in the chute, plane, or conduit may be moving under the influence of gravity. If, however, it is moved by claimed mechanical moving means, a patent claiming such guide and moving means will be placed originally in subclass 149 or another subclass devoted to product moving means, and may be cross-referenced in this subclass; if no product moving means is claimed, a patent disclosing such combination (and claiming only the cutter and guide) will be placed originally in this subclass.


149,for means which moves cut pieces along a chute or inclined plane.
157,for a device having a tiltable product support down which the product may slide.


193Conveyors, Chutes, Skids, Guides, and Ways,   appropriate subclass for a gravity type conveyor.
198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 311 , 359+, 523+, and others for a chute or other gravity conveyor combined with a power-driven conveyor.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 166]    166Abutment interposed in path of free fall or flight of product:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 162.  Means comprising an obstacle so placed as to be struck by a product piece as the latter travels through space while unsupported against the force of gravity.


165,for devices in which the abutment is an inclined chute, plane or conduit.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclass 599 for a guide that deflects a load after it moves off a conveyor.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 167]    167WITH RECEPTACLE OR SUPPORT FOR CUT PRODUCT:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Device provided with a container or platform to receive and retain the product piece.


78+,for a device having a receptacle or support provided with a clamp to stop and hold the product in the receptacle or on the support.
84+,for a receptacle or support which is taught as holding a pile (including stack) of product pieces; and see the Notes thereto.
102+,for means to direct product pieces selectively into any one of a plurality of receptacle.


232Deposit and Collection Receptacles,   subclass 8 for a fare box which receives a ticket and punches it as it is introduced into the device.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 168]    168WITH MEANS TO CLEAN WORK OR TOOL:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Device wherein means are provided to remove undesired foreign matter from the work or the tool.


15+,22, and 24, for a method of handling work, or product, including application of fluid to same.
98+,for product handling device including fluid current application means which means may also be utilized to remove waste products of the cutting operation.


15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   appropriate subclasses, for cleaning means broadly; and see search Notes thereto.
173Tool Driving or Impacting,   subclasses 197+ for a tool driving or impacting means having a work cleansing feature.
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Device that includes means to direct upon or to the tool or work a quantity of liquid, gaseous, or pulverulent material; which material is not intended to form a permanent coating on, and does not effect movement of, such tool or work.


15+,17, 22, and 24, for method of handling work, or product, including application of fluid to same.
53,and 177, for means and process, respectively, for cutting by direct application of fluent pressure.
98+,for product handling by fluid current means.
168,for means to clean work by fluid application.
407,for apparatus to move work by fluid current.


30Cutlery,   subclasses 123.3+ , for cutting implements having means to direct a fluid upon the tool or a guide in contact therewith.
118Coating Apparatus,   subclass 15 and 35+ for cutter combined with means to apply a substantially permanent coating.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 170]    170WITH MEANS TO CONTROL OR MODIFY TEMPERATURE OF APPARATUS OR WORK:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Device which includes means to maintain or alter the temperature of the device or work.
(1) Note. Heating or cooling of the work to the extent of changing its state (e.g., from solid to liquid), other than for the purpose of effecting a cut by means of a solid tool, has been considered a shaping or treating operation beyond the scope of this class (83). Patents for such treating or shaping means combined with cutting means have been placed elsewhere; for example, on the basis of the type of material so shaped or treated.
(2) Note. The patents of this and the indented subclass primarily differ from related devices in Class 219, Electric Heating, in that the tool herein disclosed maintains physical contact with, and bodily penetrates the workpiece during the cutting operation; even though melting of the workpiece is achieved during such tool penetration.


15+,for corresponding process.
169,for apparatus for applying a transient, nonpropellant fluid to the tool or work, which liquid may heat, cool, or maintain the temperature of, the tool or work.


62Refrigeration,   appropriate subclasses, particularly subclasses 56+ for methods and subclasses 320+ for apparatus, for cutting combined with freezing or combined with cooling of the type classified in that class (62).
219Electric Heating,   subclasses 68+ for cutting including electrically heating metallic work.
264Plastic and Nonmetallic Article Shaping or Treating: Processes,   subclasses 138+ for processes of molding and shaping within the class definition, when combined with a cutting or severing step and see (1) Note above.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 171]    171Of tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 170.  Device in which the temperature controlling means maintains or alters the temperature of the tool.


16,for corresponding method.


30Cutlery,   subclass 140 for a heated cutter including significant heating structure.
101Printing,   subclasses 8 , 9+, 21, 25, 27, and 31 for an embossing or penetrating printer with heating means.
128Surgery,   subclasses 303.14+ for a heated surgical cutter.
219Electric Heating,   subclass 241 for means to electrically heat a cutter.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 174]    174WITH TOOL SHARPENER OR SMOOTHER:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Apparatus including means to dress the tool.
(1) Note. The means to dress may operate on either the active or passive cutting element.


30Cutlery,   for a specifically recited tool of that class with a means to sharpen same.
76Metal Tools and Implements, Making,   for a specifically recited tool of that class with a means to sharpen same.
451Abrading,   for sharpening by abrading, generally.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 174.1]    174.1Spatially fixed tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 174.  Device wherein the dressing means acts on a tool which is (a) immovable, or (b) rotatable or oscillatable in one plane about a single, immovable axis.
(1) Note. A tool sharpener in combination with a tool which is rotatable about a movable axis or about two or more axes. (e.g., band saw) or movable into another plane, will be found in this class, subclass 174.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 175]    175WITH MEANS TO STRETCH WORK TEMPORARILY:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Apparatus including means to subject the work within the cutting zone to tensile forces to effect elongation of same within its elastic limit.


18,for a related process.


140Wireworking,   subclasses 139+ for means to stretch and cut wire.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 176]    176WITH MEANS TO DEFORM WORK TEMPORARILY:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Apparatus including means to impart an impermanent change of shape (i.e., within the elastic limit) to work material located in the cutting zone - except apparatus in which such means comprises a rotatable cylindrical anvil about which work is trained and which cooperates with another cutter to produce substantially the same cut that would be produced if the work were presented rectilinearly to such other cutter.
(1) Note. This subclass includes (but is not limited to) patents for devices which deform the work material, as above defined, and in whose operation such deformation is prerequisite to effect a predetermined line of cut; that is to say, the desired cut could not be effected in the absence of the deformation while operating the machine in the intended manner.
(2) Note. Thus, a patent directed to means for compressing, or stretching, a resilient workpiece and subsequently cutting same to impart a dished product surface configuration upon release of the deforming forces would be properly placed in this subclass.


17+,for a corresponding method.


226Advancing Material of Indeterminate Length,   subclass 88 for means to deform material of indeterminate length to facilitate feeding of the material.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 177]    177BY FLUID BLAST AND/OR SUCTION:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Apparatus wherein one tool comprises a fluent pressurized medium which directly contacts the workpiece to effect a predetermined line of cut by displacing the portion of work so contacted past the cutting edge of a cooperating tool element or by coaction with a controlled directly opposed second fluent pressurized medium.


53,for a method of cutting by the direct application of fluent pressure to the work.
402,for fluid current apparatus for moving work past a stationary cutter in a continuing movement.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 178]    178BY TOOL INSIDE HOLLOW WORK:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Means in which a tool is disposed within a generally tubular portion of a workpiece and, either alone or in cooperation with another tool, operates on the internal surface of the piece.
(1) Note. The "generally tubular portion" comprises a wall which presents, in transverse cross-section, a substantially closed perimeter.
(2) Note. The internal tool must be in position within the hollow work at initiation of cutting.
(3) Note. Patents disclosing a tool oscillating about a fixed center during the cutting stroke and its retraction therefrom will be found in this subclass. Patents disclosing other tool motions will be found in subclasses indented hereunder.


196+,for cutting work (which may be hollow) by the misalignment of aligned apertures.
315+,and 597+, for an oscillating tool which does not cut from within a hollow workpiece.


82Turning,   subclass 82 for a turning device of the severing or cutoff type wherein the tool, or tools, lies within the work.
166Wells,   subclasses 55+ for apparatus for cutting a well conduit in situ and subclasses 297+ for processes of cutting a well conduit in situ.
175Boring or Penetrating the Earth,   subclasses 2+ for subject matter relating to a device for firing a bullet or exploding a shaped charge within an inaccessible bore to penetrate the earth formation or perforate or cut a casing or other wall member in the bore.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 179]    179Work pre-packed with internal tool(s):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 178.  Apparatus wherein a tool (or tools) is inserted within a workpiece, prior to the introduction of the workpiece into the cutting zone, in such manner that the tool derives substantially all of its support either directly or indirectly from the workpiece itself.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 180]    180With expanding mandrel:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 178.  Apparatus provided with a work support including means to enlarge a cross-sectional portion thereof, so that such support will frictionally engage the internal surface of the tubular work.
(1) Note. The expanding mandrel may function to immobilize for work and/or to position the internal tool for cutting.


623,for means to move a cooperating cutter member.


269Work Holders,   subclass 52 for an expanding mandrel which is not a chuck or socket.
279Chucks or Sockets,   subclasses 2.01+ for an expanding mandrel in the form of a chuck or socket.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 181]    181Interrelated tool feed means and means to actuate work immobilizer:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 178.  Apparatus wherein means to move, or render active, means to maintain or retain work, or means to move, or render active means presenting an obstacle or bar to work movement; is identical with or cooperates significantly with means to move the tool in its cutting cycle.


374+,for means as above defined but not related to a tool inside hollow work; and see search Notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 182]    182Actuated clamp element and work holder coact to position work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 181.  Means wherein a work immobilizing element cooperates with a work support to grip the work frictionally, to move the work into aligned relation with the tool, and to hold it in such position.


206,and 465, for related clamp structure.
418+,with additional means to engage and orient work.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 183]    183Synchronized tool and work feeding means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 178.  Apparatus including means to present work to the tool, which means operates in timed relation with means to impart movement to the tool during the cutting cycle.


202+,for tool engaging work during dwell of intermittent work-feed.
284+,for a tool whose cutting motion has component in direction of moving work.
350,for a tool timed with moving work, in general.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 184]    184With means to position tool(s) for cutting:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 178.  Apparatus provided with means to adjust and align tools relative to one another in preparation for cutting.


248,for means to position datum plane of tool.
549+,for plural tool selectively engageable.
559+,for tool pair adjustable as a unit.
561,for relatively adjustable tool with flat surfaced cooperating member.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 185]    185One tool (either internal or external) having compound motion:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 178.  Apparatus wherein a cutting tool moves in a path which is neither solely rectilinear nor solely circular during the tool stroke*.


523,for other forms of compound tool motion.
644+,for reciprocating tool motion combined with tilting in plane of tool stroke.
646+,for uniplanar compound tool motion.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 186]    186Annulus and disc-type tool pair:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 185.  Apparatus wherein the cutting means comprises at least one tool pair consisting of an internal edged tool and an external tool provided with a peripheral cutting edge substantially completely surrounding the work, each such tool having a surface lying in a plane common to both tools and along which surface the cutting edge is disposed, so that shearing of the work occurs in the common plane, and in which the peripheral cutting edge of the external tool substantially completely surrounds the tubular work.
(1) Note. One or both of the tools may be active in the cutting operation and the conformation of either tool to the work surface may be modified; as, for instance, to provide relieved sections resulting a tab portions of such surface, or to result in a progressive cutting operation.


179,for related cutting means wherein the tubular work is prepacked with an internal tool.
189+,for an annulus and disc type tool pair having rectilinear motion.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 187]    187One tool having unidirectional rotary motion:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 178.  Apparatus wherein a cutting tool follows a closed circular path, in one direction only thereof, during the cutting stroke.


331+,for a rotary flying cutter.
469+,for a rotatable disc tool and carrier therefor, or a rotatable disc tool pair.
591+,for revolving tool motion, generally.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 188]    188One tool having only rectilinear motion(s):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 178.  Apparatus wherein the movement of a tool, during the tool stroke*, is confined to one or more straight line paths.


613+,for a rectilinearly reciprocating tool, in general.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 189]    189Annulus and disc-type tool pair:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 188.  Apparatus wherein the cutting means comprises at least one tool pair consisting of an internal edged tool and an external tool provided with a peripheral cutting edge substantially completely surrounding the work, each such tool having a surface lying in a plane common to both tools and along which surface the cutting edge is disposed, so that shearing of the work occurs in the common plane, and in which the peripheral cutting edge of the external tool substantially completely surrounds the tubular work.
(1) Note. One or both of the tools may be active in the cutting operation and the conformation of either element to the work surface may be modified; as for instance, to provide relieved sections resulting in table portions of such surface, or to result in a progressive cutting operation.


179,for related cutting means wherein tubular work is prepacked with an internal tool.
186,for annulus and disc type tool pair having compound motion.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 190]    190A tool has a sequence of motion in plural paths:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 189.  Means wherein at least one member of the tool pair moves in a multiplicity of straight line paths during the tool stroke*.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 191]    191Internal tool is an active cutter:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 188.  Means, wherein the tool inside the hollow work moves in effecting the cut.


179,for means including internal tool(s) prepacked in work.
186,and 189+, for annulus and disc type tool pair, of which the internal disc tool may be active.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 192]    192Multiple external active tools:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 188.  Means wherein a plurality of tools is disposed around the outer periphery of the tubular work and each moves, in coaction with one or more internally disposed tools, to effect a cut.
(1) Note. The external tools may be supported on a common carrier, as in a conventional multiple punch ram means; or on separate carriers, including structurally independent actuating means, and may each contribute to a single combined cut line or function to effect separated cuts on the common work piece.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 193]    193Tools operate in a substantially common transverse plane of cut:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 192.  Means wherein the active external tools move relatively toward one another during cutting and substantially normal to the axial extent of the tubular work.
(1) Note. The tools may function either simultaneously or sequentially to produce a cut or cuts lying in a substantially common plane.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 194]    194With tool actuating cams on a common support:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 193.  Apparatus, wherein the means to move the tools to effect the cut comprises a plurality of cams which are mounted on a single carrier.
(1) Note. The common support for the multiple cams is generally a rotary or oscillating member.
(2) Note. For definition of a cam, see the definition of Class 74, subclasses 567+.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 195]    195With manually actuated means to position or facilitate positioning of work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 178.  Apparatus, wherein means, responsive to an operative"s volition, are provided to move the work relative to a tool and preparatory to initiation of the tool stroke*, or to cooperate with a significant feature of the work structure to restrain the moving piece from further movement.
(1) Note. This subclass includes patents for cutting machines with means to accomplish the necessary locating of work within a cutting zone, in order that the work may be in proper alignment with the cutter operating thereon, as distinguished from means to feed the work to such zone.


401+,for means to move work relative to a tool station.
451+,for means to immobilize or stabilize work generally.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 196]    196BY MEANS TO MISALIGN ALIGNED APERTURED TOOLS:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Means, in which two adjacent members are provided, each with an opening, through both of which openings a workpiece extends simultaneously, each adapted (as disclosed) to enclose a sufficient portion of the periphery of the workpiece extending therethrough to prevent sidewise escape of the workpiece therefrom, which device includes means to move one member relative to the other so that the workpiece caught between the moving members is severed by virtue of its being forced against the edge of an opening, or against the edge of a member-carried tool extending into such opening, or against both.


178+,particularly subclasses 179, 186, and 189+, for a device wherein a tool is located inside hollow work and cooperates with an outer, annular cutter.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 197]    197Combined with another type tool of the class:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 196.  Means having, in addition to the apertured tools, a cutting device of another kind which itself constitutes subject matter for this class (83).
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 198]    198Rectilinear relative movement only:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 196.  Means in which one or both of the apertured members has a motion only in a straight line path during its tool stroke*.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 199]    199Rotary relative movement solely about a single pivot:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 196.  Means in which one or both of the apertured members has a motion which is confined to rotation or oscillation about a single center.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 200]    200With plural apertures in one or both carriers:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 199.  Means in which one or both of the apertured members has more than one cutting opening.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 200.1]    200.1BY INCREASED TENSIONING OF WORK-ENCLOSING WIRE:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Device wherein the cutting member is substantially one-dimensional; i.e., the dimensions of its cross-section are negligible relative to its length, and which member surrounds a portion of the work surface prior to cutting, thus defining a plane; and which device includes means to apply or increase stress in the cutting member so that the cutting member moves into the work in the plane initially defined.
(1) Note. The cutting member may or may not completely encircle the work. In the latter case, reaction to the cutting force will be provided by a work-stop abutment.


651.1+,for a wire-type tool or a wire-type tool and support which does not function in a work-inclosing manner.


72Metal Deforming,   subclass 292 for a device for deforming a metal workpiece by tightening a flexible chain or band around the work.
100Presses,   subclasses 1+ for a process or apparatus for tightening a binder about material to compress it.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 202]    202TOOL ENGAGES WORK DURING DWELL OF INTERMITTENT WORKFEED:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  An apparatus including means to sequentially stop and move, or stop and permit movement of, the work at the tool zone; and including tool actuating means which synchronously brings the tool into cutting contact with the work while the latter is at rest or simultaneously with the stopping of the work.
(1) Note. The work may be brought to a halt by a device such as a clamp jaw or an abutment stop effective to halt that portion of the work in the tool zone while work-feed means continually urges another portion toward the tool with consequent buckling or slippage, (see subclass 262 indented hereunder).
(2) Note. The work may be moved simply by gravity, no work advancing mechanism being provided, (see subclass 268 indented hereunder).
(3) Note. A portion of the work remote from the tool zone may be continuously in motion as, for example, work unwinding from a continuously rotating supply roll.


350+,for a device wherein the work is fed constantly to a tool zone where it is intermittently acted on by an actuated tool having no component of motion in the direction of work-feed, and where no provision is made for halting the work before it is engaged by the tool.


28Textiles: Manufacturing,   subclasses 107+ for needle felting machines having cycle of intermittent work moving and needing.
112Sewing,   appropriate subclasses, for machines which advance work to sewing station and hold it stationary while it is being pierced by the needle.
198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclass 339.1 for a conveyor that dwells at a work station, and subclasses 858+ for a conveyor having indexed or intermittent drive means.
226Advancing Material of Indeterminate Length,   appropriate subclasses for methods of, and apparatus for, feeding material without utilizing the leading or trailing ends to effect movement of the material, particularly subclasses 120+ for structure for advancing material intermittently.
234Selective Cutting (e.g., Punching),   appropriate subclasses, for a selective cutting device (usually termed a card or tape punch) of the step-by-step type.
408Cutting by Use of Rotating Axially Moving Tool,   subclasses 70+ , for means to cut in the manner of that class during the dwell of intermittent workfeed.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 203]    203Unicyclic:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device in which the synchronous relationship between work moving and tool moving means is disrupted during or after each tool cycle in such manner that the reestablishment of such relationship and initiation or continuation of a succeeding cycle requires the intervention of an external force or stimulus.
(1) Note. Unicyclic operation is characterized by the requirement of two inputs: one to supply actuating power and the other to intervene and supply an unlocking force without which the machine could not resume operation, as distinguished from the usual machine which operates whenever power is supplied to it. Some type of "nonrepeat" mechanism is required as part of the invention.
(2) Note. Many patents disclosing machines capable of unicyclic operation are to be found in following subclasses, where the means which confers such capability is not claimed. See particularly the stamp or ticket dispensers in subclasses 208, 210, 224, 231+, 242+.


69,for stopping means effective upon completion of predetermined number of tool cycles.
252,for supplemental manual feed required to complete the cutting cycle.
283,for one-revolution clutch in tool actuating means.
484,for unicyclically movable carrier for rotatable disc tool.
524+,for a device for moving a tool through one cutting stroke only.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 204]    204Convertible to and from unicyclic:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 203.  Device which comprises means for changing the type of operation from unicyclic to continuous operation or from continuous to unicyclic.
(1) Note. Device for changing from one type of operation to another type for which separate subclasses are provided, neither type being "unicyclic", will be found in subclasses directed to the specific types of operations concerned.


57,for a device to alter the cyclic operation of a cutting machine in some respect, but only as long as an intervening force is maintained. (Example: a machine operator may hold a pushbutton depressed to obtain short products for sampling or testing purposes).
240+,for adjustment of tool position or stroke, work position, length of work-feed increment, etc.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 205]    205Controlled by mechanical means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 203.  Machine wherein the tool cycle is initiated and terminated solely by mechanical elements (to the exclusion of electrical, electronic, or chemical means).
(1) Note. The mere presence of an electric driving motor an necessary manually or mechanically actuated switch does not exclude the combination thereof, with the mechanical initiating and terminating means, from this subclass.
(2) Note. Hydraulic or pneumatic devices are considered "mechanical" for the purposes of this definition.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 206]    206With work-moving clamp jaw:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device wherein a portion of a frictional work-gripping device as claimed exerts a centering, registering, or aligning effect on the workpiece at a tool station.


182,for a clamp which aligns hollow work with respect to a tool.
262,for a clamp used to cause a dwell in the work motion by clamping or blocking the moving work.
282,for a work clamp cyclically actuated in a cutting machine.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 343.1+ for a conveyor combined with means for clamping the conveyed load in position for working at a work station.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 207]    207Work moved solely by movable abutment:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device wherein the only work-moving means is a work stop which is cyclically moved against the work which has been presented thereto (by means not claimed), to position or register the work prior to the tool stroke.
(1) Note. The "stop" in this subclass serves only to give the final location or positioning motion to work which has been presented to the machine, manually or by unclaimed work-moving means, and the stop is not claimed as a clamping or gripping means.


206,282+, and 452+, for an actuated abutment or jaw which cooperates with another abutment to frictionally grip the work.
250+,for such device combined with ordinary work-feed means.
268+,and 391+, for abutment work stops which do not move the work.
418+,for work moving means and an additional work positioning means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 208]    208Operation initiated by work-driven detector means to measure work length:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device including a detector* which is moved by, and to an extent proportional to movement of the work; further including means to effect a signal or impulse only when the extent of detector movement reaches a predetermined amount; and further including a transmitter* connecting said detector means to a means to effect or initiate work deceleration, work stoppage and/or work cutting as a direct or indirect result of the receipt by said effective means of such detected and transmitted signal or impulse.


369,for similar structure in which only the work cutting is claimed.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 209]    209Work-sensing means to control work-moving or work-stopping means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device including a detector* for work, a transmitter*, and means to stop the movement of the work, either directly, (as by engagement of said means with the work), or indirectly, (as by stoppage of a work-moving means) as a result of the receipt by said means of such detected and transmitted signal or impulse.


63,for means, responsive to work sensing means, to stop operation of a part or all of the machine in a random manner.
367,for similar structure for stopping work movement.
370+,for similar structure to actuate tool feed.
399,for means, responsive to condition or location of a machine part, for controlling operation of another part; and see the Notes thereto.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   appropriate subclasses for different types of conveyors or systems of plural conveyors having operation control means responsive to a condition of a conveyor or to a condition of the conveyed load.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 210]    210With means to initiate tool feed by same control impulse:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 209.  Device including means to effect actuation of a cutter through a tool cycle as a direct or indirect result of the receipt by said means of the detected and transmitted signal or impulse.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 211]    211Work-sensing means to initiate tool feed:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device including a detector* for work, a transmitter, and means to effect actuation of a cutter through a tool cycle, as a direct or indirect result of the receipt by said means of such detected and transmitted signal or impulse.


370+,for similar structure to effect tool movement against work in which work movement or stoppage is not recited.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 212]    212With work-stopping abutment in sensing means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 211.  Device in which the detector includes a projection in the path of movement of the moving work, which projection halts the work by engagement of the work with said projection.


262,and 268+, for other means to effect work stoppage by an abutment.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 212.1]    212.1Plural tools at same station, one positioned for continuous engagement with work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device wherein at least two tools act at a cutting zone, one of which tools is stationary and is at all times disposed to engage the work, and the other of which tools engages the work during the workfeed dwell and which has a cutting plane perpendicular to the direction of work movement.


404.1+,for a device having means to move work from one tool station to another, which tool stations are disposed at right angles to one another.
425+,for a device which includes means to move the work relative to a tool which engages the work in a continuous manner (i.e., the cutting plane of the tool is perpendicular to the direction of the work movement).
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 213]    213Plural tools successively actuated at same station:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Apparatus in which more than one tool moves to operate on the work, in the same general cutting zone and including means for actuating one tool after another.
(1) Note. This subclass excludes patents claiming plural tools at different tool stations (separated by a distance equal to at least the length of work-feed increment) for which see subclass 255.
(2) Note. This subclass includes patents for machines wherein different tools are actuated in the same general cutting zone in successive dwell periods of the work.


255+,for a succession of tools operating on the same workpiece or same general area of a continuous workpiece, during different dwell periods, and see (1) Note above.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 214]    214During one dwell period:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 213.  Apparatus in which all of the plural tools operate on the stopped work before the work again moves.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 215]    215Tool has motion additional to cutting stroke during tool cycle:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device in which the tool, in addition to its advance toward, and retraction from, the work in each tool cycle*, undergoes another motion (which may be for the purpose of relocating the tool, feeding the work, etc.).
(1) Note. The tool may be in noncutting motion while work is being fed.


284+,for a tool which moves with the work during cutting (e.g., a flying cutter).
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 216]    216Tool has additional motion during work dwell:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 215.  Device, wherein the tool is given its additional motion during the period in which the work is stationary.
(1) Note. The tool may merely be shifted to a different position during one dwell of the work; or may be repeatedly actuated to make a plurality of cutting strokes each effective on different positions of the work, patents claiming the latter being found in indented subclass 217.


215+,for a device wherein some of the tool motions may occur during movement of the work.
217,and see (1) Note above.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 217]    217Included in plural cutting cycles:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 216.  Device including means to cause the tool to perform a number of cutting strokes while the work is at rest.
(1) Note. Such device is frequently used to make a number of cuts across a wide strip of work, with only one tool or a relatively small number of tools.


219+,for a device in which work is moved in different directions between successive tool strokes, whereby a plurality of cuts may be made across a strip of work during a dwell in the forward advance of the work.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 218]    218Tool has work-feeding motion:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 215.  Device including means to cause a tool to move the work through all or a part of the work-feed increment, by engagement of tool and work during the additional motion of the tool.


226+,where the tool itself does not engage work to feed it, but a work-feed means is actuated by the tool support during advancing or retracting movement of the latter.
284+,for a device wherein the tool may feed the work while cutting it (i.e., a flying cutter).
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 219]    219With variable direction of work-feed from cycle to cycle:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device including means to effect successive increments of work-feed in different directions, (as when following a contour), in presenting work for successive operations by the same tool.
(1) Note. This subclass does not include devices where work can be manually shifted in position between cuts while a machine-driven work-feed means merely continues to move work in the same direction (as in an ordinary sewing machine); see subclass 249 for disclosures of such devices.


71,for control of machine functions generally by means responsive to indicia on tape or card (i.e., pattern control).
249,for feed means modified to facilitate shifting of work by external agency, and see (1) Note.
356,for periodic tool actuation timed with moving work, with periodic lateral shift of work (or tool).
367,for movement of work responsive to work-sensing means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 220]    220In one of certain selected directions:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 219.  Device wherein there are means to provide a limited number of predetermined directions of work-feed and means to choose one of said number of directions for each advance of the work.
(1) Note. This subclass includes devices having means for effecting mere reversal of work-feed direction at intervals, as well as machines with "zigzag" or "staggered" work-feeds.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 221]    221Interlock between tool actuating and work feed means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device including means, additional to those means which establish the cyclically timed relationship between the tool and work movements, which additional means is effective to block or otherwise prevent the normal cyclic operation of either tool or work moving means, unless the latter two means are located in a desired relationship.
(1) Note. The interlock is an additional feature provided as a safety precaution rather than part of the work or tool feed drive.


222,for a device wherein completion of work-feed motion serves to trip a tool actuating means into action, and completion of tool stroke serves to restart the work-feed.
380,for an interlock which prevents a tool from starting through its stroke unless a clamp is in actuated position.
399+,for an interlock between a plurality of elements, in general and see Notes to subclasses 399+ for other "interlock" subclasses.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 222]    222Tool motion initiates work feed and vice versa:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device having means so associated with tool and work moving means, that a tool upon reaching a predetermined point in its travel causes initiation of the work-feed means, which latter at a predetermined point in its travel will initiate the next tool stroke.
(1) Note. The definition of this subclass requires successive interactions alternately between tool moving and work moving means (a chain reaction), as distinguished from subclass 221, which requires merely unilateral control of one such means by the other.


221,for interlock between tool actuating means and work moving means.
225+,for work-feed controlled by means on tool or tool support.
231+,for tool actuation effected or initiated by work-feed element.
399,for interlock between any two elements of a machine, and see the Search Notes thereunder, for other pertinent subclasses.
400,for interlock between two elements plus means to initiate an operation upon release of interlock.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 223]    223Stored energy means for moving work or tool, loaded by tool or work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device in which a mechanism, driven by movement of either the tool or the work-feed means, is caused to accumulate potential energy which is later released to actuate the other of the two means.
(1) Note. This arrangement is found in many small hand-actuated machines, wherein, for example, a tool-retracting spring is stressed during the tool cutting stroke and part of its stored energy is utilized, during the return of the tool, to advance the work into position for the next cut.


229,for work-feed means driven by tool or tool support on return movement of tool.
582+,for a constantly urged tool, especially subclasses 588+ for return-stroke-biased tools.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 224]    224Work feed means actuates energy storage device for tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 223.  Device wherein the motion of some portion of the work-feed means is used to accumulate potential energy which is released later in the cycle to actuate the tool.
(1) Note. The stored energy for the tool may be released by further motion of the work-feed means or by some other agency.


232+,(tool actuator struck by an element of a work-feed means, during nonfeeding motion thereof) for some disclosures of energy storage.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 225]    225Work feed means controlled by means mounted on tool or tool support:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device including means mounted on the tool or its support and effective to initiate the establishment of a driving connection (a) from a power source to the work moving means, or (b) from work moving means to the work, and/or the disruption of said connection.
(1) Note. The tool-mounted means may serve to drive and/or stop the work-feed means, or to control the transmission of power to such means from another source.
(2) Note. This subclass is distinguished from subclass 262 (which see) by the fact that in the latter subclass, the work is directly halted by clamping or blocking means (which may be mounted on tool or tool support) but the work-feed mechanism continues to move, ineffectively.


262,and see (2) Note.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 226]    226Such means drives the work feed means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 225.  Device wherein the tool-mounted means provides the motive power for actuating the work-feed means.


228,for an auxiliary work-feed means mounted on a tool or tool support.
230,for a device wherein the motion of tool-carried means merely effects the halting of work-feed means.
262,for work-feed dwell effected by clamping or blocking the moving work, without stopping the motion of the feed means proper, and see (2) Note to subclass 225.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 227]    227Work feed means carried by tool or tool support:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 226.  Device wherein the work-feeding means is itself mounted on the tool or tool support.


218,for a device wherein a tool feeds the work while still in contact therewith during a cutting stroke.
228,for supplemental work-feed means carried by a tool or tool support.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 228]    228With supplemental work feed means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 226.  Device which includes a plurality of work moving means acting in succession, each such means being capable of moving the work through a portion of the required feed increment, one of said feed means itself mounted on or integral with the tool or tool support.
(1) Note. Pilot pins which serve to correct the position of slightly misplaced work are included, if carried by the tool support.
(2) Note. The supplemental work-feed means may be provided merely to correct slight misplacements of the work if an when they should occur.


218,for a tool which has work-feeding motion (the tool feeds the work after engaging it with a cutting stroke).
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 229]    229On return stroke of tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 226.  Device wherein the tool-mounted means is brought into operation during the tool"s motion away from the work.


223,for work advanced by release of potential energy accumulated during and as a result of tool movement (such work advance may occur during return movement of tool).
257,for the general case of work advance during return stroke of tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 230]    230Work feed means halted by means on tool or tool support:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 225.  Device in which the means mounted on tool or tool support is effective at some point in its travel to cause stopping of the work moving means.


221,for interlock means to prevent movement of work-feed means except in certain positions of tool.
262,for dwell caused by clamping or blocking the work, where work-feed means is continuously driven.
268+,for dwell caused by blocking the work by an abutment (which may be carried on or moved by the tool support).
282,for (broadly) clamping work during dwell.
391+,for interrelated actuation of tool and work-stopping abutment.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 231]    231Work-feed mechanism in nonfeed motion effects or initiates tool actuation:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device in which the work engaging and moving element, or a portion of the work-feed means driving train which is not common to the latter and to the tool driving train, and which moves without producing any corresponding motion of the work, is itself, or carries means which is, effective to drive, or to establish a power connection for driving, the tool feeding mechanism.
(1) Note. Tool feed may be initiated substantially simultaneously with arrival of the work-feed mechanism at the end of its feed motion, where it appears that the tool is not intended to engage moving work.


221,for interlock between work-moving and tool-moving mechanisms.
225+,for work moving means controlled by means on tool or tool support.
273+,for intermittent drive type of gearing for work-feed means.
399+,for a device in which an element common to the control or actuation of work moving and tool actuating means is arranged to initiate or permit actuation of one means while preventing actuation of the other means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 232]    232By striking tool actuator:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 231.  Device in which the feeding element or driving portion delivers an impact to an element which causes a cutter to start its cutting stroke.
(1) Note. Such organizations are common in machines for delivering tape, which often are used to feed and cut only a single length or strip of tape at each use, but may be used to deliver as many lengths at a time as desired.
(2) Note. For machines having positive stop mechanisms requiring reinitiation of the mechanism after each cutting cycle, see subclass 203 supra.


203,and see (1) Note above.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 233]    233Nonfeed motion is reverse to feed motion:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 232.  Device in which the nonfeed motion is in a direction opposite to that in which the feeding element or driving portion moves when bringing about a feeding movement of the work.


399+,for interlocking relationship between work and tool movers, some of these devices permit tool actuation only upon reversal of position of a work-feed lever.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 234]    234With means to vary number of work-feed increments between tool strokes:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device having means to permit a change in the number of stops and starts of the work-feed means between successive actuations of the tool actuating means, without necessitating the replacement of any machine part to bring about the change.


57,for manually actuated means to disturb cyclic operation.
209+,for work-sensing means to control work-moving or work-stopping means.
232+,for a manually operated to feed more than one increment of work for any one cutting cycle, at the discretion of the operator.
238+,for unequal work-feed increments in recurring series.
241+,for means to vary magnitude of work-feed increment.
242+,for multiple-length feed.
250+,for means to produce a plurality of work-feed increments per tool cycle.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 235]    235Dwell caused by imposing reverse motion on portion of flexible moving work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device wherein means is provided to bring a portion of the work adjacent a tool station alternately to a halt and to a condition of forward motion by imparting to that portion of the work a succession of alternate backward and forward movements while the remainder of the work is undergoing continuous forward movement.


236,for uninterrupted advance of work from supply source.
259+,for a device wherein constantly moving feed elements (e.g., rotating feed rolls) are not always in effective engagement with work.
262,for a device wherein work dwell is effected by clamping or blocking the movement of a portion of the work without any provision being made for halting the movement of other portions thereof.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 236]    236With uninterrupted flow of work from supply source:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device wherein transport means moves work continuously into or toward the machine, means being provided to cause or permit temporary halting and/or storage of a portion of the work during the cutting cycle.


205,for work-feed dwell caused by clamping or blocking the work.
235,for work-feed dwell caused by imposing reverse motion on portion of flexible moving work.
280,for means to transport work to work-feed means.
284+,and 350+, for tool engaging moving work.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 237]    237Work feed increment shorter than longitudinal tool field:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device wherein the tool or an array of tools which are actuated during one dwell period has such extent in the direction of work-feed that cuts made during successive dwell periods overlap or intermingle.
(1) Note. Devices in this subclass are frequently used to shred or cut small pieces from a web by serrated cutters.


213+,for possible overlapping cuts made by successively actuated tools.
249,for a machine modified to facilitate manual reorientation of workpiece, as when cutting or punching along a curved line.
255+,for possible overlapping cuts made at plural tool stations.
916,for a nibbling machine.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 238]    238Unequal work feed increments in recurring series:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Apparatus so organized that the amount of work fed differs from one feeding movement to another, the same amounts being fed in later feed movements and in the same order.


220+,for means to feed work in certain different directions between tool strokes.
250+,for means to produce a plurality of work-feed increments per tool cycle (certain of said increments may be of different extent than others).
393,for work-stopping abutment made effective in different positions between successive tool strokes.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 239]    239Work carriage carries ratchet means to determine increments:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 238.  Device including a movable work support and an associated series of detents, to be engaged by cooperating means to stop the travel of the support in accordance with the location of such detents.


241+,for means to vary magnitude of work-feed increment generally.
396,for interrelated tool actuation and means to release work-mover stop.
414,for a device comprising indexing means to orient a work carrier relative to a tool station.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 240]    240Means to change tool position, or length or datum position of work- or tool-feed increment:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device wherein means is provided for (a) adjusting the work-feed means to alter the amount fed in each increment, or (b) changing the position of the work relative to the work-feed means, or (c) changing the position of tool or work-feed means relative to the device as a whole, or (d) changing the location of one or both of the limits of travel of a tool in its cutting or retracting stroke, without necessitating replacement of any machine part to bring about such variation.
(1) Note. This does not include pattern-controlled adjustments of tool or work-feed, for which see subclass 71, supra.
(2) Note. This does not include temporary disturbance of cycle by manual intervention, for which see subclass 57, supra.


57,and see (2) Note, above.
71,and see (1) Note, above.
209+,and 211+, for work-moving or work-stopping means controlled by work-sensing means in a machine of subclass 202 type.
234,for means to vary number of work-feed increments between cuts.
249,for means enabling the shift of work relative to a work-feed means by an operator.
252,for means capable of producing an additional work-feed increment by intervention of an operator.
268+,for work-feed increment limited or determined by work stop.
657,677, 696, 699.51+, for adjustable tool or tool support.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 241]    241With means to vary magnitude of work-feed increment:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 240.  Means to vary the length or amount of work fed toward the tool at each one of the series of stops and starts of the work which characterize the operation of a device of the type of subclass 202, without necessitating the replacement of any machine part to bring about such variation.
(1) Note. This subclass includes adjustment of work-feed by varying the effective length of a link or shape of a cam, where such link or cam is not part of the actual drive to the work-feed means, but is only a control element.


69,for machine which stops after cutting a predetermined number of products.
203+,for unicyclic machine.
208,for work-length-determining means driven by the work (e.g., measuring wheel).
233,for devices which inherently permit the selection of a length of stock to be cut (within a limit) by feeding the amount desired and then reversing the feed lever to cause cutting to occur.
234,for means to vary the number of work-feed increments between tool strokes.
268,for feed limited by work stop.
399+,for a work-feed actuator or controller which can be manipulated in a direction to lock the work-feed means and permit or cause actuation of a tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 242]    242Multi-increment type (e.g., ticket issuing):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 241.  Device which functions so to vary the work-feed increments that all such increments are whole number multiples of a predetermined base length.
(1) Note. Examples are ticket-issuing machines.


234,for feeding of variable multiple lengths in stepwise manner between successive tool strokes.
250+,for means to produce a plurality of work-feed increments between tool strokes.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 243]    243Length selector initiates machine operation:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 242.  Device wherein the actuation of a work-feed-length determining means serves either to drive the cutting device through its cycle or to establish a connection to power means which so drives the cutting device.


203+,for a unicyclic machine of this type.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 244]    244By change in length of one member of feed-driving linkage:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 241.  Device wherein the length of a work-feed increment may be varied by altering the effective dimension of a crank, link, or lever arm in the drive train of the work-feed mechanism.
(1) Note. Included here are adjustable lost-motion drive linkages.


241+,for change of work-feed increment by change in length of a member of a control (not feed driving) linkage.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 245]    245Rotating member:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 244.  Device in which the crank, link or lever arm has a motion of revolution in one direction only.
(1) Note. An oscillatory driving link of this type will be found in subclass 244.


244,and see (1) Note above.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 246]    246By change of effective shape of driving or driven surface of element of work-feed mechanism:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 241.  Device wherein the length of work-feed increment may be varied by altering the contour of that portion of a moving member which transmits or receives force to drive the work-feed mechanism.
(1) Note. Typical examples of work-feed adjustments included in this subclass are (a) changing the number of teeth used in a mutilated drive gear, (b) removing part of the tooth of a worm gear, (c) two cam segments in juxtaposition on a shaft may be made angularly adjustable relative to each other.
(2) Note. The adjustable cam or gear must be in the work-feed drive train itself, not merely in a control linkage, for which see subclass 241, supra.


241+,for changing magnitude of work-feed increment by altering the effective shape of a cam or the like in a timing or control mechanism (not transmitting force to drive the work-feed means), and see (2) Note, above.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 247]    247By adjustment of fixed stop:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 241.  Device wherein a change in amount of travel of the work-feed mechanism is effected by altering the position or location of a normally stationary abutment which cooperates with a movable member in the work-feed mechanism.
(1) Note. This subclass does not include devices having an adjustable positioned "stop" located on a moving element.


241+,for an adjustable "stop" carried by a moving element.
244+,for work-feed adjustment by shifting the location of the fulcrum point of a lever in the work-feed drive train.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 248]    248With means to vary magnitude or base position of tool stroke:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 240.  Device wherein means is provided for varying the location (in the direction of tool travel) of one or both of the limits of travel of the tool in its cutting or retracting motion.
(1) Note. Examples are machines which turn out ticket strips - a number of incompletely severed tickets in each strip.
(2) Note. The variation may be cyclic or randomly controlled.


74+,for tool adjustment by a monitoring device.
215+,for tool which has additional motion (e.g., repositioning motion) during cycle.
368,for tool adjustment by work-responsive means.
469+,for adjustment of position or travel of carrier for rotatable disc tool.
523+,for tool stroke or positioning adjustments, in general.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 249]    249With means to facilitate manual repositioning (shift) of work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device which has certain parts modified especially to enable an operator to shift, reoriented or reposition the work relative to the work-feed means.
(1) Note. Such machines may permit the angular repositioning of the work about the tool cutting stroke as a center, to enable for example a change in the direction of a row of perforations without introducing an irregularity in spacing where the change is made.
(2) Note. Means to facilitate loading work into the work-feed means may be included (threading means) if it is disclosed as also usable to readjust the position of work while the machine is in operation.
(3) Note. Many nibbling machines are found in this subclass.


373,for interrelated tool actuating and work guide moving means.
415,for work carrier having additional work-locating means thereon, which may shift the work on the carrier.
455,for guide adapted to permit maneuvering of work at tool zone.
916,for nibbling machines.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 250]    250With means to produce plurality of work-feed increments per tool cycle:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device in whose operation the work is caused to undergo more than one advancement and stoppage for each stroke of tool, or is advanced successively by different feed means during one tool cycle.


111+,for means to clear the freshly-cut edge of product (cut work) from a tool, by moving it relative to the tool, prior to the next work-feed increment, thereby in effect affording a plurality of increments between successive tool strokes.
206,for a work-moving clamp, which follows and supplements an approximate work-feed by hand or mechanical means.
207,for an actuated abutment which can move work to a final position after a preliminary feed of work against the abutment.
219+,for a machine wherein the work may be caused to move in different directions between successive tool strokes.
228,for supplemental work-feed means mounted on tool or tool support.
234,for means to vary the number of work-feed increments between strokes.
280+,for means to move work into the effective range of work-feed means proper, and see (4) Note under subclass 251 for the distinction between supplemental work-feed means and work transport means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 251]    251Including supplemental work-feed means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 250.  Device so constructed that work may be moved by more than one feed means acting at different times.
(1) Note. This subclass includes lateral positioning means, for instance.
(2) Note. This subclass includes work-feed means which may not be effective in every cycle, such as manually actuated means to correct the registry of the work, either by the provision of additional work-feed means or by provision of additional actuating means for the existing work-feed means.
(3) Note. The search notes under subclass 250 should be reviewed in relation to this and indented subclasses.
(4) Note. Supplemental work-feed means, in this and indented subclasses, is capable of and is normally utilized for the purpose of presenting work in correct amount and proper timed relation to the tool station, as distinguished from work transport means which merely forwards work to a work-feed means proper and which lacks the requisite timing or range of stroke to position the work for operation thereon by the tool.


228,for supplemental work-feed means mounted on tool or tool support.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 252]    252Manual:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 251.  Device wherein the supplemental feed means is actuated, or the conventional work-feed means is driven through additional motion, by the intervention of an operator.


203+,for a unicyclic machine in which an operator must intervene to pull the work through a certain distance in order to initiate a cutting cycle.
249,for means to facilitate manual repositioning or realignment of work.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 253]    253With stop adapted to engage abutment surface on work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 251.  Device including a supplemental work-feed means which functions to move the work against a work-stop located for proper placement of the work.
(1) Note. The supplemental feed increment may be in any direction, but is limited by engagement of the work by a stop.


207,for work brought into position by an actuated abutment.
239,for unequally spaced ratchet stops associates with a work carrier to effect unequal work-feed increments in recurring series.
268+,for work-feed against a stop or guide for positioning thereof.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 254]    254Plurality of work stops successively effective:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 253.  Device provided with means to cause two or more stops to become effective in serial relationship to position the work for successive tool cycles.
(1) Note. The plurality of work stops are so disposed and/or moved that not all of such stops are brought into work-abutting and stopping position for any one tool cycle and the identity of stops in such position varies cyclically.


238+,for means to produce unequal work-feed increments in recurring series.
278,for some disclosures of work-moving pusher elements which are successively effective.
393,for work stopping abutment(s) with cyclic means to alter work-stopping position between tool strokes.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 255]    255Work fed successively to plural tools:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device having two or more tools disposed along the path of feed movement of work at such locations that each tool operates, in sequence and during different dwell periods, upon the same piece of work or the same feed-wise segments of indefinite length work.


213+,for plural tools successively actuated in one general cutting zone during the same or different dwell periods.
217,for a tool arranged to engage the work a number of times during one dwell period.
237,for a machine whose work-feed increment is less than the dimension of a tool array indirection of work-feed, to produce overlapping, continuous, or intermingling cuts by the same tool or array of tools.
272,for plural work-feed paths in a cutting machine.
404+,for means to feed work from one tool station to another.
620,for plural tools mounted on and actuated from same support.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 256]    256With change of direction between tools:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 255.  Device in which the work is fed in different directions to the various tools in succession.
(1) Note. A "change in direction" may be a mere reversal of direction.


219+,for a machine capable of feeding work in different directions between successive tool actuations.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 257]    257Work advance occurs during return stroke of tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device wherein the work-feeding motion is timed to take place while the tool is being withdrawn from the work after its cutting function has been performed.


218,for a tool which has work-feeding motion in addition to its cutting and retraction motion.
229,for work-feed means driven by tool or tool support during return movement of the tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 258]    258Dwell defined only by "dead-center" of rotating crank:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device wherein the work-feed means is driven from a constantly rotating crankshaft through a Scotch yoke or connecting rod with no provision for work dwell other than the momentary halts that occur when the yoke or connecting rod passes through its extreme positions.
(1) Note. The yoke or rod may drive work-feed rolls through a double pawl-and-ratchet arrangement, whereby the feed is driven at each forward and each return stroke of the pitman (no half-revolution idle period as in a single-ratchet drive).


235,for work-feed dwell caused by imposing reverse motion on a portion of flexible moving work, where all machine parts may be in motion during the dwell.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 259]    259Dwell initiated by disengagement of surface of moving frictional feed means from work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device which functions to move work by gripping engagement between a surface of the work and a surface of a continuously rotating reciprocating or oscillating member, the dwell being caused by separation of the frictionally engaged surfaces.
(1) Note. Subclass 260, indented hereunder, includes patents disclosing mutilated feed rolls to cause the intermittent feed.
(2) Note. This subclass includes feed grippers which during their advancing motion, release the work to effect the dwell as the grippers continue to reciprocate or oscillate between advanced and retracted positions.


259,for dwell caused by directly clamping or blocking the work.
260,and see (1) Note above.
269,for slippage of feed means on work, after work has engaged a stop or abutment.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 260]    260Feed means has interrupted frictional surface:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 259.  Device wherein the continuously driven feed member has a frictional work-engaging surface which has been modified, as by cutting away portions thereof, to cause intermittent drive of the work by repeated engagement and disengagement of such surface therewith.
(1) Note. The dwell is caused by interruption of frictional driving engagement between feed element and work surface.


246,for work-feed adjustment by changing the effective shape of a driving or driven element.
275,for a work-feed means whose dwell is produced by intermittent engagement of mutilated gearing.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 261]    261Feed means has rotary motion:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 259.  Device wherein the frictional work engaging surface moves continuously in a circular or closed oval path.
(1) Note. This subclass includes patents disclosing opposed continuously moving feed rollers or feed belts which are alternately moved toward and away from each other to advance and to release the work.


235,262, and 269, for other continuously rotating work-feed means in a machine of the subclass 202 type.
284+,for continuously driven work-feed means in a machine of the flying cutter type.
350+,for continuously driven work-feed means in a machine wherein no provision is made to stop the work.
436.1+,for a cutting device with a roller to convey work wherein the cut is parallel to and during work movement.
436.3+,for a cutting device with a roller to convey work, generally.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 262]    262Dwell caused by clamping or blocking work during continuous operation of feed means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device wherein feed means continuously advances the work toward a position where it is acted on by a clamp or an abutment, which stops the movement of the portion of the work in the region of the cutting zone, or wherein the movement of such portion is stopped by the tool itself in its cutting stroke.
(1) Note. The work usually buckles or compresses during the time the clamp or abutment stop is effective and the tool is actuated.


207,for work-stopping abutment which also moves the work to its correct position at the tool zone.
212,for a work-stopping abutment incorporated in a work-sensing means.
230,for clamp or work stop on tool or tool support.
236,for work continuously advanced to an intermittent work-feed means.
253+,for work-stopping abutment cooperating with a supplemental work-feed means.
268,for work driven against a locating stop, by work-feeding mechanism or by the action of gravity alone, in a machine of the subclass 202 type.
269+,for a work-stopping abutment which is effective to halt the work while it continues to be biased forwardly by feed means.
350+,for tool with stroke transversely of moving work and timed therewith, no provision being made for stopping the work.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclass 343 for a conveyor a portion of which dwells at a work station while the conveyor continues to move along other portions of its conveying path.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 263]    263With means to control magnitude of work-feed increment or work acceleration:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device which incorporates means to assure, in connection with each starting or stopping of the work, the feeding or advancement of a predetermined length of work or the confinement of the rate of change of speed of the work to a desired range.
(1) Note. This subclass does not include adjustment of work-feed increment, as such, for which see subclasses 241+, supra.
(2) Note. A work-feed means as defined in this subclass is commonly used, for example, to prevent undesired, accidental, or unauthorized advance of the work during a dwell period, or to assure the full extent of advance of the work at each cycle, or to avoid damage to or inaccurate advance of the work caused by sudden starts and stops of the work-feed means.


234,241+, 250+, for feed adjustments.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 264]    264Means to prevent random or excessive work feeds:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 263.  Device wherein means is provided to prevent the overrunning of a work-feed means or its motion during any part of the cycle other than while it is being driven.
(1) Note. These devices may be utilized to prevent advance of work by tampering or unauthorized use, as in ticket-issuing machines, or may be used to handle certain kinds of workpieces with greater precision, reduce wastage, etc.
(2) Note. If overrunning is prevented by positive drive trains (double-acting cams, etc.), search the pertinent types of work-feeds.


221,399+, for an interlock including control of work-feed means.
242+,for a machine characterized by multiple-unit work-feed increments, which usually include means to prevent overrun or unauthorized work-feed operation.
274,for positive stop during dwell.
416,for a work conveyor and means to stop same.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 265]    265Full stroke required of feed means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 263.  Device including means to prevent reversal of direction of work-feed means before it has completed a predetermined travel.
(1) Note. The full stroke mechanism is frequently interlocked with the tool actuating means to prevent premature tool actuation; patents claiming the interlocking feature are originally classified in subclass 221.
(2) Note. In addition to its primary function of preventing underfeed of work, full stroke mechanism also prevents the advance of an excessive amount of work by repeated actuation of the work-feed means through partial strokes between successive tool strokes.


209+,211+, for specific operations similarly controlled in machines of the subclass 202 type.
221,for interlock between work-feed and tool actuation, and see (1) Note above.
222,for tool actuation tripped by completion of work-feed and vice versa.
360+,for operation controlled by means responsive to work.
416,for means to stop work-mover.


74Machine Element or Mechanism,   subclass 17.5 for a full stroke compelling mechanism in general.
81Tools,   subclass 313 for a full stroke compelling mechanism in a plier-type tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 266]    266Work feed functions as tool support:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device wherein an element of the means which moves the work to the tool zone also supports a tool (i.e., functions as a tool support as defined in the Definitions of terms for the class).


218,for tool having work-feeding motion.
267,for some patents disclosing a tool mounted on a rotary work carrier.
322+,for work-feeder mounted on support for flying cutter.
566+,for tool which moves work to and against cooperating tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 267]    267With rotary work-carrier:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device provided with means (e.g., an indexing member) to carry the work through at least a portion of a circular path while in engagement with holding means, the work being acted upon by a tool while held on said means.
(1) Note. The presence of work-clamping means on the rotary member distinguishes it from a feed roll.


323,for work-feed means carried by orbitally moving tool support, in a flying cutter.
325,for work gripper on endless belt work carrier in flying cutter machine.
411+,for work carrier guided about axis fixed relative to tool station.
439,for means to guide work for pivotal motion about a fixed axis in the vicinity of a tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 268]    268With abutment to position work being fed with respect to cutter:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device provided with passive means which serve as an obstacle to limit movement of work in a given direction.
(1) Note. This subclass includes machines wherein the feed means moves the work to an inclined track, where it slides down against a stop, or wherein the work merely drops against such stop after being brought into the vicinity by feed means, or wherein the feed means drives the work against the stop.
(2) Note. In some cases, the work is caused or permitted to move back against an abutment which positions it for cutting.


207,for actuated abutment which positions work prior to tool stroke.
253+,for work moved against a stop by a supplemental work moving means.
391+,for a work-stopping abutment actuated in timed relation to tool stroke.
396,for work-mover stop actuated in timed relation to tool stroke.
414,for means to stop work-mover, in general.
467+,for a work-stopping abutment not claimed as functionally related to a tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 269]    269With slip between positioned work and feed means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 268.  Device wherein the feed means continues to move (and slips on the work), upon work contact with a stop element, the frictional driving engagement of the feed means with the work being overcome (interrupted) by the halting of the work in the feeding area.
(1) Note. Devices found in this subclass provide for slippage of the feed means on the blocked work rather than slippage at some point in the drive train.


262,for continuously driven feed means and work clamp or stop, with no provision for slippage (work must buckle up or distort).
350+,for continuously fed work acted upon by a transversely moving tool, with no provision for slippage (work must buckle up or distort) and work movement is checked only momentarily as an incidental effect of contact therewith of the tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 270]    270Work guide and feed means have open side:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device wherein a work guideway and feed means are located both at one side of the work path, leaving the other side of the path unobstructed.
(1) Note. Machines thus modified are capable of operating on a very wide object or strip, also can operate at or near the periphery of an irregularly shaped object, such as a shoe sole.


219+,for variable direction of work-feed from cycle to cycle.
249,for machine modified to facilitate manual shift or repositioning of work.
373,for interrelated tool actuation and work guide movement.
445,for work guide adapted to permit manual shift of work relative to a tool station.
914,for flash trimmer.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 271]    271Work feed means modified to maintain clearance from tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device wherein provision is made in the work-feed mechanism to keep it from interfering with or being touched by the moving tool.
(1) Note. Conveyor belts with openings registering with the tool, belts with loop at the cutting station, etc., are included in this subclass.


266,for tool supported on work-feed means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 272]    272Plurality of work feed means in separate paths:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device including separate feed means for advancing two or more lines of web or stock material, or successions of workpieces along different routes to the same tool or to different tools.
(1) Note. This does not include separate rolls or belts or sectionalized rolls on common shafts, which feed work in the same general plane or along converging or diverging paths.


256,for work being fed in different directions to and between a plurality of tools for sequential operations by said tools on the same general areas of the work.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 273]    273Intermittent drive type of gearing for work-feed means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device wherein step-by-step work-feed motion is obtained by means of modified rotary gearing which periodically interrupts the flow of power to the feed means during continued rotation of a portion of the gearing.
(1) Note. This subclass includes only those devices wherein a rotary gear or element rigid therewith drives the work-feed means intermittently.


241+,for disclosures of work-feed adjustment by altering an effective number of teeth in intermittent gearing which controls, but does not drive, a work-feed device.
246,for an interrupted gear drive wherein the effective number of driving gear teeth is adjustable to vary the work-feed increment.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 274]    274Gearing modified to lock the work-feed means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 273.  Device in which the gearing has portions which interrupt the motion of a driven portion thereof and hold it at a standstill for predetermined intervals during the rotation of the driving gear.
(1) Note. Examples are Geneva stop mechanism, and the "Drunken Worm".


264,for means in general, to prevent random or excessive feed movement.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 275]    275Mutilated gear in mesh with gear driving work-feed means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 273.  Device in which the increments of work-feed correspond to toothed portions of the periphery of a rotatable body which cooperates with another toothed rotatable body in the driving train for the work contacting feeding means, and the intervals of time during which the feed means is not driven correspond to untoothed portions of the first named rotatable body.
(1) Note. In this subclass, the gearing merely periodically interrupts the flows of power to work-feed means, but is not designed to lock the latter in position during the dwell intervals, for which see subclass 274.


241+,for adjustable gearing which controls the timing of work-feed drive means but which does not itself drive said means.
246,for some disclosures of mutilated gearing in work-feed drives.
274,and see (1) Note above.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 276]    276Work-feed element contacts and moves with work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Means including a member which engages and advances bodily with the work towards the cutter.
(1) Note. The work-feed means may reciprocate; i.e., travel along the same path on its return stroke as it traveled in its feeding stroke; or it may return from its feeding stroke along a different path (such as a "four motion" feed, or an endless belt conveyor).
(2) Note. The work engaging member may undergo a return movement after each feed increment, or after a succession of work-feed increments.


267,for means to move work step-by-step in an arcuate path said means having no distinct (e.g., reverse) return movement.
409+,for other rectilinear work-mover means including a work-constrainer.
435.11+,for a cutting device having a rectilinearly moving work carriage and tool adapted to cut parallel to the direction of and during work movement.
437.1+,for a cutting device having a rectilinearly moving work carriage and a tool, generally.
730,for a cutting device including a rectilinearly moving work carriage and including means to cause the cutting device to make plural passes through a diminishing workpiece, including means to effect incremental movement toward the plane of cut.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 277]    277Comprises a work-moving gripper:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 276.  Device including opposed solid members arranged to hold frictionally a portion of the work to draw the work with them and thus present the work to the tool.
(1) Note. A gripper is a device comprising a plurality of opposed jaws or surface elements relatively movable to engage opposed surfaces of a workpiece and thereby apply sufficient force to enable advancement of the workpiece by said jaws or surfaces through their frictional engagement with said workpiece, i.e., in a direction substantially parallel to the surface elements or jaw faces.


267,for rotary work carrier comprising work grippers or abutments.
276+,for rectilinear or oscillatory feed device which holds work by other than frictional gripping or positive abutting engagement (e.g., suction or magnetic holders.
294,319, 323, 325, for work-feeding grippers in flying-cutting machines.
409+,for work-constraining means on workmover.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 468.2+ and 470.1+ for a conveyor having load-gripping members.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 278]    278Comprises element entering aperture in, or engaging abutment surface on, work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 276.  Device in which the work-feed means comprises a member which engages in an opening in the work or which positively pushes the work.
(1) Note. Impaling points or fingers which form their own recesses or openings in the work are included here.
(2) Note. Push bars and the like which directly engage and push the work are included here. The "abutment surface" engaged by such pusher may be the rear edge of the work as well as any other salient portion.
(3) Note. A feed member having a rough toothed, or corrugated surface to engage work, if opposed by another moving surface so as to clamp the work, would be classified in subclass 277, but if opposed only by a stationary work-supporting surface or work guide, or by the mere weight of the work itself, would generally be regarded as imbedded in the work or abutting it within the scope of the definition of subclass 278.


277,and see (1) Note above.
423,for projections on work mover (e.g., pinwheel).


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   subclasses 388 and 854+ for a conveyor having a holder that contacts the interior of the conveyed load, subclasses 692+ for a conveyor having load impalers, and subclasses 717+ and others for a conveyor that pushes a load supported on a separate platform.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 279]    279With means to guide, position, or present work to work-feed means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device including active or passive means which move or exert control on the work (other than by merely supporting it against gravity) before it reaches the means-to-feed it to the cutting zone.
(1) Note. The first named means (guiding, positioning, or transport) is not adequate of itself to present the work properly to the tool zone.
(2) Note. The first named means may merely orient or "square up" the work being presented to the work-feed means, or it may control the timing of work presentation to the latter.


236,for means to effect uninterrupted advance of work from supply source to work-feed means.
250+,for means to produce a plurality of work-feed increments per tool cycle.
255+,for means to feed work successively to plural tools.


198Conveyors: Power-Driven,   appropriate subclasses relating to plural conveyors which successively carry a load.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 280]    280Means to transport work to work-feed means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 279.  Device which comprises means to carry work from a source of supply and transfer it to the means effective to present the work to the cutter.
(1) Note. The transport means serves to advance work to the work-feed means proper, but is not adequate in itself to move the work in correct amount and proper timed relationship to the tool station, and is thus distinguishable from a work-feed means.


236,for continuous advance of work to a feeding and cutting machine having work-feed dwell.
250+,for means to produce a plurality of work-feed increments in a tool cycle.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 281]    281Including means to pick articles from pack or stack:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 280.  Device which includes mechanism to engage articles, usually one at a time, withdraw them from position in a magazine or stack holder, and present them successively to a work advancing means or to the work-feed means proper.


417,for such work-picking means associated with other types of tool and work-feeding means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 282]    282With means to clamp work during dwell:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device including opposed solid means to contact the halted work and maintain or retain the work frictionally in a fixed position.


206,for a machine of the subclass 202 type which employs a clamp to move the work into position.
259+,264, 277, for a disclosure of a device having a work clamping function in addition to its primary function of feeding work or controlling the feed of work.
262,for a machine whose work-feed dwell is caused by clamping the work.
294,319, 323, for a device to grip moving work in a flying cutter type of machine.
375+,for a work clamp actuated by or in timed relation to the motion of a tool or the tool feeding means.
452+,for a cutting device having a clamp associated therewith, in general.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 283]    283One-revolution clutch in tool drive:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 202.  Device wherein the tool is caused to start from rest in a retracted position and travel through its cutting cycle returning to its initial position and to stop there, by automatic clutching and declutching means while other machine parts continue in motion.


58+,for randomly actuated stopping means, which includes many disclosures of a clutch in a tool actuating drive train, some of these disclosures including a clutch of the one-revolution type.
203+,for unicyclic operation of a cutting machine of the type wherein a tool engages the work during the dwell period of an intermittent work-feed.
210,211+, 369, 370+, for tool actuation controlled by work-sensing means.
285+,for an intermittently initiated flying cutter action.
359,for tool actuation controlled by means responsive to product.
380,for sequencing control of interrelated clamp and tool means.
484,and 524+, for unicyclic tool actuation.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 284]    284CUTTING MOTION OF TOOL HAS COMPONENT IN DIRECTION OF MOVING WORK:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Device which includes means to move one or more tools into cutting engagement with the work while the work is being moved to and through a cutting zone to produce (a) spatially unconnected, or (b) undulant (e.g., zigzag) cuts, and in which the tool"s movement includes, as a necessary factor, motion in the direction of such work movement.
(1) Note. These devices are commonly known as "flying cutters".
(2) Note. See section IV, Glossary, of the Class 83 Definition for the definition of "flying".
(3) Note. The direction of movement of the work, to and through the cutting zone; i.e., feed direction, is determined by the law of operation of the disclosed machine, even though the work-feed means is not claimed. Accordingly, this and the indented subclasses do not require that means to feed the work be claimed. Thus, patents for means to cut manually fed work may be included here if the other requirements of the definition are met.
(4) Note. This and the indented subclasses are limited to devices which engage the work so that cuts made by the same tool are spaced from each other or produce a nonrectilinear slot or slit. Patents for cutters which continuously engage the work, even though they have a component of motion in the direction of work-feed which has no affect on the resultant cut, such as band knives and rotary disc slitters, will be found in other areas of the schedule. The test is whether the "flying" motion has any affect on the desired shape of cut.
(5) Note. Since indented subclasses 321+ is limited to patents which disclose a tool having a cutting blade which moves in an orbital path, this subclass, (284) has been chosen as the residual repository for those patents which disclose an orbiting anvil and a cooperating nonorbiting bladed tool, and which do not disclose a feature set out in the schedule above subclass 321.


37+,for corresponding methods of cutting.
201,for an endless flexible band knife; and see (4) Note above.
350+,for a device in which the tool has a stroke which is timed with respect to moving work, which stroke does not have a component in the direction of work-feed at the time of cut.
469+,for a rotary disc cutter; and see (4) Note above.


72Metal Deforming,   subclasses 70+ , 129+, 185+, and 203+ for a "flying cutter" means in a moving work metal deforming apparatus.
82Turning,   subclass 53.1 , for a cut-off means having a motion component in the direction of work-feed.
101Printing,   appropriate subclasses, for similar apparatus for treating moving work, as by printing or embossing rather than by cutting.
234Selective Cutting (e.g., Punching),   subclass 50 , for a selective cutting device having flying cutting tools.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 285]    285With means to initiate intermittent tool action:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 284.  Device wherein there is provided a mechanism which periodically starts a tool from a position of rest, moves the tool to and through the work, and brings the tool to rest for a dwell period.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 286]    286Tool moved in response to work-sensing means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 285.  Device provided with a detector* for work, a transmitter*, and means to initiate or effect a tool action as a direct or indirect result of the receipt by said means of a detected and transmitted signal or impulse.
(1) Note. For convenience in terminology, in this and indented subclasses, the compound movement of a flying tool will be referred to in terms of two components, one being the tool "flying movement" (defined in the Glossary for the class), and the other being the tool "feed movement)" (defined as that component of motion directed only toward the work, i.e., toward the other tool of a tool pair). The distinction between the named components is not an arbitrary one; in the schedule, and in the placement of patents, components are significant as to those patents which disclose separate actuating means to give the tool its respective flying and feed movements. Thus a patent to a rotary cutter of the "lawnmower" type (such as is found, per se, in subclasses 331+ below) and including work-responsive tool actuating means, will be found in a generic subclass such as 290 rather than in a subclass characterized by the type of feed or flying movement such as subclasses 291 or 292, respectively.
(2) Note. Included in this subclass (286) are patents disclosing tools revolving about a fixed axis (e.g., lawnmower type), which tools are actuated by a mechanically operating detector and transmitter. For similar structure wherein the detector is a photocell, see subclass 289; and wherein it is otherwise part of an electrical circuit, see subclasses 290+, indented hereunder.
(3) Note. For other subclasses providing for work-sensing mechanism and control means responsive thereto, see subclasses 399+ under the heading "Search This Class, Subclass".


308+,for patents in which the flying component of the tool"s motion is derived entirely from the engagement of the tool with the moving work.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 287]    287With means to vary "length" of product:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 286.  Device provided with means to alter the dimension of the product in the direction of work movement.
(1) Note. For the purpose of this subclass, the length of a product is that dimension defined above regardless of the magnitude of that dimension relative to other dimensions; thus, as to this subclass, the length of a product may be smaller than the width thereof if short pieces are cut from relatively wide work.
(2) Note. Examples of the means defined above are means to effect (a) variation of the position of the work sensor relative to the cutter and (b) variation of the time elapsed between the sensing of work and the initiation of the tool action in response to said sensing.


363,for other product length changing apparatus responsive to work-sensing means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 288]    288To vary an end-product "length" (e.g., "crop cut"):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 287.  Device provided with means to alter the longitudinal dimension of the first product cut from a workpiece with respect to the longitudinal dimension of the remaining products cut from the same workpiece.
(1) Note. The work "crop" is an art term referring to that end portion of a workpiece which is so irregular in contour or composition as to be considered waste material. To produce regular sheets from a rolled slab, for instance, waste or "crop" may be trimmed from the leading and/or trailing end of the slab, the intermediate cuts producing the usable products which are usually of longer dimension than the crop and of similar dimension as between successive usable products.
(2) Note. Included herein are patents also disclosing means to change the length of intermediate products so that a short trailing "crop" end may be cut.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 289]    289With photo-electric work-sensing means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 286.  Device in which the detector includes a means responsive to light to energize an electrical circuit, and the detection of work is effected by a change in the quantity or quality of the light received by said means either directly (as by work"s moving between said means and the source of said light), or indirectly (as by reflection from the work).
(1) Note. Examples of the means referred to above are vacuum tubes and other light-sensitive detectors.


72+,for a photoelectric work sensor in a "self-regulating" device.
365,for other apparatus responsive to photoelectric work-sensing means and see Notes thereto.


250Radiant Energy,   subclasses 200+ , for photocell detector and circuit.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 290]    290With trip-switch work-sensing means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 286.  Device in which the transmitter includes an electrical circuit to initiate cutter action, and in which the detector includes a make-break portion in said circuit.
(1) Note. Contact of the work with the trip switch may be either direct, or indirect, as by engagement of the work with a lever or linkage connected to the trip switch.
(2) Note. Included in this subclass (290) are patents disclosing rotary flying tools of the type classified in subclasses 331+, which tools are actuated by a trip switch.


372,for other operating means responsive to trip switch work-sensing means.


200Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers,   subclasses 61.13+ , 61.19+, 61.41, and 61.42+, for a detector switch, per se.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 291]    291To initiate feed movement of tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 290.  Device including a cutter having a means for accomplishing its feed movement, separate and distinct from a means for accomplishing its flying movement, whose feed movement (at least) is started by the work-responsive detector and transmitter.
(1) Note. See (1) Note to subclass 286 for definition of the terms "feed movement" and "flying movement".
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 292]    292And to initiate flying movement of tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 291.  Device in which the actuation of both (a) the means for accomplishing flying movements, and (b) the means for accomplishing feed movement, is initiated by the same signal or impulse.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 293]    293With work-responsive means to initiate flying movement of tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 286.  Device provided with a cutter having a means for accomplishing its flying movement, separate and distinct from a means for accomplishing its feed movement, whose flying movement (at least) is started by a work responsive detector and transmitter.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 294]    294With flying work-gripper means related to tool carrier:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 293.  Device provided with means, connected to and traveling with the cutter and/or its support, to firmly secure the work to the support for the period during which the work is moving and the tool is cutting.
(1) Note. Included herein are patents disclosing devices wherein a work-responsive flying gripper is actuated to secure the flying support to the moving work, thus effecting flying movement of the cutter. Also included herein are patents disclosing work-responsive mechanism to actuate concurrently a driving means for the flying movement of the tool and a work gripping means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 295]    295With means controlling flying speed dependent on work speed:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 293.  Device including means responsive to the speed of the work or of the work-moving means for regulating the speed of the means for accomplishing flying movement of the cutter.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 296]    296With means to vary frequency of initiation:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 285.  Device provided with means for changing the number of occurrences of tool-action-starting with respect to either a given duration of time or to the passage of a given amount of work past the tool.
(1) Note. Patents disclosing the adjustment defined above may disclose that this adjustment is for the purpose of changing the length of product cut from the work.


287+,for work-responsive means to vary length of product of a "flying" cutter.
369,for work-driven measuring means to cut different product lengths, in general.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 297]    297By orbitally traveling trigger pin(s):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 296.  Device in which the means to vary the frequency of the tool-action-starting mechanism includes at least two means, one of said means comprising an element which, when activated, effects the initiation of the tool action, the other of said means comprising a plurality of pin members moving in a closed path, one or more of which pin members along the closed path may be selectively positioned so as to describe a second closed path (parallel to the first named path) which intersects the location of such element at the selected position(s) along the first named path, whereby the positioned pin member(s) will intermittently or periodically engage and move, or otherwise activate, the element in the desired frequency of occurrences.
(1) Note. The positionable pins may be mounted on a wheel or endless chain for movement in the first named closed path, and any selected pin may be shifted into the second closed path either manually or by mechanical means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 298]    298Interrelated control of tool and work-feed drives:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 284.  Device in which both the work-feed means and the means to move the tool through a cutting action or cycle are provided with independent power trains, each of which trains has a speed changing means which is adjustable to vary the speed of its driven element (tool or work respectively), and a common mechanism is provided to interdependently regulate the several speed changers so that an adjustment of one will be accompanied by an adjustment of the other.
(1) Note. A mere common drive does not fall within the meaning of this subclass, and will be found below; e.g., in subclass 339.


311,for a device to regulate the tool speed of flying cutters.
312+,for a device to regulate the work-feed of flying cutters.
339,for interconnected work-feed and cutter drives, and see (1) Note above.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 299]    299With means to concurrently adjust flying frequency and retain flying speed of tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 284.  Device wherein means is provided to change the lapse of time between the initiation of one tool cycle and the initiation of a subsequent tool cycle and which at the same time maintains the flying speed of the tool the same as it was before the change was made.


311,for a device which merely regulates the tool speed of a flying cutter.
324,for means to vary the tool speed cyclically.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 300]    300Plural diverse flying cutters:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 284.  Device wherein more than one flying cutter is provided, and one of the cutters makes a cut in the work which is different from the cut made on the same work by the other cutter or cutters.
(1) Note. The difference in tool structures is not merely one dimensional extent.
(2) Note. Included herein, for example, are flying cutters which sequentially punch and cut off the work.


303,for plural separately mounted flying cutters which may make similar cuts in the work.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 301]    301Combined with other type cutter:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 284.  Device wherein there is provided both a cutter of the type defined in subclass 284 and a cutter of this class not falling within that definition.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 302]    302With slitter:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 301.  Device wherein the other cutter makes a continuous cut in the work through its thickness in a direction which is substantially parallel to the direction of movement of the work.


408,for means to move the work between a slitting station and a transverse cutter station.
425+,for a slitter, per se.


242Winding, Tensioning, or Guiding,   subclasses 525+ for longitudinal slitting of material being wound.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 303]    303Plural separately mounted flying cutters:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 284.  Device wherein more than one tool of the type defined in 284 is provided and the tools are independently supported for separate operation in the device.
(1) Note. Included, for example, are two rotary flying cutters, each rotated at a different speed, and each operating on a different portion of a web which has been slit into two portions.


300,for plural diverse flying cutters.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 304]    304With means to render cutter pass(es) ineffective:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 284.  Device wherein the tool is cyclically operated, and wherein a means is provided to permit or prohibit cutting during the cycle.
(1) Note. A tool pass (as applied in the title and definition of this and indented subclass) refers to a sweep of the tool along with the work and including both its flying motion and whatever feed motion is present. A pass may be rendered ineffective to cut the work by a change in tool motion (either in its flying or feed movements), or by a change of work-feed motion, or both.
(2) Note. Patents disclosing operator actuated means to render a tool pass ineffective will be found here.


57,for a device in which the cyclic operation of the cutter is stopped by an intervening force and is resumed upon release of the force.
306+,for a device in which the work is shifted laterally into the path of the cutter to effect a cut.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 305]    305With means to produce "mis-cut":
 This subclass is indented under subclass 304.  Devices wherein means is provided to cause a cutter to make a plurality of passes at the work in the direction of work-feed, and the said means causes the work to be cut in certain of the passes and not to be cut in other passes according to a predetermined pattern.


304+,for a flying cutter having manually operated means to render a cutter pass ineffective.
306+,for a work shifter which deflects the work out of a noncutting feed path into the path of the tool.
528,for a device having means to move a tool away from the cutting plane while the tool continues to cycle.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 306]    306Oscillating work shifter adjacent cutter:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 284.  Device wherein is provided a means at or near the cutter which bodily moves the work at an angle to the existing direction of work-feed, into and out of the path of the cutter.


304,for a flying cutter combined with means which are manually operated to render a cutter pass ineffective.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 307]    307Work actuated senser initiates shifter:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 306.  Device wherein sensing means responsive to advancing work causes the actuation of the work shifter.


286+,for a device to initiate the tool action in response to a sensing of the work.
399+,and the Notes thereunder for the loci of other patents disclosing a device actuated by a work sensor.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 307.1]    307.1Wire tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 284.  Device wherein the flying cutter is an elongated member having a diameter which is relatively insignificant as compared to its length, which member enters the work in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the member and produces a severance of the work without any appreciable flow of material.
(1) Note. Because of the "planeless" nature of wire cutters, devices embodying such cutters have structural and operational features peculiar only to such devices. Such features (e.g., wire guides, tool infeed means) will be found in this subclass.


200.1,for a cutting device which operates by increasing the tension on a work-enclosing wire.
651.1+,for a wire, cutting tool, per se.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 307.2]    307.2On tool support having reciprocation parallel to direction of work-feed:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 307.1.  Device wherein the wire tool is mounted on a tool support, which support moves back and forth in a direction parallel to the direction of the moving work.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 307.3]    307.3And rotation about axis parallel to direction of work-feed:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 307.2.  Device wherein the tool support, in addition to its reciprocating movement, also rotates the tool about an axis which is parallel to the direction of movement of the work.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 308]    308Tool flies by engagement with the work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 284.  Device wherein means is provided to move the tool or a member connected to the tool into contact with or in the path of the moving work, so that the tool or member is moved (e.g., dragged or pulled) along by the work at the same speed as the work, and this contact is the sole motive force which moves the tool in the direction of work-feed at the time of cutting.


222,for a tool of the type there classified in which the tool motion initiates work-feed and vice versa.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 309]    309Tool merely flexes with moving work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 308.  Device wherein the tool is resilient, and wherein the tool gives or bends in the direction of work-feed when it contacts the work and springs back to a ready position when disengaged from the work.


542,for means to move or permit movement of tool through cutting cycle by deforming a resilient tool or tool support.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 310]    310Flying support or guide for work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 284.  Device wherein there is provided adjacent the cutter a holding or confining element for the work, and this element moves coincidentally with the cutter in the direction of work-feed during the cutting cycle to carry the weight of the work or steady it.
(1) Note. The flying supports classified in this subclass are often used when delicate or fragile material such as paper straw tubes are cut.
(2) Note. The devices in this subclass are distinguished from the devices in subclasses 319, 322, and 325 below in that the latter not only guide or support the work against gravity, but also positively move the work in feed direction.


319,and see (2) Note above.
322,and see (2) Note above.
325,and see (2) Note above.
373,for other types of tools having interrelated tool feed and work guide moving means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 311]    311With tool speed regulator:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 284.  Device including means to vary the flying speed of the cutter.
(1) Note. Devices which increase the flying speed of rotary cutters by increasing the effective radius of the cutters are not here but in subclasses 331+ below.


38,for a method of cyclically varying the tool feed.
295,for means controlling flying speed dependent on work speed.
298,for interrelated control of work-feed and tool speed.
312+,for a device having work-feed speed regulation.
331+,and see (1) Note above.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 312]    312With work feed speed regulator:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 284.  Device wherein means is provided to vary the rate at which the work is advanced to the cutter.


263+,for means to control the magnitude or acceleration of work-feed to the type of tool there classified.
298,for a device having interrelated controls for varying both cutter and feed speed.
429,for means to effect difference between rate of work-feed and speed of a nonflying tool in continuing contact therewith.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 313]    313With means to vary cyclically speed of work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 312.  Device wherein means is provided to change the rate at which the work is advanced during each cycle of the tool.


38,for a method of cyclically varying the work-feed.
324,for means to cyclically vary the tool speed of an orbitally moving tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 314]    314Spring return of tool in counterfly direction:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 284.  Device which includes a resilient or elastic element connected to the tool or its supporting structure to resist movement in a work-feed direction, and which element urges the tool back to its initial position after the work has been cut.


582+,for a constantly urged (e.g., spring biased) tool or tool support.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 315]    315Tool mounted on oscillating standard
 This subclass is indented under subclass 284.  Device in which the tool or its support is mounted on a member which is pivoted to swing back and forth, along the path of work movement about such pivot as an axis.


258+,for the type of cutter there classified wherein the feed means has an oscillatory motion.
491+,for a rotatable disc cutter on an oscillating standard.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 316]    316Both tools of couple on single standard:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 315.  Device in which two tools cooperate to produce a cut, and the tools are mounted on the same pivoted flying member so as to oscillate about the same point.


320,for plural tools mounted on the same rectilinearly shuttling carrier.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 317]    317One tool swings out of work path on return stroke:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 316.  Device in which one of the cooperating tools is pivotally mounted to move independently on the oscillating flying member on the backward movement of such member so as not to engage the work on the backward movement of the flying member.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 318]    318Tool carrier shuttles rectilinearly parallel to direction of work feed:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 284.  Device which includes a means on which the tool or its support is mounted, and which means is caused to travel back and forth in a straight line path adjacent the path of the work-feed, and wherein the cutting tool is caused to move cyclically into and out of engagement with the work during its forward travel to cut the work.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 319]    319Including means to secure work to carrier:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 318.  Device in which there is means other than the tool to temporarily fasten the work to the carrier during the movement of the carrier in the work-feed direction.
(1) Note. The clamping may be effected by a member which serves as an anvil in the cutting operation or by a part of a tool other than the cutting edge.


186,for means to secure hollow work to a movable tool support.
308+,for a flying cutter in which the flying motion of the tool is derived solely by its contact with the work.
310,for a flying work support or guide.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 320]    320Both members of cutting pair on same carrier:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 318.  Device in which two tools cooperate to produce a cut and both are mounted on the same carrier.


316+,for a device in which both tools are mounted upon an oscillating standard.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 321]    321Orbital motion of cutting blade:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 284.  Device wherein the cutter blade travels in a closed loop.


201,for an endless flexible band knife which travels in a closed loop and continuously engages work.
331+,for a cutter which travels in a circular path.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 322]    322Work feeder mounted on tool support:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 321.  Device wherein the cutter support, or means mounted on the cutter support advances the work through the cutting zone or holds the work while it is being cut.


225+,for work-feed controlled by means mounted on the tool or tool support where the tool engages the work during a dwell on intermittent work-feed.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 323]    323Gripper-type feeder:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 322.  Device in which thework-feeder includes means to grasp or hold the work immobile with respect to the feeder.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 324]    324Tool speed varied within each orbital cycle:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 321.  Device including means to change the peripheral speed of the cutter during a portion (only) of the tool cycle.
(1) Note. This feature is ordinarily utilized to enable changes in the length of the workpiece to be cut off, without necessitating changes in speed of work-feed or other major adjustments.


38,for methods of varying the tool and/or work-feed cyclically.
313,for means to vary the work speed cyclically.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 325]    325Work feed gripper carried on endless belt:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 321.  Device in which a continuous belt includes or has cooperating therewith a means to grasp the work and advance it.
(1) Note. Included in this subclass are devices having two feed belts clamping the work between themselves in order to advance the work.


322+,for a tool carried work-feeding clamp.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 326]    326Endless belt or chain tool carrier:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 321.  Device in which the tool or its support is mounted on a flexible, continuous, closed loop structure.


661,for an endless band or belt-type tool, per se.
788+,for an endless flexible band knife machine.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 327]    327Constantly oriented tool with arcuate cutting path:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 321.  Device wherein there is provided a mechanism which moves the cutting tool in a curved path immediately before, during and immediately after its work cutting operation and, at all times during this operation, maintains the tool in planes which are parallel to each other.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 328]    328Cutting couple type:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 327.  Device wherein a pair of tools coact with each other to cut the work.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 329]    329Rotatable disc-type tool on orbiting axis:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 321.  Device wherein the tool is a relatively thin member of generally circular cross section mounted to rotate about an axis extending thickness-wise therethrough, and wherein means is provided to move the axis in an orbital path.
(1) Note. Included in this subclass are tools having saw-toothed or serrated peripheral edges.


425+,for a rotary disc cutter in combination with means to move work thereto, and whose axis does not itself have an orbital motion.
469+,for a rotatable disc tool pair (or tool and carrier) whose axes (or axis) do not have an orbital motion during the cutting operation.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 330]    330Idling disc:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 329.  Device wherein the disc is journaled to rotate about its axis, but no power means is provided to effect such rotation; any rotation which does not take place is due solely to the engagement of the cutter with the work.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 331]    331Rotary tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 321.  Device in which the cutter blade tool is mounted on an axis of rotation to travel in a circle about such axis.


315+,for a cutter which oscillates back and forth in an arc of a circle.
321+,for a cutter which travels in a closed loop which is not a circle and see the Notes thereof for search references.


30Cutlery,   particularly subclasses 205+ , 240, 276, 292, 307, and 319 for rotary cutters of the type there classified.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 332]    332Segmented disc slitting or slotting tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 331.  Device in which the tool has an annular cutting edge which extends around only a portion of the circumference of the tool support, and which edge extends in a plane parallel to the direction of work-feed.
(1) Note. Rotary punches; i.e., tools having a plurality of punches mounted around the periphery of the tool support have not been considered as slitters or slotters for this subclass, but have been classified in other subclasses under 331 on the structure claimed.


425,for a rotatable disc tool in combination with means to move work thereto, which tool cuts a continuous slit or slot in the work as the work is fed past the cutter.
469+,for a rotatable disc tool pair or tool and carrier.
676,for a rotatable disc tool, per se.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 333]    333With undulant cutting edge (e.g., "pinking" tool):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 331.  Device provided with a cutter including a cutting edge on the periphery of said cutter, in which a development (in the sense of the term as used in descriptive geometry) of the cutting edge from said periphery into a plane forms a zigzag or sinuous line.
(1) Note. Included herein are rotatable circular cutters known in the art as "pinkers", "pinking wheels" and "pinking machines". The terms are so well known that the shape of the edge as defined above is rarely recited precisely; hence mere recitation in the claim (s) of such art terms or similar terms is considered sufficient for classification herein.
(2) Note. Patents in which the cut is of the form known as "scalloped" will also be found herein.


428,for a device which produces an undulant cut by reciprocating a slitting blade laterally of the direction of work-feed.
918,for pinking digest.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 334]    334Single tool action drive:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 331.  Device in which means is provided to cause a cutter to start from a position of rest, rotate sufficiently to cause one cutting operation to take place, and then assume a position of rest.


203+,for a unicyclic operation where a tool engages work during a dwell feed.
285+,for a device to intermittently cause a tool action of a flying cutter to be initiated.
484,for a unicyclic operation of a rotary disc slitter.
524+,for a unicyclic cutting machine in general.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 335]    335With one-revolution drive:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 334.  Device wherein means is provided to cause the tool to rotate substantially 360 degrees during the single cutting operation.


69,for a device for stopping a cutting tool after a predetermined number of cutting cycles.
283,for a one revolution clutch drive mechanism in a device in which the tool engages the work during a feed dwell.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 336]    336With loop former preceding tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 331.  Device wherein means is provided to shift or flex the work in a direction generally normal to the direction in which it is fed to the cutter, said means acting on the work intermediate the supply source of the work and the cutting zone of the machine; e.g., so as to vary the amount of work fed to the cutter without changing the speed of the work-feed means.


236,for a loop former in the type of cutting apparatus there classified.
350+,for incidental buckling of work during cutting.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 337]    337Compound movement of tool during tool cycle:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 331.  Device including means to effect a supplemental movement of the tool, other than that of rotation about its axis, during the cutting cycle.


185+,for a tool, inside hollow work, which tool or a second tool coacting therewith has compound motion.
327+,for a tool having compound motion, which motion keeps the tool constantly oriented in a plane maintained by the tool at all other times during the cutting operation.
557,for cooperating cutters having a cyclic movement into and out of operating position in addition to their tool stroke.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 338]    338Axial reciprocation of tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 337.  Device in which means is provided to move the cutter, during its rotation, back and forth in the direction of its axis of rotation.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 339]    339Interconnected work feeder and tool driver:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 331.  Device wherein means is provided to feed the work to the cutting means, and said two means are connected to each other by a power train so that they both may be driven from a single power source.


231+,for a device in which the means to feed the tool during a dwell in the work-feed is controlled by the work-feed mechanism.
298,for interrelated control of tool and work-feed drives, and see (1) Note to that subclass (298).
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 340]    340Side cutting helical blade:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 331.  Device in which the cutter is a spiral blade mounted on an axis of rotation, which axis extends in the direction of work-feed, so that the cut proceeds inwardly from the side of the work.


342,for a helically mounted cutter making a progressive transverse cut in which the axis of the cutter is transverse to the direction of work-feed.
672,for a helical cutter, per se.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 341]    341With means to cause progressive transverse cutting:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 331.  Device wherein means is provided to begin the cut at one edge or point of the work and thereafter continues along the work in a straight line, in a direction which is not parallel to the direction of the work-feed, to a different edge or point.


595,for means to effect a progressive cut of a revolving tool moving through a recess in a work holder or in a cooperating tool.
596,for means to effect a progressive cut of a revolving tool.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 342]    342With helical cutter blade:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 341.  Device in which the cutter is mounted spirally around its axis of revolution.


340,for a helically bladed tool whose axis extends in the direction of work-feed.
672,for a rotatable helical tool, per se.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 343]    343With cooperating rotary cutter or backup:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 331.  Device which includes a second edged cutting tool, or other coacting surface (e.g., anvil), mounted on an axis of rotation to travel in a circle, which axis is parallel to the axis of rotation of the first tool, and wherein the first tool and the second tool or other coacting surface together effect the cutting action.


505+,for a tool pair comprising a rotatable disc tool and a cylindrical anvil.
509+,for a tool pair comprising a rotatable anvil and a fixed tool.
659,for a rotatable anvil tool, per se.


492Roll or Roller, see section III, References to Other Classes,   of the Class 492 definition, for the loci of other roll pairs with working surfaces.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 344]    344Cooperating tool axes adjustable relative to each other:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 343.  Device having means to adjust, move or permit movement of the axes of rotation of the cooperating tools toward or away from each other in order to vary the distance between the tools.


495+,for a rotatable disc tool pair including means to adjust there between.
663+,particularly subclass 677 for a rotary tool adjustable with respect to their supports.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 345]    345With radial overlap of the cutting members:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 343.  Device in which cutting members mounted on each of the two axis of rotation interdigitate with respect to each other.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 346]    346With anvil backup:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 343.  Device in which the backup has a smooth faced surface that is engaged by the cutter.


659,for a rotatable anvil, per se.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 347]    347With resilient anvil surface:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 346.  Device in which the facing of the backup is made of elastic or yieldable material.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 348]    348Resiliently urged cutter or anvil member:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 343.  Device in which means is provided to continually urge, as by a spring, one of the tools which may be a coacting surface with respect to its mounting, or to continually urge the mounting of such tool with respect to another tool mounting to effect cutting cooperation.


345,for cooperating rotary cutters which overlap each other during the cutting operation.
506,for a disc blade and cylindrical anvil cutting couple resiliently urged together.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 349]    349With cooperating stationary tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 331.  Device wherein the rotary cutter coacts with a cutter fixed in position to cut the work.


355+,for similar art where the rotary tool does not have a component of motion in the direction of work-feed during the cutting operation.
509+,for a tool pair comprising a rotary anvil and fixed type cutter.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 350]    350CUTTER WITH TIMED STROKE RELATIVE TO MOVING WORK:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Device including a tool which is actuated in synchronism with advancing work, to cut such work while the latter is passing through the tool station; the tool, during its passage through the work, following a path which is substantially perpendicular to the direction in which the work is moving.
(1) Note. The portion of the work near the cutter may be blocked thereby during and incidental to the cut, causing a buckling or compression of the work. If, however, a patent contains a definite teaching that a dwell is caused in the work motion, such patent will be placed in subclasses 202+, particularly subclasses 262+. Usually the tool stroke* is rapid, and the work springs or falls back to its normal condition between tool strokes.
(2) Note. For a patent to be placed as an original copy in this and indented subclasses, it is not necessary that a work-feed means be claimed if it is evident (from the claimed subject matter) that work is in motion and that a definite timed relationship exists between the work motion and the tool actuation.


202+,for a device in which a tool engages work during the dwell period between successive increments of work-feed, and subclass 262, indented thereunder, for a device wherein work-feed means is operated continuously, but the work is halted during cutting by engagement therewith by a clamp, abutment, or the tool itself, and see (1) Note, above.
284+,for tool having motion component in direction of moving work, and in particular subclass 349, indented thereunder for rotary transverse cutter with axis offset from work-feed path.
401+,for a device to move work toward a tool station.


234Selective Cutting (e.g., Punching),   subclass 49 , for a selective cutting device which operates on moving work; and subclass 50 for such a device with flying cutters.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 351]    351Work swings about progressively cutting tool during tool stroke:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 350.  Device in which a work-feed means acts during the tool stroke upon a portion of the work spaced from the tool and in a direction not intersecting the cutting zone, whereby the work is caused to pivot about the portions thereof which are successively engaged by the tool, to effect a generally curved or irregular line of cut.
(1) Note. The action is similar to that of an operator using a pair of scissors to cut a curved piece out of tin or cardboard.


71,for a cutting machine controlled by a perforated record.
215,for a machine of intermittent work-feed type wherein a tool has motions additional to its cutting stroke.
353,for a tool traveling laterally across a moving web.
411,for means to guide a work carrier about a fixed axis relative to a tool station.
439,for a work guide which permits rotation of the work about a fixed axis.
565,for tool motion (usually other than rectilinear) controlled by a templet.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 352]    352Tool actuated by movable work support:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 350.  Device provided with work-carrying structure which is drivingly connected to tool-actuating means so that movement of the work-carrying structure transmits power from itself to a tool to cause the latter to cut the moving work.
(1) Note. One tool is sometimes fixed to the work support, and a cooperating tool moved by linkage connected thereto.
(2) Note. The concept of this subclass is distinguished from that of a "flying cutter" by the fact that here the work may be at rest in the cutting zone at the start of the operation. Thus the actuated tool of this subclass may have a component of motion in the direction of the moving work.
(3) Note. The work-carrying structure constitutes or is part of work-moving means, hence is distinguishable from a "work-responsive" detector or sensing means, for which see subclasses 360+.


284+,for a tool which has a component of motion during cutting in the direction in which the work enters the cutting zone.
360+,for operation controlled by means responsive to work.
409+,for other work-carrying structure.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 353]    353Traveling cutter:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 350.  Device wherein the tool is of small dimension relative to the dimension of the work in the direction of the tool stroke, and the tool progresses along the moving work in an edge-to-edge direction thereof.
(1) Note. This type of movement usually produces a bevel or bias cut.
(2) Note. The relatively narrow tool offers little resistance to feeding movement of the work.


483+,for a rotatable disc type of tool traveling from edge to edge of work.
614,for a reciprocating tool which travels from edge to edge of a sheet or web.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 354]    354With means to vary timing of tool feed:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 350.  Device provided with means to change the time interval between any two successive cutting strokes with respect to the length of work fed during such interval, without the necessity of replacing any machine parts to effect such change.


240+,for adjustable tool or work-feed in machines of the step-by-step intermittent feed type, and subclass 234 for varying the number of work-feed increments per tool stroke.
287+,296, 304, 305, and 313, for adjustment of work or tool feeding flying-cutting machines.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 355]    355Uniform periodic tool actuation:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 350.  Device including means which constantly transmits power to actuate the tool continuously through repeated strokes during continued movement of the work.
(1) Note. A cam-driven tool would satisfy the limitations of the definition of this subclass only if no dwell period occurs during the camming cycle. (A dwell period implies interruption in the flow of power to the tool).
(2) Note. Examples of tool actuation to be found in this subclass are (a) simple rotation, (b) tools driven with sample pendulum motion, (c) reciprocating tools driven in substantially simple harmonic motion, as by a Scotch yoke, an eccentric, or a conventional rotary crank and connecting rod.


315+,318+, and 321+, for a tool which is actuated in an oscillatory manner so as to operate on moving work while periodically moving along with the work (flying cutter).
331+,for a rotary cutter arranged to travel with moving work during the cutting operation (flying cutter).
591+,for a tool having simple rotary motion throughout its stroke or cutting cycle.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 356]    356With periodic lateral feed of tool or work:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 355.  Device in which either the tool or the work is shifted between cutting operations in a regularly recurring manner, and in a direction transverse both to the tool stroke and the main direction of work-feed.


215+,for a machine wherein a tool has motion additional to its tool stroke during a cutting cycle.
220+,for a machine in which the work may be advanced in different directions between successive operations of a tool.
249,for a machine having work-feed means arranged so as to facilitate manual shifting or reorientation of work between successive tool strokes.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 356.1]    356.1With plural tool stations:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 355.  Device including a plurality of tools, which tools act successively upon the moving work, and wherein each tool has its own support.


356.3,for a similar device wherein a plurality of cutting tools share the same common support.
404+,for a cutting device which includes a plurality of tool stations and means to move the work from one station to another.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 356.2]    356.2Reciprocating tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 355.  Device including means to to rectilinearly move the tool toward the work on one stroke and away from the work on the other stroke.


613+,for rectilinearly reciprocating tool driving means, per se.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 356.3]    356.3With plural tools on a single tool support:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 355.  Device including more than one individual tool on a tool support.
(1) Note. The individual tools on the tool support may act simultaneously or successively or some simultaneously and some successively, depending, for example, on their relative positions on the tool support and the manner in which the tool support moves them to the cutting zone.


356.1,for a similar device having a plurality of cutting tools, each tool being mounted upon a separate support.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 357]    357With plural tool stations:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 350.  Device which incorporates a plurality of actuated tools operable in succession upon the moving work at locations spaced longitudinally of the path of work-feed.


39+,for methods involving a plurality of cutting steps in general.
255+,for work fed intermittently to a succession of tools.
301+,for a flying cutter combined with other type cutter.
404+,for means to move work from one tool station to another.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 358]    358OPERATION CONTROLLED BY MEANS RESPONSIVE TO PRODUCT:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Device provided with a detector* for the product, a transmitter* and means to effect the functioning of at least a part of the device as direct or indirect result of the receipt by said means of a detected and transmitted signal or impulse.
(1) Note. In this and the indented subclass, that part of the device whose functioning is effected in response to the signal or impulse will be referred to as a "controlled apparatus".
(2) Note. For patents in which the functioning of a controlled apparatus is affected (e.g., varying the speed of the work or cutter, or changing the working conditions of the device) in response to deviations of an operating condition of the device or a component thereof, as distinguished from response to product, see subclasses 72+.
(3) Note. For patents in which the controlled apparatus is a means to handle the cut product, see subclass 79.


61,for stopping of device responsive to product sensing.
71,for control means responsive to indicia bearing tape or card.
72+,and see (2) Note above.
79+,and see (3) Note above.
360+,for similar structure responsive to work.


177Weighing Scales,   subclasses 60+ for the combination of a cutting machine and a weighing scale which receives material cut, or to be cut, by the cutting machine, characterized by means to actuate, or to modify the operation of, the cutting machine in response to determination of the weight of material accumulated on the weighting scale.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 359]    359Actuation of tool controlled:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 358.  Device in which the controlled apparatus includes a tool* and/or a tool driving train and the function effected is the regulation of movement of said tool.
(1) Note. Included in this subclass are devices in which the cutter moves through a cutting cycle, and devices in which the cutter is shifted or positioned relative to the work or product.


368,for a cutter shifted relative to the work in response to work, and see (1) Note under subclass 368 for meaning of the word "shifted".
369,and 370+, for a cutter actuated to cut responsive to the work.


234Selective Cutting (e.g., Punching),   subclass 64 , for a punched card reproducer operable as a gang punch (each newly punched card serves as a pattern to control selection of tools to punch the following card).
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 360]    360OPERATION CONTROLLED BY DETECTOR MEANS RESPONSIVE TO WORK:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Device provided with a detector* for the work, a transmitter*, and means to effect the functioning of at least a part of the device as a direct or indirect result of the receipt by said means of a detected and transmitted signal or impulse.
(1) Note. In this and the indented subclasses, that part of the device whose functioning is effected in response to the signal or impulse will be referred to as a "controlled apparatus".
(2) Note. For patents in which the functioning of a controlled apparatus is affected (e.g., varying the speed of the work or cutter, or changing the working conditions of the device) in response to deviations of an operating condition of the device or a component thereof, as distinguished from response to work, see subclasses 72+.
(3) Note. For patents in which the controlled apparatus is a means to handle the product, see subclass 80.
(4) Note. For patents in which the controlled apparatus is a means to stop work movement and a means to initiate a cutting cycle, see subclasses 208, 209+, and 211+.
(5) Note. For patents in which the controlled apparatus is a "flying" cutter, see subclasses 286+ and 307.
(6) Note. The combination of means to produce a mark on work and means to detect the mark, in response to which detection, an operation is effected, will be found in the appropriate mark-producing class.


62,and 63+, for stopping means responsive to work.
71,for control means responsive to indicia-bearing tape or card.
72+,and see (2) Note above.
80,and see (3) Note above.
208,209+, and 211+, and see (4) Note above.
286+,and 307, and see (5) Note above.
358+,for similar structure responsive to product.


173Tool Driving or Impacting,   subclasses 2+ for automatic control of a power operated tool driving or impacting means.
234Selective Cutting (e.g., Punching),   subclasses 25+ , for work-responsive means which controls an auxiliary operation in a selective cutting machine; subclasses 63+ for control of tool selection by such means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 361]    361With means to control work-responsive signal system:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 360.  Device in which the detector* is provided with means to govern or regulate or adjust the action or position of said detector*, or the transmitter*, or the impulse receiving element.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 362]    362To delay response to work-senser:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 361.  Device in which the control or regulating means regulates the duration of time existing between the effectuation of the signal or impulse and the effectuation of the functioning of the apparatus.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 363]    363To change length of product:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 361.  Device in which the control means is effective to alter the extent of the cut product.
(1) Note. The "extent" of a cut product is defined as that dimension parallel to the direction of work movement regardless of the size or extent of that dimension relative to other dimensions, (i.e., for the purpose of this subclass the length or extent of a product may be smaller than the width thereof if short pieces are cut from relatively wide work).


241+,for other means to vary the product length in a subclass 202 type of cutting device.
287+,for other product-length changing apparatus using a "flying" cutter.
354,for means to vary the timing of the tool relative to moving work, responsive to a work characteristic.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 364]    364With plural work-sensing means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 360.  Device provided with more than one detector*.
(1) Note. Included in this subclass are patents to device provided with plural work-sensors usable one at a time alternately or selectively; or provided with plural work-sensors usable together, in either cooperation or opposition, to control the same function or to control different functions in predetermined sequence.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 365]    365With photo-electric work-sensing means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 360.  Device in which the detector* includes a light-sensitive means responsive to light impinging on said means to energize an electrical circuit and the detection of work is effected by a change in the quantity or quality of the light received by said means either directly (as by work"s moving between said means and the source of said light), or indirectly (as by reflection from the work).
(1) Note. Examples of the means referred to above are vacuum tubes and light-sensitive detectors.
(2) Note. Included herein are patents in which a beam of light is reflected from the work or an index mark thereon to the light-sensitive-means, as well as patents in which the work covers and uncovers the light-sensitive means.


72+,for a photo-electric work-sensor in a "self-regulating" device.
289,for a photo-electric work-sensor in a "flying" cutter device.


250Radiant Energy,   subclasses 200+ for photocell detector and circuit.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 366]    366Release of interlock controlled:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 360.  Device in which the controlled apparatus is a mechanism to prevent movement of a part or element of the device or to prevent movement of the work, said mechanism being provided with means to disable the movement-preventing mechanism and in which the function effected is activation of said disabling means by the work-responsive means, whereby a subsequent operation is permitted.


399+,for interlock means controlled by other parts or elements of the device, and see the "Search This Class, Subclass" notes under subclasses 399+ for other interlock subclasses.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 367]    367Movement of work controlled:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 360.  Device in which the controlled apparatus includes means to move, guide, decelerate or stop the work, and the function effected is the actuation or modification of the operation of said means.
(1) Note. Included herein are patents provided with means to effect final registry of work with respect to its cutting position after initial work movement but prior to cutting.


209+,for means to control work movement in combination with means to initiate cutting cycle, both in response to a work-sensing mechanism.


226Advancing Material of Indeterminate Length,   subclasses 10+ for means to sense material and means to control the operation of material advancing means.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 368]    368Positioning of tool controlled:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 360.  Device in which the controlled apparatus is a cutter movable in a direction other than in the work-cutting path and the function effected is the movement of said cutter in said other direction.
(1) Note. The inclusion of the term "other" in the above definition is not intended to exclude patents having claimed means to impart a work-cutting movement. Patents claiming such means (per se, classifiable in other subclasses in this schedule) and, in addition to such means, claiming means to impart a supplemental movement (such as for locating the cutter in, or shifting it to, a different position relative to the work or the machine; e.g., to cut a different part of the work, or place the cutter out of operative position) responsive to the work-sensing means, will be placed in this subclass.


359,for similar structure responsive to product.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 369]    369Actuation of tool controlled by work-driven means to measure work length:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 360.  Device including a detector* which is moved by, and to an extent proportional to, movement of the work; further including means to effect a signal or impulse only when the extent of such detector* movement reaches a predetermined amount; and in which the controlled apparatus is a cutter, the controlled function effected being the initiation of movement of said cutter through a cutter cycle.
(1) Note. Included in this subclass are patents provided with means for changing the extent of work movement or detector movement required to initiate the cutting cycle.


208,for similar structure in which the work movement is claimed as stopped prior to cutting.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 370]    370Actuation of tool controlled in response to work-sensing means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 360.  Device in which the controlled apparatus is a cutter and/or a cutter driving train and function effected is the initiation of movement of said cutter through a cutting cycle.
(1) Note. Included in this subclass are patents in which the work itself is uniformly electrically conductive, and the work completes an electrical circuit in the detector*.


210,211+, 266+, and 369+, for other work-sensing means to initiate the cutting cycle of a cutter.
359,for similar structure responsive to product.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 371]    371Sensing means responsive to work indicium or irregularity:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 370.  Device in which the detector* is operative to sense the presence of an index, or a protuberant or re-entrant portion, in or on the work, to initiate the cutting cycle.
(1) Note. Included in the terms "index", "protuberant portion" and "re-entrant portion" are such indicia as a hole or notch in the work, a mark (e.g., printed) on the work surface, an electrically conductive area on the work which completes an electrical circuit in the detector and transmitter system, and bumps or projections on the work. Also included within the scope of such terminology are articles, or spaces between articles, in work which comprises spaced articles connected together by a connected medium (e.g., tape, string, etc.), the connecting medium of which work is to be severed between adjacent articles.


365,for devices in which a mark on the work is interposed in a light responsive (e.g., photocell) circuit.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 372]    372With trip-switch in work-sensing mechanism:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 370.  Device in which the transmitter* includes an electrical circuit and the detector* includes a make-break portion in said circuit for completing or interrupting the circuit to initiate the cutting cycle.
(1) Note. Contact of the work with the trip switch may be direct, or indirect as by engagement of the work with a lever or linkage connected to the trip switch.


290+,for other trip switch sensing means in a "flying" cutter.


200Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers,   subclasses 61.13+ , 61.19+, 61.41, and 61.42+, for other detector switches.
[List of Patents for class 83 subclass 373]