Ann C.

Copyright Attorney-Advisor

“As a an IP attaché, I enjoyed creative and innovative works protected by IP, and I wanted to ensure that the creators and innovators were incentivized to continue their work."


Challenging. That’s how Ann describes her former role as the USPTO intellectual property (IP) attaché based in Lima, Peru.

She regularly met with U.S. and foreign stakeholders, as well as foreign governments, to foster a legal environment that encouraged innovation and creativity.

As the IP attaché responsible for Bolivia, Chile, Columbia, Peru, and Ecuador, Ann worked with their governments to discuss IP laws and policies and provided requested training. She helped partner with them to reach positive solutions that were mutually beneficial for their countries and the United States.

Ann enjoyed her work as an IP attaché because it provided her the opportunity to work with other countries’ governments, inventors, creators, and other stakeholders. She also liked learning about different cultures, and she appreciated the flexibility to take the initiative on important agency priorities. If you ask Ann why she chose to be an IP attaché, her response is simple. “I wanted the chance to live abroad and work with foreign governments to improve their IP systems.”

Ann joined the USPTO nearly ten years ago because of her interest in domestic and international IP policy. “I enjoy creative and innovative works protected by IP, and I want to ensure that the creators and innovators are incentivized to continue their work.”

Ann has now returned to the States and made a seamless transition from her role as an IP attaché back to attorney-advisor.