Loading Scheme...

  • This subclass constitutes an indexing scheme associated with subclass C10M, relating to:
    • metals and the metal of a compound in group C10N 2010/00;
    • the properties of the lubricant composition or constituents thereof in groups C10N 2020/00, C10N 2030/00;
    • the use or application of the lubricant composition in group C10N 2040/00;
    • the form in which the lubricant composition is applied in group C10N 2050/00;
    • chemical modification by after-treatment of lubricant constituents in group C10N 2060/00;
    • special methods of preparation in group C10N 2070/00;
    • special pretreatment of the material to be lubricated in group C10N 2080/00.
  • In this subclass, the following terms or expressions are used with the meanings indicated:
    • "lubricant" or "lubricating composition" includes cutting oils, hydraulic fluids, metal drawing compositions, flushing oils, slushing oils, or the like;
    • "aliphatic" includes "cycloaliphatic".
C10N 2010/00
Metal present as such or in compounds [2013-01]

  • In this group, metals should be indexed according to their group of the Periodic Table.
C10N 2010/02
Groups 1 or 11 [2020-05]
C10N 2010/04
Groups 2 or 12 [2020-05]
C10N 2010/06
Groups 3 or 13 [2020-05]
C10N 2010/08
Groups 4 or 14 [2020-05]
C10N 2010/10
Groups 5 or 15 [2020-05]
C10N 2010/12
Groups 6 or 16 [2020-05]
C10N 2010/14
Group 7 [2022-08]
C10N 2010/16
Groups 8, 9, or 10 [2022-08]
C10N 2020/00
Specified physical {or chemical properties or characteristics, i.e. function,} of component of lubricating compositions [2020-05]
C10N 2020/01
{Physico-chemical properties} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/011
. .
{Cloud point} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/013
. .
{Iodine value} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/015
. .
{Distillation range} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/017
. .
{Specific gravity or density} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/019
. .
{Shear stability} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/02
. .
Viscosity; Viscosity index [2020-05]
C10N 2020/04
. .
Molecular weight; Molecular weight distribution [2020-05]
C10N 2020/055
. .
{Particles related characteristics} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/06
. . .
Particles of special shape or size [2020-05]
C10N 2020/061
. . .
{Coated particles} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/063
. . .
{Fibrous forms} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/065
. .
{Saturated Compounds} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/067
. .
{Unsaturated Compounds} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/069
. .
{Linear chain compounds} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/071
. .
{Branched chain compounds} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/073
. .
{Star shaped polymers} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/075
. .
{Dendrimers} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/077
. .
{Ionic Liquids} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/079
. .
{Liquid crystals} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/081
. .
{Biodegradable compounds} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/083
. .
{Volatile compounds} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/085
. .
{Non-volatile compounds} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/09
{Characteristics associated with water} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/091
. .
{Water solubility} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/093
. .
{Insolubility in water} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/095
. .
{Crystal water containing compounds} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/097
. .
{Refrigerants} [2020-05]

C10N 2020/099
. . .
{Containing Chlorofluorocarbons} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/101
. . .
{Containing Hydrofluorocarbons} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/103
. . .
{Containing Hydrocarbons} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/104
. . .
{Containing Nitrogen} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/105
. . .
{Containing Ammonia} [2020-05]
C10N 2020/106
. . .
{Containing Carbon dioxide} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/00
Specified physical or chemical properties which is improved by the additive characterising the lubricating composition, e.g. multifunctional additives [2020-05]
C10N 2030/02
Pour-point; Viscosity index [2013-01]
C10N 2030/04
Detergent property or dispersant property [2020-05]
C10N 2030/041
. .
{Soot induced viscosity control} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/06
Oiliness; Film-strength; Anti-wear; Resistance to extreme pressure [2013-01]
C10N 2030/08
Resistance to extreme temperature [2013-01]
C10N 2030/10
Inhibition of oxidation, e.g. anti-oxidants [2013-01]
C10N 2030/12
Inhibition of corrosion, e.g. anti-rust agents or anti-corrosives [2020-05]
C10N 2030/14
Metal deactivation [2013-01]
C10N 2030/16
Antiseptic; {(micro)} biocidal {or bactericidal} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/18
Anti-foaming property [2013-01]
C10N 2030/20
Colour, e.g. dyes [2013-01]
C10N 2030/22
{Degreasing properties} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/24
{Emulsion properties} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/26
{Waterproofing or water resistance} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/28
{Anti-static} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/30
{Anti-misting} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/32
{Light or X-ray resistance} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/34
{Fragrance or deodorizing properties} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/36
{Seal compatibility, e.g. with rubber} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/38
{Catalyst protection, e.g. in exhaust gas converters} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/40
{Low content or no content compositions} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/41
. .
{Chlorine free or low chlorine content compositions} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/42
. .
{Phosphor free or low phosphor content compositions} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/43
. .
{Sulfur free or low sulfur content compositions} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/44
. .
{Boron free or low content boron compositions} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/45
. .
{Ash-less or low ash content} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/50
{Emission or smoke controlling properties} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/52
{Base number [TBN]} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/54
{Fuel economy} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/56
{Boundary lubrication or thin film lubrication} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/58
{Elastohydrodynamic lubrication, e.g. for high compressibility layers} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/60
{Electro rheological properties} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/62
{Food grade properties} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/64
{Environmental friendly compositions} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/66
{Hydrolytic stability} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/68
{Shear stability} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/70
{Soluble oils} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/72
{Extended drain} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/74
{Noack Volatility} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/76
{Reduction of noise, shudder, or vibrations} [2020-05]
C10N 2030/78
{Fuel contamination} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/00
Specified use or application for which the lubricating composition is intended [2013-01]
C10N 2040/02
Bearings [2013-01]
C10N 2040/04
Oil-bath; Gear-boxes; Automatic transmissions; Traction drives [2013-01]
C10N 2040/042
. .
{for automatic transmissions} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/044
. .
{for manual transmissions} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/045
. .
{for continuous variable transmission [CVT]} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/046
. .
{for traction drives} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/06
Instruments or other precision apparatus, e.g. damping fluids [2013-01]
C10N 2040/08
Hydraulic fluids, e.g. brake-fluids [2013-01]
C10N 2040/10
Running-in-oil {; Grinding} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/12
Gas-turbines [2013-01]
C10N 2040/13
. .
Aircraft turbines [2013-01]
C10N 2040/135
{Steam engines or turbines} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/14
Electric or magnetic purposes [2013-01]
C10N 2040/16
. .
Dielectric; Insulating oil {or insulators} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/17
. .
{for electric contacts} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/175
. .
{Pantographs, i.e. printing devices} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/18
. .
in connection with recordings on magnetic tape or disc [2013-01]
C10N 2040/185
. .
{Magnetic fluids} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/20
Metal working [2013-01]
C10N 2040/22
. .
with essential removal of material {, e.g. cutting, grinding or drilling} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/24
. .
without essential removal of material {, e.g. forming, gorging, drawing, pressing, stamping, rolling or extruding}; Punching metal [2020-05]
C10N 2040/241
. .
{Manufacturing joint-less pipes} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/242
. .
{Hot working} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/243
. .
{Cold working} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/244
. .
{of specific metals} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/245
. . .
{Soft metals, e.g. aluminum} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/246
. . .
{Iron or steel} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/247
. . .
{Stainless steel} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/25
Internal-combustion engines [2020-05]
C10N 2040/251
. .
{Alcohol-fuelled engines} [2024-08]
C10N 2040/252
. .
{Diesel engines} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/253
. . .
{Small diesel engines} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/255
. .
{Gasoline engines} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/26
. . .
Two-strokes {or two-cycle engines} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/28
. . .
Rotary {engines} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/30
Refrigerators lubricants {or compressors lubricants} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/32
Wires, ropes or cables lubricants [2020-05]
C10N 2040/34
Lubricating-sealants [2013-01]
C10N 2040/36
Release agents {or mold release agents} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/38
{Conveyors or chain belts} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/40
{Generators or electric motors in oil or gas winning field} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/42
{Flashing oils or marking oils} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/44
{Super vacuum or supercritical use} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/46
{Textile oils} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/48
{Slushing oils} [2020-05]
C10N 2040/50
{Medical uses} [2020-05]
C10N 2050/00
Form in which the lubricant is applied to the material being lubricated [2013-01]
C10N 2050/01
{Emulsions, colloids, or micelles} [2020-05]
C10N 2050/011
. .
{Oil-in-water} [2020-05]
C10N 2050/013
. .
{Water-in-oil} [2020-05]
C10N 2050/015
{Dispersions of solid lubricants} [2020-05]
C10N 2050/02
. .
dissolved or suspended in a carrier which subsequently evaporates to leave a lubricant coating [2020-05]
C10N 2050/023
{Multi-layer lubricant coatings} [2020-05]
C10N 2050/025
. .
{in the form of films or sheets} [2020-05]
C10N 2050/04
Aerosols [2020-05]
C10N 2050/06
Gaseous phase, at least during working conditions [2013-01]
C10N 2050/08
Solids [2020-05]
C10N 2050/10
Semi-solids; greasy [2020-05]
C10N 2050/12
{Micro capsules} [2020-05]
C10N 2050/14
{Composite materials or sliding materials in which lubricants are integrally molded} [2020-05]
C10N 2060/00
Chemical after-treatment of the constituents of the lubricating composition [2013-01]
C10N 2060/01
{by organic hydroxy group containing compounds} [2020-05]
C10N 2060/02
Reduction, e.g. hydrogenation [2013-01]
C10N 2060/04
Oxidation, e.g. ozonisation [2013-01]
C10N 2060/06
by epoxydes {or oxyalkylation reactions} [2020-05]
C10N 2060/08
Halogenation [2013-01]
C10N 2060/09
{Treatment with nitrogen containing compounds} [2020-05]
C10N 2060/10
by sulfur or a compound containing sulfur [2013-01]
C10N 2060/12
by phosphorus or a compound containing phosphorus, e.g. PxSy [2013-01]
C10N 2060/14
by boron or a compound containing boron [2013-01]
C10N 2070/00
Specific manufacturing methods for lubricant compositions [2020-05]
C10N 2070/02
{Concentrating of additives} [2020-05]
C10N 2080/00
Special pretreatment of the material to be lubricated, e.g. phosphatising or chromatising of a metal [2013-01]