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- Tables submitted on read-only optical disc or via EFS-Web as ASCII text file— 608.05 ; 608.05(b) ; 2422.03 ; 2422.03(a)
- Technical documents— 901.06(a)
- Technical rejections— 2120
- Technology Center Director ( See Director of Technology Center)
- Telephone call, multiplicity rejection— 2173.05(n)
- Telephone numbers— 1730
- Telephoning of attorney to examiner— 408 ; 713.01
- Term, Patent—
- Adjustment of— 2701 ; 2710 ; 2730 ; 2731 ; 2732 ; 2733 ; 2734 ; 2736
- Continued prosecution application— 2730 ; 2732
- Deposit of biological material— 2408
- Design— 1502.01 ; 1505
- Divisional— 201.06
- Extension under 35 U.S.C. 156
- Foreign— 901.05
- Transitional practice— 706.07(g) ; 803.03
- Utility— 2710
- Terminal disclaimer (
See also
- Avoiding/obviating double patenting issues— 804.02 ; 806.04(i) ; 1490 ; 2146.03 ; 2146.03(a) ; 2158
- Certificate of correction and— 2701 ; 2720
- Common ownership or joint research agreement— 1490
- Continued Prosecution Application (CPA)— 1490
- Continuing applications— 1490
- Copending applications procedure— 1490
- Forms and form paragraphs— 1490
- Request for Continued Examination (RCE)— 1490
- Reissue— 1402 ; 1410.02 ; 1411 ; 1451 ; 1490
- Required for revival— 711.03(c)
- Signature in— 402.03 ; 403.01(a) ; 1490
- Situations where not applicable— 804.03
- Withdrawal of— 1490
- Terminology in application— 608.01(g) ; 608.01(o) ; 1302.01 ; 2175
- Termination of proceedings— 211.01(a) ; 211.01(b) ; 711.02(c)
- TESS (Trademark Electronic Search System)— 1703
- Test comments— 707.07(l)
- Testamentary, Letters ( See also Administrator or executor)— 409.01(b)
- Testimony, examiner— 1701.01
- Tests, comparative ( See Affidavits, traversing rejections (37 CFR 1.132))
- Third action cases— 707.02
- Third party reply in inter partes reexamination ( See Reexamination, Inter partes: Response by third party)
- Third party requestor ( See Reexamination, Inter partes: Response by third party)
- Third party submissions/inquiries/correspondence in published applications— 1134 ; 1134.01
- Time and Activity Report— 1704 ; 1705
- Time for claiming benefit of earlier application— 211.03
- Time for deciding Director initiated reexamination— 2211 ; 2239
- Time for deciding reexamination request— 2241
- Time for filing papers, right of priority— 214.01 ; 215.02 ; 215.03
- Time for filing petitions— 1002
- Time for requesting reexamination
- Time for reply ( See also Period for reply)— 702.01 ; 710
- Time for reply to action in reexamination
- Time limit—
- For making suggested claims— 710.02(c)
- International preliminary examination report (IPER)— 1879.01
- International search report (ISR)— 1843.05
- Period for reply— 710
- Permanent ink copy— 714.07
- Prior art filing— 2204
- Reply to final rejection— 706.07(f)
- Restriction requirement— 811
- Rewrite claims following Board decision— 1214.06
- Shortened statutory period compared to— 710.02 ; 710.02(b) ; 710.02(d)
- Statutory period— 710.01 ; 710.01(a)
- Transfer of application— 909.01(d) ; 909.02(d)
- Two periods running— 710.04
- Time period for owner’s statement— 2249
- Time reporting— 2238 ; 2638
- Time to pay maintenance fees— 2506
- Timely submission of protest— 1901.04
- Title conveyed by assignment— 300
- Title documents, handling— 317
- Title of invention— 606 ; 1893.03(e)(1)
- Title report— 320 ; 2287
- Titles of USPTO Officials—
- Title with signature— 602.08(b)
- Trade secret material—
- Completeness of file wrapper— 724.01
- Materials submitted covered by 35 U.S.C. 122— 724.04(a)
- Method of submitting— 724.02
- Office treatment and handling—
- After publication— 724.04(a)
- Petition to expunge materials— 724.05
- Reexamination under 37 CFR 1.11(d)— 724.04(c)
- Reissue under 37 CFR 1.11(b)— 724.04(b)
- Types of— 724.03
- Trade secret submission label— 724.02
- Trademark and trade name— 608.01(v) ; 2173.05(u) ; 2175 ; I
- Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure—
- Trademarks, Partial list of— I
- Transfer of application
- Transfer of class or subclass of design patents— 903.05
- Transfer of drawing— 608.02(i)
- Transfer of reexamination
- Ex parte— 2237
- Transfer of rights to patent or application— 509.02 ; 509.04(a) ; 509.04(b)
- Transfer of specification prohibited— 608.01(t)
- Transfer of U.S. design patent— 903.05
- Transitional application ( See also Application)
- Transitional phrases—
- “Characterized by”— 2111.03
- “Composed of”— 2111.03
- “Comprising”— 2111.03 ; 2173.05(h)
- “Consisting essentially of”— 2111.03
- “Consisting of”— 2111.03 ; 2173.05(h)
- “Containing”— 2111.03
- Translation, foreign application or foreign priority document— 214 ; 215 ; 216
- Translations index in STIC— 901.06(a)
- Translators in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office— 901.05(d) ; 901.06(a)
- Transmission, certificate of ( See Certificate of mailing or transmission (37 CFR 1.8))
- Transmittal Fee, PCT— 1827
- Traverse, answer all matters— 707.07(f)
- Traverse, division or species requirement— 818 ; 821.01 ; 821.02
- Traverse, rejection of linking claim— 818.01(d)
- Treaties
- Benelux Designs Convention ( See also Design application)— 213.01 ; 1504.10
- Budapest Treaty ( See also Biotechnology and Microorganisms)— 901.05(b) ; 2402 ; 2404.01 ; 2405 ; 2407.05 ; 2408 ; 2409 ; 2410.01 ; 2410.02 ; 2411.01
- European Community Design— 1504.10
- European Patent Convention— 901.05
- GATT— 2138.02
- Hague Agreement ( See also Design application)— 213.01 ; 1504.10 ; Chapter 2900
- Hague Convention— 409.01(b) ; 602.04(a)
- NAFTA— 201.04 ; 715 ; 715.07(c) ; 2132 ; 2138.02
- Paris Convention— 213 ; 1502.01
- Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)— 1502.01 ; 1800 ; AI ; T
- Patent Law— 702
- Strasbourg Agreement— 906
- UPOV Convention ( See also Plant patent)— 1612 ; 1613
- Uruguay Round Agreements Act (URAA)— 201.04 ; 715 ; 715.07(c) ; 804 ; 2701 ; 2720 ; 2730 ; 2132
- Trial Proceedings, Duty to disclose— 2001 ; 2001.06(c)
- Tubers— 1601
- Twenty year term ( See Term, Patent)
- Two month delay period in reissues— 1441
- Two periods for reply running— 710.04
- Type font— 608.01 ; 1504.01(a)
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