Consolidated Revision Concordance List (RCL)

Last updated
Tuesday December 31, 2024
Maintained by
OIPC/Classification Standards and Development

The following is a list of all symbols impacted by Revision Projects in the January 1, 2025 release. Please refer to the CPC Notices of Changes for additional information regarding changes to the Scheme, Definition, and Concordance.

Note: the following table is a simplified Revision Concordance List for all Revision Projects published in the current release. Specific information relating to reclassification (e.g. information on administrative transfers or intellectual reclassification) can be found in the Notice of Change for each Revision Project.

Refer to the Corrigenda and Consequential Amendments to CPC Revision Projects for details on amendments to Projects after publication.

Please refer to the List of Deleted Symbols for information on all symbols which have ever been deleted from CPC.

RCL information is only available for projects published January 2017 and beyond.

New: Revision Projects which have not yet been finalised are available under "Ongoing".

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