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2219 Copy of Printed Patent [R-07.2015]

Requesters are required under 37 CFR 1.510(b)(4) to include a copy of the patent for which reexamination is requested, to serve as the specification for the reexamination proceeding. A copy of the patent for which reexamination is requested should be provided in a double column format. Thus, a full copy of the printed patent (including the front page) would be used to provide the abstract, drawings, specification, and claims of the patent for the reexamination request and the resulting reexamination proceeding. A copy of any disclaimer, certificate of correction, or reexamination certificate issued for the patent must also be included, so that a complete history of the patent is before the Office for consideration. A copy of any federal court decision, complaint in a pending civil action, or interference or derivation decision should also be submitted.



United States Patent and Trademark Office
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Last Modified: 02/16/2023 12:58:21