CPC Definition - Subclass C10H

Last Updated Version: 2016.11
PRODUCTION OF ACETYLENE BY WET METHODS {(purification of acetylene C07C 7/00)}
Definition statement

This place covers:

Methods and apparatus for production of acetylene by wet methods, including arrangements for water feed and carbide feed; high-pressure acetylene generators; details of acetylene generators, e.g. carbide cartridges, carbide compositions, safety devices, sludge removal.

Limiting references

This place does not cover:

Purification of acetylene

C07C 7/00

Gaseous fuel compositions containing acetylene

C10L 3/02

Absorbing compositions for acetylene

C10L 3/04

Use of gas-solvents or gas-sorbents for acetylene in vessels

F17C 11/002

References out of a residual place

Examples of places in relation to which this place is residual:

Burners for combustion of a gasin association with a gaseous fuel source, e.g. acetylene generator

F23D 14/28

Informative references

Attention is drawn to the following places, which may be of interest for search:

Apparatus for generating gases by wet methods

B01J 7/02

Manufacture of acetylene by methods not comprising carbides

C07C 11/24

Engines or plants characterised by use of other specific gases, e.g. acetylene

F02B 43/10

Engine-pertinent apparatus for adding small quantities of acetylene

F02M 25/10

Valves, cocks, taps in general


Gas burners in association with a gaseous fuel source, e.g. an acetylene generator

F23D 14/28

Special rules of classification

In the absence of an indication to the contrary, classification is made in the last appropriate place ("last place rule").

Glossary of terms

In this place, the following terms or expressions are used with the meaning indicated:

Wet methods for acetylene production

Traditionally acetylene is manufactured from calcium carbonate (limestone) and coal. The calcium carbonate is first converted into calcium oxide and the coal into coke, then the two are reacted together to form calcium carbide and carbon monoxide:CaO + 3C → CaC2 + COCalcium carbide (calcium acetylide) and water are then reacted by any of several methods to produce acetylene and calcium hydroxide, by a reaction discovered by Friedrich Wöhler in 1862.CaC2 + 2H2O → Ca(OH)2 + C2H2

Synonyms and Keywords

In patent documents, the following words/expressions are often used as synonyms:

  • " acetylene", "ethyne", "C2H2" and "H-C≡C-H"