United States Patent and Trademark Office
37 CFR Part 1
RIN 0651-AB05
Changes to Implement Eighteen-Month
Publication of Patent Applications
AGENCY: United States Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce.
ACTION: Final rule; correction.
SUMMARY: The United States Patent and Trademark Office (Office) published a
final rule in the Federal Register of September 20, 2000, revising the
rules of practice in patent cases to implement the eighteen-month
publication provisions of the American Inventors Protection Act of 1999.
This document corrects two errors in that final rule.
EFFECTIVE DATE: November 29, 2000.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Concerning this notice: Robert W. Bahr by
telephone at (703) 308-6906, or by mail addressed to: Box Comments Patents,
Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231, or by facsimile
to (703) 872-9411, marked to the attention of Robert W. Bahr.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Office published a final rule in the Federal
Register of September 20, 2000 (65 FR 57023), entitled "Changes to
Implement Eighteen-Month Publication of Patent Applications."
This document corrects errors in 1.55 and 1.99 as discussed below.
Section 1.55(a) should refer to "35 U.S.C. 119(a) through (d) and (f), 172,
and 365(a) and (b)" rather than "35 U.S.C. 119(a) through (d), 172, and
365(a)" (references to 35 U.S.C. 119(f) and 365(b) were inadvertently
omitted). Section 1.55(c) should refer to "35 U.S.C. 119(a) through (d) and
(f), and 365(a)" rather than "35 U.S.C. 119(a) through (d) and 365(a)"
(a reference to 35 U.S.C. 119(f) was inadvertently omitted).
Section 1.99(f) should not include its last sentence ("[N]o further
submission on behalf of the member of the public will be considered, unless
such submission raises new issues which could not have been earlier
In rule FR Doc. 00-23822, published on September 20, 2000 (65 FR 57023),
make the following corrections:
1.55 [Corrected]
1. On page 57053, in the third column, in 1.55, in paragraph (a)
introductory text, in lines 5 and 6, correct "119(a) through (d), 172, and
365(a)" to read "119(a) through (d) and (f), 172, and 365(a) and (b)"; and
on page 57054, in the first column, in 1.55, in paragraph (c) introductory
text, in each of lines 4, 9, and 19, correct "119(a)-(d) or 365(a)" to
read "119(a) through (d) and (f), or 365(a)".
1.99 [Corrected]
2. On page 57056, in the second column, in 1.99, in paragraph (f), in
lines 14 through 19, remove the sentence "No further submission on behalf
of the member of the public will be considered, unless such submission
raises new issues which could not have been earlier presented."
October 30, 2000 ALBIN F. DROST
Acting General Counsel
[1241 OG 68]