(143)              Publication of the Current Patent Rules
                   in Title 37, Code of Federal Regulations

   The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) announces the availability 
of a publication of the patent rules in title 37, C.F.R., that is current 
as of February 4, 1998. The PTO has recently revised the rules of practice 
in title 37, C.F.R. See Changes to Patent Practice and Procedure: Final 
Rule Notice, 62 Fed. Reg. 53131 (October 10, 1997), 1203 Off. Gaz. Pat. 
Office 63 (October 21, 1997), and Changes to Continued Prosecution 
Application Practice; Interim Rule Notice, 63 Fed. Reg. 5732 (February 4, 
1998); 1207 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 83 (February 24, 1998). The Office of 
the Federal Register (OFR) annually publishes the C.F.R. as in effect on 
July 1. Thus, the latest, or July 1997 revision of, title 37, C.F.R., as
published by the OFR does not reflect the rules of practice as revised
by the above-mentioned rule makings, and the OFR is not expected to
publish the next revision of title 37, C.F.R., until after July of 1998.
   35 U.S.C.    11(a)(6) authorizes the Commissioner to print pamphlet
copies of, inter alia, the patent rules of practice. To respond to the
public demand for an immediate C.F.R. publication that reflects the
above-mentioned changes to title 37, the PTO has published title 37,
C.F.R., reflecting the patent rules of practice that are in effect as of
February 4, 1998. The PTO is offering this publication for sale in paper
(8 1/2 inch by 11 inch loose-leaf pages shrink-wrapped but without a
binder) for $30 per copy. This publication is also available at no cost
on the PTO's Web site at www.uspto.gov. The public will be notified when
the publication is available on CD-ROM.
   Order forms are available at the Reception Desk, Patent Search Room,
Crystal Plaza 3, Rm. 1A01; on the PTO's Web site; and by calling the
Office of Electronic Information Products (OEIP) at (703) 306-2600.
Those wishing to place orders should submit an order form, together with
payment or payment authorization, to:
   U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
   Office of Electronic Information Products
   Crystal Park 3 - Suite 441
   Washington, D.C. 20231
   Orders will also be taken by facsimile at (703) 306-2737, or in person
by OEIP in Crystal Park 3, Suite 441, Arlington, Va., 22202.
   Payments should be by check or money order payable to the Commissioner
of Patents and Trademarks, or, with authorization, charged to a PTO
deposit account, VISAĖrm, or MasterCardĖrm. Notebooks and CD-ROMs will
be mailed by first-class mail to addresses in the United States, Canada,
and Mexico, and by airmail to all other addresses; or, at the
requestor's expense, by FedEx.
March 3, 1998                                              STEPHEN G. KUNIN
                                              Deputy Assistant Commissioner
                                             for Patent Policy and Projects

                                 [1208 OG 102]