TRADEMARK APPLICATION EXAMINATION AND CONTENT (147) Fastener Insignia Register To Be Posted On PTO Web Cite The Patent and Trademark Office is now posting a copy of the Fastener Insignia Register on its Web cite ( The register is available for viewing and downloading, free of charge. The Fastener Quality Act (15 U.S.C. 5401, et seq.) requires that certain fasteners bear an identifying insignia for traceability purposes, and requires the Secretary of Commerce to provide for the recordation of these insignia. The implementing regulations (15 C.F.R. 280.700, et seq.) direct the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks to maintain a Fastener Insignia Register. The deadline for compliance with the Act has been extended to October 25, 1998. Parties wishing to obtain paper copies of the Register should continue to send the written request and $20.00 fee to: Assistant Commissioner for Trademarks Box: Fastener 2900 Crystal Drive Arlington, Virginia 22202-3513 July 24, 1998 PHILIP G. HAMPTON, II Assistant Commissioner for Trademarks [1213 TMOG 182]