CPC Definition - Subclass H02S

Last Updated Version: 2025.01
GENERATION OF ELECTRIC POWER BY CONVERSION OF INFRARED RADIATION, VISIBLE LIGHT OR ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT, e.g. USING PHOTOVOLTAIC [PV] MODULES (obtaining electrical energy from radioactive sources G21H 1/12; light sensitive inorganic semiconductor devices H10F; light sensitive organic semiconductor devices H10K 30/00; thermoelectric devices H10N 10/00; pyroelectric devices H10N 15/00)
Definition statement

This place covers:

  • Photovoltaic [PV] power plants, e.g. mobile PV generator systems
  • Combination of PV power plants with other systems for generation of electric energy
  • Supporting structures for PV modules
  • Structural details of PV modules not involving light conversion
  • Components or accessories specially adapted for PV modules, e.g. cleaning arrangements, optical components, electrical components, thermal components
  • Monitoring or testing of PV systems, e.g. load balancing or fault identification
  • Testing of PV devices
Limiting references

This place does not cover:

Arrangements for obtaining electrical energy from radioactive sources

G21H 1/12

Light sensitive inorganic semiconductor devices


Light sensitive organic semiconductor devices

H10K 30/00

Thermoelectric devices

H10N 10/00

Pyroelectric devices

H10N 15/00

Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Space applications, e.g. power supply for satellites made of solar cell modules

B64G 1/00

Solar heat collectors


Systems for regulating electric power to the maximum power available from a generator, e.g. from PV cells

G05F 1/67

Circuit arrangements or systems for supplying or distributing electric power


Special rules of classification

In this subclass, the classification symbols are to be only indicated as Inventive (I).

PV power plants; Combinations of PV energy systems with other systems for the generation of electric power
Definition statement

This place covers:

  • PV power plants
  • Hybrid diesel-PV energy systems
  • Hybrid wind-PV energy systems
  • Hybrid hydroelectric-PV energy systems
  • PV power plants comprising energy storage means integrated therein or associated therewith
  • Thermophotovoltaic systems
  • Mobile PV generators
including a supplementary source of electric power, e.g. hybrid diesel-PV energy systems (combinations with gas-turbine plants F02C 6/00)
Definition statement

This place covers:

PV power plants combined with a supplementary source of electric energy, e.g. combined with a diesel generator or a hydroelectric power plant

Limiting references

This place does not cover:

PV energy systems combined with gas-turbine plants

F02C 6/00

Hybrid wind-PV energy systems
Definition statement

This place covers:

Electric power generators, where wind turbines are combined with PV modules, e.g.:


Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Wind Motors per se


Systems characterised by their energy storage means (H02S 40/38 takes precedence)
Definition statement

This place covers:

PV power plants including rechargeable batteries for energy storage.

Limiting references

This place does not cover:

Energy storage means, e.g. batteries, structurally associated with PV modules, e.g. directly mounted onto the module

H02S 40/38

Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Secondary accumulators structurally combined with charging apparatus, e.g. solar battery charging system

H01M 10/46

Circuit arrangements for charging batteries with solar cells

H02J 7/35

Energy storage means directly associated or integrated with the PV cell

H10F 77/90

Thermophotovoltaic systems (photovoltaic cells specially adapted for conversion or sensing of infrared [IR] radiation H10F 10/00; thermoelectric devices H10N 10/00)
Definition statement

This place covers:

Systems formed by an infrared radiation emitting source and by a (an array of) low band-gap solar cell(s) which are specifically sensitive to the infrared spectrum emitted by the source. Generally two types of system are the most common one: one in which a special emitter (of refractory materials) is heated (e.g. by a gas flame) and emits a specially adapted infrared spectrum, the other in which the solar light is concentrated in a cavity and converted by the solar cells situated in the cavity.

This subgroup is used to classify documents covering aspects of the systems, including the specific radiators.


Relationships with other classification places

Documents featuring photovoltaic cells optimized for IR radiation spectrum are classified and found in the solar cell groups covering the cell structure or the cell materials (H10F 10/10 and subgroups).

Cells for TPV described independently from the TPV system are classified in the groups according to materials, structure, etc (H10F 10/10) since they merely refer to solar cells specifically sensitive to IR (IR forming also a part of the solar spectrum)

Limiting references

This place does not cover:

Photovoltaic cells specially adapted for conversion or sensing of infrared [IR] radiation


Thermoelectric devices

H10N 10/00

Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:



Synonyms and Keywords

In patent documents, the following abbreviations are often used:



Mobile PV generator systems
Definition statement

This place covers:

PV generator systems being movable or displaceable to provide power to devices external to the generator.


Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Collapsible or foldable PV modules

H02S 30/20

Supporting structures for PV modules
Definition statement

This place covers:

  • Mechanical structures for supporting one or a plurality of PV modules.
  • Floating structures for supporting one or a plurality of PV modules.


Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Other supports for positioning apparatus or articles per se

F16M 13/00

Special rules of classification

Supporting structures also intended for use with solar heat collectors should also be classified in groups F24S 50/20 or F24S 25/00

Supporting structures directly fixed to the ground (H02S 20/30 takes precedence)
Definition statement

This place covers:

Supporting structures directly fixed to the ground, where there is no element between the photovoltaic module supporting structure and the ground. The supporting structure does not have any further function other than supporting the photovoltaic module, e.g. a street lamp with a photovoltaic module is an immovable object which should be classified in H02S 20/20.

Limiting references

This place does not cover:

Supporting structures being movable or adjustable, e.g. for angle adjustment

H02S 20/30

Supporting structures directly fixed to an immovable object (H02S 20/30 takes precedence)
Definition statement

This place covers:

Supporting structures directly fixed to an immovable object, e.g. a street lamp or a parking device having a photovoltaic module.

Limiting references

This place does not cover:

Supporting structures being movable or adjustable, e.g. for angle adjustment

H02S 20/30

Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Mobile PV generators

H02S 10/40

specially adapted for motorways, e.g. integrated with sound barriers
Definition statement

This place covers:

PV modules specially adapted for being used and mounted on sound barriers for road or railways, e.g. using the available surfaces of said barriers to produce electrical power.

Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Sound barriers per se

E01F 8/0005

Special rules of classification

Aspects of such PV modules specifically relating to PV applications should be classified in this subgroup, architectural aspects of the barrier walls are covered elsewhere (E01F 8/00).

specially adapted for buildings
Definition statement

This place covers:

Supporting structure specially adapted for integrating PV modules in buildings, e.g. PV modules mounted on the façade:


Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Roof tile elements

H02S 20/25

Building materials integrated with PV modules, e.g. façade elements

H02S 20/26

specially adapted for roof structures
Definition statement

This place covers:

  • Solar PV modules adapted for house roofs, disposed within roof tiles
  • Special structural arrangements for installations on house roofs
  • Wind protection devices (deflectors) associated with the PV supporting structures
  • Ballast devices
  • Solar PV modules integrated with Carports.
Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Roof covering aspects of energy collecting devices, e.g. including solar panels

F24S 20/67

Roof tile elements
Definition statement

This place covers:

Photovoltaic devices integrated to or associated with one roof tile.



Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Roof covering by making use of tiles

E04D 1/00

Roof covering by making use of flat or curved slabs

E04D 3/00

Solar heat collectors having working fluid conveyed through collector, e.g. solar thermal tiles

F24S 20/69

Building materials integrated with PV modules, e.g. façade elements (H02S 20/25 takes precedence)
Limiting references

This place does not cover:

Roof tile elements

H02S 20/25

Supporting structures being movable or adjustable, e.g. for angle adjustment
Definition statement

This place covers:

Movable structures to make a photovoltaic module mobile, e.g. solar PV modules integrated in an automobile.

Adjustable structures to adjust the position of the photovoltaic module, e.g. for angle adjustment.

Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Floating supporting structures

H02S 20/00

Roof tile elements

H02S 20/25

specially adapted for solar tracking
Definition statement

This place covers:



Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Solar tracking for solar heat collectors

F24S 30/40

Direction- finders for determining the direction from which electromagnetic waves are being received

G01S 3/78

Control of position or direction

G05D 3/00

Structural details of PV modules other than those related to light conversion (semiconductor device aspects of modules of electrolytic light sensitive devices H01G 9/20, of inorganic PV modules H10F 10/00, H10F 19/00, of organic PV modules H10K 30/00)
Definition statement

This place covers:

  • Frame structures
  • Collapsible or foldable PV modules
Limiting references

This place does not cover:

Device aspects of modules of electrolytic light sensitive devices

H01G 9/20

Semiconductor device aspects of inorganic PV modules

H10F 10/00, H10F 19/00

Semiconductor device aspects of organic PV modules

H10K 30/00

Frame structures
Definition statement

This place covers:

Frames or parts of frames specially adapted for PV modules, where the frame is not part of a housing or supporting structure. The frames covered by this subgroup are a result of the PV module manufacturing process and surround the laminate layers of the module.

Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Supporting structures for PV modules

H02S 20/00

Collapsible or foldable PV modules

H02S 30/20

Solar thermal collectors, including mechanical mounting aspects of solar modules, when also suitable for solar thermal collectors

F24S 25/00

Direction-findings for determining the direction from which light is being received, e.g. forming part of solar tracking systems

G01S 3/78

Collapsible or foldable PV modules
Definition statement

This place covers:

PV modules specially adapted for being collapsible, rollable, or foldable, e.g. for jalousies, umbrellas, handbags.


Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Mechanical arrangements of foldable PV modules in satellites

B64G 1/44

Special rules of classification

If the collapsible/foldable property is due to a special frame, then the subject matter is additionally classified in H02S 30/10.

Components or accessories in combination with PV modules, not provided for in groups H02S 10/00 - H02S 30/00
Definition statement

This place covers:

  • Cleaning arrangements in combination with PV modules, e.g. means for removing snow
  • Optical components in combination with PV modules, e.g. light-concentrating means
  • Electrical components in combination with PV modules, e.g. junction boxes, module-to-module interconnection
  • Thermal components in combination with PV modules, e.g. cooling means
Cleaning arrangements
Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Cleaning windows

A47L 1/00

Cleaning in general


Means for removing snow
Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Snow traps for roof coverings

E04D 13/10

Optical components
Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Optical elements in general


Light-reflecting or light-concentrating means (directly associated with the PV cell or integrated with the PV cell H10F 77/42)
Definition statement

This place covers:


Photovoltaic assembly with concentration (1) and spectral splitting (6, 7) of collected light beam:


Limiting references

This place does not cover:

Light-reflecting or light-concentrating means directly associated with the PV cell or integrated with the PV cell

H10F 77/42

Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Solar heat collectors having concentrating elements

F24S 23/00

Electrical components
Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Electric line connectors; Electric current collectors


comprising DC/AC inverter means associated with the PV module itself, e.g. AC modules
Definition statement

This place covers:

  • DC/AC inverter means directly associated with the PV module, e.g. inverter on the backside of the PV module.
Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Regulating electric power from a generator, e.g. from a solar module

G05F 1/67

Circuit arrangements or systems for supplying or distributing electric power, e.g. circuits for connecting the PV module to the inverter


Inverters per se


comprising specially adapted electrical connection means to be structurally associated with the PV module, e.g. junction boxes
Definition statement

This place covers:

  • Junction boxes associated with and connected with the PV module, e.g. one box per module for electrical connection, or comprising bypass diodes.
Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Terminal blocks

H01R 9/24

Distribution boxes; Connection or junction boxes

H02G 3/08

characterised by special electrical interconnection means between two or more PV modules, e.g. electrical module-to-module connection
Definition statement

This place covers:

Electrical interconnection between two or more PV modules.


  • Electrical contacts 34 and 36 are used for interconnecting two PV modules:


Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Conductive pastes as such

H01B 1/20

Particular structures for electrical interconnecting of adjacent thin film solar cells in the module

H10F 19/35

Interconnection between solar cells inside a PV module

H10F 19/85

Electrodes of PV cells

H10F 77/20

Glossary of terms

In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:

"Interconnection" in this case means electrical connection, not mechanical.

Energy storage means, e.g. batteries, structurally associated with PV modules
Definition statement

This place covers:

Energy storage means which are mechanically connected PV modules or specially adapted to integrate with the PV modules. Electrical connection between batteries and photovoltaic modules are not classified in this subgroup, as well as batteries not being part of the photovoltaic module itself.

Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Battery charging utilising light sensitive cells

H02J 7/35

Thermal components (H02S 10/30 takes precedence)
Limiting references

This place does not cover:

Thermophotovoltaic systems

H02S 10/30

Cooling means
Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Cooling means directly associated or integrated with the PV cell

H10F 77/63

Means to utilise heat energy, e.g. hybrid systems producing warm water and electricity at the same time (directly associated with the PV cell or integrated with the PV cell H10F 77/67)
Definition statement

This place covers:

  • Hybrid PV modules, producing warm water and electricity at the same time



Limiting references

This place does not cover:

Means to utilise heat energy directly associated with the PV cell or integrated with the PV cell

H10F 77/67

Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Using solar heat per se

F24S 20/00

Monitoring or testing of PV systems, e.g. load balancing or fault identification
Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Testing of electric apparatus, lines, or components for short-circuits, discontinuities, leakage, or incorrect line connection

G01R 31/50

Burglar, theft or intruder alarms

G08B 13/00

Testing of PV devices, e.g. of PV modules or single PV cells (testing of semiconductor devices during manufacturing {H01L 22/00})
Definition statement

This place covers:

  • Testing of electrical properties of PV devices in the dark state, e.g. short circuit test
  • Testing of electrical properties, e.g. I-V characteristics, of PV devices under solar simulators
Limiting references

This place does not cover:

Testing of semiconductor devices during manufacturing

H01L 22/00

Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Lighting devices intended for fixed installation, e.g. solar simulators

F21S 8/00

Testing of general semiconductor devices

G01R 31/26

Testing of electrical properties of electrical power supplies

G01R 31/40

Electroluminescent light sources

H05B 33/00

using optical means, e.g. using electroluminescence
Definition statement

This place covers:

  • Testing of optical responses e.g. electroluminescence, light reflection or light absorption, of PV devices
Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Investigating or analysing materials by fluorescence or phosphorescence

G01N 21/64

Investigating or analysing materials by electroluminescence

G01N 21/66

Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass
Definition statement

This place covers:

This group is to be used only in rare situations where the subject matter is appropriate for H02S but does not clearly belong in any of the above main groups.