A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- D-10 notice— 130 ; 1304.01
- Damage, Proof of irreparable— 409.03(g)
- Databases ( See Electronic databases)
- Date
- Amendment— 505 ; 511 ; 512 ; 710.01(a) ; 710.05 ; 714.18
- Citation of foreign patent— 901.05(a) ; 901.05(b)
- Convention— 213.01
- Filing—
- of EFS-Web transmissions— 502.05
- Filing, Refusal to accord— 506.02
- Foreign application (priority)— 210 ; 213 – 217
- Invention— 2137 ; 2138
- Maintenance fees due— 2506
- Office action— 707.11
- Office stamp— 502 ; 505 ; 506 ; 512 ; 714.18
- Reference— 707.05(e) ; 715 ; 715.01 ; 715.01(c) ; 2120 ; 2120.01
- Date of execution of oath— 602.03
- Death of attorney— 406
- Death of inventor ( See also Administrator or executor)— 409 ; 409.01(a) ; 409.01(b)
- Deceased inventor
- Deceptive intent ( See also Fraud and Inequitable conduct)
- Decision
- By Patent Trial and Appeal Board— 1213 ; 1302.14
- Citation— 707.06
- Denying ex parte reexamination request— 2247
- Ex-parte reexamination review petition— 2240
- Governs examiner’s action—
- Listed— II
- Ordering ex-parte reexamination— 2246
- Ordering inter partes reexamination ( See Reexamination, Inter partes: Decision on the request for reexamination)
- Public availability— 103
- Publication of— 707.06
- Declaration (
See also
- Amendment— 602.01
- Attached to specification— 602 ; 602.08(c)
- Change of inventorship— 602.01(c)
- Copies, filing of— 602
- Copies from prior application— 201.06(c)
- Date of execution— 602.03
- Defective— 602.03
- Delayed filing— 506 ; 601.01(a)
- Executed before alterations made— 602.08(b)
- Facsimile transmission— 502.01 ; 602
- Foreign priority applications listed— 202 ; 214
- International application— 1820 ; 1893.01 ; 1893.01(a) ; 1893.01(a)(1) ; 1893.01(a)(2) ; 1893.01(a)(3) ; 1893.01(e) ; 1893.03(a) ; 1893.03(b) ; 1893.03(g) ; 1895
- Inventor refuses to sign or cannot be found— 602.08(b)
- Minor, by— 409
- Non-English— 602.06
- Plant patent application— 1604
- Refers to preliminary amendment— 601.01(a) ; 602.01(b)
- Reissue application— 1405 ; 1410.01 – ; 1414 ; 1414.01 – 1414.03 ; 1418 ; 1444 ; 1451 ; 1455
- Signed before alteration— 602.08
- Substitute— 602.02
- Declarations, conflicting— 602.01(c)
- Dedication to the public— 715 ; 1490
- Defective oath— 602.03
- Defects, correction of, in request for ex parte reexamination— 2227 ; 2231
- Defense, applications affecting— 115 ; 120 ; 130 ; 140
- Defensive publication citation— 711.06(a)
- Defensive publication program— 711.06
- Deferral of examination— 709
- Definition of USPC class— 902.02
- Demonstration at interview— 713.08
- Denial of request for reexamination— 2247 ; 2247.01 ; 2647 ; 2647.01
- Department of Energy (DOE)— 115 ; 140 ; 150 ; 151 ; 2104.01
- Dependent claim— 608.01(n)
- Dependent claim, objected to when improper— 608.01(n) ; 706.01
- Deposit account— 509.01
- Deposit Account Division— 509.01
- Deposit of microorganisms ( See also Biotechnology)— 1605 ; 1823.01 ; 2402 – 2411.05
- Deposit of correspondence— 502
- Depositions
- Deposit rules (
See also
- Acceptable depository— 2405
- Biological material, definition— 2402 ; 2403
- Biological material, made or isolated without undue experimentation— 2404.02
- Budapest Treaty ( See also Treaties)— 2402
- Budapest Treaty depositories— 2405
- Depositories, Current list of Budapest Treaty— 2405
- Examination procedures—
- After grant— 2407.02
- Application in condition for allowance except for deposit— 2411.03
- Certificate of correction— 2407.02
- Content of application regarding deposited material— 2411.05
- Need for 37 CFR 1.312 amendment— 2411.03
- Reissue— 2407.02
- Rejections based on deposit issue— 2411.01
- Responses from applicant— 2411.02
- Furnishing of samples— 2410
- Known and readily available biological material— 2404.01
- Material capable of self-replication— 2403.01
- Need for a deposit— 2402 ; 2403 ; 2404
- Non-Budapest Treaty deposit— 2404.01
- Plant material— 2403.02
- Plant Patent Act, Relation to— 2403.02
- Reference to deposit in application— 2404 ; 2404.03
- Replacement or supplement of deposit—
- After a patent has issued— 2407.02
- Exemption from replacement— 2407.05
- Failure to replace— 2407.03
- In a pending application— 2407.01
- Reason for replacement— 2407.04
- Replacement not recognized— 2407.06
- Request for certificate of correction— 2407.02
- Treatment of replacement, presumption of identity— 2407.04
- Seeds— 2403.02
- Term of deposit— 2408
- Time for making original deposit—
- Assurance regarding deposit before payment of issue fee— 2406 ; 2411.03
- Corroboration— 2406.02
- Description in application specification— 2406.01
- During application pendency— 2406
- Loss of U.S. filing date in other countries— 2406 ; 2406.03
- New matter— 2406.01
- Patent Cooperation Treaty applications— 1823.01
- Post-issuance deposits— 2406
- Viability of deposit— 2409
- Viability statement— 2409
- 35 U.S.C. 112 requirements— 2402 ; 2403 ; 2404
- Deputy Director of Patents and Trademarks— 1002.02(o) ; 1202
- Derivation proceedings— 2310
- Derogatory remark regarding prior art— 608.01(r)
- Description
- Design application—
- Analogous art— 1504.02 ; 1504.03
- Anticipation— 1504.02
- Application, elements of— 1503
- Articles, design comprising multiple— 1504.01(b)
- “Average observer” test— 1504.02
- Benefit under 35 U.S.C. 120— 211.01(a) ; 211.01(b) ; 1504.20
- Benelux Designs Convention ( See also Treaties)— 213.01 ; 1504.10
- Characteristic feature— 1503.01 ; 1504.01(a)
- Claim— 1503 ; 1503.01
- Combining references— 1504.03
- Commercial success— 1504.03
- Computer generated icons— 1504.01(a)
- Continuation application— 1504.20
- Continuation-in-part (CIP) application— 1504.20
- Continued Prosecution Application (CPA)— 1502.01
- Convention, International— 213.01 ; 1504.10
- Copending applications— 1504.06 ; 1504.20
- Copying, evidence of, to rebut obviousness— 1504.03
- Copyright, Relationship to— 1512
- Definition— 1502
- Description— 1503 ; 1503.01
- Disclaimer— 1503.01 ; 1503.02 ; 1504.04
- Disclosure— 1503.01 ; 1503.02 ; 1504.04
- Divisional application— 201.06 ; 1504.20
- Double patenting— 804 ; 1504.06
- Patent Term Filing Date— 804 ; 1490
- Drawing— 1503 ; 1503.01 ; 1503.02 ; 1504.04
- EFS-Web— 502.05 ; 1730
- Embodiments, alternate or multiple— 1503.01 ; 1504.01(b) ; 1504.05
- Enablement— 1503.02 ; 1504.04
- European Community Design treaty— 1504.10
- Examination— 1504 ; 1504.01 ; 1504.02 ; 1504.03 ; 1504.04
- Expedited Examination—
- Reissue— 1457
- Expert testimony— 1504.03
- Feature emphasized— 1503.01
- Fee, filing—
- Reissue— 1457
- Fee, issue— 1306
- Font, type— 1504.01(a)
- Foreign priority—
- More than six months before U.S. filing— 1504.02
- Functionality—
- Obviousness and— 1504.03
- Hague Agreement ( See also Treaties)— 213.01 ; 1504.10 ; Chapter 2900
- Icon, computer generated— 1504.01(a)
- International ( See also International design application)
- Indefiniteness— 1503.01 ; 1503.02 ; 1504.04
- Library collections relating to— 901.06(a)
- Modification, description— 1503.01
- Multiple embodiments— 1504.05
- Multiple parts of article— 1504.01(b)
- New matter— 1503.01 ; 1503.02 ; 1504.01(a) ; 1504.04
- Object, Design for— 1502
- Obviousness— 1504.03
- Obviousness-type (nonstatutory) double patenting (ODP)— 1504.06
- Offensive subject matter— 1504.01(e)
- Ornamentality lacking— 1504.01(c)
- Patent Cooperation Treaty— 1501 ; 1502.01
- Patentability— 1504.01 ; 1504.01(a) – 1504.01(e) ; 1504.02 ; 1504.03 ; 1504.04
- Petition, Special Status— 708.02 ; 1504.30
- Petition to accept color drawings or photographs— 608.02 ; 1503.02
- Photographs— 1503.02 ; 1504.04
- Preamble— 1503.01
- Priority under 35 U.S.C. 119— 210 ; 215 ; 1504.02 ; 1504.10
- References supplied— 707.05(a) ; 1513
- Quayle action— 1504
- Registration abroad— 1504.02 ; 1504.10
- Reissue— 1457 ; 1509
- Request for Continued Examination (RCE)— 1502.01
- Request for Expedited Examination— 1504.30
- Restriction—
- Reissue— 1457
- Rules applicable— 1501
- Scope of claim— 1503.01 ; 1504.04 ; 1504.05 ; 1504.06
- Search— 1504 ; 1504.02 ; 1504.03
- Secondary considerations— 1504.03
- Simulation— 1504.01(d)
- Specification— 1503.01
- Statutory subject matter— 1502 ; 1504.01
- Surface ornamentation— 1502 ; 1502.01 ; 1503.02 ; 1504.01 ; 1504.01(a) ; 1504.01(c) ; 1504.03
- Surface treatment or indicia— 1503.02
- Term of— 1457 ; 1502.01 ; 1505
- Title— 1503.01 ; 1504.01(a)
- Trademark, relationship to— 1512
- Type fonts— 1504.01(a)
- Utility patent, relationship to— 1502.01
- Views— 1503.02 ; 1504.04
- Visual characteristics— 1502
- Written description lacking— 1503.01 ; 1503.02 ; 1504.01(a) ; 1504.04
- Design patent series ( See also Patent)— 901.04
- Designated office— 1801 ; 1803 ; 1893.01(a)
- Designation of states— 1821
- Detailed description ( See Specification)
- Determination of public use or on sale— 2120.02 ; 2133.03 – 2133.03(e)(7) ; 2139.02 ; 2152.02(c) ; 2152.02(d)
- Determining if a Reexamination Was Filed for a Patent— 2632.01
- Determining whether an application is subject to first to invent provisions of AIA— 2159 – 2159.04
- Digest ( See Cross-reference: Art collection)
- Dictionary as a source for the ordinary and customary meaning of a claim term— 2111.01 ; 2173.02 ; 2173.05(a)
- Diligence
- Director of Technology Center—
- Functions— 1002.02(c) ; 1003
- TC 2900— 1002.02(c)(3)
- TC Director Who Oversees Licensing and Review— 710 ; 1002.02(c)(1)
- Director of the USPTO
- Decisions—
- Mailing address— 501
- Notices ( See also Publication)— ; 707.06
- Orders ( See also Publication)— ; 707.06
- Director initiated reexamination— 2212 ; 2239
- Disbarred attorney ( See Attorney or agent: Suspended or excluded)
- Disciplinary proceedings—
- Mailing address— 501
- Disclaimer (
See also
Terminal disclaimer)
- Copy required in reexamination
- Ex parte— 2214
- Correction or withdrawal of— 1490
- Defensive publication— 711.06
- Design application— 1503.01 ; 1503.02 ; 1504.04
- Effect— 1490
- Forms— 1490
- Processing— 1490
- Rejection— 710.02(d) ; 2136.05(a) ; 2139.03 ; 2141 ; 2146.02 ; 2146.03 ; 2146.03(a) ; 2148 ; 2152.07
- Requirements— 1490
- Statutory— 1490
- Terminal— 804 ; 804.02 ; 1490 ; 2136.05(a) ; 2139.03 ; 2141.01 ; 2146.02 ; 2146.03 ; 2146.03(a) ; 2148 ; 2152.07
- Copy required in reexamination
- Disclosure (
See also
Duty of disclosure and
- Abstract— 608.01(b)
- Amendment— 608.04 ; 1302.02
- Amendment, Preliminary— 608.04(b)
- Best Mode ( See also Best Mode)— 608.01(h) ; 2165
- Chemical compound— 608.01(p)
- Claim Present on Filing Date— 608.01(l) ; 1410 ; 2163.01
- Claimed— 901.03
- Common, parent and continuing applications— 211.05
- Completeness— 608.01(p) ; 2163 ; 2164
- Computer programming cases— 2164.06(c) ; 2161.01 ; 2181
- Correspondence with claims— 2163.05 ; 2163.07 ; 2173.03
- Design application— 1503 ; 1503.01
- Detailed description— 608.01(g)
- Duty of— 2000
- Enablement ( See also Enablement)— 2164
- Foreign application— 211.05
- Implicit— 2144.01
- Incomplete— 608.01(p) ; 2161 – 2165 ; 2175
- Incomprehensible— 702.01
- Incorporation by reference ( See also Incorporation by reference)— 217 ; 608.01(p)
- Insufficient— 608.01(p) ; 702.01 ; 2175
- Later filed application— 608.01(p)
- Operability— 716.07 ; 2164.08(b)
- Preliminary amendment— 608.04(b)
- Reasonable inquiry— 2001
- Requirements for— 2161
- Secrecy order, Material subject to— 120
- Specification ( See also Specification)— 608.01
- Sufficiency for continuity— 211.05
- Sufficiency of— 716 ; 716.09
- Support for claims— 2163.01
- Trade name— 608.01(v)
- Trademark— 608.01(v)
- Utility— 608.01(p) ; 2104 ; 2107 – 2107.03
- Written ( See also Written description)— 2163
- Discourtesy— 714.19 ; 714.25
- Dismissal of appeal— 1215.04
- Disposals counted— 1705
- Distinct, definition— 802.01
- Distinct inventions— 802 ; 802.01 ; 803 ; 806.05
- Divisional application—
- Abandonment of prior nonprovisional application— 201.06(c)
- Assignment carried from parent application— 306
- Change of attorney/correspondence address— 201.06(c)
- Continued prosecution application (CPA)— 201.06(d)
- Copendency— 211.01(b)
- Design application— 201.06 ; 1504.20
- Drawing, Transfer of— 608.02(i)
- Effective date— 211
- Examination— 201.06(c)
- Extensions of time— 201.06(c)
- Filed by assignee— 324 ; 325
- File wrapper continuation (FWC)— 201.06(b)
- File wrapper/history notation— 202 ; 1302.04
- Incorporation by reference— 201.06(c)
- Inspection of parent application— 103
- Inventor, at least one in common— 211.01
- Inventorship— 201.06(c)
- New matter— 201.06
- Oath— 201.06(c) ; 602.05
- Patented, Opens parent application to inspection— 103
- Reference to parent application— 211.02 ; 1302.04
- Reissue— 1402 ; 1410.01 ; 1410.02 ; 1414 ; 1415.01 ; 1441 ; 1450 ; 1451 ; 1460 ; 1481.03
- Rule 1.53(b)— 201.06(c)
- Rule 1.53(d)— 201.06(d)
- Rule 1.60, Former— 201.06(a)
- Rule 1.62, Former— 201.06(b)
- Signature— 201.06(d)
- Small or micro entity status— 201.06(c)
- Specification and drawings— 201.06(c)
- Substitute statement under 37 CFR 1.64— 201.06(c)
- Time for filing— 211.03
- Written description requirement— 211.05
- DNA ( See also Biotechnology and Nucleotide sequences)— 2400
- Docket report— 1704
- Doctrine of collateral estoppel ( See Estoppel)
- Doctrine of dedication to the public— 715
- Doctrine of equivalents— 2138.05 ; 2173.05(b) ; 2186
- Doctrine of segregable parts— 1504.05
- Doctrine of unclean hands— 2010
- Document, Disclosure—
- Electronic ( See also Electronic publications)— 707.05(e)
- DoD Directive 5230.25— 120
- DoD Security Agreement— 120
- Domestic benefit
- Claiming in continued prosecution application— 201.06(d) ; 1302.04
- Claiming in ex parte reexamination— 2258.02
- Claiming in inter partes reexamination— 2658
- Claiming in reissue application— 1402 ; 1405 ; 1410
- Correction in a patent— 1481.03
- Entitlement to— 211.05
- Formal requirements— 210 ; 211.05 ; 2136 ; 2139.01 ; 2152.01
- Incorporation by reference to earlier application— 201.06(c) ; 217 ; 608.01(p)
- International application—
- Corrected by certificate of correction— 1481
- Patent printing— 1302.09
- Petition for unintentionally delayed claim to benefit of prior U.S. application— 211.04 ; 214.02
- Prior to U.S. application— 211 – 211.05
- Time for filing— 211.03
- Domestic representative— 302.04
- Double correspondence— 403
- Double inclusion in claim— 2173.05(o)
- Double patenting—
- Avoiding rejection— 804.02 ; 2146.03 ; 2146.03(a)
- Basis— 804
- Between one or more applications and a published application that has not been abandoned— 804
- Between a patent and a reissue application or a patent under reexamination— 804
- Claimed subject matter— 806.01
- Commonly owned cases, treatment— 717.02(c) ; 804.03
- Copending applications— 804 ; 2127 ; 2136.01 ; 2146.03(a) ; 2148 ; 2152.07 ; 2154.01(d) ; 2158.01
- Definition— 804
- Design applications/patents— 804 ; 1504.06
- Different inventive entities— 804.03 ; 2109 ; 2136.01 ; 2136.04 ; 2146.02 ; 2146.03 ; 2146.03(a) ; 2152.07 ; 2154.01(d)
- Distinct and independent inventions— 804.01
- Domination— 804
- Impact of patent term extension— 804.05
- International applications— 804
- Obviousness type (ODP)—
- Design application— 1504.06
- Plant applications— 1601
- Reexamination— 804 ; 2217 ; 2258
- Rejection— 804
- Rejection nullification— 804.01
- Restriction previously required— 804.04 ; 1003
- Same assignee— 804.03 ; 822 ; 2136.01 ; 2141.01 ; 2146 – 2146.03(a) ; 2148 ; 2152.06 ; 2154.02(c) ; 2158 ; 2158.01
- Same inventor— 806.04(h) ; 806.04(i) ; 806.05 ; 822
- Species and genus— 806.04(h) ; 806.04(i)
- Subject matter not patentably distinct— 804
- Subject to joint research agreement— 804 ; 804.02 ; 804.03
- Submissions to TC director— 804.04
- Terminal disclaimer effect—
- In a reissue application— 1451
- Drawings—
- Amendment— 608.02(p) ; 714 ; 1302.04
- Amendment, Disposition of orders for— 608.02(x)
- Amendment support by claim present on filing date— 608.04(a)
- Annotated sheets— 608.02(v) ; 608.02(w)
- Brief description— 608.01(f)
- Canceled figure— 608.02(t)
- Canceled sheet— 608.02(t)
- Canceled sheet, patent— 608.02(t)
- Canceled sheet, transfer— 608.02(i)
- Color— 608.01(f) ; 608.02 ; 1503.02
- Colored plant— 1606
- Complete illustration— 608.02(d)
- Completeness— 608.02(e)
- Computer lists— 608.05
- Consistency— 608.02(e)
- Content of— 608.02(d)
- Correction ( See also Correction of drawing)— 608.02(p) ; 1302.05
- Design application— 1503 ; 1503.01 ; 1503.02 ; 1504.04
- Disclosure— 608
- Divisional application— 608.02 ; 608.02(i)
- EFS-Web— 502.05
- Examiner determines completeness— 608.02(e)
- Illustrates claim— 608.02(e)
- Informal— 507
- International application— 1825
- Kept in application— 608.02(c)
- Location— 608.02(c)
- Modification illustrated— 608.02(f)
- Marked-up copy— 608.02(b) ; 608.02(v) ; 608.02(w)
- Necessary for filing date— 506 ; 608.02 ; 702
- New drawings required— 608.02(a)
- New, handling— 608.02(a)
- New matter— 608.04 ; 608.04(a)
- New, when required— 608.02(a)
- Not received— 608.02(h) ; 1825
- Not required— 608.02
- Not returned— 608.02(y)
- Objection— 608.02 ; 608.02(a) ; 608.02(b) ; 608.02(d) – 608.02(f) ; 608.04(a) ; 1503.02 ; 1504.04
- Official Gazette figure— 1302.09
- Omitted drawings— 601.01(g)
- Patented file— 901.01(a)
- Petition to transfer from another application— 608.02(i)
- Photographs— 502.05 ; 507 ; 608.01(f) ; 608.02 ; 1503.02
- Plant application— 1603 ; 1606
- Prior art— 608.02(g) ; 2125
- Provisional application— 601
- Reference characters— 608.02 ; 608.02(e)
- Reference characters, change— 608.02(w)
- Reissue application—
- No longer transferred from original patent— 1413
- Replacement drawings for publication in PG-Pub— 1121
- Replacement— 608.02(h) ; 1302.05
- Reversed figure numbers— 1302.04
- Review by Office of Patent Application Processing (OPAP)— 507
- Required by examiner— 608.02
- Requirements— 608.02
- Return— 608.02(y)
- Section lines— 608.01 ; 608.02(w)
- Security markings— 121
- Sequences— 2412.06
- Substitute— 502 ; 608.02 ; 608.02(h)
- Sufficiency, determined by examiner— 608.02(e)
- Symbols— 608.02
- Trademarks— 1512
- Unacceptable for publication— 608.02 ; 608.02(b)
- Drawing correction— 507 ; 608.02(p)
- Due Care Showing— 2734
- Duplicate claims— 608.01(m)
- Duplicate foreign patents— 903.03
- Duplicate papers for plant applications— 1603 ; 1605 ; 1606 ; 1609
- Duty of candor and good faith— 2001 ; 2001.03 ; 2001.04 ; 2733 ; 2762
- Duty of disclosure—
- After patent grant— 2003.01
- Aids to compliance— 2004
- By whom— 2002 ; 2002.01
- Checklist— 2004
- Compared to requirement for information— 704.12(a) ; 2005
- Compliance with— 2004
- Continuing applications— 2001.04 ; 2004
- Copending applications— 2001.06(b) ; 2004
- Copied claims— 2001.06(d)
- Duration of— 2001.04 ; 2003.01
- Foreign applications— 2001.06(a)
- Information material to patentability— 2001.04 ; 2001.05 ; 2001.06(e)
- Litigation information and/or Trial Proceedings— 2001.06(c)
- Materiality— 2000 ; 2001.04 ; 2001.05
- Questionnaire— 2004
- Reexamination
- Regulatory review— 2001.06(e) ; 2004 ; 2015
- Reissue application— 1406 ; 1418 ; 1448 ; 2001.06(c) ; 2003
- Sources of information— 2001.06
- Timing— 2003 ; 2003.01
- To whom owed— 2001.03
- Violation of— 2010
- Who has— 2001.01
- Duty of Reasonable inquiry— 2001 ; 2001.06(e)
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