Corrigenda and Consequential Amendments to CPC Revision Projects

Last updated
Tuesday December 31, 2024
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The following corrections or amendments were approved by the Joint Editorial Board (JEB) after publication of the respective projects.

Effective May 1, 2024, MP12219-C (Corrected) (B64G) amends Definitions (following the publication of MP12219 on January 1, 2024). MP12219-C (Corrected) corrects two Definitions, B64G 1/10 and B64G 1/24, published with improper Informative Reference tables.

Effective May 1, 2024, RP11777-C (Corrected) (B64G) provides amended Warnings and Revision Concordance List (following the publication of RP11777 on August 1, 2023). This corrected publication reflects the appropriate movement of documents to properly account for all target sources and destinations required for reclassification.

Effective August 1, 2023, RP11801-C (H10K) provides amended Warnings and Revision Concordance List (following the publication of RP11801 on February 1, 2023). This corrected publication reflects the appropriate movement of documents to properly account for all target sources and destinations required for reclassification.

Effective August 1, 2023, RP11944-C (H01L, H10B, H10K, H10N) provides amended Warnings and Revision Concordance List (following the publication of RP11944 on February 1, 2023). This corrected publication reflects the appropriate movement of documents to properly account for all target sources and destinations required for reclassification.

Effective February 1, 2022, MP11678 (H04L) contains further amendments to the Master CPC-to-IPC Concordance List. This resolves the Concordance issues resulting from omissions in MP0547 (previously published on January 1, 2022).

Effective January 1, 2022, RP0750 (C25B) contains further amendments to the Revision Concordance List and corresponding changes to the Scheme following the publication of RP0690. The administrative transfers indicated in RP0690 were completed January 1, 2021. The intellectual reclassification will be carried out according to RP0750.

Effective January 1, 2022, RP0751 (A61B) contains further amendments to the Revision Concordance List and corresponding changes to the Scheme following the publication of RP0697. The administrative transfers indicated in RP0697 were completed January 1, 2021. The intellectual reclassification will be carried out according to RP0751.

Effective August 1, 2021, the intellectual reclassification originally indicated in RP0707 (B22F) has been resolved and implemented in RP0726. With this project and the February 16, 2021 corrections, the issues introduced in the original January 2021 release have been fully resolved.

Effective February 16, 2021, corrections were made to resolve issues with administrative transfers in association with C-Sets of RP0707 (B22F). No changes were made to the CPC Scheme, Definitions, or Concordance. This Notice of Changes replaces the document previously published January 1, 2021. The Compilation of Changes to the CPC Scheme was also redelivered.

Effective August 10, 2020, RP0280 (H04N) was redelivered with further amendments to the Revision Concordance List to resolve the administrative transfer to group H04N21/41265, which was deleted by concurrent project RP0142 (H04N). The Compilation of Changes to the CPC Scheme was also redelivered.

Effective August 1, 2020, RP0312-F-C (H02J) was published with further amendments to finalize RP0312 (following the publication of RP0312-F on May 1, 2020) by deleting the previously frozen group and updating the cross-references.

Effective August 1, 2020, RP0633-C (C08J) was published with further amendments to the Revision Concordance List and corresponding changes to the Scheme (following the publication of RP0633 on January 1, 2020). The RCL of this publication supplements the previously published RCL.

Effective May 1, 2020, RP0570-C (C02F) was published with further amendments to the RCL and the Scheme (following the publication of RP0570 on January 1, 2019). The RCL replaces the previously published RCL.

Effective May 1, 2020, RP0386-C (H02J) was published with further amendments to the Revision Concordance List and corresponding changes to the Scheme (following the publication of RP0386 on January 1, 2020). The RCL replaces the previously published RCL.

Effective January 1, 2017, RP0309-C (C08G) was published with further amendments to the RCL and corresponding changes to the Scheme (following the publication of RP0309 on May 1, 2016). The RCL replaces the previously published RCL.