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DESTRUCTIVE DISTILLATION OF CARBONACEOUS MATERIALS FOR PRODUCTION OF GAS, COKE, TAR, OR SIMILAR MATERIALS (cracking oils C10G; underground gasification of minerals E21B 43/295) [2023-05]

  • In this subclass non-limiting references (in the sense of paragraph 39 of the Guide to the IPC) may still be displayed in the scheme.
Retort and coke ovens [2013-01]
C10B 1/00
Retorts [2013-01]
C10B 1/02
Stationary retorts [2013-01]
C10B 1/04
. .
Vertical retorts [2013-01]
C10B 1/06
. .
Horizontal retorts [2013-01]
C10B 1/08
. .
Inclined retorts [2013-01]
C10B 1/10
Rotary retorts [2013-01]
C10B 3/00
Coke ovens with vertical chambers [2013-01]
C10B 3/02
with heat-exchange devices [2013-01]
C10B 5/00
Coke ovens with horizontal chambers [2013-01]
C10B 5/02
with vertical heating flues [2013-01]
C10B 5/04
. .
with cross-over inter-connections [2013-01]
C10B 5/06
with horizontal heating flues [2013-01]
C10B 5/08
with horizontal and vertical heating flues [2013-01]
C10B 5/10
with heat-exchange devices [2013-01]
C10B 5/12
. .
with regenerators [2013-01]
C10B 5/14
. . .
situated in the longitudinal direction of the chambers [2013-01]
C10B 5/16
. . . .
with separated flues [2013-01]
C10B 5/18
. . .
situated in the longitudinal direction of the oven battery [2013-01]
C10B 5/20
. .
with recuperators [2013-01]
C10B 7/00
Coke ovens with mechanical conveying means for the raw material inside the oven [2013-01]
C10B 7/02
with rotary scraping devices [2013-01]
C10B 7/04
with shaking or vibrating devices [2013-01]
C10B 7/06
with endless conveying devices [2013-01]
C10B 7/08
. .
in vertical direction [2013-01]
C10B 7/10
with conveyor-screws [2016-05]
C10B 7/12
with tilting or rocking means [2013-01]
C10B 7/14
with trucks, containers, or trays [2013-01]
C10B 9/00
Beehive ovens [2013-01]
C10B 11/00
Coke ovens with inclined chambers [2013-01]
C10B 13/00
Coke ovens with means for bringing and keeping the charge under mechanical pressure [2013-01]
C10B 15/00
Other coke ovens [2013-01]
C10B 15/02
with floor heating [2013-01]
Heating of coke ovens [2013-01]
C10B 17/00
Preheating of coke ovens [2013-01]
C10B 19/00
Heating of coke ovens by electrical means [2013-01]
C10B 21/00
Heating of coke ovens with combustible gases [2013-01]
C10B 21/02
with lean gas [2013-01]
C10B 21/04
with rich gas [2013-01]
C10B 21/06
in coke ovens suitable for the use of lean gas or rich gas [2013-01]
C10B 21/08
by applying special heating gases [2013-01]
C10B 21/10
Regulating and controlling the combustion [2013-01]
C10B 21/12
. .
Burners [2013-01]
C10B 21/14
. .
Devices for reversing the draught [2013-01]
C10B 21/16
. .
by controlling or varying the openings between the heating flues and the regenerator flues [2013-01]
C10B 21/18
. .
Recirculating the flue gases [2013-01]
C10B 21/20
Methods of heating ovens of the chamber oven type [2013-01]
C10B 21/22
. .
by introducing the heating gas and air at various levels [2013-01]
C10B 21/24
. . .
at the top and the bottom of the vertical heating flues [2013-01]
C10B 21/26
. .
by introducing the heating gas and air at the top of the vertical flues only [2013-01]
C10B 23/00
Other methods of heating coke ovens [2013-01]
C10B 25/00
Doors or closures for coke ovens [2013-01]
C10B 25/02
Doors; Door frames [2013-01]
C10B 25/04
. .
for ovens with vertical chambers [2013-01]
C10B 25/06
. .
for ovens with horizontal chambers [2013-01]
C10B 25/08
. .
Closing and opening the doors [2013-01]
C10B 25/10
. . .
for ovens with vertical chambers [2013-01]
C10B 25/12
. . .
for ovens with horizontal chambers [2013-01]
C10B 25/14
. . .
Devices for lifting doors [2013-01]
C10B 25/16
. .
Sealing; Means for sealing [2013-01]
C10B 25/18
. .
Cooling [2013-01]
C10B 25/20
Lids or closures for charging holes [2013-01]
C10B 25/22
. .
for ovens with vertical chambers [2013-01]
C10B 25/24
. .
for ovens with horizontal chambers [2013-01]
C10B 27/00
Arrangements for withdrawal of the distillation gases [2013-01]
C10B 27/02
with outlets arranged at different levels in the chamber [2013-01]
C10B 27/04
during the charging operation of the oven [2013-01]
C10B 27/06
Conduit details, e.g. valves [2013-01]
C10B 29/00
Other details of coke ovens [2013-01]
C10B 29/02
Brickwork, e.g. casings, linings, walls [2013-01]
C10B 29/04
Controlling or preventing expansion or contraction [2013-01]
C10B 29/06
Preventing or repairing leakages of the brickwork [2013-01]
C10B 29/08
Bracing or foundation of the ovens [2013-01]
Devices for charging and discharging coke ovens; Mechanical treatments of coal charges [2013-01]
C10B 31/00
Charging devices [2013-01]
C10B 31/02
for charging vertically [2013-01]
C10B 31/04
. .
coke ovens with horizontal chambers [2013-01]
C10B 31/06
for charging horizontally [2013-01]
C10B 31/08
. .
coke ovens with horizontal chambers [2013-01]
C10B 31/10
. . .
with one compact charge [2013-01]
C10B 31/12
for liquid materials [2013-01]
C10B 33/00
Discharging devices; Coke guides [2013-01]
C10B 33/003
{Arrangements for pollution-free discharge} [2013-01]
C10B 33/006
{Decoking tools, e.g. hydraulic coke removing tools with boring or cutting nozzles} [2013-01]
C10B 33/02
Extracting coke with built-in devices, e.g. gears, screws [2013-01]
C10B 33/04
Pulling-out devices [2013-01]
C10B 33/06
. .
for horizontal chambers [2013-01]
C10B 33/08
Pushers, e.g. rams [2013-01]
C10B 33/10
. .
for horizontal chambers [2013-01]
C10B 33/12
Discharge valves [2013-01]
C10B 33/14
Coke guides [2013-01]
C10B 35/00
Combined charging and discharging devices [2013-01]
C10B 37/00
Mechanical treatments of coal charges in the oven [2013-01]
C10B 37/02
Levelling charges, e.g. with bars [2013-01]
C10B 37/04
Compressing charges (during coking C10B 47/12) [2013-01]
C10B 37/06
Forming holes in charges [2013-01]
C10B 39/00
Cooling or quenching coke [2013-01]
C10B 39/02
Dry cooling outside the oven [2013-01]
C10B 39/04
Wet quenching [2013-01]
C10B 39/06
. .
in the oven [2013-01]
C10B 39/08
. .
Coke-quenching towers [2013-01]
C10B 39/10
combined with agitating means, e.g. rotating tables or drums [2013-01]
C10B 39/12
combined with conveying means [2013-01]
C10B 39/14
Cars [2013-01]
C10B 39/16
combined with sorting [2013-01]
C10B 39/18
Coke ramps [2013-01]
C10B 41/00
Safety devices, e.g. signalling or controlling devices for use in the discharge of coke [2013-01]
C10B 41/005
{for charging coal} [2013-01]
C10B 41/02
for discharging coke [2013-01]
C10B 41/04
. .
by electrical means [2013-01]
C10B 41/06
. .
by pneumatic or hydraulic means [2013-01]
C10B 41/08
for the withdrawal of the distillation gases [2013-01]
C10B 43/00
Preventing or removing incrustations [2013-01]
C10B 43/02
Removing incrustations [2013-01]
C10B 43/04
. .
by mechanical means [2013-01]
C10B 43/06
. . .
from conduits, valves or the like [2013-01]
C10B 43/08
. .
with liquids [2013-01]
C10B 43/10
. .
by burning out [2013-01]
C10B 43/12
. . .
Burners [2013-01]
C10B 43/14
Preventing incrustations [2013-01]
C10B 45/00
Other details [2013-01]
C10B 45/005
{Devices for recovering spilled coke, e.g. recovering the coke falling out the oven when opening doors or withdrawing the leveler bar} [2013-01]
C10B 45/02
Devices for producing compact unified coal charges outside the oven (briquetting presses B30B) [2013-01]
Carbonising or coking processes [2013-01]
C10B 47/00
Destructive distillation of solid carbonaceous materials with indirect heating, e.g. by external combustion [2017-08]
C10B 47/02
with stationary charge [2013-01]
C10B 47/04
. .
in shaft furnaces [2013-01]
C10B 47/06
. .
in retorts [2013-01]
C10B 47/08
. .
in beehive ovens [2013-01]
C10B 47/10
. .
in coke ovens of the chamber type [2013-01]
C10B 47/12
. .
in which the charge is subjected to mechanical pressures during coking [2013-01]
C10B 47/14
. .
with the aid of hot liquids, e.g. molten salts [2013-01]
C10B 47/16
. .
with indirect heating means both inside and outside the retorts [2013-01]
C10B 47/18
with moving charge [2013-01]
C10B 47/20
. .
according to the moving bed type (C10B 47/26 takes precedence) [2013-01]
C10B 47/22
. .
in dispersed form (C10B 47/26 takes precedence) [2013-01]
C10B 47/24
. . .
according to the "fluidised bed" technique [2013-01]
C10B 47/26
. .
with the aid of hot liquids, e.g. molten salts [2013-01]
C10B 47/28
Other processes [2013-01]
C10B 47/30
. .
in rotary ovens or retorts [2013-01]
C10B 47/32
. .
in ovens with mechanical conveying means [2013-01]
C10B 47/34
. . .
with rotary scraping devices [2013-01]
C10B 47/36
. . . .
in multi-stage ovens [2013-01]
C10B 47/38
. . .
with shaking or vibrating devices [2013-01]
C10B 47/40
. . .
with endless conveying devices [2013-01]
C10B 47/42
. . . .
in vertical direction [2013-01]
C10B 47/44
. . .
with conveyor-screws [2016-05]
C10B 47/46
. . .
with trucks, containers, or trays [2013-01]
C10B 47/48
. . .
with tilting or rocking means [2013-01]
C10B 49/00
Destructive distillation of solid carbonaceous materials by direct heating with heat-carrying agents including the partial combustion of the solid material to be treated [2013-01]
C10B 49/02
with hot gases or vapours, e.g. hot gases obtained by partial combustion of the charge [2013-01]
C10B 49/04
. .
while moving the solid material to be treated [2013-01]
C10B 49/06
. . .
according to the moving bed type [2013-01]
C10B 49/08
. . .
in dispersed form [2013-01]
C10B 49/10
. . . .
according to the "fluidised bed" technique [2013-01]
C10B 49/12
. . . .
by mixing tangentially, e.g. in vortex chambers [2017-02]
C10B 49/14
with hot liquids, e.g. molten metals [2013-01]
C10B 49/16
with moving solid heat-carriers in divided form [2013-01]
C10B 49/18
. .
according to the "moving bed" type [2013-01]
C10B 49/20
. .
in dispersed form [2013-01]
C10B 49/22
. . .
according to the "fluidised bed" technique [2013-01]
C10B 51/00
Destructive distillation of solid carbonaceous materials by combined direct and indirect heating [2013-01]
C10B 53/00
Destructive distillation, specially adapted for particular solid raw materials or solid raw materials in special form (wet carbonising of peat C10F) [2013-01]
C10B 53/02
of cellulose-containing material (production of pyroligneous acid C10C 5/00) [2013-01]
C10B 53/04
of powdered coal [2013-01]
C10B 53/06
of oil shale and/or or bituminous rocks [2013-01]
C10B 53/07
{of solid raw materials consisting} of synthetic polymeric materials, e.g. tyres ({waste in general, e.g. household waste C10B 53/00;} recovery or working-up of waste materials of organic macromolecular compounds or compositions based thereon by dry-heat treatment for obtaining partially depolymerised materials C08J 11/10; production of liquid hydrocarbon mixtures from rubber or rubber waste C10G 1/10) [2013-01]
C10B 53/08
in the form of briquettes, lumps and the like [2013-01]
C10B 55/00
Coking mineral oils, bitumen, tar, and the like or mixtures thereof with solid carbonaceous material (cracking oils C10G) [2013-01]
C10B 55/02
with solid materials [2013-01]
C10B 55/04
. .
with moving solid materials [2013-01]
C10B 55/06
. . .
according to the "moving bed" type [2013-01]
C10B 55/08
. . .
in dispersed form [2013-01]
C10B 55/10
. . . .
according to the "fluidised bed" technique [2013-01]
C10B 57/00
Other carbonising or coking processes; Features of destructive distillation processes in general [2022-08]
C10B 57/005
{After-treatment of coke, e.g. calcination desulfurization} [2013-01]
C10B 57/02
Multi-step carbonising or coking processes [2013-01]
C10B 57/04
using charges of special composition [2017-08]
C10B 57/045
. .
{containing mineral oils, bitumen, tar or the like or mixtures thereof} [2013-01]
C10B 57/06
. .
containing additives [2013-01]
C10B 57/08
Non-mechanical pretreatment of the charge (C10L 9/00 takes precedence), {e.g. desulfurization} [2017-08]
C10B 57/10
. .
Drying [2013-01]
C10B 57/12
Applying additives during coking [2013-01]
C10B 57/14
Features of low-temperature carbonising processes [2013-01]
C10B 57/16
Features of high-temperature carbonising processes [2013-01]
C10B 57/18
Modifying the properties of the distillation gases in the oven (outside the oven C10K) [2013-01]