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 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print Table of Contents 1413 OG 64 


April 14, 2015 Volume 1413 Number 2


 Patent and Trademark Office NoticesPage 
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Information1413 OG 65
Notice of Maintenance Fees Payable1413 OG 69
Notice of Expiration of Patents Due to Failure to Pay Maintenance Fee1413 OG 70
Patents Reinstated Due to the Acceptance of a Late Maintenance Fee from 03/16/20151413 OG 104
Reissue Applications Filed1413 OG 105
Requests for Ex Parte Reexamination Filed1413 OG 108
Notice of Expiration of Trademark Registrations Due to Failure to Renew1413 OG 109
Service by Publication1413 OG 115
37 CFR 147 Notice by Publication1413 OG 119
Registration to Practice1413 OG 120
Notice of Suspension1413 OG 122
Notice of Reprimand and Probation1413 OG 123
Notice of Administrative Suspension1413 OG 124
Patents and Serial Numbers Available for License or Sale1413 OG 135
Errata1413 OG 137
Erratum1413 OG 142
Certificates of Correction1413 OG 143
AIA Trial Proceedings Filed before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board1413 OG 145
Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board1413 OG 146

Mailing and Hand Carry Addresses for Mail to the United States Patent and Trademark Office
Reference Collections of U.S. Patents Available for Public Use in Patent and Trademark Resource Centers
Patent Technology Centers

COPIES OF PATENTS are furnished by the Patent and Trademark Office at $3.00 each; PLANT PATENTS in color, $15.00 each; copies of TRADEMARKS at $3.00 each. Address orders to the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA., 22313-1450, or click here for online ordering.

Printing by U.S.P.T.O. in electronic form is authorized by 35 U.S.C. § 10(a)3

Top of Notices Top of Notices April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1413 OG 65 

Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Information
                  Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Information

   For information concerning PCT member countries, see the notice
appearing in the Official Gazette at 1393 O.G. 61, on August 13, 2013.

   For information on subject matter under Rule 39 that a particular
International Searching Authority will not search, see Annex D of the PCT
Applicants' Guide.

European Patent Office as Searching and Examining Authority

   The European Patent Office (EPO) may act as the International Searching
Authority (ISA) or the International Preliminary Examining Authority (IPEA)
for an international application filed with the United States Receiving
Office or the International Bureau (IB) as Receiving Office where at least
one of the applicants is either a national or resident of the United States
of America. The EPO, effective January 1, 2015, no longer has any
limitations concerning its competency to act as an ISA. The announcement
appears in the Official Gazette at 1412 O.G. 61 on March 10, 2015.
Previously, the EPO would not act as an ISA and would not carry out an
international search for any application which contained one or more claims
relating to the field of business methods. As of January 1, 2015, U.S.
applicants filing their international applications with the USPTO or the IB
as receiving Office may select the EPO to act as the ISA without
restrictions. In applications containing claims relating to business
methods where the subject matter of the application also contains technical
features, the EPO will perform a search for those parts of the application
which are more than mere business methods. However, the EPO will issue a
declaration under PCT Rule 17(2)(a) that no ISR will be established
whenever an application relates only to a business method as such. The EPO
will act as an IPEA only if it also acted as the ISA.

   The search fee of the European Patent Office was changed, effective
April 1, 2015, and was announced in the Official Gazette at 1412 O.G. 229,
on March 31, 2015.

Korean Intellectual Property Office as Searching and Examining Authority

   The Korean Intellectual Property Office may act as the ISA or the IPEA
for an international application filed with the United States Receiving
Office or the International Bureau (IB) as Receiving Office where at least
one of the applicants is either a national or resident of the United States
of America. The announcement appears in the Official Gazette at 1302 O.G.
1261 on January 17, 2006.

   The search fee of the Korean Intellectual Property Office was changed,
effective January 1, 2015, and was announced in the Official Gazette at
1409 O.G. 243, on December 30, 2014.

Australian Patent Office as Searching and Examining Authority

   The Australian Patent Office (IP Australia) may act as the ISA or the
IPEA for an international application filed with the United States
Receiving Office or the International Bureau (IB) as Receiving Office where
at least one of the applicants is either a national or resident of the
United States of America. The announcement appears in the Official Gazette
at 1337 O.G. 265, on December 23, 2008. However, the use of IP Australia is
restricted. IP Australia will not act as an ISA if it has received more
than 250 international applications from the USPTO during a fiscal quarter,
as indicated in the Official Gazette at 1409 O.G. 302 on December 30, 2014.
IP Australia will act as an IPEA only if it also acted as the ISA.

   The search fee of IP Australia was changed, effective April 1,
2015, and was announced in the Official Gazette at 1412 O.G. 229, on
March 31, 2015.
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 66 

The Federal Service on Intellectual Property, Patents & Trademarks of
Russia as Searching and Examining Authority

   The Federal Service on Intellectual Property, Patents & Trademarks of
Russia (Rospatent) may act as the ISA or the IPEA for an international
application filed with the United States Receiving Office or the
International Bureau (IB) as Receiving Office where at least one of the
applicants is either a national or resident of the United States of
America. The announcement appears in the Official Gazette at 1378 O.G. 162,
on May 8, 2012.

   The search fee of Rospatent was changed, effective April 1, 2015,
and was announced in the Official Gazette at 1412 O.G. 229 on March 31,

Israel Patent Office as Searching and Examining Authority

   The Israel Patent Office (ILPO) may act as the ISA or the IPEA for an
international application filed with the United States Receiving Office
or the International Bureau (IB) as Receiving Office where at least one
of the applicants is either a national or resident of the United States
of America. The announcement appears in the Official Gazette at 1408 O.G.
52, on November 4, 2014. However, the use of the ILPO is restricted. The
ILPO will not act as an ISA for applications with one or more claims
relating to a business method as defined by certain International Patent
Classification classes nor will the ILPO act as an ISA where it has
received more than 75 international applications from the USPTO during a
fiscal quarter, as indicated in the Official Gazette at 1408 O.G. 52 on
November 4, 2014. For the definition of what the ILPO considers to be
precluded subject matter in the field of business methods, see Annex B of
the Agreement between the Israel Patent Office and the United States
Patent and Trademark Office
( The ILPO
will act as an IPEA only if it also acted as the ISA.

   The search fee of ILPO was changed, effective March 1, 2015, and was
announced in the Official Gazette at 1412 O.G. 60 on March 10, 2015.


   The transmittal fee for the USPTO was changed to include a basic portion
and a non-electronic filing fee portion, effective November 15, 2011, and
was announced in the Federal Register on November 15, 2011. Search fees
for the USPTO were changed, effective January 12, 2009, and were announced
in the Federal Register on November 12, 2008. The fee for filing a request
for the restoration of the right of priority was established, effective
November 9, 2007, and was announced in the Federal Register on
September 10, 2007.

   International filing fees were changed, effective January 1, 2015,
and were announced in the Official Gazette at 1409 O.G. 243, on
December 30, 2014.

   The schedule of PCT fees (in U.S. dollars), as of April 1, 2015, is
as follows:

International Application (PCT Chapter I) fees:

   Transmittal fee

     Basic Portion
         - Fee                                                      $240.00
         - Small Entity Fee                                         $120.00
         - Micro Entity Fee                                          $60.00
      Non-electronic filing fee portion for International
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 67 

      applications (other than plant applications) filed
      on or after 15 November 2011 other than by the
      Office electronic filing system
         - Fee                                                      $400.00
         - Small Entity Fee                                         $200.00
         - Micro Entity Fee                                         $200.00

   Search fee

      U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) as
      International Searching Authority (ISA)
         - Search fee
           - Fee                                                  $2,080.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                     $1,040.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                       $520.00
         - Supplemental search fee, per additional
           invention (payable only upon invitation)
           - Fee                                                  $2,080.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                     $1,040.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                       $520.00
      European Patent Office as ISA
           - Fee                                                  $2,125.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                     $2,125.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                     $2,125.00
      Korean Intellectual Property Office as ISA
           - Fee                                                  $1,219.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                     $1,219.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                     $1,219.00
      IP Australia as ISA
           - Fee                                                  $1,789.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                     $1,789.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                     $1,789.00
      Federal Service on Intellectual Property, Patents &
      Trademarks of Russia (Rospatent) as ISA
           - Fee                                                    $426.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                       $426.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                       $426.00
      Israel Patent Office
           - Fee                                                    $909.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                       $909.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                       $909.00

   International Fees

      International filing fee
           - Fee                                                  $1,384.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                     $1,384.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                     $1,384.00
      International filing fee-filed in paper
      with PCT EASY zip file or electronically
      without PCT EASY zip file
           - Fee                                                  $1,280.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                     $1,280.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                     $1,280.00
      International filing fee-filed
      electronically with PCT EASY zip files
           - Fee                                                  $1,176.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                     $1,176.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                     $1.176.00
      Supplemental fee for each page over 30
           - Fee                                                     $16.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                        $16.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                        $16.00

   Restoration of Priority

 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 68 

      Filing a request for the restoration of the
      right of priority under § 1.452
           - Fee                                                  $1,700.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                       $850.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                       $850.00

   International Application (PCT Chapter II) fees
   associated with filing a Demand for Preliminary
      Handling fee
           - Fee                                                    $208.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                       $208.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                       $208.00
      Handling fee-90% reduction, if Applicants
      meet criteria specified at
           - Fee                                                     $20.80
           - Small Entity Fee                                        $20.80
           - Micro Entity Fee                                        $20.80
      Preliminary examination fee
         USPTO as International Preliminary
         Examining Authority (IPEA)
            - USPTO was ISA in PCT Chapter I
              - Fee                                                 $600.00
              - Small Entity Fee                                    $300.00
              - Micro Entity Fee                                    $150.00
            - USPTO was not ISA in PCT Chapter I
              - Fee                                                 $760.00
              - Small Entity Fee                                    $380.00
              - Micro Entity Fee                                    $190.00
            - Additional preliminary examination fee,
              per additional invention
              (payable only upon invitation)
              - Fee                                                 $600.00
              - Small Entity Fee                                    $300.00
              - Micro Entity Fee                                    $150.00

   U.S. National Stage fees (for international applications entering
the U.S. national phase under 35 U.S.C. 371) can be found on the USPTO's
Web site (

March 10, 2015                                                  MARK POWELL
                                                    Deputy Commissioner for
                                           International Patent Cooperation
                                  United States Patent and Trademark Office
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1413 OG 69 

Notice of Maintenance Fees Payable
                  Notice of Maintenance Fees Payable

   Title 37 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Section 1.362(d) provides
that maintenance fees may be paid without surcharge for the six-month
period beginning 3, 7, and 11 years after the date of issue of patents
based on applications filed on or after Dec. 12, 1980. An additional
six-month grace period is provided by 35 U.S.C. 41(b) and 37 CFR 1.362(e)
for payment of the maintenance fee with the surcharge set forth in 37 CFR
1.20(h), as amended effective Dec. 16, 1991. If the maintenance fee is
not paid in the patent requiring such payment the patent will expire on
the 4th, 8th, or 12th anniversary of the grant.

   Attention is drawn to the patents that were issued on April 03, 2012
for which maintenance fees due at 3 years and six months may now be paid
The patents have patent numbers within the following ranges:

        Utility Patents 8,146,169 through 8,151,368
        Reissue Patents based on the above identified patents.

   Attention is drawn to the patents that were issued on April 01, 2008
for which maintenance fees due at 7 years and six months may now be paid
The patents have patent numbers within the following ranges:

        Utility Patents 7,350,239 through 7,353,543
        Reissue Patents based on the above identified patents.

   Attention is drawn to the patents that were issued on March 30, 2004
for which maintenance fees due at 11 years and six months may now be paid.
The patents have patent numbers within the following ranges:

        Utility Patents 6,711,744 through 6,715,148
        Reissue Patents based on the above identified patents.

   No maintenance fees are required for design or plant patents.

   Payments of maintenance fees in patents may be submitted electronically
over the Internet at Click on the "Site Index" link at the
top of the homepage (, and then scroll down and click on the
"Maintenance Fees" link for more information.

   Payments of maintenance fees in patents not submitted electronically
over the Internet should be mailed to "United States Patent and Trademark
Office, P.O. Box 979070, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000".

   Correspondence related to maintenance fees other than payments of
maintenance fees in patents is not to be mailed to P.O. Box 979070,
St. Louis, MO 63197-9000, but must be mailed to "Mail Stop M
Correspondence, Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, P.O.
Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450".

   Patent owners must establish small entity status according to 37 CFR
1.27 if they have not done so and if they wish to pay the small entity

   The current amounts of the maintenance fees due at 3 years and six
months, 7 years and six months, and 11 years and six months are set forth
in the most recently amended provisions in 37 CFR 1.20(e)-(g). To obtain
the current maintenance fee amounts, please call the USPTO Contact Center
at (800)-786-9199 or see the current USPTO fee schedule posted on the USPTO
Internet web site. At the top of the USPTO homepage at, click
on the "Site Index" link and then scroll down and click on the "Fees,
USPTO" link to find the current USPTO fee schedule.
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1413 OG 70 

Notice of Expiration of Patents Due to Failure to Pay Maintenance Fee
                        Notice of Expiration of Patents
                     Due to Failure to Pay Maintenance Fee

   35 U.S.C. 41 and 37 CFR 1.362(g) provide that if the required
maintenance fee and any applicable surcharge are not paid in a patent
requiring such payment, the patent will expire at the end of the 4th, 8th
or 12th anniversary of the grant of the patent depending on the first
maintenance fee which was not paid.
   According to the records of the Office, the patents listed below have
expired due to failure to pay the required maintenance fee and any
applicable surcharge.

                    PATENTS WHICH EXPIRED ON February 25, 2015

Patent                          Application                           Issue
Number                             Number                              Date

6,523,179                       09/929,541                         02/25/03
6,523,181                       09/872,606                         02/25/03
6,523,188                       10/047,148                         02/25/03
6,523,193                       09/977,354                         02/25/03
6,523,198                       09/989,573                         02/25/03
6,523,202                       09/802,611                         02/25/03
6,523,209                       09/822,385                         02/25/03
6,523,213                       09/503,529                         02/25/03
6,523,217                       09/600,784                         02/25/03
6,523,219                       09/668,074                         02/25/03
6,523,220                       09/685,837                         02/25/03
6,523,230                       09/913,764                         02/25/03
6,523,234                       09/958,382                         02/25/03
6,523,236                       09/319,011                         02/25/03
6,523,242                       09/976,541                         02/25/03
6,523,251                       09/778,283                         02/25/03
6,523,254                       09/552,409                         02/25/03
6,523,257                       09/786,017                         02/25/03
6,523,258                       09/799,812                         02/25/03
6,523,268                       09/710,457                         02/25/03
6,523,286                       09/503,295                         02/25/03
6,523,289                       10/086,923                         02/25/03
6,523,296                       10/059,904                         02/25/03
6,523,300                       09/785,923                         02/25/03
6,523,302                       09/730,033                         02/25/03
6,523,303                       09/859,954                         02/25/03
6,523,304                       09/861,829                         02/25/03
6,523,307                       09/838,705                         02/25/03
6,523,316                       10/033,475                         02/25/03
6,523,322                       09/673,673                         02/25/03
6,523,324                       09/813,373                         02/25/03
6,523,327                       10/040,330                         02/25/03
6,523,333                       09/731,145                         02/25/03
6,523,339                       09/765,706                         02/25/03
6,523,340                       09/499,456                         02/25/03
6,523,343                       09/985,170                         02/25/03
6,523,344                       09/734,398                         02/25/03
6,523,356                       09/949,394                         02/25/03
6,523,360                       09/984,678                         02/25/03
6,523,362                       10/045,795                         02/25/03
6,523,373                       10/086,281                         02/25/03
6,523,377                       10/069,698                         02/25/03
6,523,409                       09/877,891                         02/25/03
6,523,410                       09/890,458                         02/25/03
6,523,420                       09/949,852                         02/25/03
6,523,426                       09/646,004                         02/25/03
6,523,428                       09/513,223                         02/25/03
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 71 

6,523,439                       10/136,371                         02/25/03
6,523,442                       09/732,139                         02/25/03
6,523,446                       09/462,943                         02/25/03
6,523,447                       09/134,135                         02/25/03
6,523,460                       09/918,903                         02/25/03
6,523,464                       10/244,498                         02/25/03
6,523,466                       09/886,232                         02/25/03
6,523,470                       09/489,729                         02/25/03
6,523,475                       09/946,127                         02/25/03
6,523,480                       09/719,592                         02/25/03
6,523,481                       09/789,754                         02/25/03
6,523,487                       09/903,856                         02/25/03
6,523,491                       09/711,459                         02/25/03
6,523,493                       09/629,515                         02/25/03
6,523,494                       09/659,941                         02/25/03
6,523,502                       09/787,874                         02/25/03
6,523,505                       09/986,817                         02/25/03
6,523,510                       09/927,600                         02/25/03
6,523,522                       09/934,944                         02/25/03
6,523,523                       09/838,791                         02/25/03
6,523,528                       09/965,859                         02/25/03
6,523,536                       09/804,508                         02/25/03
6,523,537                       09/673,525                         02/25/03
6,523,547                       09/806,444                         02/25/03
6,523,549                       09/993,047                         02/25/03
6,523,556                       09/759,479                         02/25/03
6,523,563                       09/797,219                         02/25/03
6,523,564                       09/574,997                         02/25/03
6,523,566                       09/729,717                         02/25/03
6,523,568                       09/823,605                         02/25/03
6,523,578                       09/406,199                         02/25/03
6,523,579                       10/068,820                         02/25/03
6,523,580                       10/006,345                         02/25/03
6,523,589                       09/609,638                         02/25/03
6,523,590                       09/388,081                         02/25/03
6,523,591                       09/569,706                         02/25/03
6,523,593                       09/893,086                         02/25/03
6,523,596                       09/644,926                         02/25/03
6,523,602                       09/991,383                         02/25/03
6,523,603                       09/940,135                         02/25/03
6,523,604                       09/434,858                         02/25/03
6,523,611                       09/622,958                         02/25/03
6,523,616                       10/081,063                         02/25/03
6,523,622                       09/674,968                         02/25/03
6,523,633                       08/984,583                         02/25/03
6,523,643                       09/688,913                         02/25/03
6,523,648                       09/511,856                         02/25/03
6,523,651                       09/946,120                         02/25/03
6,523,658                       09/792,725                         02/25/03
6,523,662                       09/573,248                         02/25/03
6,523,663                       09/845,214                         02/25/03
6,523,684                       09/838,931                         02/25/03
6,523,693                       09/629,354                         02/25/03
6,523,695                       09/662,840                         02/25/03
6,523,698                       09/597,653                         02/25/03
6,523,700                       10/107,037                         02/25/03
6,523,702                       10/022,701                         02/25/03
6,523,703                       09/964,090                         02/25/03
6,523,704                       09/879,638                         02/25/03
6,523,706                       10/094,164                         02/25/03
6,523,711                       09/548,553                         02/25/03
6,523,713                       09/735,824                         02/25/03
6,523,715                       09/786,229                         02/25/03
6,523,716                       09/899,903                         02/25/03
6,523,717                       09/743,042                         02/25/03
6,523,720                       09/607,878                         02/25/03
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 72 

6,523,723                       09/787,379                         02/25/03
6,523,725                       09/717,405                         02/25/03
6,523,727                       09/836,891                         02/25/03
6,523,729                       09/622,907                         02/25/03
6,523,731                       09/624,546                         02/25/03
6,523,736                       09/210,517                         02/25/03
6,523,747                       09/403,528                         02/25/03
6,523,748                       09/514,582                         02/25/03
6,523,750                       09/440,560                         02/25/03
6,523,751                       09/736,215                         02/25/03
6,523,754                       09/789,752                         02/25/03
6,523,756                       09/750,325                         02/25/03
6,523,761                       09/750,335                         02/25/03
6,523,771                       09/900,454                         02/25/03
6,523,780                       09/888,877                         02/25/03
6,523,781                       09/941,337                         02/25/03
6,523,788                       09/829,232                         02/25/03
6,523,799                       09/683,082                         02/25/03
6,523,803                       09/146,853                         02/25/03
6,523,805                       09/835,983                         02/25/03
6,523,806                       09/793,884                         02/25/03
6,523,814                       10/074,417                         02/25/03
6,523,820                       09/792,843                         02/25/03
6,523,824                       09/938,393                         02/25/03
6,523,827                       09/939,039                         02/25/03
6,523,833                       09/547,403                         02/25/03
6,523,835                       09/660,694                         02/25/03
6,523,840                       09/636,181                         02/25/03
6,523,841                       09/871,249                         02/25/03
6,523,843                       09/835,092                         02/25/03
6,523,849                       10/124,150                         02/25/03
6,523,850                       10/124,173                         02/25/03
6,523,857                       09/609,418                         02/25/03
6,523,858                       09/895,129                         02/25/03
6,523,859                       09/952,142                         02/25/03
6,523,868                       09/666,177                         02/25/03
6,523,873                       09/932,673                         02/25/03
6,523,878                       10/061,172                         02/25/03
6,523,879                       09/884,039                         02/25/03
6,523,881                       09/655,873                         02/25/03
6,523,888                       10/037,819                         02/25/03
6,523,890                       09/751,740                         02/25/03
6,523,892                       09/571,935                         02/25/03
6,523,893                       09/846,594                         02/25/03
6,523,895                       09/592,745                         02/25/03
6,523,896                       09/610,469                         02/25/03
6,523,910                       10/093,653                         02/25/03
6,523,920                       09/773,984                         02/25/03
6,523,925                       10/020,069                         02/25/03
6,523,926                       09/685,041                         02/25/03
6,523,930                       09/750,809                         02/25/03
6,523,932                       09/760,269                         02/25/03
6,523,933                       09/656,472                         02/25/03
6,523,934                       09/596,351                         02/25/03
6,523,936                       10/012,281                         02/25/03
6,523,938                       09/484,172                         02/25/03
6,523,940                       10/001,180                         02/25/03
6,523,941                       08/890,645                         02/25/03
6,523,942                       09/444,391                         02/25/03
6,523,943                       09/702,719                         02/25/03
6,523,949                       09/510,691                         02/25/03
6,523,951                       09/909,990                         02/25/03
6,523,964                       09/975,232                         02/25/03
6,523,965                       07/977,163                         02/25/03
6,523,966                       09/528,123                         02/25/03
6,523,969                       09/907,648                         02/25/03
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 73 

6,523,973                       09/769,160                         02/25/03
6,523,981                       09/887,425                         02/25/03
6,523,986                       09/914,910                         02/25/03
6,523,993                       09/819,625                         02/25/03
6,523,999                       09/658,115                         02/25/03
6,524,004                       10/136,392                         02/25/03
6,524,007                       09/522,219                         02/25/03
6,524,021                       09/730,019                         02/25/03
6,524,022                       09/750,237                         02/25/03
6,524,026                       09/814,627                         02/25/03
6,524,027                       09/564,031                         02/25/03
6,524,046                       09/812,145                         02/25/03
6,524,048                       09/571,545                         02/25/03
6,524,054                       09/855,791                         02/25/03
6,524,062                       09/618,800                         02/25/03
6,524,066                       09/774,938                         02/25/03
6,524,069                       09/853,990                         02/25/03
6,524,073                       09/945,453                         02/25/03
6,524,078                       09/631,754                         02/25/03
6,524,081                       09/873,585                         02/25/03
6,524,093                       09/745,358                         02/25/03
6,524,096                       09/755,350                         02/25/03
6,524,105                       09/834,225                         02/25/03
6,524,106                       09/662,700                         02/25/03
6,524,108                       09/824,439                         02/25/03
6,524,113                       09/628,323                         02/25/03
6,524,120                       09/814,529                         02/25/03
6,524,121                       09/863,441                         02/25/03
6,524,124                       10/078,512                         02/25/03
6,524,125                       09/901,101                         02/25/03
6,524,127                       09/883,575                         02/25/03
6,524,130                       10/161,957                         02/25/03
6,524,136                       09/973,759                         02/25/03
6,524,137                       10/097,742                         02/25/03
6,524,144                       10/020,603                         02/25/03
6,524,152                       10/030,702                         02/25/03
6,524,153                       09/570,692                         02/25/03
6,524,158                       09/551,091                         02/25/03
6,524,159                       09/644,431                         02/25/03
6,524,162                       08/873,250                         02/25/03
6,524,167                       09/698,863                         02/25/03
6,524,170                       09/810,098                         02/25/03
6,524,177                       09/769,324                         02/25/03
6,524,180                       10/078,609                         02/25/03
6,524,192                       09/601,042                         02/25/03
6,524,195                       09/372,988                         02/25/03
6,524,197                       09/854,322                         02/25/03
6,524,199                       09/768,600                         02/25/03
6,524,206                       09/941,823                         02/25/03
6,524,215                       09/921,827                         02/25/03
6,524,216                       09/953,230                         02/25/03
6,524,221                       09/808,586                         02/25/03
6,524,225                       09/454,847                         02/25/03
6,524,227                       09/485,976                         02/25/03
6,524,230                       09/160,127                         02/25/03
6,524,237                       09/333,773                         02/25/03
6,524,250                       09/664,943                         02/25/03
6,524,252                       09/721,889                         02/25/03
6,524,253                       09/926,665                         02/25/03
6,524,274                       08/478,745                         02/25/03
6,524,291                       09/297,637                         02/25/03
6,524,295                       09/742,914                         02/25/03
6,524,298                       09/794,270                         02/25/03
6,524,300                       09/738,759                         02/25/03
6,524,303                       09/658,368                         02/25/03
6,524,308                       09/508,045                         02/25/03
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 74 

6,524,318                       09/484,045                         02/25/03
6,524,319                       09/868,768                         02/25/03
6,524,322                       09/807,685                         02/25/03
6,524,325                       09/790,161                         02/25/03
6,524,327                       09/676,851                         02/25/03
6,524,337                       09/528,084                         02/25/03
6,524,343                       09/815,867                         02/25/03
6,524,344                       09/779,304                         02/25/03
6,524,347                       09/675,741                         02/25/03
6,524,349                       09/827,733                         02/25/03
6,524,350                       09/835,440                         02/25/03
6,524,355                       09/542,924                         02/25/03
6,524,382                       09/686,642                         02/25/03
6,524,385                       09/634,599                         02/25/03
6,524,386                       10/081,032                         02/25/03
6,524,388                       09/708,669                         02/25/03
6,524,397                       09/825,829                         02/25/03
6,524,409                       09/782,034                         02/25/03
6,524,410                       09/927,001                         02/25/03
6,524,412                       09/804,445                         02/25/03
6,524,414                       09/787,807                         02/25/03
6,524,415                       09/619,711                         02/25/03
6,524,424                       09/732,356                         02/25/03
6,524,426                       09/596,229                         02/25/03
6,524,428                       09/849,405                         02/25/03
6,524,432                       09/539,814                         02/25/03
6,524,437                       09/359,330                         02/25/03
6,524,441                       09/726,341                         02/25/03
6,524,446                       09/818,280                         02/25/03
6,524,447                       09/721,803                         02/25/03
6,524,453                       09/719,976                         02/25/03
6,524,454                       09/757,226                         02/25/03
6,524,461                       09/823,749                         02/25/03
6,524,466                       09/618,275                         02/25/03
6,524,473                       09/785,621                         02/25/03
6,524,476                       09/702,399                         02/25/03
6,524,485                       09/662,913                         02/25/03
6,524,493                       09/839,815                         02/25/03
6,524,500                       09/749,379                         02/25/03
6,524,504                       09/754,641                         02/25/03
6,524,507                       09/554,711                         02/25/03
6,524,526                       09/920,408                         02/25/03
6,524,529                       09/724,180                         02/25/03
6,524,530                       09/529,375                         02/25/03
6,524,534                       09/358,433                         02/25/03
6,524,538                       09/825,330                         02/25/03
6,524,543                       09/139,236                         02/25/03
6,524,546                       10/000,410                         02/25/03
6,524,548                       09/067,915                         02/25/03
6,524,549                       08/730,217                         02/25/03
6,524,551                       10/057,322                         02/25/03
6,524,555                       09/562,946                         02/25/03
6,524,557                       08/624,504                         02/25/03
6,524,564                       09/762,929                         02/25/03
6,524,566                       09/974,658                         02/25/03
6,524,567                       09/976,513                         02/25/03
6,524,571                       09/195,055                         02/25/03
6,524,572                       09/604,107                         02/25/03
6,524,575                       09/986,850                         02/25/03
6,524,576                       09/986,852                         02/25/03
6,524,580                       09/504,538                         02/25/03
6,524,581                       09/474,523                         02/25/03
6,524,582                       10/114,176                         02/25/03
6,524,584                       09/855,763                         02/25/03
6,524,587                       09/499,050                         02/25/03
6,524,589                       09/543,376                         02/25/03
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 75 

6,524,590                       09/491,384                         02/25/03
6,524,591                       09/342,956                         02/25/03
6,524,597                       09/745,544                         02/25/03
6,524,604                       09/621,255                         02/25/03
6,524,605                       09/635,030                         02/25/03
6,524,611                       09/917,634                         02/25/03
6,524,612                       09/726,121                         02/25/03
6,524,615                       09/790,239                         02/25/03
6,524,625                       09/339,928                         02/25/03
6,524,640                       09/696,040                         02/25/03
6,524,651                       09/770,784                         02/25/03
6,524,661                       09/974,144                         02/25/03
6,524,665                       10/132,774                         02/25/03
6,524,666                       09/505,685                         02/25/03
6,524,677                       07/949,567                         02/25/03
6,524,678                       09/784,047                         02/25/03
6,524,685                       09/787,577                         02/25/03
6,524,687                       09/777,191                         02/25/03
6,524,688                       09/898,545                         02/25/03
6,524,696                       09/344,147                         02/25/03
6,524,697                       09/463,143                         02/25/03
6,524,713                       09/884,924                         02/25/03
6,524,716                       09/904,596                         02/25/03
6,524,718                       09/297,220                         02/25/03
6,524,722                       09/809,229                         02/25/03
6,524,724                       09/779,484                         02/25/03
6,524,727                       09/466,523                         02/25/03
6,524,733                       09/511,926                         02/25/03
6,524,746                       09/833,628                         02/25/03
6,524,751                       09/519,357                         02/25/03
6,524,753                       09/740,926                         02/25/03
6,524,759                       09/513,083                         02/25/03
6,524,761                       09/904,896                         02/25/03
6,524,762                       09/874,291                         02/25/03
6,524,767                       09/696,870                         02/25/03
6,524,780                       09/748,211                         02/25/03
6,524,783                       09/960,326                         02/25/03
6,524,785                       09/582,996                         02/25/03
6,524,787                       09/649,585                         02/25/03
6,524,788                       10/002,818                         02/25/03
6,524,792                       09/193,707                         02/25/03
6,524,793                       09/335,719                         02/25/03
6,524,796                       09/491,971                         02/25/03
6,524,799                       09/642,703                         02/25/03
6,524,809                       09/701,857                         02/25/03
6,524,814                       09/242,999                         02/25/03
6,524,823                       09/916,883                         02/25/03
6,524,833                       09/685,462                         02/25/03
6,524,835                       09/639,696                         02/25/03
6,524,844                       09/888,068                         02/25/03
6,524,853                       09/720,201                         02/25/03
6,524,857                       09/538,909                         02/25/03
6,524,874                       09/129,978                         02/25/03
6,524,880                       09/912,061                         02/25/03
6,524,882                       09/824,238                         02/25/03
6,524,883                       09/929,511                         02/25/03
6,524,885                       09/738,228                         02/25/03
6,524,888                       10/037,536                         02/25/03
6,524,896                       09/617,105                         02/25/03
6,524,902                       10/001,619                         02/25/03
6,524,907                       10/171,369                         02/25/03
6,524,910                       09/670,329                         02/25/03
6,524,912                       09/653,280                         02/25/03
6,524,915                       09/954,769                         02/25/03
6,524,920                       09/779,988                         02/25/03
6,524,924                       09/123,406                         02/25/03
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 76 

6,524,934                       09/429,224                         02/25/03
6,524,942                       10/056,004                         02/25/03
6,524,944                       09/617,374                         02/25/03
6,524,952                       09/597,434                         02/25/03
6,524,957                       09/953,706                         02/25/03
6,524,963                       09/421,510                         02/25/03
6,524,969                       09/968,342                         02/25/03
6,524,975                       09/989,036                         02/25/03
6,524,976                       09/924,615                         02/25/03
6,524,977                       08/685,752                         02/25/03
6,524,982                       09/610,338                         02/25/03
6,524,999                       09/894,211                         02/25/03
6,525,001                       09/555,746                         02/25/03
6,525,002                       09/566,042                         02/25/03
6,525,008                       09/746,134                         02/25/03
6,525,019                       09/966,282                         02/25/03
6,525,029                       09/182,567                         02/25/03
6,525,033                       09/447,067                         02/25/03
6,525,040                       09/331,736                         02/25/03
6,525,043                       09/984,061                         02/25/03
6,525,051                       09/814,787                         02/25/03
6,525,064                       10/165,002                         02/25/03
6,525,068                       09/763,759                         02/25/03
6,525,070                       09/827,488                         02/25/03
6,525,078                       10/178,564                         02/25/03
6,525,083                       09/912,961                         02/25/03
6,525,084                       09/358,024                         02/25/03
6,525,087                       09/867,021                         02/25/03
6,525,089                       09/807,858                         02/25/03
6,525,096                       09/244,313                         02/25/03
6,525,100                       09/721,439                         02/25/03
6,525,108                       09/795,066                         02/25/03
6,525,116                       09/965,306                         02/25/03
6,525,119                       09/824,926                         02/25/03
6,525,122                       09/271,998                         02/25/03
6,525,126                       09/584,395                         02/25/03
6,525,130                       09/961,845                         02/25/03
6,525,138                       09/915,560                         02/25/03
6,525,139                       09/489,006                         02/25/03
6,525,151                       09/786,186                         02/25/03
6,525,159                       09/155,097                         02/25/03
6,525,161                       08/765,079                         02/25/03
6,525,162                       09/592,521                         02/25/03
6,525,170                       09/919,096                         02/25/03
6,525,176                       09/612,592                         02/25/03
6,525,179                       09/451,067                         02/25/03
6,525,195                       09/913,778                         02/25/03
6,525,199                       10/118,045                         02/25/03
6,525,211                       09/838,812                         02/25/03
6,525,214                       08/137,092                         02/25/03
6,525,215                       09/885,056                         02/25/03
6,525,218                       09/922,857                         02/25/03
6,525,220                       10/025,366                         02/25/03
6,525,226                       10/187,183                         02/25/03
6,525,227                       09/762,102                         02/25/03
6,525,230                       10/114,579                         02/25/03
6,525,233                       09/479,364                         02/25/03
6,525,236                       10/144,363                         02/25/03
6,525,240                       09/620,953                         02/25/03
6,525,242                       09/431,901                         02/25/03
6,525,249                       09/710,619                         02/25/03
6,525,253                       09/337,958                         02/25/03
6,525,255                       08/974,339                         02/25/03
6,525,258                       10/092,563                         02/25/03
6,525,284                       09/992,291                         02/25/03
6,525,285                       09/748,877                         02/25/03
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 77 

6,525,310                       09/947,642                         02/25/03
6,525,311                       09/706,365                         02/25/03
6,525,312                       09/512,603                         02/25/03
6,525,313                       09/639,531                         02/25/03
6,525,323                       09/551,092                         02/25/03
6,525,324                       09/204,753                         02/25/03
6,525,325                       09/814,089                         02/25/03
6,525,326                       09/654,381                         02/25/03
6,525,328                       09/624,355                         02/25/03
6,525,330                       09/794,037                         02/25/03
6,525,331                       09/452,160                         02/25/03
6,525,332                       09/472,748                         02/25/03
6,525,334                       09/444,428                         02/25/03
6,525,345                       09/369,656                         02/25/03
6,525,348                       09/907,318                         02/25/03
6,525,351                       09/819,474                         02/25/03
6,525,357                       09/420,989                         02/25/03
6,525,359                       09/969,848                         02/25/03
6,525,367                       09/666,134                         02/25/03
6,525,369                       10/142,878                         02/25/03
6,525,373                       09/340,382                         02/25/03
6,525,374                       09/830,535                         02/25/03
6,525,378                       09/880,550                         02/25/03
6,525,385                       09/891,270                         02/25/03
6,525,388                       09/708,420                         02/25/03
6,525,407                       09/895,523                         02/25/03
6,525,408                       10/107,969                         02/25/03
6,525,411                       09/661,440                         02/25/03
6,525,412                       10/007,165                         02/25/03
6,525,415                       09/745,874                         02/25/03
6,525,417                       10/124,211                         02/25/03
6,525,421                       09/846,080                         02/25/03
6,525,430                       09/572,747                         02/25/03
6,525,432                       09/542,491                         02/25/03
6,525,437                       09/645,413                         02/25/03
6,525,444                       09/855,739                         02/25/03
6,525,447                       09/758,819                         02/25/03
6,525,448                       09/661,881                         02/25/03
6,525,452                       09/593,915                         02/25/03
6,525,460                       09/650,825                         02/25/03
6,525,461                       09/178,422                         02/25/03
6,525,470                       09/285,057                         02/25/03
6,525,475                       09/919,018                         02/25/03
6,525,476                       09/711,232                         02/25/03
6,525,479                       09/830,522                         02/25/03
6,525,487                       09/903,552                         02/25/03
6,525,490                       09/676,089                         02/25/03
6,525,494                       10/046,412                         02/25/03
6,525,496                       09/554,757                         02/25/03
6,525,497                       09/813,149                         02/25/03
6,525,503                       09/740,484                         02/25/03
6,525,510                       10/101,311                         02/25/03
6,525,513                       09/446,638                         02/25/03
6,525,523                       09/722,167                         02/25/03
6,525,526                       09/601,670                         02/25/03
6,525,535                       09/997,451                         02/25/03
6,525,538                       09/667,168                         02/25/03
6,525,542                       09/772,564                         02/25/03
6,525,551                       09/081,342                         02/25/03
6,525,555                       09/573,489                         02/25/03
6,525,561                       09/829,096                         02/25/03
6,525,568                       09/925,654                         02/25/03
6,525,576                       10/125,405                         02/25/03
6,525,577                       09/731,811                         02/25/03
6,525,580                       10/173,015                         02/25/03
6,525,584                       09/987,624                         02/25/03
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 78 

6,525,585                       10/015,211                         02/25/03
6,525,586                       09/986,640                         02/25/03
6,525,587                       10/086,874                         02/25/03
6,525,588                       09/842,200                         02/25/03
6,525,590                       09/996,448                         02/25/03
6,525,591                       09/558,956                         02/25/03
6,525,592                       09/897,075                         02/25/03
6,525,609                       09/547,968                         02/25/03
6,525,610                       09/693,065                         02/25/03
6,525,624                       09/643,769                         02/25/03
6,525,628                       09/335,991                         02/25/03
6,525,631                       09/957,791                         02/25/03
6,525,637                       09/670,134                         02/25/03
6,525,638                       09/911,025                         02/25/03
6,525,640                       09/596,718                         02/25/03
6,525,645                       09/139,710                         02/25/03
6,525,651                       09/744,073                         02/25/03
6,525,675                       10/116,539                         02/25/03
6,525,676                       09/116,805                         02/25/03
6,525,682                       09/848,499                         02/25/03
6,525,686                       09/997,184                         02/25/03
6,525,690                       09/860,494                         02/25/03
6,525,693                       09/970,805                         02/25/03
6,525,695                       09/845,393                         02/25/03
6,525,700                       09/305,020                         02/25/03
6,525,709                       08/953,613                         02/25/03
6,525,718                       09/377,568                         02/25/03
6,525,734                       08/814,275                         02/25/03
6,525,741                       09/386,014                         02/25/03
6,525,742                       09/785,319                         02/25/03
6,525,743                       09/031,316                         02/25/03
6,525,744                       09/266,429                         02/25/03
6,525,748                       09/516,425                         02/25/03
6,525,749                       08/736,883                         02/25/03
6,525,756                       09/912,307                         02/25/03
6,525,757                       09/888,557                         02/25/03
6,525,758                       09/750,558                         02/25/03
6,525,766                       09/830,753                         02/25/03
6,525,767                       09/822,197                         02/25/03
6,525,771                       08/863,321                         02/25/03
6,525,772                       09/877,603                         02/25/03
6,525,773                       09/089,396                         02/25/03
6,525,774                       09/492,144                         02/25/03
6,525,779                       09/465,943                         02/25/03
6,525,780                       09/215,274                         02/25/03
6,525,782                       09/841,790                         02/25/03
6,525,790                       09/614,594                         02/25/03
6,525,795                       09/409,907                         02/25/03
6,525,802                       09/435,155                         02/25/03
6,525,817                       09/667,754                         02/25/03
6,525,824                       09/607,548                         02/25/03
6,525,833                       09/309,494                         02/25/03
6,525,838                       09/438,384                         02/25/03
6,525,839                       09/285,128                         02/25/03
6,525,845                       09/234,107                         02/25/03
6,525,848                       09/792,231                         02/25/03
6,525,857                       09/575,811                         02/25/03
6,525,868                       09/886,201                         02/25/03
6,525,881                       09/798,070                         02/25/03
6,525,893                       09/326,155                         02/25/03
6,525,895                       08/625,100                         02/25/03
6,525,901                       09/534,527                         02/25/03
6,525,903                       09/453,694                         02/25/03
6,525,904                       09/599,591                         02/25/03
6,525,905                       09/659,709                         02/25/03
6,525,906                       09/722,210                         02/25/03
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 79 

6,525,910                       09/678,603                         02/25/03
6,525,912                       09/207,244                         02/25/03
6,525,928                       09/665,390                         02/25/03
6,525,931                       09/756,219                         02/25/03
6,525,932                       09/639,772                         02/25/03
6,525,938                       10/032,540                         02/25/03
6,525,945                       09/642,367                         02/25/03
6,525,957                       10/029,085                         02/25/03
6,525,960                       09/342,223                         02/25/03
6,525,967                       09/642,953                         02/25/03
6,525,984                       10/047,104                         02/25/03
6,525,985                       09/577,366                         02/25/03
6,525,986                       09/767,040                         02/25/03
6,525,990                       09/793,782                         02/25/03
6,525,993                       09/783,334                         02/25/03
6,526,001                       09/589,877                         02/25/03
6,526,002                       09/650,189                         02/25/03
6,526,006                       09/393,107                         02/25/03
6,526,017                       09/561,141                         02/25/03
6,526,019                       09/541,695                         02/25/03
6,526,020                       09/262,063                         02/25/03
6,526,026                       08/987,893                         02/25/03
6,526,027                       09/216,925                         02/25/03
6,526,067                       09/115,710                         02/25/03
6,526,070                       09/415,612                         02/25/03
6,526,071                       09/507,557                         02/25/03
6,526,072                       09/533,074                         02/25/03
6,526,073                       09/475,767                         02/25/03
6,526,081                       09/166,903                         02/25/03
6,526,087                       09/524,219                         02/25/03
6,526,088                       09/582,861                         02/25/03
6,526,092                       09/477,691                         02/25/03
6,526,094                       09/201,969                         02/25/03
6,526,095                       08/933,377                         02/25/03
6,526,096                       08/934,307                         02/25/03
6,526,097                       09/388,653                         02/25/03
6,526,101                       09/217,634                         02/25/03
6,526,102                       09/284,121                         02/25/03
6,526,117                       10/044,672                         02/25/03
6,526,123                       09/891,659                         02/25/03
6,526,128                       09/263,074                         02/25/03
6,526,132                       10/017,587                         02/25/03
6,526,133                       09/381,958                         02/25/03
6,526,134                       09/297,662                         02/25/03
6,526,139                       09/705,436                         02/25/03
6,526,145                       09/307,677                         02/25/03
6,526,147                       09/191,208                         02/25/03
6,526,149                       09/894,690                         02/25/03
6,526,152                       09/769,181                         02/25/03
6,526,153                       09/779,920                         02/25/03
6,526,154                       09/424,326                         02/25/03
6,526,155                       09/449,356                         02/25/03
6,526,157                       09/123,089                         02/25/03
6,526,162                       09/158,335                         02/25/03
6,526,166                       09/474,335                         02/25/03
6,526,190                       09/993,944                         02/25/03
6,526,193                       09/714,256                         02/25/03
6,526,194                       09/327,079                         02/25/03
6,526,197                       09/829,212                         02/25/03
6,526,213                       09/313,594                         02/25/03
6,526,216                       09/194,802                         02/25/03
6,526,218                       09/211,478                         02/25/03
6,526,219                       08/556,746                         02/25/03
6,526,221                       09/656,907                         02/25/03
6,526,230                       09/952,549                         02/25/03
6,526,231                       09/829,567                         02/25/03
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 80 

6,526,236                       10/007,998                         02/25/03
6,526,237                       09/563,323                         02/25/03
6,526,238                       09/853,656                         02/25/03
6,526,243                       09/964,376                         02/25/03
6,526,247                       09/855,384                         02/25/03
6,526,249                       09/791,792                         02/25/03
6,526,255                       09/940,667                         02/25/03
6,526,261                       09/516,784                         02/25/03
6,526,268                       09/390,794                         02/25/03
6,526,269                       09/362,641                         02/25/03
6,526,270                       09/381,634                         02/25/03
6,526,271                       09/403,026                         02/25/03
6,526,276                       09/332,763                         02/25/03
6,526,277                       08/723,712                         02/25/03
6,526,285                       09/708,503                         02/25/03
6,526,290                       09/486,110                         02/25/03
6,526,308                       09/763,337                         02/25/03
6,526,314                       09/382,034                         02/25/03
6,526,315                       09/631,626                         02/25/03
6,526,317                       09/768,022                         02/25/03
6,526,320                       09/859,140                         02/25/03
6,526,327                       09/731,993                         02/25/03
6,526,329                       09/866,717                         02/25/03
6,526,331                       09/988,026                         02/25/03
6,526,350                       09/988,049                         02/25/03
6,526,352                       09/909,466                         02/25/03
6,526,356                       09/884,719                         02/25/03
6,526,361                       09/445,669                         02/25/03
6,526,369                       09/353,021                         02/25/03
6,526,374                       09/460,169                         02/25/03
6,526,378                       09/568,127                         02/25/03
6,526,385                       09/396,316                         02/25/03
6,526,392                       09/140,642                         02/25/03
6,526,400                       09/409,090                         02/25/03
6,526,401                       09/523,644                         02/25/03
6,526,405                       09/438,114                         02/25/03
6,526,413                       09/407,648                         02/25/03
6,526,416                       09/114,230                         02/25/03
6,526,419                       09/591,016                         02/25/03
6,526,420                       09/988,000                         02/25/03
6,526,424                       09/045,705                         02/25/03
6,526,426                       09/239,495                         02/25/03
6,526,432                       09/387,188                         02/25/03
6,526,435                       09/412,070                         02/25/03
6,526,442                       09/111,043                         02/25/03
6,526,448                       09/217,610                         02/25/03
6,526,454                       09/859,572                         02/25/03
6,526,468                       09/461,045                         02/25/03
6,526,472                       09/363,822                         02/25/03
6,526,480                       09/646,704                         02/25/03
6,526,481                       09/561,168                         02/25/03
6,526,483                       09/665,981                         02/25/03
6,526,486                       09/871,866                         02/25/03
6,526,488                       09/590,133                         02/25/03
6,526,489                       09/711,077                         02/25/03
6,526,498                       09/504,203                         02/25/03
6,526,523                       09/179,647                         02/25/03
6,526,537                       09/161,705                         02/25/03
6,526,539                       09/574,042                         02/25/03
6,526,541                       09/873,708                         02/25/03
6,526,544                       09/396,830                         02/25/03
6,526,546                       09/831,832                         02/25/03
6,526,547                       09/932,064                         02/25/03
6,526,551                       09/894,769                         02/25/03
6,526,556                       09/591,386                         02/25/03
6,526,559                       09/833,712                         02/25/03
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 81 

6,526,560                       09/666,125                         02/25/03
6,526,564                       09/549,882                         02/25/03
6,526,572                       09/500,518                         02/25/03

                    PATENTS WHICH EXPIRED ON February 20, 2015

Patent                          Application                           Issue
Number                             Number                              Date

7,178,172                       11/024,135                         02/20/07
7,178,173                       11/070,107                         02/20/07
7,178,177                       11/234,600                         02/20/07
7,178,180                       11/284,314                         02/20/07
7,178,191                       10/754,116                         02/20/07
7,178,192                       10/638,932                         02/20/07
7,178,196                       11/032,969                         02/20/07
7,178,199                       10/511,952                         02/20/07
7,178,212                       10/656,831                         02/20/07
7,178,217                       11/406,658                         02/20/07
7,178,223                       11/252,617                         02/20/07
7,178,229                       10/718,044                         02/20/07
7,178,244                       11/225,699                         02/20/07
7,178,246                       11/337,567                         02/20/07
7,178,247                       10/848,671                         02/20/07
7,178,252                       10/981,259                         02/20/07
7,178,255                       11/222,686                         02/20/07
7,178,257                       11/174,561                         02/20/07
7,178,262                       11/194,488                         02/20/07
7,178,265                       11/062,659                         02/20/07
7,178,269                       11/065,302                         02/20/07
7,178,272                       10/895,679                         02/20/07
7,178,275                       10/978,195                         02/20/07
7,178,289                       10/662,005                         02/20/07
7,178,294                       10/757,230                         02/20/07
7,178,298                       11/405,126                         02/20/07
7,178,303                       10/600,613                         02/20/07
7,178,313                       11/036,802                         02/20/07
7,178,320                       10/918,625                         02/20/07
7,178,326                       11/285,093                         02/20/07
7,178,332                       11/075,940                         02/20/07
7,178,333                       11/078,317                         02/20/07
7,178,334                       10/332,162                         02/20/07
7,178,335                       11/167,642                         02/20/07
7,178,337                       11/019,216                         02/20/07
7,178,348                       10/509,359                         02/20/07
7,178,351                       10/658,277                         02/20/07
7,178,358                       10/765,761                         02/20/07
7,178,363                       10/883,256                         02/20/07
7,178,368                       10/476,831                         02/20/07
7,178,369                       10/513,325                         02/20/07
7,178,370                       10/998,481                         02/20/07
7,178,377                       11/111,792                         02/20/07
7,178,380                       11/041,823                         02/20/07
7,178,381                       10/914,890                         02/20/07
7,178,393                       10/973,349                         02/20/07
7,178,394                       11/061,798                         02/20/07
7,178,396                       10/919,240                         02/20/07
7,178,397                       11/018,830                         02/20/07
7,178,401                       11/105,474                         02/20/07
7,178,402                       11/115,891                         02/20/07
7,178,406                       11/054,219                         02/20/07
7,178,408                       10/547,117                         02/20/07
7,178,416                       10/887,433                         02/20/07
7,178,428                       10/983,806                         02/20/07
7,178,433                       10/806,175                         02/20/07
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 82 

7,178,434                       10/920,774                         02/20/07
7,178,436                       10/703,264                         02/20/07
7,178,438                       10/879,376                         02/20/07
7,178,442                       11/227,670                         02/20/07
7,178,446                       11/066,287                         02/20/07
7,178,454                       11/089,697                         02/20/07
7,178,459                       10/529,763                         02/20/07
7,178,460                       10/490,734                         02/20/07
7,178,462                       10/813,971                         02/20/07
7,178,469                       10/633,140                         02/20/07
7,178,470                       11/074,091                         02/20/07
7,178,471                       10/409,259                         02/20/07
7,178,474                       11/165,291                         02/20/07
7,178,475                       11/014,670                         02/20/07
7,178,478                       11/262,992                         02/20/07
7,178,481                       11/037,741                         02/20/07
7,178,487                       11/220,749                         02/20/07
7,178,488                       11/035,760                         02/20/07
7,178,494                       11/248,251                         02/20/07
7,178,502                       10/834,984                         02/20/07
7,178,506                       11/126,250                         02/20/07
7,178,509                       10/527,596                         02/20/07
7,178,512                       10/874,781                         02/20/07
7,178,513                       10/511,999                         02/20/07
7,178,515                       10/758,713                         02/20/07
7,178,516                       10/887,411                         02/20/07
7,178,517                       11/342,801                         02/20/07
7,178,520                       11/035,785                         02/20/07
7,178,524                       11/391,235                         02/20/07
7,178,528                       11/069,170                         02/20/07
7,178,533                       10/686,637                         02/20/07
7,178,543                       11/167,798                         02/20/07
7,178,546                       10/958,445                         02/20/07
7,178,549                       11/052,402                         02/20/07
7,178,552                       10/859,973                         02/20/07
7,178,558                       11/113,510                         02/20/07
7,178,561                       11/062,323                         02/20/07
7,178,564                       11/146,009                         02/20/07
7,178,568                       10/803,217                         02/20/07
7,178,569                       10/856,946                         02/20/07
7,178,576                       10/896,977                         02/20/07
7,178,579                       10/723,879                         02/20/07
7,178,583                       10/984,763                         02/20/07
7,178,616                       10/662,536                         02/20/07
7,178,624                       10/506,350                         02/20/07
7,178,631                       10/828,821                         02/20/07
7,178,636                       10/395,889                         02/20/07
7,178,644                       10/416,527                         02/20/07
7,178,650                       11/067,890                         02/20/07
7,178,653                       10/994,289                         02/20/07
7,178,659                       11/031,731                         02/20/07
7,178,661                       11/173,613                         02/20/07
7,178,663                       10/559,032                         02/20/07
7,178,666                       10/853,413                         02/20/07
7,178,667                       10/219,355                         02/20/07
7,178,669                       10/788,722                         02/20/07
7,178,674                       10/488,226                         02/20/07
7,178,683                       10/347,021                         02/20/07
7,178,687                       09/603,255                         02/20/07
7,178,701                       10/477,443                         02/20/07
7,178,705                       10/852,246                         02/20/07
7,178,707                       10/761,921                         02/20/07
7,178,715                       11/057,547                         02/20/07
7,178,716                       11/125,522                         02/20/07
7,178,718                       10/409,848                         02/20/07
7,178,719                       10/815,615                         02/20/07
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 83 

7,178,728                       10/647,516                         02/20/07
7,178,735                       10/989,622                         02/20/07
7,178,736                       11/099,441                         02/20/07
7,178,738                       10/492,934                         02/20/07
7,178,740                       10/767,610                         02/20/07
7,178,741                       10/918,026                         02/20/07
7,178,742                       10/430,835                         02/20/07
7,178,750                       10/817,489                         02/20/07
7,178,751                       11/294,101                         02/20/07
7,178,754                       10/124,940                         02/20/07
7,178,755                       10/629,044                         02/20/07
7,178,756                       11/084,570                         02/20/07
7,178,763                       10/538,703                         02/20/07
7,178,765                       10/942,327                         02/20/07
7,178,768                       11/127,262                         02/20/07
7,178,771                       10/902,533                         02/20/07
7,178,773                       11/046,665                         02/20/07
7,178,776                       10/943,999                         02/20/07
7,178,781                       10/833,257                         02/20/07
7,178,782                       10/443,825                         02/20/07
7,178,789                       10/995,720                         02/20/07
7,178,791                       10/118,884                         02/20/07
7,178,792                       10/126,304                         02/20/07
7,178,793                       11/147,529                         02/20/07
7,178,794                       10/659,616                         02/20/07
7,178,800                       10/815,088                         02/20/07
7,178,807                       10/866,819                         02/20/07
7,178,810                       10/979,429                         02/20/07
7,178,813                       10/773,675                         02/20/07
7,178,814                       10/988,035                         02/20/07
7,178,819                       10/491,736                         02/20/07
7,178,823                       11/234,491                         02/20/07
7,178,829                       11/043,726                         02/20/07
7,178,832                       10/751,866                         02/20/07
7,178,837                       11/130,343                         02/20/07
7,178,840                       11/010,111                         02/20/07
7,178,844                       10/977,747                         02/20/07
7,178,847                       11/087,272                         02/20/07
7,178,855                       10/906,740                         02/20/07
7,178,857                       10/904,282                         02/20/07
7,178,860                       11/112,489                         02/20/07
7,178,861                       10/962,774                         02/20/07
7,178,865                       10/711,557                         02/20/07
7,178,868                       10/434,705                         02/20/07
7,178,869                       11/127,139                         02/20/07
7,178,877                       11/226,682                         02/20/07
7,178,885                       10/719,043                         02/20/07
7,178,894                       10/074,755                         02/20/07
7,178,895                       10/778,313                         02/20/07
7,178,896                       10/353,631                         02/20/07
7,178,899                       11/281,673                         02/20/07
7,178,903                       11/064,011                         02/20/07
7,178,916                       11/246,056                         02/20/07
7,178,924                       10/909,732                         02/20/07
7,178,930                       11/158,954                         02/20/07
7,178,933                       11/162,813                         02/20/07
7,178,934                       10/990,612                         02/20/07
7,178,939                       11/176,556                         02/20/07
7,178,940                       11/162,738                         02/20/07
7,178,943                       10/497,432                         02/20/07
7,178,944                       10/393,816                         02/20/07
7,178,958                       11/000,518                         02/20/07
7,178,960                       11/296,409                         02/20/07
7,178,961                       10/620,771                         02/20/07
7,178,963                       10/205,367                         02/20/07
7,178,964                       10/357,784                         02/20/07
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 84 

7,178,969                       11/205,853                         02/20/07
7,178,972                       10/483,432                         02/20/07
7,178,978                       10/658,074                         02/20/07
7,178,985                       09/788,428                         02/20/07
7,178,991                       10/704,708                         02/20/07
7,178,996                       11/081,442                         02/20/07
7,178,999                       10/975,867                         02/20/07
7,179,004                       10/764,029                         02/20/07
7,179,017                       11/121,779                         02/20/07
7,179,018                       11/010,706                         02/20/07
7,179,019                       10/110,001                         02/20/07
7,179,022                       10/242,141                         02/20/07
7,179,023                       10/504,999                         02/20/07
7,179,024                       10/825,519                         02/20/07
7,179,025                       10/722,705                         02/20/07
7,179,028                       10/528,294                         02/20/07
7,179,038                       10/994,210                         02/20/07
7,179,058                       10/861,602                         02/20/07
7,179,060                       10/314,879                         02/20/07
7,179,061                       10/457,203                         02/20/07
7,179,063                       10/713,558                         02/20/07
7,179,066                       10/639,938                         02/20/07
7,179,070                       11/101,837                         02/20/07
7,179,083                       10/504,475                         02/20/07
7,179,088                       10/391,092                         02/20/07
7,179,090                       11/311,576                         02/20/07
7,179,095                       11/305,075                         02/20/07
7,179,102                       10/959,506                         02/20/07
7,179,103                       11/348,872                         02/20/07
7,179,107                       11/489,181                         02/20/07
7,179,109                       11/515,582                         02/20/07
7,179,113                       11/258,693                         02/20/07
7,179,117                       11/119,300                         02/20/07
7,179,118                       11/377,876                         02/20/07
7,179,120                       11/340,140                         02/20/07
7,179,123                       10/885,160                         02/20/07
7,179,126                       11/432,827                         02/20/07
7,179,127                       11/168,980                         02/20/07
7,179,130                       10/610,219                         02/20/07
7,179,134                       10/017,983                         02/20/07
7,179,139                       11/432,210                         02/20/07
7,179,141                       11/113,647                         02/20/07
7,179,149                       10/944,646                         02/20/07
7,179,152                       10/359,852                         02/20/07
7,179,158                       11/176,663                         02/20/07
7,179,163                       11/422,667                         02/20/07
7,179,165                       11/032,174                         02/20/07
7,179,166                       09/663,661                         02/20/07
7,179,168                       09/606,745                         02/20/07
7,179,169                       10/377,465                         02/20/07
7,179,170                       10/306,842                         02/20/07
7,179,174                       11/167,598                         02/20/07
7,179,179                       11/119,194                         02/20/07
7,179,180                       11/115,805                         02/20/07
7,179,181                       11/183,897                         02/20/07
7,179,194                       11/029,377                         02/20/07
7,179,209                       10/267,540                         02/20/07
7,179,221                       10/401,027                         02/20/07
7,179,223                       10/633,668                         02/20/07
7,179,231                       10/647,495                         02/20/07
7,179,240                       11/184,883                         02/20/07
7,179,251                       09/760,807                         02/20/07
7,179,263                       10/309,723                         02/20/07
7,179,272                       10/786,873                         02/20/07
7,179,277                       10/621,759                         02/20/07
7,179,283                       10/003,149                         02/20/07
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 85 

7,179,284                       10/638,040                         02/20/07
7,179,286                       10/371,804                         02/20/07
7,179,291                       10/894,676                         02/20/07
7,179,298                       10/908,841                         02/20/07
7,179,301                       09/959,913                         02/20/07
7,179,309                       11/266,632                         02/20/07
7,179,315                       10/910,282                         02/20/07
7,179,320                       10/845,451                         02/20/07
7,179,329                       10/277,352                         02/20/07
7,179,337                       10/687,894                         02/20/07
7,179,344                       10/409,621                         02/20/07
7,179,348                       10/228,815                         02/20/07
7,179,354                       10/430,301                         02/20/07
7,179,356                       10/411,641                         02/20/07
7,179,372                       11/397,681                         02/20/07
7,179,373                       11/414,654                         02/20/07
7,179,379                       10/716,837                         02/20/07
7,179,385                       10/454,956                         02/20/07
7,179,390                       11/037,514                         02/20/07
7,179,395                       10/728,924                         02/20/07
7,179,397                       10/414,603                         02/20/07
7,179,404                       11/215,205                         02/20/07
7,179,405                       10/261,902                         02/20/07
7,179,407                       10/373,298                         02/20/07
7,179,422                       10/387,004                         02/20/07
7,179,425                       10/698,440                         02/20/07
7,179,429                       09/632,248                         02/20/07
7,179,430                       09/743,096                         02/20/07
7,179,436                       10/860,922                         02/20/07
7,179,437                       10/430,776                         02/20/07
7,179,439                       10/549,598                         02/20/07
7,179,444                       10/405,094                         02/20/07
7,179,447                       10/067,146                         02/20/07
7,179,448                       11/196,475                         02/20/07
7,179,450                       10/356,240                         02/20/07
7,179,454                       10/818,316                         02/20/07
7,179,458                       10/383,834                         02/20/07
7,179,466                       10/187,121                         02/20/07
7,179,468                       09/877,606                         02/20/07
7,179,470                       10/396,964                         02/20/07
7,179,477                       10/604,781                         02/20/07
7,179,478                       10/963,701                         02/20/07
7,179,491                       09/890,383                         02/20/07
7,179,494                       11/335,989                         02/20/07
7,179,497                       10/387,768                         02/20/07
7,179,501                       11/026,728                         02/20/07
7,179,504                       10/964,684                         02/20/07
7,179,506                       10/162,445                         02/20/07
7,179,512                       10/436,331                         02/20/07
7,179,532                       10/507,364                         02/20/07
7,179,533                       10/812,856                         02/20/07
7,179,534                       10/356,394                         02/20/07
7,179,542                       10/441,164                         02/20/07
7,179,548                       11/007,129                         02/20/07
7,179,551                       10/063,004                         02/20/07
7,179,555                       10/353,373                         02/20/07
7,179,556                       10/207,355                         02/20/07
7,179,559                       10/467,533                         02/20/07
7,179,562                       10/630,541                         02/20/07
7,179,564                       10/301,310                         02/20/07
7,179,569                       10/886,656                         02/20/07
7,179,570                       11/292,885                         02/20/07
7,179,574                       10/815,243                         02/20/07
7,179,576                       10/791,803                         02/20/07
7,179,584                       10/328,449                         02/20/07
7,179,586                       10/787,395                         02/20/07
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 86 

7,179,588                       09/574,099                         02/20/07
7,179,594                       10/110,610                         02/20/07
7,179,598                       10/301,300                         02/20/07
7,179,601                       10/613,472                         02/20/07
7,179,602                       10/656,358                         02/20/07
7,179,603                       10/688,108                         02/20/07
7,179,613                       10/838,167                         02/20/07
7,179,614                       10/380,393                         02/20/07
7,179,615                       09/124,485                         02/20/07
7,179,618                       10/285,876                         02/20/07
7,179,621                       09/630,629                         02/20/07
7,179,622                       11/043,357                         02/20/07
7,179,627                       10/260,937                         02/20/07
7,179,637                       10/225,057                         02/20/07
7,179,638                       10/061,969                         02/20/07
7,179,639                       10/382,755                         02/20/07
7,179,641                       10/203,318                         02/20/07
7,179,643                       10/167,921                         02/20/07
7,179,653                       09/822,211                         02/20/07
7,179,666                       10/901,750                         02/20/07
7,179,675                       11/024,663                         02/20/07
7,179,676                       11/091,722                         02/20/07
7,179,677                       10/534,217                         02/20/07
7,179,678                       10/927,276                         02/20/07
7,179,679                       10/618,517                         02/20/07
7,179,685                       10/914,090                         02/20/07
7,179,686                       11/392,558                         02/20/07
7,179,687                       10/973,991                         02/20/07
7,179,690                       11/074,526                         02/20/07
7,179,694                       11/095,954                         02/20/07
7,179,708                       10/891,373                         02/20/07
7,179,713                       11/025,244                         02/20/07
7,179,719                       10/953,938                         02/20/07
7,179,725                       10/529,373                         02/20/07
7,179,726                       10/367,831                         02/20/07
7,179,727                       10/525,987                         02/20/07
7,179,731                       10/349,831                         02/20/07
7,179,734                       11/026,881                         02/20/07
7,179,742                       11/010,790                         02/20/07
7,179,745                       10/860,100                         02/20/07
7,179,749                       11/165,740                         02/20/07
7,179,753                       10/143,904                         02/20/07
7,179,768                       11/257,480                         02/20/07
7,179,770                       10/499,019                         02/20/07
7,179,771                       10/883,068                         02/20/07
7,179,775                       10/660,030                         02/20/07
7,179,782                       10/759,417                         02/20/07
7,179,783                       11/332,161                         02/20/07
7,179,793                       11/056,145                         02/20/07
7,179,796                       10/360,510                         02/20/07
7,179,798                       10/294,512                         02/20/07
7,179,801                       10/475,845                         02/20/07
7,179,806                       10/433,443                         02/20/07
7,179,810                       11/143,721                         02/20/07
7,179,822                       10/634,709                         02/20/07
7,179,827                       11/094,237                         02/20/07
7,179,829                       10/892,994                         02/20/07
7,179,830                       10/926,118                         02/20/07
7,179,842                       10/766,118                         02/20/07
7,179,844                       10/333,893                         02/20/07
7,179,861                       10/815,327                         02/20/07
7,179,865                       10/913,550                         02/20/07
7,179,866                       11/387,778                         02/20/07
7,179,884                       10/335,483                         02/20/07
7,179,888                       10/194,489                         02/20/07
7,179,891                       10/668,178                         02/20/07
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 87 

7,179,893                       11/400,787                         02/20/07
7,179,895                       10/924,081                         02/20/07
7,179,900                       10/403,180                         02/20/07
7,179,909                       11/005,224                         02/20/07
7,179,910                       10/656,907                         02/20/07
7,179,911                       11/146,723                         02/20/07
7,179,916                       11/181,968                         02/20/07
7,179,917                       11/413,281                         02/20/07
7,179,921                       10/468,743                         02/20/07
7,179,922                       11/076,773                         02/20/07
7,179,924                       11/046,913                         02/20/07
7,179,937                       10/309,754                         02/20/07
7,179,942                       10/483,533                         02/20/07
7,179,949                       10/344,037                         02/20/07
7,179,951                       10/265,813                         02/20/07
7,179,953                       10/609,143                         02/20/07
7,179,962                       10/768,863                         02/20/07
7,179,964                       10/194,885                         02/20/07
7,179,980                       10/733,257                         02/20/07
7,179,981                       10/724,896                         02/20/07
7,179,985                       10/907,713                         02/20/07
7,179,990                       11/152,241                         02/20/07
7,179,992                       10/900,778                         02/20/07
7,179,993                       11/362,401                         02/20/07
7,180,007                       10/860,653                         02/20/07
7,180,009                       10/903,535                         02/20/07
7,180,013                       11/377,821                         02/20/07
7,180,014                       10/803,608                         02/20/07
7,180,026                       10/019,770                         02/20/07
7,180,030                       11/109,577                         02/20/07
7,180,034                       11/270,031                         02/20/07
7,180,054                       10/498,509                         02/20/07
7,180,058                       11/244,626                         02/20/07
7,180,063                       10/697,155                         02/20/07
7,180,065                       10/957,091                         02/20/07
7,180,071                       10/952,240                         02/20/07
7,180,072                       11/065,745                         02/20/07
7,180,074                       11/180,009                         02/20/07
7,180,077                       11/062,178                         02/20/07
7,180,079                       11/078,387                         02/20/07
7,180,080                       10/307,247                         02/20/07
7,180,085                       10/244,396                         02/20/07
7,180,086                       10/967,716                         02/20/07
7,180,098                       10/817,982                         02/20/07
7,180,101                       10/936,793                         02/20/07
7,180,104                       10/934,840                         02/20/07
7,180,110                       10/885,137                         02/20/07
7,180,114                       10/874,306                         02/20/07
7,180,121                       11/085,197                         02/20/07
7,180,122                       10/823,797                         02/20/07
7,180,135                       10/951,695                         02/20/07
7,180,143                       10/910,574                         02/20/07
7,180,144                       11/129,145                         02/20/07
7,180,150                       10/901,381                         02/20/07
7,180,154                       10/845,048                         02/20/07
7,180,167                       11/011,469                         02/20/07
7,180,168                       11/222,330                         02/20/07
7,180,184                       10/716,788                         02/20/07
7,180,210                       10/685,304                         02/20/07
7,180,219                       11/248,206                         02/20/07
7,180,221                       11/229,738                         02/20/07
7,180,225                       10/897,588                         02/20/07
7,180,226                       11/328,386                         02/20/07
7,180,229                       11/289,445                         02/20/07
7,180,233                       10/705,880                         02/20/07
7,180,234                       10/856,817                         02/20/07
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 88 

7,180,246                       10/931,120                         02/20/07
7,180,270                       11/324,890                         02/20/07
7,180,282                       10/617,844                         02/20/07
7,180,284                       11/244,334                         02/20/07
7,180,290                       10/529,841                         02/20/07
7,180,298                       11/131,279                         02/20/07
7,180,303                       11/290,579                         02/20/07
7,180,308                       10/817,089                         02/20/07
7,180,325                       11/027,631                         02/20/07
7,180,336                       11/109,326                         02/20/07
7,180,338                       11/098,991                         02/20/07
7,180,341                       10/545,718                         02/20/07
7,180,343                       11/223,277                         02/20/07
7,180,346                       10/972,847                         02/20/07
7,180,355                       10/944,862                         02/20/07
7,180,358                       11/004,432                         02/20/07
7,180,364                       11/045,358                         02/20/07
7,180,371                       11/079,759                         02/20/07
7,180,374                       11/107,205                         02/20/07
7,180,385                       10/939,587                         02/20/07
7,180,398                       11/056,015                         02/20/07
7,180,405                       10/962,318                         02/20/07
7,180,406                       10/907,181                         02/20/07
7,180,407                       10/987,730                         02/20/07
7,180,410                       10/959,552                         02/20/07
7,180,414                       10/495,143                         02/20/07
7,180,418                       11/025,447                         02/20/07
7,180,419                       10/843,028                         02/20/07
7,180,421                       11/270,922                         02/20/07
7,180,425                       10/942,812                         02/20/07
7,180,428                       10/790,682                         02/20/07
7,180,438                       11/252,418                         02/20/07
7,180,440                       10/482,496                         02/20/07
7,180,442                       11/434,573                         02/20/07
7,180,444                       11/154,005                         02/20/07
7,180,455                       11/091,987                         02/20/07
7,180,464                       11/190,725                         02/20/07
7,180,466                       10/498,518                         02/20/07
7,180,469                       11/169,467                         02/20/07
7,180,472                       10/999,385                         02/20/07
7,180,478                       10/469,700                         02/20/07
7,180,480                       10/724,238                         02/20/07
7,180,481                       10/480,031                         02/20/07
7,180,482                       09/992,052                         02/20/07
7,180,489                       10/397,084                         02/20/07
7,180,492                       10/653,991                         02/20/07
7,180,507                       11/188,015                         02/20/07
7,180,518                       10/896,941                         02/20/07
7,180,521                       10/713,005                         02/20/07
7,180,530                       10/973,012                         02/20/07
7,180,534                       10/636,878                         02/20/07
7,180,535                       11/016,429                         02/20/07
7,180,536                       10/517,557                         02/20/07
7,180,538                       10/411,368                         02/20/07
7,180,541                       10/404,863                         02/20/07
7,180,555                       09/858,287                         02/20/07
7,180,556                       09/858,688                         02/20/07
7,180,558                       10/519,312                         02/20/07
7,180,574                       11/088,160                         02/20/07
7,180,575                       11/257,791                         02/20/07
7,180,576                       10/889,216                         02/20/07
7,180,579                       10/806,037                         02/20/07
7,180,584                       10/686,584                         02/20/07
7,180,591                       09/521,092                         02/20/07
7,180,605                       10/952,091                         02/20/07
7,180,609                       10/983,018                         02/20/07
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 89 

7,180,612                       09/922,646                         02/20/07
7,180,625                       09/923,960                         02/20/07
7,180,645                       10/812,461                         02/20/07
7,180,648                       11/151,610                         02/20/07
7,180,653                       10/799,304                         02/20/07
7,180,657                       11/378,406                         02/20/07
7,180,663                       10/174,256                         02/20/07
7,180,676                       11/250,569                         02/20/07
7,180,677                       10/768,670                         02/20/07
7,180,689                       10/968,334                         02/20/07
7,180,694                       10/657,695                         02/20/07
7,180,697                       10/188,019                         02/20/07
7,180,698                       10/802,238                         02/20/07
7,180,700                       10/546,631                         02/20/07
7,180,704                       11/134,350                         02/20/07
7,180,716                       10/812,695                         02/20/07
7,180,720                       10/466,451                         02/20/07
7,180,729                       10/528,421                         02/20/07
7,180,738                       10/981,968                         02/20/07
7,180,746                       11/015,056                         02/20/07
7,180,749                       10/727,650                         02/20/07
7,180,750                       11/227,135                         02/20/07
7,180,761                       10/949,439                         02/20/07
7,180,768                       10/878,050                         02/20/07
7,180,769                       11/103,977                         02/20/07
7,180,771                       11/405,993                         02/20/07
7,180,773                       11/253,696                         02/20/07
7,180,784                       11/182,152                         02/20/07
7,180,787                       10/929,572                         02/20/07
7,180,789                       11/087,760                         02/20/07
7,180,815                       11/389,048                         02/20/07
7,180,830                       11/332,662                         02/20/07
7,180,835                       10/707,223                         02/20/07
7,180,840                       09/662,023                         02/20/07
7,180,842                       10/264,592                         02/20/07
7,180,843                       10/340,752                         02/20/07
7,180,847                       10/669,851                         02/20/07
7,180,857                       10/140,174                         02/20/07
7,180,881                       10/196,857                         02/20/07
7,180,886                       10/153,784                         02/20/07
7,180,891                       10/057,393                         02/20/07
7,180,896                       10/069,246                         02/20/07
7,180,901                       11/039,771                         02/20/07
7,180,920                       10/803,272                         02/20/07
7,180,921                       10/914,613                         02/20/07
7,180,922                       10/712,385                         02/20/07
7,180,924                       10/442,096                         02/20/07
7,180,925                       10/715,025                         02/20/07
7,180,940                       10/407,901                         02/20/07
7,180,943                       10/113,637                         02/20/07
7,180,950                       10/286,545                         02/20/07
7,180,962                       11/036,344                         02/20/07
7,180,975                       10/545,201                         02/20/07
7,180,978                       10/888,300                         02/20/07
7,180,980                       10/924,774                         02/20/07
7,180,982                       10/502,272                         02/20/07
7,180,983                       10/775,152                         02/20/07
7,180,992                       10/644,079                         02/20/07
7,181,003                       10/664,596                         02/20/07
7,181,038                       10/798,529                         02/20/07
7,181,041                       10/484,827                         02/20/07
7,181,043                       11/222,958                         02/20/07
7,181,044                       11/261,442                         02/20/07
7,181,045                       11/062,845                         02/20/07
7,181,052                       10/225,844                         02/20/07
7,181,053                       10/640,012                         02/20/07
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 90 

7,181,055                       10/895,440                         02/20/07
7,181,059                       10/706,440                         02/20/07
7,181,062                       10/232,165                         02/20/07
7,181,064                       09/987,918                         02/20/07
7,181,069                       10/667,377                         02/20/07
7,181,074                       10/386,700                         02/20/07
7,181,080                       10/362,558                         02/20/07
7,181,084                       10/252,786                         02/20/07
7,181,086                       10/163,401                         02/20/07
7,181,087                       10/309,328                         02/20/07
7,181,093                       10/735,070                         02/20/07
7,181,098                       10/684,885                         02/20/07
7,181,102                       10/851,553                         02/20/07
7,181,109                       11/068,477                         02/20/07
7,181,115                       11/072,533                         02/20/07
7,181,116                       11/131,927                         02/20/07
7,181,118                       10/631,448                         02/20/07
7,181,129                       09/949,803                         02/20/07
7,181,143                       10/454,551                         02/20/07
7,181,148                       10/813,076                         02/20/07
7,181,154                       11/152,610                         02/20/07
7,181,166                       10/153,898                         02/20/07
7,181,176                       10/637,023                         02/20/07
7,181,186                       10/462,609                         02/20/07
7,181,189                       11/021,727                         02/20/07
7,181,191                       10/518,442                         02/20/07
7,181,197                       10/690,468                         02/20/07
7,181,207                       11/175,825                         02/20/07
7,181,216                       10/902,012                         02/20/07
7,181,230                       11/012,233                         02/20/07
7,181,255                       10/880,244                         02/20/07
7,181,260                       10/987,505                         02/20/07
7,181,264                       10/387,138                         02/20/07
7,181,265                       10/000,956                         02/20/07
7,181,272                       10/126,539                         02/20/07
7,181,276                       10/901,403                         02/20/07
7,181,289                       10/692,021                         02/20/07
7,181,296                       10/857,450                         02/20/07
7,181,298                       09/550,078                         02/20/07
7,181,300                       09/907,734                         02/20/07
7,181,306                       10/942,995                         02/20/07
7,181,308                       10/530,624                         02/20/07
7,181,309                       10/560,534                         02/20/07
7,181,313                       10/463,896                         02/20/07
7,181,323                       10/972,943                         02/20/07
7,181,325                       10/505,726                         02/20/07
7,181,326                       11/017,412                         02/20/07
7,181,330                       11/349,140                         02/20/07
7,181,334                       10/437,809                         02/20/07
7,181,341                       11/338,730                         02/20/07
7,181,349                       09/744,628                         02/20/07
7,181,351                       11/081,957                         02/20/07
7,181,361                       11/061,864                         02/20/07
7,181,362                       10/825,702                         02/20/07
7,181,363                       10/825,701                         02/20/07
7,181,374                       10/161,096                         02/20/07
7,181,382                       10/435,481                         02/20/07
7,181,393                       10/306,971                         02/20/07
7,181,398                       10/109,251                         02/20/07
7,181,400                       09/839,388                         02/20/07
7,181,406                       09/678,902                         02/20/07
7,181,408                       10/462,169                         02/20/07
7,181,411                       09/946,045                         02/20/07
7,181,421                       11/267,245                         02/20/07
7,181,435                       10/402,652                         02/20/07
7,181,442                       10/253,278                         02/20/07
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 91 

7,181,448                       10/981,773                         02/20/07
7,181,451                       10/261,971                         02/20/07
7,181,460                       10/173,402                         02/20/07
7,181,464                       10/783,578                         02/20/07
7,181,471                       09/669,897                         02/20/07
7,181,483                       10/845,091                         02/20/07
7,181,489                       10/043,439                         02/20/07
7,181,505                       09/764,681                         02/20/07
7,181,509                       10/219,339                         02/20/07
7,181,510                       10/037,680                         02/20/07
7,181,515                       10/350,784                         02/20/07
7,181,520                       10/192,522                         02/20/07
7,181,531                       10/135,630                         02/20/07
7,181,533                       10/791,983                         02/20/07
7,181,536                       10/109,373                         02/20/07
7,181,539                       09/388,829                         02/20/07
7,181,540                       10/754,227                         02/20/07
7,181,546                       10/392,607                         02/20/07
7,181,549                       10/173,677                         02/20/07
7,181,553                       10/865,881                         02/20/07
7,181,554                       11/001,637                         02/20/07
7,181,559                       10/970,239                         02/20/07
7,181,570                       10/924,813                         02/20/07
7,181,622                       11/265,871                         02/20/07
7,181,623                       09/818,940                         02/20/07
7,181,629                       10/069,112                         02/20/07
7,181,640                       10/348,672                         02/20/07
7,181,647                       10/686,087                         02/20/07
7,181,652                       10/337,462                         02/20/07
7,181,655                       10/481,570                         02/20/07
7,181,656                       10/864,433                         02/20/07
7,181,658                       10/723,278                         02/20/07
7,181,661                       10/771,658                         02/20/07
7,181,670                       11/219,986                         02/20/07
7,181,677                       10/465,266                         02/20/07
7,181,688                       09/645,882                         02/20/07
7,181,690                       09/632,154                         02/20/07
7,181,692                       10/167,869                         02/20/07
7,181,695                       10/757,239                         02/20/07
7,181,696                       09/945,933                         02/20/07
7,181,714                       10/887,801                         02/20/07
7,181,735                       09/616,799                         02/20/07
7,181,736                       10/668,764                         02/20/07
7,181,741                       10/355,581                         02/20/07
7,181,746                       09/895,936                         02/20/07
7,181,747                       10/260,555                         02/20/07
7,181,749                       10/711,944                         02/20/07
7,181,750                       10/622,609                         02/20/07
7,181,752                       10/637,849                         02/20/07
7,181,753                       10/258,611                         02/20/07
7,181,757                       09/675,984                         02/20/07
7,181,758                       10/322,624                         02/20/07
7,181,761                       10/810,068                         02/20/07
7,181,763                       10/682,720                         02/20/07
7,181,767                       09/851,757                         02/20/07

                    PATENTS WHICH EXPIRED ON February 22, 2015

Patent                          Application                           Issue
Number                             Number                              Date

7,891,017                       11/344,597                         02/22/11
7,891,018                       11/209,728                         02/22/11
7,891,021                       12/148,653                         02/22/11
7,891,023                       11/879,094                         02/22/11
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 92 

7,891,027                       12/144,902                         02/22/11
7,891,028                       12/462,246                         02/22/11
7,891,031                       11/458,821                         02/22/11
7,891,032                       12/291,775                         02/22/11
7,891,033                       12/397,633                         02/22/11
7,891,034                       12/592,584                         02/22/11
7,891,036                       11/376,610                         02/22/11
7,891,039                       11/901,558                         02/22/11
7,891,040                       11/852,966                         02/22/11
7,891,043                       10/588,677                         02/22/11
7,891,053                       11/390,850                         02/22/11
7,891,055                       11/341,145                         02/22/11
7,891,056                       11/982,572                         02/22/11
7,891,057                       11/990,802                         02/22/11
7,891,058                       11/904,131                         02/22/11
7,891,063                       12/284,615                         02/22/11
7,891,072                       11/200,463                         02/22/11
7,891,077                       12/179,545                         02/22/11
7,891,083                       11/753,579                         02/22/11
7,891,084                       11/633,298                         02/22/11
7,891,100                       11/619,540                         02/22/11
7,891,102                       12/184,772                         02/22/11
7,891,105                       12/570,304                         02/22/11
7,891,114                       12/069,796                         02/22/11
7,891,117                       11/880,802                         02/22/11
7,891,118                       12/034,697                         02/22/11
7,891,123                       12/074,495                         02/22/11
7,891,124                       12/634,912                         02/22/11
7,891,138                       10/561,333                         02/22/11
7,891,140                       12/902,970                         02/22/11
7,891,141                       11/991,204                         02/22/11
7,891,145                       11/968,235                         02/22/11
7,891,147                       11/689,815                         02/22/11
7,891,155                       11/706,646                         02/22/11
7,891,162                       12/154,772                         02/22/11
7,891,175                       12/224,659                         02/22/11
7,891,178                       12/015,935                         02/22/11
7,891,186                       12/685,997                         02/22/11
7,891,199                       11/895,919                         02/22/11
7,891,211                       11/473,405                         02/22/11
7,891,222                       11/451,540                         02/22/11
7,891,224                       12/089,070                         02/22/11
7,891,231                       12/291,249                         02/22/11
7,891,239                       12/499,163                         02/22/11
7,891,253                       12/100,403                         02/22/11
7,891,270                       11/283,893                         02/22/11
7,891,271                       11/657,980                         02/22/11
7,891,274                       12/231,459                         02/22/11
7,891,285                       11/983,285                         02/22/11
7,891,286                       11/827,535                         02/22/11
7,891,288                       11/184,199                         02/22/11
7,891,289                       10/924,071                         02/22/11
7,891,290                       11/404,574                         02/22/11
7,891,297                       11/581,729                         02/22/11
7,891,303                       10/573,411                         02/22/11
7,891,306                       11/845,818                         02/22/11
7,891,313                       11/727,205                         02/22/11
7,891,316                       12/150,783                         02/22/11
7,891,321                       12/319,803                         02/22/11
7,891,326                       11/807,846                         02/22/11
7,891,334                       12/174,806                         02/22/11
7,891,341                       12/513,509                         02/22/11
7,891,357                       11/873,481                         02/22/11
7,891,359                       11/870,916                         02/22/11
7,891,364                       12/077,356                         02/22/11
7,891,373                       12/009,724                         02/22/11
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 93 

7,891,381                       12/027,504                         02/22/11
7,891,385                       11/597,740                         02/22/11
7,891,390                       12/771,395                         02/22/11
7,891,396                       12/140,180                         02/22/11
7,891,399                       11/910,804                         02/22/11
7,891,407                       11/945,112                         02/22/11
7,891,408                       12/316,212                         02/22/11
7,891,413                       11/309,560                         02/22/11
7,891,415                       11/297,970                         02/22/11
7,891,416                       12/229,016                         02/22/11
7,891,430                       11/875,558                         02/22/11
7,891,438                       12/036,413                         02/22/11
7,891,444                       11/908,025                         02/22/11
7,891,458                       12/303,288                         02/22/11
7,891,465                       12/004,312                         02/22/11
7,891,471                       11/528,004                         02/22/11
7,891,474                       12/111,578                         02/22/11
7,891,482                       12/083,972                         02/22/11
7,891,485                       12/409,127                         02/22/11
7,891,486                       12/004,209                         02/22/11
7,891,501                       10/568,130                         02/22/11
7,891,514                       12/360,663                         02/22/11
7,891,517                       11/652,684                         02/22/11
7,891,518                       11/418,784                         02/22/11
7,891,525                       10/563,558                         02/22/11
7,891,526                       10/539,922                         02/22/11
7,891,529                       12/575,956                         02/22/11
7,891,533                       12/269,600                         02/22/11
7,891,547                       12/336,411                         02/22/11
7,891,548                       12/506,241                         02/22/11
7,891,565                       12/372,992                         02/22/11
7,891,571                       10/491,397                         02/22/11
7,891,576                       11/909,000                         02/22/11
7,891,578                       10/472,721                         02/22/11
7,891,582                       11/869,794                         02/22/11
7,891,585                       12/294,385                         02/22/11
7,891,587                       12/093,989                         02/22/11
7,891,601                       12/397,842                         02/22/11
7,891,603                       12/116,038                         02/22/11
7,891,612                       12/117,743                         02/22/11
7,891,616                       12/435,558                         02/22/11
7,891,617                       12/465,359                         02/22/11
7,891,619                       12/117,223                         02/22/11
7,891,620                       12/479,357                         02/22/11
7,891,627                       12/700,624                         02/22/11
7,891,632                       11/879,003                         02/22/11
7,891,634                       11/974,437                         02/22/11
7,891,639                       11/815,240                         02/22/11
7,891,651                       11/986,106                         02/22/11
7,891,666                       11/460,565                         02/22/11
7,891,668                       12/272,862                         02/22/11
7,891,674                       12/515,704                         02/22/11
7,891,683                       12/207,336                         02/22/11
7,891,685                       12/588,370                         02/22/11
7,891,690                       12/211,725                         02/22/11
7,891,692                       12/069,304                         02/22/11
7,891,694                       11/486,079                         02/22/11
7,891,697                       12/150,718                         02/22/11
7,891,702                       12/412,080                         02/22/11
7,891,703                       12/305,412                         02/22/11
7,891,705                       11/979,470                         02/22/11
7,891,709                       12/440,153                         02/22/11
7,891,717                       12/604,507                         02/22/11
7,891,718                       11/904,904                         02/22/11
7,891,722                       12/329,085                         02/22/11
7,891,723                       12/002,548                         02/22/11
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 94 

7,891,724                       12/056,126                         02/22/11
7,891,729                       12/209,130                         02/22/11
7,891,731                       12/218,849                         02/22/11
7,891,733                       12/383,276                         02/22/11
7,891,736                       12/503,833                         02/22/11
7,891,741                       12/234,267                         02/22/11
7,891,743                       12/394,410                         02/22/11
7,891,745                       12/254,861                         02/22/11
7,891,747                       11/919,002                         02/22/11
7,891,749                       12/712,173                         02/22/11
7,891,758                       11/778,061                         02/22/11
7,891,761                       12/540,365                         02/22/11
7,891,764                       12/202,988                         02/22/11
7,891,769                       11/945,169                         02/22/11
7,891,773                       12/197,282                         02/22/11
7,891,775                       12/324,817                         02/22/11
7,891,776                       12/422,904                         02/22/11
7,891,778                       12/475,596                         02/22/11
7,891,779                       12/500,595                         02/22/11
7,891,803                       12/493,233                         02/22/11
7,891,808                       12/329,931                         02/22/11
7,891,811                       12/205,978                         02/22/11
7,891,812                       10/593,613                         02/22/11
7,891,817                       11/780,752                         02/22/11
7,891,818                       12/001,771                         02/22/11
7,891,821                       11/958,127                         02/22/11
7,891,822                       11/568,462                         02/22/11
7,891,826                       11/659,336                         02/22/11
7,891,829                       12/106,215                         02/22/11
7,891,839                       12/248,007                         02/22/11
7,891,843                       12/371,476                         02/22/11
7,891,845                       12/396,475                         02/22/11
7,891,848                       12/324,587                         02/22/11
7,891,852                       11/252,421                         02/22/11
7,891,862                       12/374,669                         02/22/11
7,891,865                       12/047,638                         02/22/11
7,891,873                       12/391,850                         02/22/11
7,891,877                       12/076,507                         02/22/11
7,891,887                       12/475,532                         02/22/11
7,891,889                       12/605,703                         02/22/11
7,891,897                       11/346,137                         02/22/11
7,891,900                       11/745,365                         02/22/11
7,891,907                       11/989,006                         02/22/11
7,891,913                       12/620,054                         02/22/11
7,891,917                       11/730,185                         02/22/11
7,891,918                       11/579,579                         02/22/11
7,891,930                       11/612,460                         02/22/11
7,891,939                       12/836,089                         02/22/11
7,891,951                       12/053,586                         02/22/11
7,891,952                       11/564,070                         02/22/11
7,891,953                       11/514,900                         02/22/11
7,891,956                       10/556,317                         02/22/11
7,891,957                       11/659,324                         02/22/11
7,891,958                       11/783,771                         02/22/11
7,891,962                       11/962,242                         02/22/11
7,891,966                       11/854,400                         02/22/11
7,891,970                       12/321,425                         02/22/11
7,891,971                       11/502,501                         02/22/11
7,891,973                       10/591,536                         02/22/11
7,891,976                       11/720,581                         02/22/11
7,891,978                       11/034,599                         02/22/11
7,891,981                       11/824,706                         02/22/11
7,891,982                       12/287,908                         02/22/11
7,891,994                       11/833,947                         02/22/11
7,891,999                       12/701,735                         02/22/11
7,892,001                       12/597,206                         02/22/11
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 95 

7,892,005                       12/783,131                         02/22/11
7,892,010                       12/687,942                         02/22/11
7,892,016                       12/154,340                         02/22/11
7,892,021                       11/952,092                         02/22/11
7,892,027                       12/549,404                         02/22/11
7,892,028                       12/609,045                         02/22/11
7,892,044                       12/317,829                         02/22/11
7,892,061                       11/711,597                         02/22/11
7,892,063                       12/353,610                         02/22/11
7,892,064                       10/973,036                         02/22/11
7,892,066                       10/983,253                         02/22/11
7,892,080                       11/810,827                         02/22/11
7,892,103                       11/754,463                         02/22/11
7,892,104                       12/710,519                         02/22/11
7,892,108                       10/700,493                         02/22/11
7,892,110                       11/671,258                         02/22/11
7,892,116                       12/011,255                         02/22/11
7,892,118                       12/339,372                         02/22/11
7,892,145                       12/396,206                         02/22/11
7,892,151                       12/086,877                         02/22/11
7,892,152                       12/591,519                         02/22/11
7,892,154                       12/380,932                         02/22/11
7,892,155                       11/331,544                         02/22/11
7,892,157                       11/542,653                         02/22/11
7,892,158                       12/317,609                         02/22/11
7,892,191                       11/131,314                         02/22/11
7,892,204                       11/677,054                         02/22/11
7,892,205                       10/455,298                         02/22/11
7,892,272                       11/363,015                         02/22/11
7,892,296                       12/738,124                         02/22/11
7,892,297                       10/568,159                         02/22/11
7,892,299                       11/264,918                         02/22/11
7,892,303                       11/986,661                         02/22/11
7,892,317                       11/775,908                         02/22/11
7,892,330                       11/783,725                         02/22/11
7,892,342                       12/583,847                         02/22/11
7,892,348                       12/555,859                         02/22/11
7,892,355                       11/894,169                         02/22/11
7,892,356                       10/510,848                         02/22/11
7,892,357                       10/755,617                         02/22/11
7,892,359                       12/334,831                         02/22/11
7,892,362                       12/511,342                         02/22/11
7,892,363                       11/865,397                         02/22/11
7,892,364                       11/666,888                         02/22/11
7,892,370                       11/587,897                         02/22/11
7,892,378                       12/289,237                         02/22/11
7,892,379                       12/286,250                         02/22/11
7,892,381                       11/838,285                         02/22/11
7,892,387                       11/419,400                         02/22/11
7,892,409                       11/090,233                         02/22/11
7,892,410                       10/559,344                         02/22/11
7,892,413                       12/371,546                         02/22/11
7,892,418                       12/454,896                         02/22/11
7,892,428                       11/682,801                         02/22/11
7,892,436                       11/912,104                         02/22/11
7,892,439                       10/574,960                         02/22/11
7,892,441                       11/806,598                         02/22/11
7,892,448                       11/440,897                         02/22/11
7,892,449                       11/437,778                         02/22/11
7,892,451                       11/578,783                         02/22/11
7,892,479                       11/847,111                         02/22/11
7,892,493                       12/298,951                         02/22/11
7,892,494                       11/737,267                         02/22/11
7,892,496                       12/142,790                         02/22/11
7,892,501                       11/293,538                         02/22/11
7,892,505                       11/261,315                         02/22/11
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 96 

7,892,518                       12/068,500                         02/22/11
7,892,523                       11/568,092                         02/22/11
7,892,536                       11/959,342                         02/22/11
7,892,542                       10/583,034                         02/22/11
7,892,548                       11/952,930                         02/22/11
7,892,560                       11/819,648                         02/22/11
7,892,561                       12/535,298                         02/22/11
7,892,562                       12/576,055                         02/22/11
7,892,564                       12/363,134                         02/22/11
7,892,574                       10/443,399                         02/22/11
7,892,576                       11/816,326                         02/22/11
7,892,580                       12/433,663                         02/22/11
7,892,581                       11/814,889                         02/22/11
7,892,582                       10/542,406                         02/22/11
7,892,584                       12/109,650                         02/22/11
7,892,585                       09/720,096                         02/22/11
7,892,604                       12/662,077                         02/22/11
7,892,607                       11/383,016                         02/22/11
7,892,611                       12/274,984                         02/22/11
7,892,614                       10/573,952                         02/22/11
7,892,616                       10/503,945                         02/22/11
7,892,620                       12/095,711                         02/22/11
7,892,621                       12/255,264                         02/22/11
7,892,624                       10/250,021                         02/22/11
7,892,625                       11/458,861                         02/22/11
7,892,634                       11/806,228                         02/22/11
7,892,636                       11/742,807                         02/22/11
7,892,647                       11/302,822                         02/22/11
7,892,654                       11/816,986                         02/22/11
7,892,675                       11/634,652                         02/22/11
7,892,679                       11/645,685                         02/22/11
7,892,681                       11/489,274                         02/22/11
7,892,697                       11/399,503                         02/22/11
7,892,702                       12/070,913                         02/22/11
7,892,710                       11/569,602                         02/22/11
7,892,714                       11/840,431                         02/22/11
7,892,727                       11/417,317                         02/22/11
7,892,730                       10/087,192                         02/22/11
7,892,737                       11/477,240                         02/22/11
7,892,742                       12/305,506                         02/22/11
7,892,744                       12/567,942                         02/22/11
7,892,752                       11/411,246                         02/22/11
7,892,755                       11/661,555                         02/22/11
7,892,773                       12/059,797                         02/22/11
7,892,774                       12/649,156                         02/22/11
7,892,791                       12/463,271                         02/22/11
7,892,797                       12/115,198                         02/22/11
7,892,798                       10/307,138                         02/22/11
7,892,800                       10/581,116                         02/22/11
7,892,817                       11/569,084                         02/22/11
7,892,828                       12/578,499                         02/22/11
7,892,831                       12/295,168                         02/22/11
7,892,833                       11/275,263                         02/22/11
7,892,844                       11/780,560                         02/22/11
7,892,857                       11/847,495                         02/22/11
7,892,866                       12/346,938                         02/22/11
7,892,877                       11/878,829                         02/22/11
7,892,880                       12/724,667                         02/22/11
7,892,884                       12/407,532                         02/22/11
7,892,886                       12/385,880                         02/22/11
7,892,896                       12/717,049                         02/22/11
7,892,912                       12/318,177                         02/22/11
7,892,919                       12/163,328                         02/22/11
7,892,922                       12/365,882                         02/22/11
7,892,941                       09/072,959                         02/22/11
7,892,967                       12/511,444                         02/22/11
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 97 

7,892,976                       12/479,177                         02/22/11
7,892,977                       12/054,319                         02/22/11
7,892,978                       11/483,878                         02/22/11
7,892,982                       11/978,718                         02/22/11
7,892,987                       12/684,602                         02/22/11
7,892,992                       10/796,048                         02/22/11
7,892,997                       12/159,824                         02/22/11
7,893,007                       12/255,793                         02/22/11
7,893,010                       12/433,420                         02/22/11
7,893,020                       11/134,147                         02/22/11
7,893,021                       10/215,770                         02/22/11
7,893,026                       11/918,559                         02/22/11
7,893,037                       12/079,715                         02/22/11
7,893,041                       10/581,759                         02/22/11
7,893,042                       12/645,099                         02/22/11
7,893,044                       10/923,261                         02/22/11
7,893,045                       12/221,651                         02/22/11
7,893,048                       11/993,466                         02/22/11
7,893,057                       12/456,539                         02/22/11
7,893,063                       11/630,881                         02/22/11
7,893,066                       12/082,332                         02/22/11
7,893,083                       12/113,833                         02/22/11
7,893,087                       11/515,335                         02/22/11
7,893,090                       11/928,072                         02/22/11
7,893,091                       12/083,034                         02/22/11
7,893,092                       11/720,571                         02/22/11
7,893,096                       10/814,480                         02/22/11
7,893,104                       12/041,372                         02/22/11
7,893,106                       11/669,730                         02/22/11
7,893,123                       11/385,158                         02/22/11
7,893,142                       11/952,364                         02/22/11
7,893,146                       11/510,711                         02/22/11
7,893,150                       12/831,333                         02/22/11
7,893,165                       11/464,125                         02/22/11
7,893,168                       12/065,368                         02/22/11
7,893,177                       11/930,885                         02/22/11
7,893,187                       11/390,722                         02/22/11
7,893,189                       12/700,050                         02/22/11
7,893,195                       12/063,710                         02/22/11
7,893,196                       11/282,519                         02/22/11
7,893,203                       12/118,247                         02/22/11
7,893,207                       12/420,448                         02/22/11
7,893,209                       12/720,461                         02/22/11
7,893,210                       10/495,417                         02/22/11
7,893,211                       12/644,404                         02/22/11
7,893,213                       11/747,869                         02/22/11
7,893,217                       11/981,132                         02/22/11
7,893,221                       12/282,456                         02/22/11
7,893,222                       10/737,403                         02/22/11
7,893,229                       11/415,484                         02/22/11
7,893,230                       11/643,289                         02/22/11
7,893,238                       12/140,237                         02/22/11
7,893,242                       11/626,614                         02/22/11
7,893,243                       11/824,084                         02/22/11
7,893,244                       12/069,349                         02/22/11
7,893,253                       11/816,049                         02/22/11
7,893,261                       10/594,105                         02/22/11
7,893,262                       10/567,558                         02/22/11
7,893,275                       10/591,974                         02/22/11
7,893,278                       11/143,161                         02/22/11
7,893,279                       12/574,907                         02/22/11
7,893,282                       11/974,019                         02/22/11
7,893,284                       11/233,945                         02/22/11
7,893,294                       12/375,684                         02/22/11
7,893,299                       11/487,018                         02/22/11
7,893,304                       11/816,625                         02/22/11
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 98 

7,893,313                       11/058,737                         02/22/11
7,893,316                       10/089,454                         02/22/11
7,893,322                       12/370,624                         02/22/11
7,893,330                       12/545,416                         02/22/11
7,893,335                       12/006,808                         02/22/11
7,893,336                       12/353,493                         02/22/11
7,893,342                       12/439,667                         02/22/11
7,893,345                       11/753,123                         02/22/11
7,893,347                       10/575,496                         02/22/11
7,893,349                       12/389,307                         02/22/11
7,893,350                       12/453,275                         02/22/11
7,893,355                       12/232,316                         02/22/11
7,893,358                       12/502,350                         02/22/11
7,893,364                       12/000,169                         02/22/11
7,893,369                       12/540,086                         02/22/11
7,893,373                       12/146,412                         02/22/11
7,893,375                       12/189,391                         02/22/11
7,893,384                       11/160,270                         02/22/11
7,893,385                       11/681,171                         02/22/11
7,893,388                       11/972,027                         02/22/11
7,893,391                       12/484,429                         02/22/11
7,893,395                       10/167,641                         02/22/11
7,893,400                       12/112,074                         02/22/11
7,893,415                       12/264,423                         02/22/11
7,893,417                       11/952,829                         02/22/11
7,893,425                       10/566,431                         02/22/11
7,893,429                       11/909,295                         02/22/11
7,893,437                       12/077,846                         02/22/11
7,893,450                       12/169,988                         02/22/11
7,893,456                       12/368,226                         02/22/11
7,893,462                       11/280,608                         02/22/11
7,893,465                       12/858,715                         02/22/11
7,893,471                       11/708,467                         02/22/11
7,893,474                       12/279,412                         02/22/11
7,893,478                       12/060,522                         02/22/11
7,893,482                       12/428,078                         02/22/11
7,893,483                       12/043,193                         02/22/11
7,893,487                       12/314,582                         02/22/11
7,893,504                       12/476,367                         02/22/11
7,893,510                       11/179,109                         02/22/11
7,893,514                       11/831,768                         02/22/11
7,893,517                       11/947,429                         02/22/11
7,893,527                       12/216,375                         02/22/11
7,893,536                       11/430,378                         02/22/11
7,893,537                       11/795,308                         02/22/11
7,893,542                       12/309,110                         02/22/11
7,893,558                       11/856,200                         02/22/11
7,893,565                       12/408,311                         02/22/11
7,893,567                       12/059,881                         02/22/11
7,893,578                       11/596,970                         02/22/11
7,893,596                       12/761,123                         02/22/11
7,893,611                       12/444,826                         02/22/11
7,893,617                       11/365,408                         02/22/11
7,893,618                       12/425,397                         02/22/11
7,893,619                       12/179,877                         02/22/11
7,893,620                       11/642,807                         02/22/11
7,893,627                       12/045,628                         02/22/11
7,893,628                       11/975,430                         02/22/11
7,893,629                       12/187,914                         02/22/11
7,893,639                       12/629,372                         02/22/11
7,893,642                       12/532,797                         02/22/11
7,893,646                       12/564,048                         02/22/11
7,893,649                       12/096,680                         02/22/11
7,893,659                       12/290,231                         02/22/11
7,893,663                       12/041,650                         02/22/11
7,893,664                       12/289,410                         02/22/11
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 99 

7,893,667                       11/996,228                         02/22/11
7,893,697                       12/055,758                         02/22/11
7,893,700                       12/181,169                         02/22/11
7,893,701                       12/432,039                         02/22/11
7,893,705                       12/484,510                         02/22/11
7,893,709                       12/314,583                         02/22/11
7,893,727                       12/400,827                         02/22/11
7,893,729                       12/555,551                         02/22/11
7,893,738                       12/170,243                         02/22/11
7,893,755                       12/459,382                         02/22/11
7,893,756                       12/271,028                         02/22/11
7,893,763                       12/106,217                         02/22/11
7,893,767                       12/314,488                         02/22/11
7,893,784                       11/666,205                         02/22/11
7,893,793                       11/844,809                         02/22/11
7,893,794                       11/979,064                         02/22/11
7,893,799                       12/101,659                         02/22/11
7,893,804                       11/823,394                         02/22/11
7,893,805                       12/616,592                         02/22/11
7,893,822                       11/891,261                         02/22/11
7,893,823                       12/138,643                         02/22/11
7,893,836                       12/039,476                         02/22/11
7,893,842                       12/011,506                         02/22/11
7,893,858                       12/398,926                         02/22/11
7,893,863                       12/350,107                         02/22/11
7,893,865                       12/391,869                         02/22/11
7,893,872                       11/739,181                         02/22/11
7,893,877                       11/589,236                         02/22/11
7,893,885                       12/096,394                         02/22/11
7,893,886                       10/914,092                         02/22/11
7,893,888                       12/614,870                         02/22/11
7,893,891                       11/156,465                         02/22/11
7,893,893                       11/605,487                         02/22/11
7,893,909                       11/463,596                         02/22/11
7,893,916                       11/779,520                         02/22/11
7,893,921                       11/132,693                         02/22/11
7,893,930                       12/050,067                         02/22/11
7,893,934                       11/441,541                         02/22/11
7,893,947                       11/880,903                         02/22/11
7,893,951                       11/714,708                         02/22/11
7,893,958                       11/396,934                         02/22/11
7,893,961                       11/796,030                         02/22/11
7,893,964                       11/949,168                         02/22/11
7,893,974                       11/553,221                         02/22/11
7,893,982                       12/458,660                         02/22/11
7,893,994                       11/279,033                         02/22/11
7,893,999                       11/491,019                         02/22/11
7,894,000                       11/571,283                         02/22/11
7,894,036                       11/537,071                         02/22/11
7,894,044                       12/381,388                         02/22/11
7,894,049                       11/817,558                         02/22/11
7,894,050                       11/814,472                         02/22/11
7,894,053                       12/236,740                         02/22/11
7,894,059                       11/933,114                         02/22/11
7,894,082                       12/422,997                         02/22/11
7,894,091                       11/856,507                         02/22/11
7,894,095                       12/273,417                         02/22/11
7,894,104                       12/034,981                         02/22/11
7,894,112                       10/565,157                         02/22/11
7,894,115                       11/795,781                         02/22/11
7,894,125                       11/795,185                         02/22/11
7,894,126                       12/297,721                         02/22/11
7,894,130                       11/923,110                         02/22/11
7,894,148                       12/085,863                         02/22/11
7,894,151                       12/032,137                         02/22/11
7,894,154                       12/268,578                         02/22/11
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 100 

7,894,157                       11/837,392                         02/22/11
7,894,161                       11/680,789                         02/22/11
7,894,164                       11/778,665                         02/22/11
7,894,174                       12/049,832                         02/22/11
7,894,196                       12/755,187                         02/22/11
7,894,198                       12/321,711                         02/22/11
7,894,204                       12/353,341                         02/22/11
7,894,205                       12/052,396                         02/22/11
7,894,211                       12/019,517                         02/22/11
7,894,223                       11/909,259                         02/22/11
7,894,231                       12/483,328                         02/22/11
7,894,233                       12/285,914                         02/22/11
7,894,236                       11/945,443                         02/22/11
7,894,241                       12/326,940                         02/22/11
7,894,251                       12/436,611                         02/22/11
7,894,255                       11/881,049                         02/22/11
7,894,256                       11/881,159                         02/22/11
7,894,258                       12/188,057                         02/22/11
7,894,262                       12/334,708                         02/22/11
7,894,275                       11/818,165                         02/22/11
7,894,276                       12/170,221                         02/22/11
7,894,278                       12/327,754                         02/22/11
7,894,279                       12/252,548                         02/22/11
7,894,281                       12/177,832                         02/22/11
7,894,282                       12/329,880                         02/22/11
7,894,287                       11/968,729                         02/22/11
7,894,304                       12/163,985                         02/22/11
7,894,309                       12/318,239                         02/22/11
7,894,313                       12/078,916                         02/22/11
7,894,317                       12/034,818                         02/22/11
7,894,319                       11/513,049                         02/22/11
7,894,322                       12/440,138                         02/22/11
7,894,323                       12/497,481                         02/22/11
7,894,326                       12/430,448                         02/22/11
7,894,335                       10/966,367                         02/22/11
7,894,336                       11/911,156                         02/22/11
7,894,339                       11/760,995                         02/22/11
7,894,345                       12/049,657                         02/22/11
7,894,351                       11/561,846                         02/22/11
7,894,376                       11/847,533                         02/22/11
7,894,381                       10/791,544                         02/22/11
7,894,387                       11/230,139                         02/22/11
7,894,400                       11/862,963                         02/22/11
7,894,401                       10/534,044                         02/22/11
7,894,415                       12/251,040                         02/22/11
7,894,419                       11/523,116                         02/22/11
7,894,457                       11/513,676                         02/22/11
7,894,471                       12/382,414                         02/22/11
7,894,472                       11/074,029                         02/22/11
7,894,499                       10/823,653                         02/22/11
7,894,508                       11/221,145                         02/22/11
7,894,512                       11/830,881                         02/22/11
7,894,518                       11/308,388                         02/22/11
7,894,519                       12/360,051                         02/22/11
7,894,522                       11/229,286                         02/22/11
7,894,541                       11/980,682                         02/22/11
7,894,550                       11/621,882                         02/22/11
7,894,566                       12/504,665                         02/22/11
7,894,577                       12/515,453                         02/22/11
7,894,592                       11/115,288                         02/22/11
7,894,599                       11/566,483                         02/22/11
7,894,611                       12/631,911                         02/22/11
7,894,614                       10/965,981                         02/22/11
7,894,615                       11/323,030                         02/22/11
7,894,616                       10/550,170                         02/22/11
7,894,618                       11/460,626                         02/22/11
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 101 

7,894,620                       11/557,919                         02/22/11
7,894,629                       12/749,321                         02/22/11
7,894,639                       12/277,804                         02/22/11
7,894,640                       12/375,328                         02/22/11
7,894,645                       10/343,952                         02/22/11
7,894,650                       11/599,184                         02/22/11
7,894,654                       12/498,648                         02/22/11
7,894,660                       11/785,181                         02/22/11
7,894,671                       12/618,747                         02/22/11
7,894,672                       12/618,748                         02/22/11
7,894,688                       10/598,228                         02/22/11
7,894,700                       12/500,255                         02/22/11
7,894,702                       12/411,934                         02/22/11
7,894,703                       11/228,518                         02/22/11
7,894,706                       10/730,053                         02/22/11
7,894,709                       10/568,375                         02/22/11
7,894,713                       12/348,670                         02/22/11
7,894,714                       12/395,901                         02/22/11
7,894,749                       11/864,155                         02/22/11
7,894,771                       11/507,269                         02/22/11
7,894,780                       11/762,573                         02/22/11
7,894,782                       11/850,808                         02/22/11
7,894,793                       11/306,968                         02/22/11
7,894,794                       11/697,795                         02/22/11
7,894,803                       10/070,106                         02/22/11
7,894,804                       11/790,584                         02/22/11
7,894,806                       11/424,899                         02/22/11
7,894,808                       10/989,572                         02/22/11
7,894,815                       11/544,831                         02/22/11
7,894,821                       11/713,154                         02/22/11
7,894,828                       11/755,808                         02/22/11
7,894,830                       11/796,647                         02/22/11
7,894,839                       12/173,621                         02/22/11
7,894,851                       11/729,390                         02/22/11
7,894,855                       12/778,089                         02/22/11
7,894,863                       11/799,770                         02/22/11
7,894,874                       11/429,432                         02/22/11
7,894,875                       11/628,089                         02/22/11
7,894,888                       12/236,558                         02/22/11
7,894,914                       11/846,246                         02/22/11
7,894,916                       10/203,079                         02/22/11
7,894,920                       11/707,765                         02/22/11
7,894,950                       12/832,849                         02/22/11
7,894,979                       11/629,796                         02/22/11
7,894,983                       11/999,134                         02/22/11
7,894,991                       12/361,623                         02/22/11
7,894,996                       11/817,309                         02/22/11
7,894,997                       12/607,577                         02/22/11
7,895,008                       12/049,565                         02/22/11
7,895,014                       11/803,860                         02/22/11
7,895,020                       10/845,528                         02/22/11
7,895,021                       11/820,038                         02/22/11
7,895,024                       11/852,671                         02/22/11
7,895,025                       10/591,816                         02/22/11
7,895,031                       11/394,099                         02/22/11
7,895,037                       12/029,343                         02/22/11
7,895,038                       12/126,971                         02/22/11
7,895,050                       12/233,077                         02/22/11
7,895,057                       11/797,620                         02/22/11
7,895,069                       11/558,310                         02/22/11
7,895,090                       11/875,159                         02/22/11
7,895,091                       11/935,382                         02/22/11
7,895,097                       09/995,294                         02/22/11
7,895,107                       12/765,749                         02/22/11
7,895,131                       11/969,667                         02/22/11
7,895,133                       11/697,882                         02/22/11
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 102 

7,895,136                       12/415,828                         02/22/11
7,895,137                       12/505,212                         02/22/11
7,895,140                       12/275,778                         02/22/11
7,895,143                       11/971,316                         02/22/11
7,895,144                       11/971,405                         02/22/11
7,895,147                       12/129,001                         02/22/11
7,895,150                       11/563,485                         02/22/11
7,895,152                       12/273,629                         02/22/11
7,895,155                       11/853,870                         02/22/11
7,895,156                       11/966,985                         02/22/11
7,895,159                       12/500,583                         02/22/11
7,895,165                       12/780,777                         02/22/11
7,895,171                       12/057,055                         02/22/11
7,895,185                       11/536,400                         02/22/11
7,895,189                       11/770,607                         02/22/11
7,895,190                       12/146,058                         02/22/11
7,895,191                       10/410,793                         02/22/11
7,895,193                       11/239,891                         02/22/11
7,895,196                       10/835,983                         02/22/11
7,895,202                       11/899,871                         02/22/11
7,895,203                       11/935,534                         02/22/11
7,895,211                       11/556,609                         02/22/11
7,895,228                       11/751,861                         02/22/11
7,895,229                       11/807,145                         02/22/11
7,895,237                       11/523,730                         02/22/11
7,895,238                       11/842,426                         02/22/11
7,895,245                       11/555,003                         02/22/11
7,895,259                       12/055,929                         02/22/11
7,895,260                       12/180,963                         02/22/11
7,895,274                       10/450,041                         02/22/11
7,895,277                       11/873,680                         02/22/11
7,895,278                       12/013,525                         02/22/11
7,895,285                       12/268,321                         02/22/11
7,895,290                       12/085,526                         02/22/11
7,895,311                       11/560,961                         02/22/11
7,895,328                       10/685,160                         02/22/11
7,895,330                       11/551,278                         02/22/11
7,895,331                       11/837,095                         02/22/11
7,895,333                       12/110,076                         02/22/11
7,895,351                       11/403,419                         02/22/11
7,895,352                       12/021,873                         02/22/11
7,895,358                       11/956,947                         02/22/11
7,895,361                       10/549,152                         02/22/11
7,895,362                       11/683,046                         02/22/11
7,895,364                       11/252,366                         02/22/11
7,895,365                       12/026,748                         02/22/11
7,895,369                       12/398,693                         02/22/11
7,895,371                       11/684,381                         02/22/11
7,895,374                       12/165,809                         02/22/11
7,895,375                       11/984,102                         02/22/11
7,895,407                       11/986,321                         02/22/11
7,895,413                       12/121,564                         02/22/11
7,895,426                       11/844,449                         02/22/11
7,895,435                       11/751,571                         02/22/11
7,895,439                       11/389,378                         02/22/11
7,895,454                       11/671,579                         02/22/11
7,895,458                       11/843,758                         02/22/11
7,895,464                       12/131,329                         02/22/11
7,895,465                       12/132,128                         02/22/11
7,895,470                       11/774,996                         02/22/11
7,895,477                       12/132,135                         02/22/11
7,895,485                       12/006,480                         02/22/11
7,895,490                       12/123,547                         02/22/11
7,895,491                       11/418,588                         02/22/11
7,895,493                       12/110,611                         02/22/11
7,895,499                       11/616,480                         02/22/11
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 103 

7,895,502                       11/619,929                         02/22/11
7,895,505                       11/727,024                         02/22/11
7,895,523                       10/654,687                         02/22/11
7,895,528                       10/912,499                         02/22/11
7,895,530                       10/931,128                         02/22/11
7,895,535                       12/194,255                         02/22/11
7,895,560                       11/542,773                         02/22/11
7,895,571                       11/627,106                         02/22/11
7,895,575                       11/323,213                         02/22/11
7,895,576                       11/558,514                         02/22/11
7,895,577                       11/571,211                         02/22/11
7,895,597                       11/248,896                         02/22/11
7,895,601                       11/621,752                         02/22/11
7,895,602                       12/323,386                         02/22/11
7,895,607                       11/555,874                         02/22/11
7,895,610                       09/691,334                         02/22/11
7,895,613                       11/902,090                         02/22/11
7,895,632                       11/037,836                         02/22/11
7,895,643                       10/219,378                         02/22/11
7,895,653                       11/756,075                         02/22/11
7,895,655                       11/211,556                         02/22/11
7,895,664                       11/742,099                         02/22/11
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1413 OG 104 

Patents Reinstated Due to the Acceptance of a Late Maintenance Fee from 03/16/2015
                 Patents Reinstated Due to the Acceptance of a
                     Late Maintenance Fee from 03/16/2015

Patent         Application     Filing          Issue           Granted
Number         Number          Date            Date            Date

6,253,858      09/423,392      01/06/2000      07/03/2001      03/17/2015
6,379,985      09/682,181      08/01/2001      04/30/2002      03/19/2015
6,381,786      09/374,837      08/14/1999      05/07/2002      03/17/2015
6,475,045      09/767,234      01/18/2001      11/05/2002      03/16/2015
6,477,506      09/247,910      02/11/1999      11/05/2002      03/19/2015
6,813,011      10/058,546      01/28/2002      11/02/2004      03/19/2015
6,832,312      09/747,783      12/22/2000      12/14/2004      03/19/2015
6,844,049      10/283,698      10/30/2002      01/18/2005      03/19/2015
6,922,943      10/391,426      03/18/2003      08/02/2005      03/20/2015
6,939,085      10/719,160      11/21/2003      09/06/2005      03/16/2015
6,966,293      10/921,708      08/19/2004      11/22/2005      03/17/2015
7,016,363      09/693,358      10/19/2000      03/21/2006      03/20/2015
7,074,339      10/424,500      04/28/2003      07/11/2006      03/17/2015
7,087,653      10/804,803      03/19/2004      08/08/2006      03/17/2015
7,147,745      11/352,821      02/13/2006      12/12/2006      03/16/2015
7,165,627      10/755,088      01/10/2004      01/23/2007      03/19/2015
7,168,395      10/961,619      10/08/2004      01/30/2007      03/16/2015
7,176,291      10/301,589      11/22/2002      02/13/2007      03/19/2015
7,212,692      10/704,861      11/10/2003      05/01/2007      03/19/2015
7,382,775      10/847,806      05/18/2004      06/03/2008      03/20/2015
7,426,214      10/773,693      06/16/2004      09/16/2008      03/16/2015
7,460,899      11/067,168      02/25/2005      12/02/2008      03/19/2015
7,604,420      11/416,531      05/03/2006      10/20/2009      03/16/2015
7,628,312      11/305,487      12/15/2005      12/08/2009      03/20/2015
7,692,915      11/560,891      11/17/2006      04/06/2010      03/17/2015
7,720,766      12/077,474      03/19/2008      05/18/2010      03/19/2015
7,773,729      11/522,723      09/18/2006      08/10/2010      03/20/2015
7,850,536      12/696,713      01/29/2010      12/14/2010      03/18/2015
7,851,409      11/543,340      10/04/2006      12/14/2010      03/16/2015
7,875,239      12/538,463      08/10/2009      01/25/2011      03/20/2015
7,882,838      12/041,469      03/03/2008      02/08/2011      03/16/2015
7,891,541      12/079,790      03/27/2008      02/22/2011      03/20/2015
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1413 OG 105 

Reissue Applications Filed
                          Reissue Applications Filed

   Notice under 37 CFR 1.11(b). The reissue applications listed below
are open to public inspection by the general public through the Image
File Wrapper (IFW) system (
on the USPTO internet web site (, and copies may be obtained
by paying the fee therefor (37 CFR 1.19).

   RE. 45,322, Re. S.N. 14/535,941, Nov. 07, 2014, Cl.: 434, FAST TYPING
SYSTEM AND METHOD, David H. Levy, Berkeley, CA, Owner of Record: Nuance
Communications, Inc., Burlington, MA, Attorney or Agent: Daniel G. Rudoy,
Ex. Gp.: 3715

   6,824,718, Re. S.N: 14/657,196, Mar. 13, 2015, Cl.: 264, PROCESS OF
MAKING A FIBROUS ELECTRET WEB, Philip D. Eitzman, et. al., Owner of Record:
3M Innovative Properties Company, Attorney or Agent: David Cleveland,
Ex. Gp.: 1742

   6,878,358, Re. S.N: 14/658,322, Mar. 16, 2015, Cl.: 423, PROCESS FOR
Bromerc Limited, Attorney or Agent: George A. Coury, Ex. Gp.: 1736

   6,904,290, Re. S.N. 14/575,452, Dec. 18, 2014, Cl./Sub.: 455/522, METHOD
Optis Wireless Technology, LLC, Plano, TX, Attorney or Agent: Vincent J.
Allen, Ex. Gp.: 2684

   7,174,173, Re. S.N. 14/583,055, Dec. 24, 2014, Cl.: 455/457, LOCATION-
BASED VEHICLE MESSAGING SYSTEM, Bradford Needham et. al, Owner of Record:
INTEL CORPORATION, Attorney or Agent: Aslam A. Jaffery, Ex. Gp.: 2617

   7,818,257, Re. S.N. 14/608,117, Jan. 28, 2015, Cl.: 705/057, PROGRAM
Owner of Record: DELUXE LABORATORIES, Attorney or Agent: Lehue Wang,
Ex. Gp.: 3621

   8,108,346, Re. S.N. 14/642,727, Mar. 09, 2015, Cl.: 707, SYSTEMS AND
et al, Owner of Record: Symantec Corporation, Mountain View, CA, Attorney
or Agent: Bryan K. Hanks, Ex. Gp.: 2155

   8,265,305, Re. S.N: 14/483,119, Sep. 16, 2014, Cl.: 381, AUDIO SYSTEM,
Takamitsu AOKI, Owner of Record: Yamaha Corporation, Shizuoka-ken, JP.,
Attorney or Agent: David S. Kim, Ex. Gp.: 2614

   8,332,131, Re. S.N. 14/567,841, Dec. 11, 2014, Cl.: 701/117, METHOD AND
Joon Hwi Lee et. al, Owner of Record: LG ELECTRONICS INC., Attorney or
Agent: Nicholas Jepsen, Ex. Gp.: 3667

   8,358,906, Re. S.N. 14/601,569, Jan. 21, 2015, Cl.: 386, CONTENT
Owner of Record: SONY CORPORATION, Tokyo, JAPAN, Attorney or Agent:
Christopher M. Tobin, Ex. Gp.: 2434

   8,363,476, Re. S.N. 14/602,158, Jan. 21, 2015, Cl.: 365/185, MEMORY
Lue et. al, Owner of Record: MACRONIX INTERNATIONAL CO. LTD., Attorney or
Agent: Mark A. Haynes, Ex. Gp.: 2827

   8,366,076, Re. S.N. 14/614,106, Feb. 04, 2015, Cl.: 254, STAPLE REMOVER,
Anton Paul Ness, Lansdale, PA, Owner of Record: Inventor, Attorney or
Agent: Joseph R. Falcon, Ex. Gp.: 3727

   8,369,434, Re. S.N. 14/614,197, Feb. 04, 2015, Cl.: 375, 16K MODE
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 106 

Athol Taylor, et al, Owner of Record: Sony Corporation, Tokyo, JAPAN
Attorney or Agent: Kurt M. Berger, Ex. Gp.: 2634

   8,376,081, Re. S.N. 14/625,987, Feb. 19, 2015, Cl.: 182/005, AUTO-LOCK
COMPACT ROPE DESCENT DEVICE, Peter M. Schwarzenbach et. al, Owner of
Record: STERLING ROPE COMPANY, INC., Attorney or Agent: Michael A. Bartley,
Ex. Gp.: 3634

   8,379,556, Re. S.N. 14/626,574, Feb. 19, 2015, Cl.: 370/311, METHOD AND
Choi et. al, Owner of Record: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD, Attorney or
Agent: Donald A. DiPaula, Ex. Gp.: 2472

   8,380,375, Re. S.N. 14/625,801, Feb. 19, 2015, Cl.: 701/021, DEVICE,
of Record: IPOZ SYSTEMS, LLC, Attorney or Agent: Amir M. Jamshidi,
Ex. Gp.: 3993

   8,384,525, Re. S.N. 14/632,192, Feb. 26, 2015, Cl.: 340, CONTACTLESS
Owner of Record: III Holdings 3 LLC, Wilmington, DE, Attorney or Agent:
Christoph L. Kalafut, Ex. Gp.:2689

   8,387,097, Re. S.N. 14/632,224, Feb. 26, 2015, Cl.: 725, DIGITAL
BROADCASTING SYSTEM, Pil Sup Shin, et al, Owner of Record: LG ELECTRONICS
INC., Seoul, KR, Attorney or Agent: Jeffrey J. Lotspeich, Ex. Gp.: 2426

   8,387,213, Re. S.N: 14/638,516, Mar. 04, 2015, Cl.: 016, FURNITURE
HINGE, Harald BRUNNMAYR, Owner of Record: Julius Blum GmbH, Attorney or
Agent: W. Douglas Hahm, Ex. Gp.: 3677

   8,389,292, Re. S.N. 14/639,834, Mar. 05, 2015, Cl.: 436, METHODS FOR
Holmquist, et al, Owner of Record: Quest Diagnostics Investments
Incorporated, Wilmington, DE, Attorney or Agent: Jeffrey R. Lomprev,
Ex. Gp.: 1773

   8,389,906, Re. S.N. 14/637,408, Mar. 04, 2015, Cl./Sub.: 219/223, HEATED
WIRE ELECTRIC SHAVER, Zion Azar, et al., Owner of Record: Radiancy Inc.,
Orangeburg, NY, Attorney or Agent: Simon Kahn, Ex. Gp.: 3742

   8,389,969, Re. S.N. 14/639,672, Mar. 05, 2015, Cl.: 257, SEMICONDUCTOR
Shuichi Tsukada, et al, Owner of Record: PS4 Luxco S.a.r.l, Luxembourg,
Luxembourg, Attorney or Agent: Michael Rocco Cannatti, Ex. Gp.: 2826

   8,390,283, Re. S.N. 14/638,583, Mar. 04, 2015, Cl./Sub.: 324/252, THREE
AXIS MAGNETIC FIELD SENSOR, Phillip Mather, et al., Owner of Record:
Everspin Technologies, Inc., Chandler, AZ, Attorney or Agent: James R.
Carpenter, Ex. Gp: 2858

   8,392,953, Re. S.N. 14/639,744, Mar. 05, 2015, Cl.: 725, BROADCASTING
Chin Sik Yun, et al, Owner of Record: LG Electronics In., Seoul, KOREA,
Attorney or Agent: Richard C. Salfelder, Ex. Gp.: 2425

   8,411,376, Re. S.N. 14/642,942, Mar. 10, 2015, Cl.: 359, IMAGING LENS,
Yuji Kubota, Nagano, JAPAN, Owner of Record: OPTICAL LOGIC INC., Nagano,
JAPAN, KANTATSU CO., LTD., Tochigi, JAPAN, Attorney or Agent: Kazunao
Kubotera, Ex. Gp.: 2872

   8,644,869, Re. S.N. 14/621,040, Feb. 12, 2015, Cl.: 455/509, METHOD AND
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 107 

Owner of Record: LG ELECTRONICS INC. Attorney or Agent: Richard C.
Salfelder, Ex. Gp.: 3992

   8,670,554, Re. S.N: 14/660,689, Mar. 17, 2015, Cl.: 379, SEPARABLE AUDIO
SEPARATION, Shridhar K. Mukund, Owner of Record: Plantronics, Inc.,
Attorney or Agent: Michael L. Gencarella, Ex. Gp.: 2653

   8,749,150, Re. S.N. 14/614,511, Feb. 05, 2015, Cl.: 315, CIRCUIT AND
et al, Owner of Record: Osram GmbH, Muenchen, GERMANY, Attorney or Agent:
Joseph F. Lechner, Ex. Gp.: 2844

   8,761,077, Re. S.N. 14/631,685, Feb. 25, 2015, Cl.: 370, CONTROL SIGNAL
Owner of Record: LG Electronics Inc., Seoul, KOREA, Attorney or Agent:
Esther H. Chong, Ex. Gp.: 2476

   8,767,441, Re. S.N. 14/612,025, Feb. 02, 2015, Cl.: 257/004, SWITCHING
DEVICE HAVING A NON-LINEAR ELEMENT, Wei Lu et. al, Owner of Record:
CROSSBAR, INC., Attorney or Agent: Im Seon Song, Ex. Gp.: 2818

   8,795,465, Re. S.N. 14/632,255, Feb. 26, 2015, Cl./Sub.: 156/324, METHOD
OBTAINED BY PERFORMING THE METHOD, Darius J. Preisler, et al., Owner of
Record: Global IP Holdings, LLC, Sterling Heights, MI, Attorney or Agent:
David R. Syrowik, Ex. Gp.: 1781

   8,827,851, Re. S.N. 14/643,804, Mar. 10, 2015, Cl.: 474, POWER
Attorney or Agent: Ryan W. Smith, Ex. Gp.: 3654
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1413 OG 108 

Requests for Ex Parte Reexamination Filed
                Requests for Ex Parte Reexamination Filed

   5,561,236, Reexam. C.N. 90/013,452, Requested Date: Feb. 17, 2015,
Jan Leemans et al., Owners of Record: Bayer CropScience N.V., Belgium,
Attorney or Agent: Birch Stewart Kolash & Birch, LLP., Falls Church, VA,
Ex. Gp.: 3991, Requester: Edgar R. Cataxinos, Traskbritt, PC., Salt Lake
City, UT

   5,646,024, Reexam. C.N. 90/013,449, Requested Date: Feb. 18, 2015,
Jan Leemans et al., Owners of Record: Bayer CropScience N.V., Belgium,
Attorney or Agent: Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, PC., Alexandria, VA,
Ex. Gp.: 3991, Requester: Edgar R. Cataxinos, Traskbritt, PC., Salt Lake
City, UT

   5,648,477, Reexam. C.N. 90/013,453, Requested Date: Feb. 17, 2015,
Jan Leemans et al., Owners of Record: Bayer CropScience N.V., Belgium,
Attorney or Agent: Birch Stewart Kolasch & Birch, LLP., Falls Church, VA,
Ex. Gp.: 3991, Requester: Edgar R. Cataxinos, Traskbritt, PC., Salt Lake
City, UT

   5,749,905, Reexam. C.N. 90/013,454, Requested Date: Feb. 18, 2015,
ELECTRICAL PARAMETERS, Inventor: Bradford E. Gliner et al., Owners of
Record: Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Andover, MA,
Attorney or Agent: Philips Intellectual Property & Standards, Briarcliff
Manor, NY, Ex. Gp.: 3993, Requester: Zoll Medical Corporation, Nima Hefazi,
Irell & Manella, LLP., Los Angeles, CA

  6,217,325, Reexam. C.N. 90/013,457, Requested Date: Feb. 20, 2015,
Inventor: Muhammad Chishti et al., Owners of Record: Align Technology,
Inc., Redwood City, CA, Attorney or Agent: WSGR/Align Technology, Inc.,
Palo Alto, CA, Ex. Gp.: 3993, Requester: ClearCorrect Operating, LLC.,
Scott A. McKeown, Oblon McClelland Maier & Neustadt, LLP., Alexandria, VA

   7,616,329, Reexam. C.N. 90/013,455, Requested Date: Feb. 19, 2015,
Inventor: Christopher M. Villar et al., Owners of Record: Georgetown Rail
Equipment Company, Georgetown, TX, Attorney or Agent: Parsons Behle &
Latimer, Boise, ID, Ex. Gp.: 3992, Requester: Robert W. Diehl, Bishop Diehl
& Lee, LTD., Schaumburg, IL

   7,919,159, Reexam. C.N. 90/013,456, Requested Date: Feb. 20, 2015,
BARRIER AND IMPROVED CLARITY, Inventor: Zhenguo Liu et al., Owners of
Record: INVISTA North America SARL., Charlotte, NC, Attorney or Agent:
INVISTA North America SARL, Wilmington, DE, Ex. Gp.: 3991, Requester: M&G
USA Corporation, Edwin A. Sisson, Edwin A. Sisson, Attorney At Law, LLC.,
Sharon Center, OH
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1413 OG 109 

Notice of Expiration of Trademark Registrations Due to Failure to Renew
                Notice of Expiration of Trademark Registrations
                            Due to Failure to Renew

   15 U.S.C. 1059 provides that each trademark registration may be
renewed for periods of ten years from the end of the expiring period
upon payment of the prescribed fee and the filing of an acceptable
application for renewal. This may be done at any time within one year
before the expiration of the period for which the registration was
issued or renewed, or it may be done within six months after such
expiration on payment of an additional fee.
   According to the records of the Office, the trademark registrations
listed below are expired due to failure to renew in accordance with 15
U.S.C. 1059.

                                March 20, 2015
                           DUE TO FAILURE TO RENEW

Reg. Number                     Serial Number                     Reg. Date

2,874,130                        76/550,326                      08/17/2004
2,875,669                        78/208,445                      08/17/2004
1,289,796                        73/394,630                      08/14/1984
1,289,985                        73/396,728                      08/14/1984
1,290,013                        73/410,757                      08/14/1984
1,850,150                        74/264,054                      08/16/1994
2,873,028                        75/372,438                      08/17/2004
2,875,122                        75/679,886                      08/17/2004
2,875,129                        75/753,554                      08/17/2004
2,875,133                        75/773,368                      08/17/2004
2,875,134                        75/786,159                      08/17/2004
2,875,136                        75/800,883                      08/17/2004
2,875,139                        75/812,273                      08/17/2004
2,873,047                        75/891,725                      08/17/2004
2,873,054                        75/982,379                      08/17/2004
3,851,901                        75/983,698                      08/17/2004
2,875,162                        76/001,998                      08/17/2004
2,875,164                        76/012,370                      08/17/2004
2,873,061                        76/038,499                      08/17/2004
2,875,170                        76/038,540                      08/17/2004
2,873,065                        76/064,788                      08/17/2004
2,875,749                        76/134,251                      08/17/2004
2,875,189                        76/153,496                      08/17/2004
2,875,191                        76/160,046                      08/17/2004
2,875,192                        76/161,365                      08/17/2004
2,875,196                        76/176,820                      08/17/2004
2,873,094                        76/177,385                      08/17/2004
2,875,206                        76/192,754                      08/17/2004
2,875,207                        76/195,562                      08/17/2004
2,875,209                        76/208,877                      08/17/2004
2,875,213                        76/218,362                      08/17/2004
2,873,107                        76/224,479                      08/17/2004
2,873,109                        76/228,974                      08/17/2004
2,875,228                        76/255,660                      08/17/2004
2,875,233                        76/262,116                      08/17/2004
2,875,236                        76/267,375                      08/17/2004
2,873,135                        76/298,811                      08/17/2004
2,873,136                        76/299,414                      08/17/2004
2,873,138                        76/302,843                      08/17/2004
2,873,145                        76/315,036                      08/17/2004
2,873,155                        76/327,049                      08/17/2004
2,875,262                        76/335,041                      08/17/2004
2,875,263                        76/335,077                      08/17/2004
2,875,265                        76/336,883                      08/17/2004
2,875,266                        76/338,229                      08/17/2004
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 110 

2,875,269                        76/342,450                      08/17/2004
2,875,272                        76/347,015                      08/17/2004
2,875,274                        76/350,953                      08/17/2004
2,875,281                        76/356,525                      08/17/2004
2,875,283                        76/362,183                      08/17/2004
2,875,752                        76/362,611                      08/17/2004
2,875,304                        76/384,628                      08/17/2004
2,875,309                        76/385,773                      08/17/2004
2,873,199                        76/386,589                      08/17/2004
2,875,312                        76/389,250                      08/17/2004
2,873,204                        76/389,853                      08/17/2004
2,873,205                        76/390,599                      08/17/2004
2,873,213                        76/395,255                      08/17/2004
2,875,755                        76/396,726                      08/17/2004
2,873,219                        76/399,106                      08/17/2004
2,875,334                        76/412,170                      08/17/2004
2,875,338                        76/417,399                      08/17/2004
2,873,252                        76/417,638                      08/17/2004
2,873,253                        76/417,639                      08/17/2004
2,873,263                        76/420,563                      08/17/2004
2,875,348                        76/424,438                      08/17/2004
2,875,352                        76/425,108                      08/17/2004
2,875,355                        76/426,649                      08/17/2004
2,873,279                        76/426,826                      08/17/2004
2,873,285                        76/430,011                      08/17/2004
2,873,286                        76/430,012                      08/17/2004
2,873,289                        76/430,487                      08/17/2004
2,873,302                        76/434,997                      08/17/2004
2,873,306                        76/435,985                      08/17/2004
2,875,376                        76/439,353                      08/17/2004
2,875,378                        76/440,344                      08/17/2004
2,875,383                        76/441,734                      08/17/2004
2,873,323                        76/443,627                      08/17/2004
2,875,388                        76/443,961                      08/17/2004
2,873,326                        76/444,077                      08/17/2004
2,875,761                        76/445,064                      08/17/2004
2,875,762                        76/446,993                      08/17/2004
2,873,333                        76/448,040                      08/17/2004
2,873,336                        76/449,837                      08/17/2004
2,875,398                        76/452,928                      08/17/2004
2,873,351                        76/456,642                      08/17/2004
2,873,353                        76/457,527                      08/17/2004
2,875,764                        76/457,758                      08/17/2004
2,873,356                        76/459,093                      08/17/2004
2,873,359                        76/460,301                      08/17/2004
2,873,361                        76/461,087                      08/17/2004
2,875,416                        76/463,121                      08/17/2004
2,875,428                        76/469,914                      08/17/2004
2,875,430                        76/470,116                      08/17/2004
2,875,436                        76/472,678                      08/17/2004
2,873,390                        76/473,896                      08/17/2004
2,873,402                        76/474,805                      08/17/2004
2,875,443                        76/474,999                      08/17/2004
2,873,403                        76/475,044                      08/17/2004
2,873,410                        76/475,825                      08/17/2004
2,873,412                        76/476,345                      08/17/2004
2,873,417                        76/477,356                      08/17/2004
2,875,448                        76/477,458                      08/17/2004
2,875,451                        76/479,056                      08/17/2004
2,875,454                        76/480,337                      08/17/2004
2,873,457                        76/482,560                      08/17/2004
2,873,468                        76/484,159                      08/17/2004
2,873,473                        76/485,076                      08/17/2004
2,873,476                        76/485,366                      08/17/2004
2,875,462                        76/486,057                      08/17/2004
2,875,770                        76/486,278                      08/17/2004
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 111 

2,875,466                        76/486,660                      08/17/2004
2,875,771                        76/487,164                      08/17/2004
2,873,498                        76/487,979                      08/17/2004
2,875,469                        76/488,054                      08/17/2004
2,875,472                        76/490,106                      08/17/2004
2,873,525                        76/491,072                      08/17/2004
2,873,535                        76/491,740                      08/17/2004
2,875,475                        76/492,055                      08/17/2004
2,873,545                        76/492,509                      08/17/2004
2,873,552                        76/493,147                      08/17/2004
2,873,562                        76/493,723                      08/17/2004
2,875,773                        76/493,862                      08/17/2004
2,873,588                        76/495,106                      08/17/2004
2,873,597                        76/495,831                      08/17/2004
2,873,610                        76/496,870                      08/17/2004
2,873,622                        76/497,917                      08/17/2004
2,873,626                        76/498,383                      08/17/2004
2,873,643                        76/499,764                      08/17/2004
2,873,655                        76/500,784                      08/17/2004
2,875,489                        76/500,910                      08/17/2004
2,873,661                        76/501,701                      08/17/2004
2,873,673                        76/502,854                      08/17/2004
2,875,778                        76/503,793                      08/17/2004
2,873,679                        76/504,132                      08/17/2004
2,873,680                        76/504,197                      08/17/2004
2,873,682                        76/504,457                      08/17/2004
2,873,692                        76/505,914                      08/17/2004
2,873,695                        76/506,019                      08/17/2004
2,873,711                        76/509,172                      08/17/2004
2,873,729                        76/512,687                      08/17/2004
2,873,735                        76/514,384                      08/17/2004
2,875,783                        76/514,807                      08/17/2004
2,873,739                        76/515,187                      08/17/2004
2,873,741                        76/515,307                      08/17/2004
2,873,745                        76/515,855                      08/17/2004
2,875,786                        76/517,218                      08/17/2004
2,873,761                        76/518,101                      08/17/2004
2,873,768                        76/519,467                      08/17/2004
2,873,779                        76/522,432                      08/17/2004
2,873,783                        76/522,814                      08/17/2004
2,873,784                        76/522,897                      08/17/2004
2,873,785                        76/522,936                      08/17/2004
2,873,791                        76/523,491                      08/17/2004
2,873,798                        76/523,989                      08/17/2004
2,873,806                        76/524,890                      08/17/2004
2,873,807                        76/525,026                      08/17/2004
2,873,809                        76/525,210                      08/17/2004
2,873,811                        76/525,234                      08/17/2004
2,873,816                        76/525,429                      08/17/2004
2,873,824                        76/526,178                      08/17/2004
2,873,825                        76/526,265                      08/17/2004
2,873,838                        76/527,015                      08/17/2004
2,873,839                        76/527,049                      08/17/2004
2,873,840                        76/527,180                      08/17/2004
2,873,842                        76/527,416                      08/17/2004
2,873,844                        76/527,536                      08/17/2004
2,873,845                        76/527,654                      08/17/2004
2,873,853                        76/528,258                      08/17/2004
2,873,857                        76/528,519                      08/17/2004
2,873,861                        76/528,949                      08/17/2004
2,873,874                        76/530,493                      08/17/2004
2,873,882                        76/531,304                      08/17/2004
2,873,883                        76/531,625                      08/17/2004
2,875,789                        76/531,880                      08/17/2004
2,873,902                        76/533,489                      08/17/2004
2,873,905                        76/533,577                      08/17/2004
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 112 

2,873,920                        76/535,527                      08/17/2004
2,873,923                        76/535,718                      08/17/2004
2,873,925                        76/535,764                      08/17/2004
2,873,931                        76/535,965                      08/17/2004
2,873,961                        76/538,075                      08/17/2004
2,873,962                        76/538,121                      08/17/2004
2,873,969                        76/538,744                      08/17/2004
2,873,975                        76/539,478                      08/17/2004
2,874,010                        76/541,398                      08/17/2004
2,874,018                        76/541,631                      08/17/2004
2,874,019                        76/541,706                      08/17/2004
2,874,036                        76/542,403                      08/17/2004
2,874,044                        76/542,648                      08/17/2004
2,874,055                        76/542,899                      08/17/2004
2,874,072                        76/544,052                      08/17/2004
2,874,089                        76/545,236                      08/17/2004
2,874,092                        76/545,275                      08/17/2004
2,874,093                        76/545,498                      08/17/2004
2,874,095                        76/546,064                      08/17/2004
2,874,097                        76/546,104                      08/17/2004
2,874,107                        76/547,635                      08/17/2004
2,874,116                        76/548,600                      08/17/2004
2,874,120                        76/548,953                      08/17/2004
2,874,127                        76/549,723                      08/17/2004
2,874,131                        76/550,327                      08/17/2004
2,874,134                        76/550,797                      08/17/2004
2,874,144                        76/552,211                      08/17/2004
2,874,147                        76/552,352                      08/17/2004
2,874,163                        76/553,324                      08/17/2004
2,874,174                        76/555,676                      08/17/2004
2,874,178                        76/556,011                      08/17/2004
2,874,192                        76/557,752                      08/17/2004
2,874,196                        76/562,981                      08/17/2004
2,874,200                        76/976,079                      08/17/2004
2,875,511                        78/009,630                      08/17/2004
2,875,525                        78/059,478                      08/17/2004
2,875,527                        78/061,273                      08/17/2004
2,875,532                        78/071,127                      08/17/2004
2,875,533                        78/074,378                      08/17/2004
2,875,534                        78/080,515                      08/17/2004
2,875,540                        78/104,244                      08/17/2004
2,875,541                        78/105,141                      08/17/2004
2,875,542                        78/105,948                      08/17/2004
2,875,544                        78/106,945                      08/17/2004
2,875,550                        78/116,379                      08/17/2004
2,875,553                        78/128,385                      08/17/2004
2,874,233                        78/139,027                      08/17/2004
2,874,236                        78/139,877                      08/17/2004
2,874,245                        78/149,345                      08/17/2004
2,874,246                        78/150,302                      08/17/2004
2,874,251                        78/153,748                      08/17/2004
2,875,579                        78/157,460                      08/17/2004
2,875,583                        78/166,530                      08/17/2004
2,875,586                        78/167,843                      08/17/2004
2,874,271                        78/173,118                      08/17/2004
2,874,274                        78/175,718                      08/17/2004
2,874,276                        78/177,415                      08/17/2004
2,874,278                        78/178,215                      08/17/2004
2,874,283                        78/180,262                      08/17/2004
2,874,284                        78/180,474                      08/17/2004
2,875,604                        78/180,809                      08/17/2004
2,875,606                        78/180,912                      08/17/2004
2,875,803                        78/184,802                      08/17/2004
2,874,290                        78/185,697                      08/17/2004
2,875,620                        78/188,101                      08/17/2004
2,875,623                        78/189,709                      08/17/2004
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 113 

2,875,624                        78/191,263                      08/17/2004
2,874,308                        78/194,748                      08/17/2004
2,874,312                        78/196,437                      08/17/2004
2,875,642                        78/197,849                      08/17/2004
2,875,806                        78/198,099                      08/17/2004
2,875,648                        78/199,663                      08/17/2004
2,874,332                        78/199,712                      08/17/2004
2,874,336                        78/200,317                      08/17/2004
2,875,652                        78/201,118                      08/17/2004
2,875,654                        78/201,614                      08/17/2004
2,874,340                        78/201,900                      08/17/2004
2,874,342                        78/202,047                      08/17/2004
2,875,658                        78/203,316                      08/17/2004
2,874,350                        78/204,417                      08/17/2004
2,874,353                        78/205,316                      08/17/2004
2,874,359                        78/206,807                      08/17/2004
2,875,665                        78/206,833                      08/17/2004
2,874,365                        78/207,907                      08/17/2004
2,874,369                        78/208,421                      08/17/2004
2,875,670                        78/209,604                      08/17/2004
2,875,672                        78/209,718                      08/17/2004
2,874,376                        78/209,971                      08/17/2004
2,874,378                        78/210,947                      08/17/2004
2,874,379                        78/211,160                      08/17/2004
2,874,380                        78/211,175                      08/17/2004
2,874,388                        78/212,109                      08/17/2004
2,874,392                        78/212,478                      08/17/2004
2,874,397                        78/213,391                      08/17/2004
2,874,402                        78/214,078                      08/17/2004
2,874,405                        78/214,512                      08/17/2004
2,874,406                        78/214,707                      08/17/2004
2,874,419                        78/216,709                      08/17/2004
2,874,440                        78/219,733                      08/17/2004
2,874,447                        78/220,221                      08/17/2004
2,874,452                        78/220,533                      08/17/2004
2,875,689                        78/221,522                      08/17/2004
2,875,810                        78/221,984                      08/17/2004
2,875,691                        78/222,568                      08/17/2004
2,874,486                        78/225,239                      08/17/2004
2,874,496                        78/227,125                      08/17/2004
2,875,813                        78/227,611                      08/17/2004
2,874,502                        78/228,271                      08/17/2004
2,874,525                        78/231,376                      08/17/2004
2,874,526                        78/231,401                      08/17/2004
2,875,706                        78/232,824                      08/17/2004
2,874,537                        78/232,988                      08/17/2004
2,874,538                        78/233,294                      08/17/2004
2,875,815                        78/235,456                      08/17/2004
2,875,817                        78/236,333                      08/17/2004
2,874,559                        78/236,773                      08/17/2004
2,874,564                        78/238,121                      08/17/2004
2,874,577                        78/241,510                      08/17/2004
2,874,589                        78/243,994                      08/17/2004
2,874,590                        78/244,146                      08/17/2004
2,874,595                        78/245,279                      08/17/2004
2,874,598                        78/245,581                      08/17/2004
2,875,722                        78/248,535                      08/17/2004
2,874,615                        78/248,768                      08/17/2004
2,874,623                        78/251,434                      08/17/2004
2,874,624                        78/251,469                      08/17/2004
2,874,626                        78/251,878                      08/17/2004
2,874,631                        78/253,226                      08/17/2004
2,875,730                        78/254,178                      08/17/2004
2,874,637                        78/254,689                      08/17/2004
2,874,646                        78/255,702                      08/17/2004
2,875,732                        78/255,759                      08/17/2004
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 114 

2,875,733                        78/255,778                      08/17/2004
2,874,656                        78/258,681                      08/17/2004
2,874,658                        78/259,188                      08/17/2004
2,874,673                        78/261,729                      08/17/2004
2,874,684                        78/263,231                      08/17/2004
2,874,690                        78/264,938                      08/17/2004
2,874,692                        78/265,193                      08/17/2004
2,874,694                        78/265,894                      08/17/2004
2,875,824                        78/266,416                      08/17/2004
2,874,702                        78/267,041                      08/17/2004
2,874,708                        78/267,774                      08/17/2004
2,875,739                        78/268,601                      08/17/2004
2,874,718                        78/268,886                      08/17/2004
2,874,721                        78/269,516                      08/17/2004
2,875,740                        78/270,636                      08/17/2004
2,874,734                        78/271,764                      08/17/2004
2,874,736                        78/272,152                      08/17/2004
2,874,737                        78/272,156                      08/17/2004
2,874,740                        78/272,522                      08/17/2004
2,874,755                        78/275,966                      08/17/2004
2,874,758                        78/276,284                      08/17/2004
2,874,767                        78/277,424                      08/17/2004
2,874,777                        78/278,393                      08/17/2004
2,874,783                        78/279,538                      08/17/2004
2,874,784                        78/279,556                      08/17/2004
2,874,785                        78/279,843                      08/17/2004
2,874,786                        78/280,004                      08/17/2004
2,874,792                        78/280,839                      08/17/2004
2,874,815                        78/283,925                      08/17/2004
2,874,816                        78/283,958                      08/17/2004
2,874,823                        78/284,360                      08/17/2004
2,874,833                        78/284,993                      08/17/2004
2,874,835                        78/285,224                      08/17/2004
2,874,841                        78/285,870                      08/17/2004
2,874,844                        78/286,091                      08/17/2004
2,874,847                        78/286,286                      08/17/2004
2,874,848                        78/286,294                      08/17/2004
2,874,850                        78/286,475                      08/17/2004
2,874,858                        78/287,397                      08/17/2004
2,874,867                        78/288,062                      08/17/2004
2,874,869                        78/288,390                      08/17/2004
2,874,877                        78/289,182                      08/17/2004
2,874,882                        78/289,267                      08/17/2004
2,874,895                        78/290,575                      08/17/2004
2,874,914                        78/291,616                      08/17/2004
2,874,941                        78/293,354                      08/17/2004
2,874,950                        78/293,677                      08/17/2004
2,874,955                        78/293,958                      08/17/2004
2,874,964                        78/294,384                      08/17/2004
2,874,971                        78/294,904                      08/17/2004
2,874,972                        78/294,926                      08/17/2004
2,874,975                        78/295,141                      08/17/2004
2,874,983                        78/295,939                      08/17/2004
2,874,997                        78/296,527                      08/17/2004
2,874,999                        78/297,006                      08/17/2004
2,875,002                        78/297,482                      08/17/2004
2,875,010                        78/298,577                      08/17/2004
2,875,011                        78/298,593                      08/17/2004
2,875,013                        78/299,316                      08/17/2004
2,875,034                        78/304,046                      08/17/2004
2,875,040                        78/305,426                      08/17/2004
2,875,044                        78/306,064                      08/17/2004
2,875,045                        78/306,162                      08/17/2004
2,875,046                        78/306,167                      08/17/2004
2,875,051                        78/307,031                      08/17/2004
2,875,059                        78/308,427                      08/17/2004
2,875,065                        78/309,637                      08/17/2004
2,875,071                        78/310,931                      08/17/2004
2,875,076                        78/311,665                      08/17/2004
2,875,084                        78/312,986                      08/17/2004
2,875,099                        78/316,222                      08/17/2004
2,875,103                        78/317,063                      08/17/2004
2,875,104                        78/317,232                      08/17/2004
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1413 OG 115 

Service by Publication
                          Service by Publication

   A petition to cancel the registration identified below having been
filed, and the notice of such proceeding sent to registrant at the last
known address having been returned by the Postal Service as undeliverable,
notice is hereby given that unless the registrant listed herein, its
assigns or legal representatives, shall enter an appearance within thirty
days of this publication, the cancellation will proceed as in the case of

Filophone Electronics AS,Oslo, Norway, Registration No. 4051552 for the
mark "FILOPHONE", Cancellation No. 92060708.

Cup of Life, Inc., Dallas, TX, Registration No. 3888008 for the mark "A
CUP OF TEA IS A CUP OF LIFE", Cancellation No. 92060204.

                                                            ELLEN M. YOWELL
                                                       Paralegal Specialist
                                      Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, for
                                                         MARY BONEY DENISON
                                                Commissioner for Trademarks

                          Service by Publication

   A petition to cancel the registration identified below having been
filed, and the notice of such proceeding sent to registrant at the last
known address having been returned by the Postal Service as undeliverable,
notice is hereby given that unless the registrant listed herein, its
assigns or legal representatives, shall enter an appearance within thirty
days of this publication, the cancellation will proceed as in the case of

The American Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc, Spicewood, TX, Registration
No. 4475259 for the mark "R+P", Cancellation No. 92060694.

3303292 Canada Inc. dba North Pole of America, Montreal, Canada,
Registration No. 3834979 for the mark "ME 2 WE", Cancellation No. 92060792.

                                                           MILLICENT CANADY
                                      Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, for
                                                         MARY BONEY DENISON
                                                Commissioner for Trademarks

                          Service by Publication

   A petition to cancel the registration identified below having been
filed, and the notice of such proceeding sent to registrant at the last
known address having been returned by the Postal Service as undeliverable,
notice is hereby given that unless the registrant listed herein, its
assigns or legal representatives, shall enter an appearance within thirty
days of this publication, the cancellation will proceed as in the case of

Law LLC, Irvine, CA, Registration No. 2043600 for the mark
"LAWVANTAGE", Cancellation No. 92060733.

MileMeter, Inc., Dallas, TX, Registration No. 3891567 for the mark
"INSURANCE BY THE MILE", Cancellation No. 92060752.

                                                               AMY MATELSKI
                                                       Paralegal Specialist
                                      Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, for
                                                         MARY BONEY DENISON
                                                Commissioner for Trademarks
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 116 

                          Service by Publication

   A notice of opposition to the registration of the mark in the
application identified below having been filed, and the notice of such
proceeding sent to applicant at the last known address having been returned
by the Postal Service as undeliverable, notice is hereby given that unless
the applicant listed herein, its assigns or legal representatives, shall
enter an appearance within thirty days of this publication, the opposition
will proceed as in the case of default.

Alam Khurshid, Sarasota, FL, Application Serial No. 86145438 for the
mark "", Opposition No. 91219107.

                                                               AMY MATELSKI
                                                       Paralegal Specialist
                                      Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, for
                                                         MARY BONEY DENISON
                                                Commissioner for Trademarks

                          Service by Publication

   A petition to cancel the registration identified below having been
filed, and the notice of such proceeding sent to registrant at the last
known address having been returned by the Postal Service as undeliverable,
notice is hereby given that unless the registrant listed herein, its
assigns or legal representatives, shall enter an appearance within thirty
days of this publication, the cancellation will proceed as in the case of

Russco Lighting Technoligies, Inc., Cumming, GA, Registration No. 4197485
for the mark "RUSSCO", Cancellation No. 92060619.

                                                         KARL KOCHERSPERGER
                                                       Paralegal Specialist
                                      Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, for
                                                         MARY BONEY DENISON
                                                Commissioner for Trademarks

                          Service by Publication

   A notice of opposition to the registration of the mark in the
application identified below having been filed, and the notice of such
proceeding sent to applicant at the last known address having been returned
by the Postal Service as undeliverable, notice is hereby given that unless
the applicant listed herein, its assigns or legal representatives, shall
enter an appearance within thirty days of this publication, the opposition
will proceed as in the case of default.

Khurshid Alam, SARASOTA, Florida, Application Serial No. 86145436 for the
mark "KHABARNAAK", Opposition No. 91219135.

                                                      VICTORIA von VISTAUXX
                                                       Paralegal Specialist
                                      Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, for
                                                         MARY BONEY DENISON
                                                Commissioner for Trademarks

                          Service by Publication

   A petition to cancel the registration identified below having been
filed, and the notice of such proceeding sent to registrant at the last
known address having been returned by the Postal Service as undeliverable,
notice is hereby given that unless the registrant listed herein, its
assigns or legal representatives, shall enter an appearance within thirty
days of this publication, the cancellation will proceed as in the case of
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 117 


Stone Creek Entertainment Inc, Ridgefield Ct, Registration No. 3865783 for
the mark "HER PET PEEVES", Cancellation No. 92060735.

MileMeter, Inc., Dallas, TX, Registration No. 3900975 for the mark "WE
INVENTED INSURANCE BY THE MILE", Cancellation No. 92060734.

                                                      VICTORIA von VISTAUXX
                                      Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, for
                                                         MARY BONEY DENISON
                                                Commissioner for Trademarks

                          Service by Publication

   A notice of opposition to the registration of the mark in the
application identified below having been filed, and the notice of such
proceeding sent to applicant at the last known address having been returned
by the Postal Service as undeliverable, notice is hereby given that unless
the applicant listed herein, its assigns or legal representatives, shall
enter an appearance within thirty days of this publication, the opposition
will proceed as in the case of default.

Jeffrey Pickett, Petaluma, CA, Application Serial No. 86129011 for the mark
"COCOLEAN", Opposition No. 91216982.

                                                             VERONICA WHITE
                                      Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, for
                                                         MARY BONEY DENISON
                                                Commissioner for Trademarks

                          Service by Publication

   A notice of opposition to the registration of the mark in the
application identified below having been filed, and the notice of such
proceeding sent to applicant at the last known address having been returned
by the Postal Service as undeliverable, notice is hereby given that unless
the applicant listed herein, its assigns or legal representatives, shall
enter an appearance within thirty days of this publication, the opposition
will proceed as in the case of default.

Alan Zhang, Los Angeles, CA, Application Serial No. 86210170 for the mark
"MIALAC", Opposition No. 91219292.

                                                           MILLICENT CANADY
                                      Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, for
                                                         MARY BONEY DENISON
                                                Commissioner for Trademarks

                          Service by Publication

   A petition to cancel the registration identified below having been
filed, and the notice of such proceeding sent to registrant at the last
known address having been returned by the Postal Service as undeliverable,
notice is hereby given that unless the registrant listed herein, its
assigns or legal representatives, shall enter an appearance within thirty
days of this publication, the cancellation will proceed as in the case of

DNA Design and Concept Development, LLC, Tampa, FL, Registration No.3625771
for the mark "SAMBA ROOM", Cancellation No. 92060334.

                                                            ERIC MCWILLIAMS
                                                      Supervisory Paralegal
                                      Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, for
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 118 

                                                         MARY BONEY DENISON
                                                Commissioner for Trademarks

                          Service by Publication

   A petition to cancel the registration identified below having been
filed, and the notice of such proceeding sent to registrant at the last
known address having been returned by the Postal Service as undeliverable,
notice is hereby given that unless the registrant listed herein, its
assigns or legal representatives, shall enter an appearance within thirty
days of this publication, the cancellation will proceed as in the case of

SynCare LLC, Indianapolis, IN, Registration Nos. 3586428 and 3586945 for
the mark "SYNCARE", Cancellation No. 92060389.

Cypress Venture Group, LLC, Seattle, WA, Registration No. 4123419 for the
mark "GREEN TANGO", Cancellation No. 92060390.

                                                          VERONICA P. WHITE
                                                       Paralegal Specialist
                                      Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, for
                                                         MARY BONEY DENISON
                                                Commissioner for Trademarks

                          Service by Publication

   A petition to cancel the registration identified below having been
filed, and the notice of such proceeding sent to registrant at the last
known address having been returned by the Postal Service as undeliverable,
notice is hereby given that unless the registrant listed herein, its
assigns or legal representatives, shall enter an appearance within thirty
days of this publication, the cancellation will proceed as in the case of

Westinghouse Digital LLC, Orange, California, Registration No. 3637131 for
the mark "MOSAICVIEW", Cancellation No. 92060875.

                                                               NICOLE THIER
                                                       Paralegal Specialist
                                      Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, for
                                                         MARY BONEY DENISON
                                                Commissioner for Trademarks

                          Service by Publication

   A petition to cancel the registration identified below having been
filed, and the notice of such proceeding sent to registrant at the last
known address having been returned by the Postal Service as undeliverable,
notice is hereby given that unless the registrant listed herein, its
assigns or legal representatives, shall enter an appearance within thirty
days of this publication, the cancellation will proceed as in the case of

Miralite Communications, Inc., Irvine, CA, Registration No. 1919464 for the
mark "", Cancellation No. 92060756.

Davonshire, Ltd., Atlanta, GA, Registration No. 3616443 for the mark
"TRADITIONAL WITH A TWIST", Cancellation No. 92060363.

                                                              MONIQUE TYSON
                                      Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, for
                                                         MARY BONEY DENISON
                                                Commissioner for Trademarks
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1413 OG 119 

37 CFR 147 Notice by Publication
                    37 CFR 1.47 Notice by Publication

   Notice is hereby given of the filing of a national stage application
with a petition under 37 CFR 1.47 requesting acceptance of the application
without the signature of all of the inventors. The petition has been
granted. A notice has been sent to the last known address of the non-
signing inventor, Hong Wei Zhang. The inventor whose signature is missing
may join in the application by promptly filing an appropriate oath or
declaration complying with 37 CFR 1.63. The international application
number is PCT/CN2011/084063 and was filed on 15 December 2011 in the name
of Hong Wei Zhang for the invention entitled Method of Repairing Defects in
Cast Iron Workpieces, and a Method of Connecting Cast Iron Workpieces. The
national stage application is assigned number 14/365,795 and has a 35
U.S.C. 371(c)(1), (c)(2) and (c)(4) date of 04 March 2015.
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1413 OG 120 

Registration to Practice
                         Registration to Practice

   The following list contains the names of persons seeking for
registration to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark
Office. Final approval for registration is subject to establishing to the
satisfaction of the Director of the Office of Enrollment and Discipline
that the person seeking registration is of good moral character and repute.
37 CFR § 11.7  Accordingly, any information tending to affect the
eligibility of any of the following persons on moral ethical or other
grounds should be furnished to the Director of Enrollment and Discipline on
or before May 02, 2015 at the following address: Mail Stop OED United
States Patent and Trademark Office P.O. Box 1450 Alexandria VA 22314

Bachinski, Eric Colin, Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner, P.A., 1600 TCF
Tower, 121 South Eighth Street, Minneapolis, MN  55402

Berris, Emily Lynn, 15304 Ingersoll Street, Plainfield, IL  60544

Bojanczyk, Kamil Stefan, 10 Cardinal Dr., Ithaca, NY  14850

Broughton, Dana Lasha, 1112 Halter Drive, Saint Stephen, SC  29479

Burns, Patrick Joseph, McGarry Bair, P.C., 32 Market Ave, Suite 500, Grand
Rapids, MI  49503

Butler, Christopher Huntington, URS Corporation, 10208 Andee Way, Highlands
Ranch, CO  80130

Cancilla, Joseph Samuel, 1808 Taper Drive, Upper St. Clair, PA  15241

Candelario, Bryan Manuel, 1695 Beach Street, Apartment 303, San Francisco,
CA  94123

Chakrabarti, Pabitra Kumar, GE Global Research, 1 Research Circle,
Niskayuna, NY  12309

Chung, Kwan-Ho, Sterne Kessler Goldstein & Fox, PLLC, 1100 New York Ave.
NW, Washington, DC  20005

Clayton, Kenneth Wilson, 2629 Pickwick Lane, Plano, TX  75093-3530

Clinton, Evan Garrett, Seed IP Law Group, 701 5th Avenue, Suite 5400,
Seattle, WA  98107

Dreis, Ashley Michelle, Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan and Aronoff, LLP, 951
Mariners Island Boulevard, Suite 300, San Mateo, CA  94404

Edde, Chantal Francis, Saul Ewing, LLPCentre Square West, 1500 Market
Street, 38th Floor, Philadelphia, PA  19102

Gentes, Ryan Peters, 4 Flinn Drive, Savannah, GA  31406

Jin, Jun Hee, Saliwanchik Lloyd G Eisenschenk, 3107 SW Williston Rd.,
Gainesville, FL  32608

Kang, JongChan Daniel, 229-03 58th Avenue 2nd Floor, Bayside, NY  11364

Kim, Iris Haeyeon, 20820 E. Rocky Pt. Lane, Walnut, CA  91789

Lee, Nathan Jinho, 240 Mercer St. #106B, New York, NY  10012

Leung, Sophia Won Yu, 201 S. Grisly Canyon Drive, Unit #D, Orange,
CA  92869

Loson, Oliver Calvin, California Institute of Technology, 1200 East
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 121 

California Boulevard, MC 76-32, Pasadena, CA  91125

Luchsinger, James Bradley, Harness, Dickey & Pierre, P.L.C., 5445 Corporate
Drive, Suite 200, Troy, MI  48098

Merrell, Trent William, Global Patent Solutions, 11B Rangers Drive, Hudson,
NH  03051

Rangarajan, Arjun, 8730 Costa Verda Boulevard, Apartment 2459, San Diego,
CA  92122

Sharp, Jarrod Stephen, 7500 Woodmont Avenue, #1104, Bethesda, MD  20814

Smith, Matthew Allen, 5733 Harwich Court, Apartment 230, Alexandria,
VA  22311

Staples, Mark Alan, 2327 Stieglitz Avenue SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106

Stark, Richard Judson, Cravath, Swaine & Moore, LLP, 825 8th Ave.,
New York, NY  10019

Sueiras, Albert Joseph, 720 SW 34 Street, Apartment G68, Gainesville,
FL  32607

Tanke, Matthew Ryan, Hanley, Flight & Zimmerman, LLC, 150 S. Wacker Drive,
Suite 2200, Chicago, IL  60606

Virlee, Carla Jean, 11121 W. Woodside Drive, Hales Corners, WI  53130

Wong, Blanche, 10212 Baltusrol Court, Oakton, VA 22124

Yodoya, Kohei, Sughrue Mion PLLC, 2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington,
DC  20037-3213

Zucker, David Aaron, 1711 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Apartment 209,
Washington, DC  20036

March 19, 2015                                             WILLIAM R. COVEY
                   Deputy General Counsel for Enrollment and Discipline and
                        Director of the Office of Enrollment and Discipline
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1413 OG 122 

Notice of Suspension
                           Notice of Suspension

   This notice concerns Steven S. Hanagami of Rancho Santa Margarita,
California, a registered patent attorney (Registration Number 59,734) who
is currently admitted to practice before the United States Patent and
Trademark Office ("USPTO" or "Office"). The USPTO Director has suspended
Mr. Hanagami from practice before the Office in patent, trademark, and
other non-patent matters for thirty (30) days.

   Mr. Hanagami violated 37 C.F.R. § 11.804(h) by being suspended between
April 23, 2014 and May 23, 2014, from the practice of law in California on
ethical grounds. Mr. Hanagami was reinstated to the practice of law in
California on May 23, 2014.

   This action is the result of a settlement agreement between Mr. Hanagami
and the OED Director pursuant to the provisions of 35 U.S.C. §§ 2(b)(2)(D)
and 32 and 37 C.F.R. §§ 11.19, 11.26, and 11.59. Disciplinary decisions
involving practitioners are posted at OED's electronic FOIA Reading Room,
which is publicly accessible through the Office's website at:

March 17, 2015                                               JAMES O. PAYNE
                                     Deputy General Counsel for General Law
                                  United States Patent and Trademark Office

                                                               on behalf of

                                                            MICHELLE K. LEE
                  Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and
                  Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1413 OG 123 

Notice of Reprimand and Probation
                    Notice of Reprimand and Probation

   This notice concerns Andrew T. Pham of Modesto, California, a registered
patent attorney (Registration Number 54,879) who is currently admitted to
practice before the United States Patent and Trademark Office ("USPTO" or
"Office"). The USPTO Director has publicly reprimanded Mr. Pham and imposed
a three-year period of probation.

   Mr. Pham was administratively suspended between 2009 and 2014 from the
practice of law in Wisconsin, the only state in which he was admitted, for
not properly reporting CLE credits and not remaining current with his
attorney registration fees. Mr. Pham maintained his registration with the
USPTO at all times relevant to this action.

   While administratively suspended in Wisconsin and not authorized to
practice trademark law, Mr. Pham assisted his ex-wife and a corporation
held by her in a trademark matter. Mr. Pham sent multiple email messages
over the course of one day to opposing counsel on behalf of his ex-wife and
her corporation. Within those messages, Mr. Pham presented legal opinions
and settlement positions on behalf of his ex-wife and the corporation held
by her. Some of the correspondence contained a signature block implying
that he was an attorney. The final email communication clarified, for the
first time in the correspondence, that Mr. Pham was not representing his

   Also while administratively suspended in Wisconsin and not authorized
to practice trademark law, Mr. Pham executed a joint representation
agreement with his ex-wife, her corporation, and the firm that represented
her in the trademark dispute. That agreement referred to Mr. Pham as an

   Mr. Pham was reinstated to the practice of law in Wisconsin in July

   Respondents are reminded of their obligation to comply with the USPTO
Rules of Professional Conduct.

   This action is the result of a settlement agreement between Mr. Pham and
the OED Director pursuant to the provisions of 35 U.S.C. §§ 2(b)(2)(D) and
32 and 37 C.F.R. §§ 11.19, 11.20, 11.26, and 11.59. Disciplinary decisions
involving Respondents are posted at OED's electronic FOIA Reading Room,
which is publicly accessible through the Office's website at: .

February 25, 2015                                            JAMES O. PAYNE
                                     Deputy General Counsel for General Law
                                  United States Patent and Trademark Office

                                                               on behalf of

                                                            MICHELLE K. LEE
           Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and
           Deputy Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1413 OG 124 

Notice of Administrative Suspension
                   Notice of Administrative Suspension

   Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 11.11(a)(2), the Office of Enrollment and
Discipline (OED) conducted a survey of the active registered practitioners
whose registration numbers are between 35,000 and 39,999. The purpose of
the survey, which began on June 30, 2014, is to ascertain whether
practitioners wish to remain on the register and/or whether they need to
update their contact information with OED. A response is required from
every practitioner under survey.

   On October 17, 2014, OED sent a Notice of Noncompliance to practitioners
who failed to respond to the survey and gave them 60 days to comply.

   On January 9, 2015, OED mailed a Rule to Show Cause requiring the
practitioners who failed to respond to the Notice of Noncompliance to show
cause why they should not be administratively suspended from practice in
patent matters before the United States Patent and Trademark Office. OED
records indicate that no response was received from the following list of
practitioners and therefore, they are administratively suspended from
practice in patent matters before the USPTO.

March 23, 2015                                             WILLIAM R. COVEY
                   Deputy General Counsel for Enrollment and Discipline and
                                      Director of Enrollment and Discipline

Adkison, Claudia R., Emory University School of Medicine, 1440 Clifton
Road, N E, Suite 318, Atlanta, GA 30322

Aiani, Ronald J., 53 South Third Street, Suite 101, Warrenton, VA 20186

Ananian, Raymond Michael, Perkins Coie LLP, P.O. Box 2168, 101 Jefferson
Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025

Auer, Henry E., Proteus Patent Practice LLC, P O Box 1867, New Haven,
CT 06508

Baker, Larry D., Micro Solutions Enterprises, 8201 Woodley Avenue,
Van Nuys, CA 91406

Bani-Jamali, Maryam, 2001 Holcombe Blvd., Suite 2303, Houston, TX 77030

Barker, Margaret C., 3710 Ridgelea Drive, Fairfax, VA 22031

Barnes, Elizabeth M., Genentech, Inc., Legal Department, 1 DNA Way, South
San Francisco, CA 94080-4990

Barnhorst, Marnie W., The Trademark Group, 7850 Ivanhoe Ave, LaJolla,
CA 92037

Barns, Stephen W., Miller & Barns, PLLC, 166 Knoll Drive, Granville,
OH 43023

Beach, Michael E., Wytron Design, 44 Greenville St # 3, Somerville,
MA 02143

Bean, Kathi, P.O. Box 724, Newark, CA 94560

Bennett, James D., Broadcom Corporation, 16215 Alton Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92619

Bennett, Robert P., P.O. Box 3652, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223

Berkowitz, Leonard, 140 Kent Drive, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922

Bernstein, Laurel S., Lpath Therapeutics, Inc., 6335 Ferris Square, Suite
A, San Diego, CA 92121
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 125 

Bigley, Francis P., Merck and Comapny, Inc., 351 North Sumneytown Pike,
UG 4A-65, North Wales, PA 19454-2505

Billings, Lucy J., P.O. Box 128464, Nashville, TN 37212

Biswas, Sorojini J., Jenkins Wilson and Taylor PA, 3100 Tower Blvd., Suite
1400, Durham, NC 27707

Blackwood, James D., Blackwood Labs, 9406 Gunpowder Rd, Florence, KY 41042

Blanch, Robert J., McDermott Will and Emery, 3150 Porter Drive, Palo Alto,
CA 94304

Bobb, Mark A., 1632 Camden Avenue #301, Los Angeles, CA 90025

Bolan, Robert O., 4200 95th Avenue, N. E., Bellevue, WA 98004

Bolcsak, James W., 11 Tower Place, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648-3218

Boudreaux, Gerald J., Amersham Health, 101 Carnegie Center, Princeton,
NJ 08540

Breeden, Robert L., Posz and Bethards, PLC, 11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite
10, Reston, VA 20140

Brown, Elise Ann Brandenburger, US Dept. of Agriculture, Food Safety
Inspection Svc, 1400 Independence Ave., S. W., Room 346, Aerospace
Building, Washington, DC 20250

Brown, Kenneth M., Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc., 600 Mountain Ave., #3C-231,
Murray Hill, NJ 07974

Bruhn, David E., Dorsey and Whitney LLP, 50 South Sixth Street, Suite 1500,
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Buchaca, John D., Charmasson and Buchaca, 1545 Hotel Circle South, Suite
150, San Diego, CA 92108

Burtis, John A., 3M Company, 3M Center, P. O. Box 33427, St. Paul, MN 55144

Burton, Dana L., 4817 Ridgedale Drive, Plano, TX 75024

Canavan, Patrick D., 41 Eastern Pkwy Apt 9-C, Brooklyn, NY 11238

Canfield, Jeffrey H., Marhall Gerstein & Borun LLP, 233 South Wacker, Suite
6300, Chicago, IL 60606

Carlson, Stephen C., Ditthavong and Carlson, PC, 10507 Braddock Road, Suite
A, Fairfax, VA 22032

Carnegie, Don J., St. George and Carnegie, 5405 Alton Parkway, Suite 5A,
PMB 540, Irvine, CA 92604

Carrino, John J., Invitrogen Corporation, 1600 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad,
CA 92008

Cartier, Ian L., P O Box 3025, Fremont, CA 94538

Champagne, Thomas M., IP Strat PC, 1730 N Lynn Street, Suite 500,
Arlington, VA 22209

Chang, Chi-Ping, Pacific Law Group LLP, 224 Airport Parkway, Suite 525,
San Jose, CA 95110

Chartoff, Janice E., 12005 Calie Court, Fairfax, VA 22033
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 126 

Cherdak, Erik B., Burns & Levinson LLP, 1700 K Street, NW, Suite 720,
Washington, DC 20006

Chi, Joseph H., Hewitt Associates LLC, 100 Bay View Circle, Newport Beach,
CA 92660

Chin, Dexter K., Horizon IP Pte LTD, 8 Kallang Sector, East Wing 7th Floor,
Singapore, 349282 SINGAPORE

Choi, Karen J., 14 Buttenheim Terrace, Madison, NJ 07940

Chung, Ling-Fong, Ceres, Inc., 1535 Rancho Conejo Blvd., Thousand Oaks,
CA 91320

Cikut, John J., Law Office Of John Cikut, 5420 Holly Street, Bellaire,
TX 77401

Clement, Candice J., Nixon Peabody LLP, Clinton Square, P.O. Box 31051,
Rochester, NY 14603-1051

Clifford, Earl F., Clifford and Clifford Law Firm, 16329 Arbor Street,
Omaha, NE 68130

Cogen-Lipton, Ellen, Dobrusin & Thennisch PC, 29 West Lawrence Street,
Suite 210, Pontiac, MI 48342

Cohen, Allen L., 10010 Walsham Ct, Richmond, VA 23233

Cona, Frank A., Tyco Fire & Security, One Town Center Road, Boca Raton,
FL 33486

Corn, Martin J., Autotech Technologies LP/AVG Automation, 363 St. Paul
Blvd., Carol Stream, IL 60188

Cotreau, William Joseph, E I DuPont de Nemours and CO, 4417 Lancaster Pike,
25-1206 Barley Mill Plaza, Wilmington, DE 19805

Cromley, J. Timothy, JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., Mail Code IL1-1430, 120
South LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60670-1430

Crompton, David M., 4530 Chatsworth St. N., Shoreview, MN 55126

Cruz, Lawrence, 12 Good Hill Rd, Bethel, CT 06801

Czapp, Adelbert T., 10004 Elgin Ave, Huntington Woods, MI 48070

Dawson, Arthur D., Arthur D. Dawson, 503 Ridgewood Avenue, Glen Ridge,
NJ 07028

De Kock, Elbie R., Russell Reyneke Law CORP, 555 Burrard Street, Suite 700,
Vancouver, BC V7X 1MB CANADA

de la Rosa, Dan M., 345 E 80th St Apt 27H, New York, NY 10021

Dervan, Anthony G., Haynes and Boone, LLP, 2323 Victory Avenue, Suite 700,
Dallas, TX 75219-7673

Desjardins, Juliette C., San Mateo County Health Svcs, Psychiatry
Residency, 222 W 39th Street, San Mateo, CA 94403

DeVault, Bryan C., 703 Queensmill Ct, Houston, TX 77079

Dials, John J., JDSU, One Milestone Center Court, Germantown, MD 20786

Diebold, Julia S., 405 Maple Avenue, Wilmington, DE 19809-2925
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 127 

Dodd, John R., E I Du Pont de Nemours and Co., 30/1230 Barley Mill Plaza,
P O Box 80030, Wilmington, DE 19880-0030

Douglas, Kenneth R., Hamilton, DeSanctis and Cha LLP, 225 Union Boulevard,
Suite 305, Lakewood, CO 80228

Dundervill, Robert F., 31 Leslie Mews, Berlin, MD 21811

Eldredge, John W., Myers Dawes Andras and Sherman LLP, 19900 MacArthur Blvd
Ste 1150, Irvine, CA 92612

Ellingboe, John W., Wyeth Research, 401 N Middletown Rd, Pearl River,
NY 10965

English, Stephen S., 5775 Morehouse Dr, San Diego, CA 92121

Erlich, Adam E., 812 Memorial Drive #1610, Cambridge, MA 02139

Etkin, Edward, Law Office of Edward Etkin, PC, 228 West End Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY 11235

Ett, Allen H., 9820 Inglemere Drive, Bethesda, MD 20817

Farrell, Timothy M., IBM Corporation, 420 E SOUTH TEMPLE ST, Salt Lake
City, UT 84111

Farrell, Marc J., Central PA Patent & Trademark Law Group, LLC, P.O.
Box 2441, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2441

Fenn, John G., Yonker and Toner LLP, 319 W Dow St, P O Box 6288, Sheridan,
WY 82801

Finn, Reginald J., IP Strategies, P.O. Box 579175, Chicago, IL 60657-9175

Fischer, Jeffrey M., Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Fischer, 3729 Fourth Avenue,
Apt. 5, San Diego, CA 92103

Fish, Charles, Perkins Cole LLP, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, 25th Floor,
New York, NY 10112

Flores, Edwin S., Chalker Flores LLP, 2711 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1036, Dallas,
TX 75234

Flournoy, Marc T., Flournoy Fine Art Studio, Inc., P.O. Box 16141,
Charlotte, NC 28297

Force, Alan P., Kenyon & Kenyon, One Broadway, New York, NY 10004-1050

Foreman, Glenn B., PO Box 577, Rayne, LA 70578

Friedman, Stanley J., 3900 Charles Ave, Alexandria, VA 22305

Frost, Kathleen A., Synecor LLC, PO Box 5325, Larkspur, CA 94977

Furlong, Randall C., Dr. Randall C. Furlong, Esq., Muons, Inc., 2726
Bissonnet, Suite 240-125, Houston, TX 77005-1319

Futrowsky, Cathy J., Gallop, Johnson & Neuman, L.C., 1350 Connecticut
Avenue, NW, Suite 850, Washington, DC 20036

Ganelina, Anna V., Supernus Pharmaceuticals, 1550 East Gude Drive,
Rockville, MD 20850

Garrison, Matthew C., Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, One Health
Plaza, East Hanover, NJ 07936
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 128 

Gastineau, Cheryl L., Reed Smith LLP, 435 Sixth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Gauthier, Robert W., Foley Hoag LLP, 155 Seaport Boulevard, World Trade
Center West, Boston, MA 02210

Geiger, Kathleen W., Potter Anderson and Corroon LLP, Hercules Plaza, 1313
North Market Street, P O Box 951, Wilmington, DE 19899

Geraci, Victor J., Clifford Chance US LLP, 200 Park Ave, New York, NY 10166

Gettleson, Scott M., Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP, 233 South Wacker
Drive, 6300 Sears Tower, Chicago, IL 60606

Gilly, Richard P., Seyfarth Shaw LLP, 975 F St N.W., Washington, DC 20004

Goates, Gary B., 3567 Benton Street, No. 200, Santa Clara, CA 95051

Goodell, James D., FMC Corporation, P.O. Box 8, Princeton, NJ 08543

Goodman, Joan W., 1885 Grand View Drive, Oakland, CA 94618

Gorthey, LeeAnn, King & Spalding, LLP, 333 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite 400,
Redwood Shores, CA 94065

Graeter, Janelle S., USDA/ARS/OTT, 5601 Sunnyside Avenue, Room 1159,
Beltsville, MD 20705

Greenberg, Andrew C., 8435 Ingberg Trail South, Cottage Grove,
MN 55016-3333

Greene, Robert D., Revivus, Inc., 829 Rose Blossom Drive, Cupertino,
CA 95014

Gregg, Charles H., 15603 Wren Hvn, San Antonio, TX 78248

Guthrie, Janice, Baxter Bioscience, Law Department (ID-15), One Baxter Way,
Westlake Village, CA 91362-3411

Hackbarth, Marybeth B., 5427 N Berkeley Boulevard, Whitefish Bay, WI 53217

Hale, Kelly H., Broadcom Corporation, 16215 Alton Parkway, Irvine, CA 92619

Hammond, Alan W., Invitrogen Corporation, 5791 Van Allen Way, Carlsbad,
CA 92008

Hanf, Scott E., The Hanf Law Firm, PLLC, 7845 Colony Road, Suite C4,
Charlotte, NC 28226

Hansburg, Daniel, Darby & Darby P.C., 7 World Trade Center, 250 Greenwich
Street, New York, NY 10007-0042

Harris, Gwendolyn D., Harris IP Services, PMB 131, 2880 Bicentennial Pkwy,
Suite 101, Henderson, NV 89044-4484

Hartogs, Michael D., Qualcomm, Inc., 5775 Morehouse Drive, San Diego,
CA 92121

Healey, William J., Kenyon & Kenyon LLP, One Broadway, New York, NY 10004

Henry, Timothy J., E.I. DuPont de Nemours, Inc, 4417 Lancaster Pike,
CRP 705/2E46, Wilmington, DE 19805

Henry, Jon W., 400 Crestwood Court North, #401, Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

Herlihy, Eileen M., Palmer & Dodge, LLP, 111 Huntington Avenue, Prudential
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 129 

Center, Boston, MA 02199

Hoag, Williard E., 4911 Van Walbeek Place, Annandale, VA 22003

Hohberger, Leslie H., 4350 Via Dolce, # 110, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

Hook, Gregory R., American Life Science Pharmaceuticals, 11760 Sorrento
Valley Road, Suite R, San Diego, CA 92121

Hoover, Eric N., Fliesler Meyer LLP, Four Embarcadero Center, 4th Floor,
San Francisco, CA 94111-4165

Horvath, Peter J., Morgan Stanley, 2000 Westchester Avenue, Purchase,
NY 10577

Hsieh, Stephanie, Impax Laboratories, Inc., 30831 Huntwood Avenue,
Hayward, CA 94544

Hynson, Johnnie R., Hynson Law Offices, P.O. Box 1088, Port Townsend,
WA 98368

Igoe, Patrick J., 114 Fasula Boulevard, Schenectady, NY 12303

Jamison, William C L, Hi-Rock Farm, 7052 Jamison Road, Warrenton, VA 20187

Johnson, Jerrold D., 2120 Vermont Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20001

Joyner, Roger S., Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, 1111 Louisiana
Street, 44th Floor, Houston, TX 77002

Kanalei, B. J., 10512 Bolsa Avenue, # 201-202, Westminister, CA 92683

Kaschke, Kevin D., Law Offices of Kevin D. Kaschke, Ltd., 3105 King Alford
Court, Saint Charles, IL 60174

Kasi, Srinandan R., The Associated Press, 450 West 33rd Street, New York,
NY 10001

Katrick, Joseph P., 5814 Ebenezer Road, White Marsh, MD 21162

Khorana, Adit M., Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and Rosati, 650 Page Mill Road,
Palo Alto, CA 94304

Kielb, David M., 3M Company, 3M Center Bldg 230-3F-06, St Paul,
MN 55144-1000

Kirby, Christopher R., Centerpulse USA Inc., 12 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1000,
Houston, TX 77046

Kirschner, Steven J., Honeywell Electronic Materials, Honeywell
International Inc., 1349 Moffet Park Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089

Kokeguchi, Hisao, c/o Yasuyo Christensen, 560 Boca Ratan Drive, Lake
Oswego, OR 97034

Koster, Carl J., Koster & Associates, LLC, 29721 Foote Road, Bay Village,
OH 44140

Kovaleski, Michele A., 8 Hawthorne Drive, Medfield, MA 02052

Kruter, Jerome L., 322 Sunset Creek Circle, Chapel Hill, NC 27516

Kurz, Walter, Heller Ehrman White and McAuliffe, LLP, 275 Middlefield Road,
Menlo Park, CA 94025

Laibowitz, Danielle B., 375 Wickapogue Road, Southampton, NY 11968
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 130 

Lam, Christine S., SAP, P.O. Box 4471, Mountain View, CA 94040-0471

Lam, Leo L., Kecker and Van Nest, LLP, 710 Sansome Street, San Francisco,
CA 94111

Landry, Michael W., 5098 Seachase Street, San Diego, CA 92130

Layman, Elizabeth W., Waterhouse Consulting, 4302 Lakeshore Forest Drive,
Missouri City, TX 77459

Le Blanc, Richard B., Woodcock Washburn LLP, Cira Centre, 12th Floor, 2929
Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2891

Lech, Robert R., Lech Law, LLC, P.O. Box 3574, Dublin, OH 43016

Leonard, Michael S., Everest Intellectual Property Law Group, P.O. Box 708,
Northbroo, IL 60065

Lighthouse, Wally D., 12300 Loft Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20904

Ling, Lorraine B., Pfizer INC, 150 E 42nd St, New York, NY 10017

Lloyd, Robert D., 2036 Alta Meadows Lane, Apartment 1412, Delray Beach,
FL 33444

Logan, Jonothan L., EPG Research Foundation, 111 E Shore Rd, Manhassett,
NY 11030

Lopez, Thomas J., Positive Light, 101 Cooper Court, Los Gatos, CA 95032

Mandelblatt, Jill M N, Cubist Pharmaceuticals INC, 65 Hayden Avenue,
Lexington, MA 02421

Mark, Elizabeth A., Thomson, Inc., 2 Independence Way, Princeton, NJ 08540

Markus, Andrew A., 5000 South Olathe Circle, Centennial, CO 80015

Mays, Natalie D., 852 Ralph D. Abernathy Blvd, Atlanta, GA 30310

McConnell, Robert P., R. Perry McConnell PC, 9001 Forest Crossing Ste F,
The Woodlands, TX 77381

McDiarmid, Shona S., BioChem Pharma, INC., 275 Arnand-Frappier Blvd.,
Laval, QC H7V 4A7 CANADA

McKenney, Kelly, The Law Office of Kelly McKenney, LLC, 227 Midland Avenue,
Suite C4, Basalt, CO 81621

McQuien, Larry J., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics CO, One Lockheed Blvd.,
P. O. Box 748 Mail Zone 1220, Fort Worth, TX 76101

Mendlein, John D., Compound Therapeutics, 100 Beaver Street, Waltham,
MA 02453

Mick, Stephen R., Akin Gump Strauss Hauer and Feld, LLP, 2029 Century Park
East, Ste. 2400, Los Angeles, CA 90067

Migut, Maureen M., 5882 N. Killdeer Dr., Tucson, AZ 85743

Miller, Marie L., 5780 Crow Haven Rd., Langley, WA 98260-8317

Milosavljevic, Nada, Brown Univ School Of Medicine, Butler Hospital Dept Of
Psychiatry, 345 Blackstone Blvd., Providence, RI 02906

Mincer, Earl I., Mincer, 1118 E. Rowlands, Phoenix, AZ 85022
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 131 

Moore, Mary S., Bartlit Beck Herman Palenchar and Scott, 54 W. Hubbard St.,
Ste. 300, Chicago, IL 60610

Morgart, James R., United States Filter CORP, 4669 Shepherd Trail,
Rockford, IL 61103

Morris, John K., Morris Law Firm, 1216 Main St., Lafayette, IN 47901-1547

Morse, Raymond W., 145 Vance Ct., Lake Barrington, IL 60010

Mottes, Andrew J., Dechert, LLP, 1717 Arch Street, 4000 Bell Atlantic
Tower, Philadelphia, PA 19103

Muir, Gregory R., Muir Intellectual Property Law Group, 560 S. Winchester
Blvd., Suite 500, San Jose, CA 95128

Muraoka, Joel T., # 105 View City, 2 - 1 - 25 Honcho Asaka-shi, Saitama,
00351 JAPAN

Narcisse, Claude R., Patent Analytic Strategies, LLC, 259 Union Street,
Hackensack, NJ 07601

Neidert, Karl O., K. Neidert and Associates, 12434 Cloudesly Drive,
San Diego, CA 92128

Nguyen, Minh-Hien, K & L Gates LLP, 111 Congress Avenue, Suite 900, Austin,
TX 78701

Nguyen, Joseph A., ISPG, PC, 10121 Miller Ave., # 201, Cupertino, CA 95014

Nielsen, Earl A., 9330 Mount Vernon Circle, Alexandria, VA 22309

Obee, Mary J., US Bankruptcy Court, Western Dist Of Oklahoma, 215 Dean A
McGee Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73102

Oliver, Eric, Dickstein Shapiro, LLP, 1825 Eye Street, N.W., Washington,
DC 20006-5403

O'Neill, T. Gary, Gowling LaFleur Henderson, LLP, 160 Elgin St., Ste. 2600,
Ottawa, ON K1P 1C3 CANADA

O'Shea, Michael A., Clifford Chance US LLP, 2001 K St NW, Washington,
DC 20006

Palk, Sue H., NASA, 300 E St SW, Washington, DC 20546

Parsons, David R., 6051 Riverside Drive, Jackson, MI 49201

Pathak, Ajay S., Ajay Pathak, Esq., P.O. Box 6101, Springfield, VA 22150

Payne, Tracy H., P.O. Box 36, Hereford, PA 18056-0036

Peebles, Laura M., 5705 Meadowview Dr, Mason, OH 45040

Peterson, David, Clorox Services Company, 7200 Johnson Drive, Pleasanton,
CA 94588

Proulx, Eugene E., Ridout & Maybee, 150 Metcalfe Street 19th Floor, Ottawa,

Quillian, Henry M., P.O. Box 4197, McLean, VA 22103

Quittner, Andrew L., 516 Cole Street, Corpus Christi, TX 78404-2904

Raack, David W., 614 Arlington Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60016
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 132 

Raffle, John T., 5415 Buckman Mountain Road, Austin, TX 78746

Raymer, Gregory P., Pfizer INC, Patent Dept, Eastern Point Rd, MSC
8260 - 1611, Groton, CT 06340

Reid-Sanden, Frances L., US Ctrs for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600
Clifton Rd NE, MSC E-81, Atlanta, GA 30333

Reytblatt, Zinovy V., Stint INC, 59-61 Myrtle Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06604

Rice, Michael D., 515 Main St, Old Saybrook, CT 06475

Riesen, Philippe Y., Hogan and Hartson LLP, 25-1 Nishi-shinjuku 1 Chome,
46th Floor Shinjuki Center Bldg, Tokyo, 163-0646 JAPAN

Robb, Alexander B., Stinson Morrison Hecker LLP, 1201 Walnut St, Kansas
City, MO 64108

Rozek, Carol E., Wyeth, Five Giralda Farms, Madison, NJ 07940

Salas, Darryl C., 674 10th Street #8, Oakland, CA 94607

Sames, Jay R., P O Box 187, Peacham, VT 05862

Sandidge, Russell L., Kaplan Ward & Patel, LLC, 3100 Cumberland Boulevard,
Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30339

Sarracino, John M., Bayer Healthcare LLC, 725 Potter St, Berkeley, CA 94710

Saul, Kevin L., Apple Computer INC, 1 Infinite Loop, MSC 3- Tm, Cupertino,
CA 95014

Schilling, Curtis L., 520 Wynnwood Drive, Marietta, OH 45750-6585

Schmidt, C. Paige, Paige Schmidt, 4210 Walnut Pond Drive, Houston, TX 77059

Schneider, Randy Graham, 1012 San Pedro Avenue, Coral Gables, FL 33156

Schoettly, Elizabeth H., Elizabeth H. Schoettly, Esq., 1355 West Estes Ave.,
Ste. L3, Chicago, IL 60626

Schoneman, William A., Johnson & Johnson, One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, Room
WH-7121, New Brunswick, NJ 08933

Schull, Lisa M., 1156 Treat Ave, Apt. C, San Francisco, CA 94110

Schwedler, Carl J., Schwedler Law Group, 216 F Street, #125, Davis,
CA 95616

Shaver, Gulshan H., Singulex, Inc., 1650 Harbor Bay Parkway, Suite 200,
Alameda, CA 94502

Shue, Robert S., 7701 Myrtle Grove Rd, Wilmington, NC 28409

Silverman, Robert A., Hoffmann-la Roche, Inc., 340 Kingsland St., Nutley,
NJ 08840

Simon, Soma G., Glaxo Smith Kline, 709 Swedeland Rd., P. O. Box 1539, King
Of Prussia, PA 19406

Smith, Jeffrey S., Law Office of Jeffrey Sam Smith, 51 East Campbell
Avenue, Campbell, CA 95008

Sneed, Helen M S, 3841 Tremayne Terrace, Silver Spring, MD 20906

 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 133 

Spolter, David I., Law Office of David Spolter, c/o Singer, 30 South
Adelaide Ave., #5M, Highland Park, NJ 08904

Stamm, Richard I., 1191 Duckwood Trail, Eagan, MN 55123

Stein, Kenneth L., RightSignature, LLC, 8 East Figueroa Street, Santa
Barbara, CA 93101

Stokes, C. Blaine, C Blain Stokes Attorney At Law, 2058 Gaylord Street,
Denver, CO 80205

Storm, Paul V., Storm, LLP, 4105 South Bowen Road, Arlington, TX 76016

Sun, Hans I., Rider Bennett Egan and Arundel, LLP, 333 S Seventh Street,
Suite 2000, Minneapolis, MN 55402

Sweigert, Susan E., 328 11th Avenue, Salt Lake City, UT 84103

Takano, Toshihiko, Townsend and Banta, 1225 I Street NW, Suite 500,
Washington, DC 20005

Talcott, Kelly D., The Law Offices of Kelly D. Talcott, 34 Grove Street,
P.O. Box 43, Sea Cliff, NY 11579

Thompson, Clifton W., American Technology Corporation, 15378 Avenue of
Science, Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92128

Thompson, Todd E., Howard Rice Nemerovski Canady Falk & Rabkin, Three
Embarcadero Center, 7th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94111

Tiberi, Todd J., Tiberi Law Office, 1519 6th Street, #302, Santa Monica,
CA 90401

Toohey, Mark G., 10423 Montrose Avenue, Suite 204, Bethesda, MD 20814

Trimmer, Beth G., NCR Corp., 1700 S. Patterson Blvd., WHQ-4, Dayton,
OH 45479

Tsiang, Harold T., 2566 32nd Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94116

Tsung, Frederick F., 626 Elm Terrace, York, PA 17404

Tyler, Gene L., Mossman, Kumar & Tyler, P.C., 2000 West Sam Houston Parkway
South, Suite 750, Houston, TX 77042

Vance, Dolly A., 921 Arlington Ave., Apt. 16, Torrance, CA 90501

VanNostrand, Robert E., First Judicial District, 1560 West Highway 55,
Hastings, MN 55033

Vaughan, William E., Michael Best & Friedrich LLP, Two Prudential Plaza,
180 North Stetson Avenue, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60601

Verga, Deborah U., 11 Royce Road, Newton, MA 02459

Walsh, Timothy J., 319 Pueblo Court, Moab, UT 84532

Ward, Kevin C., Law Office of Kevin C. Ward, 1626 N. Wilcox Avenue, #200,
Hollywood, CA 90028

Wardas, Mark A., 519 Anchorage Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92011

Welsh, Maurice J., 103 Kent Oaks Way, Gaithersburg, MD 20878

White, Lianne M., Storage Technology Corp, 5390 Triangle Parkway, Suite
300, Norcross, GA 30392
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 134 

Williams, Joseph A., Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP, 233 South Wacker
Drive, 6300 Sears Tower, Chicago, IL 60606

Williams, Tammy L., Texas Instruments Incoporated, 7839 Churchill Way,
MSC 3999, Dallas, TX 75251

Wood, Nancy T., 931 E Main Street, Uvalde, TX 78801

Young, Leona G., Emory University, 615 Michael Street, 6th Floor, Atlanta,
GA 30322

Younger, Jean M., Employers Reinsurance Corporation, 5200 Metcalf, Overland
Park, KS 66201

Youst, Lawrence R., Lawrence Youst PLLC, 2900 McKinnon Street, Suite 2208,
Dallas, TX 75201

Zappala, Richard A., 1743 Q St NW, Washington, DC 20009

Zhao, Rongmin, Sinnip International Group, Inc., 16 N. Marengo Avenue,
Suite 519, Pasadena, CA 91101

Ziarno, Witold A., Rohm & Haas Company, Building 10, Room 111, 727
Norristown Road, Spring House, PA 19047
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1413 OG 135 

Patents and Serial Numbers Available for License or Sale
                          Patents and Serial Numbers
                         Available for License or Sale

   The following website provides information regarding the public
availability of technologies developed in federal research laboratories
available for licensing:

                OF THE HOOD

Attorney:       Studebaker & Brackett P.C

Contact:        George Yiping Fu
                P.O. Box 47036, EdmontonCityCentre
                Alberta, Canada T5J 4N1


Contact:        Luke A. Kilyk
                400 Holiday Ct
                Suite 102
                Warrenton, VA 20186
                (Voice) 540-428-1701


Contact:        Robert Livingston
                53 Pergola
                Irvine, CA 92612
                (Voice) 949-651-0138
                (Fax)   949-651-0138


Attorney:       Joseph M. Rolnicki

Contact:        Joseph M. Rolnicki
                Metropolitan Square
                211 N. Broadway, Suite 2500
                St. Louis, MO 63102
                (Voice) 314-552-4044
                (Fax)   314-884-4444


Contact:        Shakil Hussain
                20613 30th Ave. W
                Lynnwood, WA 98036
                (Voice) 818-692-9999


Contact:        Mathew J. Temmerman
                Temmerman Law Office
                One Market Street
                Spear Tower 36th floor
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 136 

                San Francisco, Ca 94105
                (Voice) 415-293-8436


Contact:        Jesse C. Bunch
                408 Hillmoor Drive
                Silver Spring, MD 20901

14/216,557      SOLAR COLLECTOR

Attorney:       Garet K. Galster
                Ryan Kromholz & Manion, S.C.
                3360 Gateway Road
                Brookfield, WI 53045
                (Voice) 262-783-1300
                (Fax)   262-783-1211

14/300,149      ILLUMINATED PURSE

Attorney:       M. Bootcheck

Contact:        Rebecca Alexander
                12401 Current Drive
                Eastvale, CA 91752
                (Voice) 678-477-5216

D. 708,453      SOAP MOLDING DISH

Contact:        Rachel B. Perkins
                Lizabeth R. Perkins
                1930 Peabody Ln Apt 12
                Louisville, KY 40218
                (Voice) (502)-681-6328
                (Voice) (502) 413-1072


Contact:        Johnny Capetillo
                2011 Bandera RD.
                San Antonio, TX 78228
                (Voice) 210 689-3978


Contact:        Marvin Lee Jackson
                3010 Wilshire Blvd.
                Box 503
                Los Angeles, CA 90010
                (Voice) 424-222-3833


Attorney:       Gable Gotwals

Contact:        Paul E. Rossler
                1100 ONEOK Plaza
                100 West 5th Street
                Tulsa, OK 74103-4217
                (Voice) 918-595-4800
                (FAX)   918-595-4990
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1413 OG 137 


   "All references to Patent No. RE. 45,420 to JEFFREY LINDSAY of APPLETON,
the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,978,188 to WING-KIN HUI of Hong Kong, CN
for POOL CLEANER appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should
be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,978,354 to WILLY ZIMINSKY of
COMBUSTOR appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be
deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,978,358 to SHIGEHIRO OHNO of Saitama, JP
AGENT SUPPLY APPARATUS appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015
should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,978,630 to JAE JUNG of Yongin-city, KR
SYSTEM appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be
deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,978,813 to ALAN HAYMAN of Romeo, MI for
of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,978,990 to DAVIES, DAVID S. et al of HAM
appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since
no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,979,135 to CAMERON, DEAN OSMAN et al of
Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,979,269 to ALEXANDER WALSH of Los
appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since
no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,979,279 to TOSHIHARU MURAI of Kanagawa,
the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,979,306 to WOODGATE, GRAHAM JOHN et al
the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,979,571 to GREGORY BANDY of Roanoke, VA
DEVICES appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be
deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,979,648 to OSAMU IKEDA of Tokyo, JP for
GAME SYSTEM appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be
deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,979,864 to JORGE JARAMILLO of Burnaby,
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 138 

FLEXIBLE SUTURE appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should
be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,979,992 to JUNICHI SUGAHARA of
in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,980,041 to KURIMURA, HIROYUKI et al. of
METHOD appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be
deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,980,142 to DANIEL DOBRY of Bend, OR for
Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was

   "All references to Patent No. 8,980,315 to RANGO DIETRICH of Konstanz,
Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,980,479 to YO-HAN KWON of Daejeon, KR
for CABLE-TYPE SECONDARY BATTERY appearing in the Official Gazette of March
17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,980,652 to ALLENIC, ARNOLD et al. of SAN
Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,980,684 to SHUNPEI YAMAZAKI of Setagaya,
in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,980,725 to SHUNPEI YAMAZAKI of Tokyo, JP
SUPPORT WITH CURVATURE appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015
should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,980,735 to YUN-HYUCK JI of Gyeonggi-do,
SAME appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted
since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,980,831 to RUNEBERG-ROOS, PIA of ESBO,
FINLAND for NEURTURIN MOLECULES appearing in the Official Gazette of March
17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,980,928 to JAE KEOL RHEE of Kyonggido,
KR for NOVEL OXAZOLIDINONE DERIVATIVES appearing in the Official Gazette of
March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,981,016 to MASASHI YOKOGI of Fukuoka, JP
Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,981,069 to BRIAN BALES of Niskayuna, NY
appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since
no patent was granted."

 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 139 

   "All references to Patent No. 8,981,077 to ERIK KVAM of Niskayuna, NY
appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since
no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,981,099 to PARHAM, AMIR HOSSAIN et al of
in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,981,182 to HIROSHI CHATANI of
SAME appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted
since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,981,288 to RAMSEY, JOHN MICHAEL et al.
appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since
no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,981,336 to ZANDERIGHI, BARBARA et al of
HEATER AND LOW RESISTIVITY INTERFACE appearing in the Official Gazette of
March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,981,341 to SHIN KIM of Seoul, KR for
Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was

   "All references to Patent No. 8,981,371 to SHUNPEI YAMAZAKI of Tokyo, JP
the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,981,596 to RAJESH GHOSH of Bangalore, IN
the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,981,742 to TAKAHIKO HASEGAWA of
Toyota-shi, JP for CONVERTER CONTROL DEVICE appearing in the Official
Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,981,806 to TOMOYOSHI ONO of Nagoya-shi,
MANUFACTURING METHOD appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015
should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,981,892 to OVE BOE of Tanem, NO for
SUBSEA FUSE ASSEMBLY appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015
should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,982,002 to PETER BEVELACQUA of
ANTENNA MODES appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be
deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,982,152 to STEVEN NIELSEN of North Palm
AND ASSESSING ASPECTS OF SAME appearing in the Official Gazette of March
17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,982,172 to TAKAYUKI WAKABAYASHI of
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 140 

Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was

   "All references to Patent No. 8,982,433 to RYUICHI OKUMURA of Osaka, JP
Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was

   "All references to Patent No. 8,982,556 to AKINOBU KAWANO of Kawasaki,
JP for ELECTRONIC DEVICE appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17,
2015 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,982,573 to AHN, YOUNG GHYU et al of
Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,982,742 to SUCKCHEL YANG of Anyang-si,
appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since
no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,982,789 to HIROSHI YAMADA of Fukuoka, JP
ENVIRONMENT appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be
deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,982,929 to ZHIXUN TANG of Beijing, CN
JOINT DETECTION appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should
be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,983,022 to ATSUSHI UMEZAKI of Isehara,
the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,983,078 to NORIYUKI OHASHI of
in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,983,128 to GOTTSCHLAG, DANIEL of
SURVEILLANCE SCENES appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015
should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,983,315 to TAKAAKI TSURUYA of
Mishima-shi, JP for COLOR-IMAGE FORMING APPARATUS appearing in the Official
Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,983,333 to MAKOTO SOUDA of Nagoya-shi,
in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,983,432 to STEPHAN SCHELL of San Mateo,
the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,983,482 to JIHYUN LEE of Anyang-si, KR
appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 141 

no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,983,576 to BENSON, MARIA of BOYLSTON,
MASSACHUSETTS for SECURING A MARKER WIRE appearing in the Official Gazette
of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,983,650 to KOTARO NUKUI of Yokohama-shi,
Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,983,658 to MASATO AOBA of Tokyo, JP for
appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since
no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,983,781 to CHRISTOPHER URMSON of
Mountain View, CA for DETECTING ROAD WEATHER CONDITIONS appearing in the
Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was

   "All references to Patent No. 8,983,821 to JOHN SHELTON of Falls Church,
DATA appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted
since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,983,876 to LEE, ROBERT H. et al of SAN
Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was

   "All references to Patent No. 8,983,932 to MURALI THIYAGARAJAN of
the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,984,229 to KEITH LOWERY of Richardson,
the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,984,232 to MARKOVITZ, OREN et al. of
Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,984,400 to YUN-CHIANG KUNG of Taipei, TW
for USER-SPECIFIED PHRASE INPUT LEARNING appearing in the Official Gazette
of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,984,460 to STEPHEN SUNTER of Nepean, CA
Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since no patent was

   "All references to Patent No. 8,984,528 to MARK FARRELL of Pleasant
appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since
no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 8,984,625 to LAURENCE HAMID of Ottawa, CA
appearing in the Official Gazette of March 17, 2015 should be deleted since
no patent was granted."
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1413 OG 142 


   In the notice of Certificate of Correction appearing in the Official
Gazette of December 23, 2014, delete all reference to the certificate of
correction, issued on December 2, 2014, for Patent No. 8,675,485. The claim
for priority in 12/910,690 was not timely filed. Petition to accept the
late priority claim was not granted. The certificate of correction was
published in error and should not have been issued for this patent.


   In the notice of Certificate of Correction appearing in the Official
Gazette of November 11, 2014, delete all reference to the certificate of
correction, issued on October 21, 2014, for Patent No. 8,308,778. The
petition under 3.81(b) (filed on August 29, 2014) was not granted by the
Office of Petitions. The Certificate of Correction which issued on October
21, 2014 was published in error and should not have been issued for this
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1413 OG 143 

Certificates of Correction
                       Certificates of Corrections
                           for March 24, 2015

6,766,932             8,648,071             8,831,392            8,882,541
6,922,404             8,653,084             8,831,823            8,883,201
7,058,654             8,659,432             8,833,776            8,883,203
7,100,321             8,663,723             8,834,166            8,883,308
7,256,292             8,668,117             8,834,744            8,884,034
7,313,187             8,668,773             8,835,068            8,884,403
7,331,364             8,672,371             8,835,592            8,884,582
7,417,289             8,684,135             8,835,610            8,885,318
7,573,806             8,686,018             8,836,306            8,886,522
7,589,171             8,686,870             8,837,311            8,886,606
7,747,841             8,696,839             8,837,422            8,886,616
7,793,158             8,697,648             8,837,517            8,886,969
7,838,504C1           8,698,258             8,838,370            8,888,138
7,867,302             8,701,252             8,838,489            8,889,367
7,999,377             8,702,444             8,838,522            8,889,696
8,011,129             8,703,996             8,839,224            8,889,698
8,067,000             8,704,093             8,839,255            8,889,990
8,068,910             8,705,809             8,840,145            8,890,544
8,091,176             8,706,947             8,840,459            8,891,060
8,136,440             8,709,329             8,841,215            8,891,346
8,188,302             8,713,358             8,841,545            8,891,626
8,209,687             8,713,741             8,841,653            8,891,839
8,211,532             8,715,644             8,841,689            8,892,526
8,219,419             8,717,957             8,841,885            8,892,568
8,221,801             8,725,604             8,842,383            8,893,366
8,256,921             8,726,927             8,842,744            8,894,382
8,274,370             8,729,227             8,842,843            8,895,058
8,278,082             8,733,709             8,843,305            8,895,211
8,328,873             8,734,929             8,844,239            8,895,292
8,337,911             8,736,208             8,844,747            8,895,781
8,355,495             8,738,393             8,845,792            8,896,208
8,361,794             8,753,308             8,846,051            8,896,269
8,364,232             8,758,820             8,846,761            8,897,289
8,367,746             8,760,227             8,846,976            8,897,397
8,372,599             8,760,426             8,847,092            8,897,536
8,377,438             8,761,711             8,847,480            8,898,091
8,377,910             8,764,812             8,848,324            8,898,240
8,378,074             8,765,298             8,848,523            8,899,009
8,383,842             8,765,492             8,850,021            8,899,319
8,394,788             8,766,608             8,851,243            8,899,501
8,403,401             8,768,289             8,852,274            8,899,924
8,410,155             8,768,784             8,852,396            8,899,992
8,415,412             8,768,984             8,852,418            8,901,173
8,422,391             8,770,494             8,853,488            8,901,273
8,447,979             8,773,624             8,853,547            8,901,373
8,448,846             8,773,636             8,854,034            8,902,835
8,450,877             8,774,347             8,854,307            8,903,340
8,457,115             8,778,438             8,855,026            8,903,759
8,461,180             8,778,935             8,855,047            8,903,761
8,468,379             8,779,577             8,855,491            8,903,783
8,472,772             8,781,887             8,856,329            8,903,830
8,496,937             8,785,452             8,856,565            8,904,426
8,512,410             8,786,716             8,857,320            8,904,917
8,512,697             8,787,227             8,858,633            8,905,048
8,513,008             8,789,104             8,859,185            8,906,549
8,517,275             8,793,024             8,860,444            8,906,680
8,518,100             8,795,356             8,860,868            8,907,217
8,520,664             8,797,290             8,861,752            8,907,311
8,521,313             8,797,540             8,862,807            8,907,315
8,521,688             8,798,983             8,863,530            8,907,391
8,527,493             8,799,054             8,864,819            8,907,752
8,530,650             8,799,319             8,864,883            8,907,821
 April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1413 OG 144 

8,535,916             8,799,379             8,865,237            8,908,072
8,536,782             8,799,885             8,865,767            8,908,145
8,546,418             8,801,610             8,866,763            8,908,290
8,551,641             8,801,893             8,866,780            8,908,437
8,552,995             8,804,396             8,866,841            8,909,278
8,553,300             8,804,619             8,866,860            8,909,471
8,557,435             8,807,038             8,867,764            8,909,885
8,557,983             8,808,445             8,867,845            8,910,591
8,562,427             8,809,360             8,868,698            8,910,627
8,564,129             8,809,524             8,869,044            8,912,554
8,564,135             8,809,667             8,869,066            8,913,056
8,566,154             8,810,130             8,869,120            8,913,968
8,570,258             8,811,472             8,869,368            8,917,132
8,573,118             8,811,511             8,870,253            8,918,584
8,574,751             8,815,532             8,870,328            8,920,855
8,576,473             8,815,817             8,870,446            8,921,340
8,577,753             8,815,918             8,870,799            8,921,899
8,580,708             8,819,026             8,870,857            8,923,038
8,582,292             8,819,829             8,871,586            8,923,068
8,584,702             8,820,358             8,871,785            8,928,111
8,585,005             8,821,511             8,872,175            8,928,376
8,586,022             8,821,640             8,872,235            8,929,052
8,586,069             8,821,653             8,872,267            8,929,120
8,588,702             8,822,127             8,872,813            8,929,125
8,589,224             8,823,439             8,873,591            8,929,164
8,591,594             8,825,188             8,873,617            8,930,642
8,594,103             8,825,702             8,873,960            8,930,643
8,596,017             8,825,721             8,874,020            8,930,645
8,596,819             8,825,805             8,876,230            8,930,711
8,597,103             8,825,864             8,876,329            8,931,169
8,598,162             8,826,246             8,876,754            8,940,829
8,598,215             8,826,249             8,877,201            D. 559,658
8,601,526             8,826,267             8,877,749            D. 621,031
8,604,056             8,826,300             8,877,816            D. 638,536
8,609,664             8,826,458             8,879,159            D. 655,813
8,617,606             8,826,472             8,879,438            D. 677,789
8,631,260             8,827,963             8,880,020            D. 702,563
8,632,788             8,828,904             8,880,333            D. 705,690
8,633,226             8,829,044             8,880,732            D. 708,856
8,634,956             8,829,199             8,880,814            D. 718,355
8,637,693             8,829,677             8,881,621            D. 719,087
8,641,075             8,830,484             8,881,627            RE. 44,855
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1413 OG 145 

AIA Trial Proceedings Filed before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board

AIA Trial Proceedings Filed before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board

Covered Business Methods
Patent No. Trial Number Requested Date Petitioner Patent Owner
7,925,981CBM2015-000772/14/2015ServiceNow, Inc.Hewlett-Packard Company
6,218,930CBM2015-000782/16/2015Sony Corporation of AmericaNetwork-1 Security Solutions, Inc.
6,384,850CBM2015-000913/2/2015Starbucks CorporationAmeranth, Inc.
7,271,929CBM2015-000933/3/2015FedEx Office & Printing Services, Inc.CDR Printing LLC
8,630,942CBM2015-000943/3/2015MaxMind, Inc.Fraud Control Corporation
6,871,325CBM2015-000973/3/2015Expedia, Inc.,
StubHub, Inc.,
Fandango, LLC,, LP,
Hotel Tonight, Inc.,
Hotwire, Inc.,
Kayak Software Corporation,
OpenTable, Inc.,
Orbitz, LLC,
Papa John's USA, Inc.,
Ticketmaster, LLC,
Live Nation Entertainment, Inc., LP,
Wanderspot LLC,
Agilysys, Inc.,
Domino's Pizza, Inc.,
Domino's Pizza, LLC,
Hilton Resorts Corporation,
Hilton Worldwide, Inc.,
Hilton International Company,
Mobo Systems, Inc.,
Pizza Hut of America, Inc.,
Pizza Hut, Inc. &
Usablenet, Inc.
Ameranth, Inc.

Inter Partes Review
Patent No. Trial Number Requested Date Petitioner Patent Owner
6,889,620IPR2015-007082/18/2015Geosys-Intl, Inc.Farmer's Edge Precision Consulting, Inc.
7,171,912IPR2015-007092/18/2015Geosys-Intl, Inc.Farmer's Edge Precision Consulting, Inc.
7,343,867IPR2015-007112/18/2015Geosys-Intl, Inc.Farmer's Edge Precision Consulting, Inc.
8,685,543IPR2015-007962/23/2015Rohm and Haas Electronic Materials Korea, Ltd. &
The Dow Chemical Company
Idemitsu Kosan Co, Ltd.
8,652,654IPR2015-007972/23/2015Rohm and Haas Electronic Materials Korea, Ltd. &
The Dow Chemical Company
Idemitsu Kosan Co, Ltd.
7,237,634IPR2015-007992/24/2014Ford Motor CompanyPaice LLC &
Abell Foundation, Inc.
7,237,634IPR2015-008002/24/2014Ford Motor CompanyPaice LLC &
Abell Foundation, Inc.
7,237,634IPR2015-008012/24/2014Ford Motor CompanyPaice LLC &
Abell Foundation, Inc.
7,917,285IPR2015-007932/25/2015Volkswagen Group of America, Inc.Rothschild Location Technologies LLC
6,886,956IPR2015-007982/25/2015Volkswagen Group of America, Inc.Innovative Display Technologies LLC
6,690,264IPR2015-008142/26/2015Kapsch TrafficCom IVHS Inc.,
Kapsch TrafficCom Holding II US Corporation,
Kapsch TrafficCom B.V. &
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Neology, Inc.
8,587,436IPR2015-008152/26/2015Kapsch TrafficCom IVHS Inc.,
Kapsch TrafficCom Holding II US Corporation,
Kapsch TrafficCom B.V. &
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Neology, Inc.
RE42368IPR2015-008162/26/2015Ciena Corporation,
Coriant Operations, Inc.,
Coriant (USA) Inc.,
Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. &
Fujitsu Limited
Capella Photonics, Inc.
8,007,826IPR2015-008172/27/2015Coalition for Affordable Drugs, LLC,
Hayman Credes Master Fund, LP,
Hayman Capital Master Fund, LP,
Hayman Capital Management, LP,
Hayman Offshore Management, Inc.,
Hayman Investments, LLC,
nXn Partners, LLC,
IP Navigation Group, LLC
J. Kyle Bass &
Acorda Therapeutics, Inc.
6,425,035IPR2015-008222/27/2015Dot Hill Systems CorporationCrossroads Systems, Inc.
6,425,035IPR2015-008252/27/2015Oracle Corporation &
Dot Hill Systems Corporation
Crossroads Systems, Inc.
5,810,029IPR2015-008262/27/2015Atlanta Gas Light Company,
AGL Resources Inc.,
AGL Services Company,
Chattanooga Gas Company,
Virginia Natural Gas, Inc.
Pivotal Utility Holdings, Inc.
Florida City Gas,
Elkton Gas,
Elizabethtown Gas &
Northern Illinois Gas Company d/b/a Nicor Gas Company
Bennett Regulator Guards, Inc.
8,868,705IPR2015-008113/2/2015Apple Inc.VirnetX Inc.
6,508,563IPR2015-008283/3/2015Toyota Motor CorporationInnovative Display Technologies LLC
6,886,956IPR2015-008293/3/2015Toyota Motor CorporationInnovative Display Technologies LLC
8,969,302IPR2015-008303/3/2015Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc.,
Mylan NV,
Mylan Inc. &
Mylan Teoranta
Yeda Research & Development Company, Ltd.
8,340,633IPR2015-008333/3/2015Good Technology Software, Inc. &
Good Technology Corporation
MobileIron, Inc.
8,869,307IPR2015-008363/3/2015Good Technology Software, Inc. &
Good Technology Corporation
MobileIron, Inc.
6,044,382IPR2015-008373/3/2015Ricoh Electronics, Inc. &
Ricoh Americas Corporation
Cyberfone Systems, LLC
8,485,565IPR2015-008383/3/2015Tristar Products, Inc.Choon's Design Inc.
8,622,441IPR2015-008403/3/2015Tristar Products, Inc.Choon's Design Inc.
RE43919IPR2015-008413/4/2015Baby Trend, Inc.,
Denny Tsai &
Betty Tsai
Wonderland Nuserygoods Company, LTD.
RE43919IPR2015-008423/4/2015Baby Trend, Inc.,
Denny Tsai &
Betty Tsai
Wonderland Nuserygoods Company, LTD.
7,434,974IPR2015-008313/6/2015Toyota Motor CorporationInnovative Display Technologies LLC
6,199,076IPR2015-008453/6/2015Lenovo (United States) Inc.,
Lenovo Holding Company, Inc.
Lenovo Group Ltd.,
Google Inc. &
Barnes & Noble, Inc.
Personal Audio LLC
7,509,178IPR2015-008463/6/2015Lenovo (United States) Inc.,
Lenovo Holding Company, Inc.
Lenovo Group Ltd.,
Google Inc. &
Barnes & Noble, Inc.
Personal Audio LLC
7,051,147IPR2015-008523/6/2015Oracle CorporationCrossroads Systems, Inc.
7,934,041IPR2015-008543/6/2015Oracle CorporationCrossroads Systems, Inc.
7,300,194IPR2015-008433/9/2015Toyota Motor CorporationInnovative Display Technologies LLC
7,384,177IPR2015-008573/9/2015Toyota Motor CorporationInnovative Display Technologies LLC
7,030,149IPR2015-008583/9/2015Ferrum Ferro Capital, LLC &
Deep Lake Holdings, LLC
Allergan Sales, LLC
7,234,351IPR2015-007693/10/2015Garmin International, Inc.iTrainer, LLC
7,404,660IPR2015-008553/10/2015Toyota Motor CorporationInnovative Display Technologies LLC
8,365,742IPR2015-008593/10/2015VMR Products LLCFontem Holdings 1 B.V.
8,739,993IPR2015-008723/11/2015Luv N' Care, Ltd.Munchkin, Inc.
7,685,506IPR2015-008743/11/2015Unified Patents, Inc.Hall Data Sync Technologies LLC
8,826,432IPR2015-008753/11/2015Good Technology Software, Inc. &
Good Technology Corporation
Airwarch, LLC
8,404,703IPR2015-008643/12/2015Accord Healthcare, Inc.,
Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd.,
Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC,
Amneal Pharmaceuticals of New York LLC,
Amneal Pharmaceuticals Co.
India Pvt. Ltd.,
Apotex Corporation,
Apotex, Inc.,
Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Ltd.,
Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Inc.,
Glenmark Generics Inc., USA,
Glenmark Generics Ltd.,
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd.,
Panacea Biotec Ltd.,
Sun Pharma Global FZE,
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd.,
Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.,
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd.,
Zydus Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. &
Cadila Healthcare Ltd.
Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited
7,879,828IPR2015-008733/12/2015Apotex, Inc.,
Apotex Corporation &
Apotex Holdings, Inc.
Wyeth LLC
7,857,455IPR2015-008763/12/2015MasterImage 3D, Inc. &
MasterImage 3D Asia, LLC
RealD, Inc.
8,220,934IPR2015-008773/12/2015MasterImage 3D, Inc. &
MasterImage 3D Asia, LLC
RealD, Inc.
6,775,601IPR2015-008603/13/2015Ford Motor CompanySignal IP, Inc.
6,775,601IPR2015-008613/13/2015Ford Motor CompanySignal IP, Inc.
8,569,325IPR2015-008653/13/2015Accord Healthcare, Inc.,
Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd.,
Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC,
Amneal Pharmaceuticals of New York LLC,
Amneal Pharmaceuticals Co.
India Pvt. Ltd.,
Apotex Corporation,
Apotex, Inc.,
Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Ltd.,
Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Inc.,
Glenmark Generics Inc., USA,
Glenmark Generics Ltd.,
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd.,
Panacea Biotec Ltd.,
Sun Pharma Global FZE,
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd.,
Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.,
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd.,
Zydus Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. &
Cadila Healthcare Ltd.
Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited
8,329,458IPR2015-008803/13/2015Akermin, Inc.CO2 Solutions Inc.
5,643,723IPR2015-008813/13/2015CepheidRoche Molecular Systems, Inc. &
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1413 OG 146 

Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board

March 9, 2015 - March 13, 2015

Date Issued Type of Case(1) Proceeding or Appn. Number Party or Parties TTAB Panel (2) Issue(s) TTAB Decision Opposer’s or Petitioner’s mark and goods or services Applicant’s or Respondent’s mark and goods or services Mark and goods or services cited by Examining Attorney Issued as Precedent of TTAB
3-9 OPP
91206417 Mega RV Corp
Mike Thompson Recreational Vehicle
2(d); intent to use; ownership Opposition Sustained on 2(d) claim
(Request for Reconsideration Denied)
TRAVELAND USA [recreational vehicles (RVs) and RV-related goods and services] TRAVELAND USA [recreational vehicle dealerships] [recreational vehicle repair services]   No
3-9 EX 85838184 Inc. Quinn
2(e)(1) Refusal Affirmed   PHOTOGREFER [online advertising and marketing services; online
advertising services for others; providing online referrals in the field of photography]
3-9 OPP
91208950 Nike, Inc.
United States Naval Academy Foundation
[Opinion "By the Board"
2(d); 43(c); lack of bona fide intent to use; void application Opposition Sustained for lack of bona fide intent to use and void application JUST DO IT [clothing, namely t-shirts, sweatshirts and caps] [paper goods and printed matter; namely, bumper stickers, note pads, posters and banners] [non-metallic key chains and ornamental novelty buttons] [binders, student planners, notebooks, portfolio covers] DON’T JUST DO IT DO IT RIGHT [educational services, namely, conducting training in the form of lectures in the field of leadership and ethics; interactive on-line training services in the field of leadership and ethics; film and video production]   No
3-10 OPP 91207656 E. & J. Gallo Winery
Kinney Family Vintners LLC d/b/a Occasio Winery
2(d) and priority Opposition Sustained Common law rights in APOTHIC [wine] APOTHEOSIS [red wine; red wines; table wines; wine; wines derived from grapes grown in Livermore AVA, labeled and advertised in compliance with TTB and CA ABC laws for California]   No
3-11 OPP
91205110 Ate My Heart, Inc.
GA GA Jeans Limited
2(d) and standing Opposition Sustained in part (partial summary judgment granted for Opposer on standing) Three registrations comprising the name "LADY GAGA" [wide variety of apparel, including shorts] [entertainment services, including live performances by a musical artist] [various sound and audio-visual recordings featuring musical entertainment]
One application for LADY GAGA [various fragrances and personal care products]
GAGA JEANS [jeans]   No
3-11 EX 85708119 Dyson Limited Taylor
2(e)(5) Refusal Affirmed   "Electric fan design" [electric fans; electric freestanding fans; electric fans for personal use; air cooling apparatus]   No
3-11 OPP 91210559 NetCloud, LLC
East Coast Network Services, LLC
2(d) and priority
Opposition Sustained Common law rights in NETCLOUD [computer services, including web hosting, cloud hosting, and email services as well as system backups, monitoring, and
administration support]
NETCLOUD [computer services, including monitoring application software performance, cloud hosting provider services, filtering of unwanted e-mails, and management of the IT systems of others]   No

(1) EX=Ex Parte Appeal; OPP=Opposition; CANC=Cancellation; CU=Concurrent Use; (SJ)=Summary Judgment; (MD)=Motion to Dismiss; (R)=Request for Reconsideration; (REM)=Decision on Remand (2) *=Opinion Writer; (D)=Dissenting Panel Member

Top of Notices Top of Notices April 14, 2015 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print Appendix 1413 OG 

Mailing and Hand Carry Addresses for Mail to the United States Patent and Trademark Office


   For most correspondence (e.g., new patent applications) no mail stop
is required because the processing of the correspondence is routine.
If NO mail stop is included on the list below, no mail stop is required
for the correspondence. See the listing under "Mail to be Directed to the
Director of the Patent And Trademark Office" for additional mail stops
for patent-related correspondence. Only the specified type of document
should be placed in an envelope addressed to one of these special mail
stops. If any documents other than the specified type identified for each
special mail stop are addressed to that mail stop, they will be
significantly delayed in reaching the appropriate area for which they are
intended. The mail stop should generally appear as the first line in
the address.

   Most correspondence may be submitted electronically. See the USPTO's
Electronic Filing System (EFS-Web) internet page for additional

   Please address mail to be delivered by the United States Postal Service
(USPS) as follows:

        Mail Stop _____
        Commissioner for Patents
        P.O. Box 1450
        Alexandria, VA 22313-1450

   If no Mail Stop is indicated below, the line beginning Mail Stop should
be omitted from the address.

   NEW: Effective September 16, 2012, the Mail Stop description for Mail
Stop Ex Parte Reexam is being revised and a new Mail Stop for supplemental
examination requests is being added as Mail Stop Supplemental Examination.

   Except correspondence for Maintenance Fee payments, Deposit Account
Replenishments (see 37 CFR 1.25(c)(4)), and Licensing and Review (see 37 CFR
5.1(c) and 5.2(c)), please address patent-related correspondence to be
delivered by other delivery services (Federal Express (Fed Ex), UPS, DHL,
Laser, Action, Purolator, etc.) as follows:

        United States Patent and Trademark Office
        Customer Service Window, Mail Stop _____
        Randolph Building
        401 Dulany Street
        Alexandria, VA 22314

Mail Stop
Designations            Explanation

Mail Stop 12            Contributions to the Examiner Education Program.

Mail Stop 313(c)        Petitions under 37 CFR 1.313(c) to withdraw a
                        patent application from issue after payment of
                        the issue fee and any papers associated with the
                        petition, including papers necessary for a
                        continuing application or a request for
                        continued examination (RCE).

Mail Stop AF            Amendments and other responses after final
                        rejection (e.g., a notice of appeal (and any
                        request for pre-appeal brief conference)),
                        other than an appeal brief.

Mail Stop Amendment     Information disclosure statements, drawings, and
                        replies to Office actions in patent applications
                        with or without an amendment to the application or
                        a terminal disclaimer. (Use Mail Stop AF for
                        replies after final rejection.)

Mail Stop Appeal        For appeal briefs or other briefs under
 Brief-Patents          part 41 of title 37 of the Code of Federal
                        Regulations (e.g., former 37 CFR 1.192).

Mail Stop               Public comments regarding patent-related
 Comments-Patent        regulations and procedures.

Mail Stop Conversion    Requests under 37 CFR 1.53(c)(2) to convert a
                        nonprovisional application to a provisional
                        application and requests under 37 CFR 1.53(c)(3)
                        to convert a provisional application to a
                        nonprovisional application.

Mail Stop EBC           Mail for the Electronic Business Center including:
                        Certificate Action Forms, Request for Customer
                        Number, and Requests for Customer Number Data
                        Change (USPTO Forms PTO-2042, PTO/SB/124A and 125A,
                        respectively) and Customer Number Upload
                        Spreadsheets and Cover Letters.

Mail Stop Expedited     Only to be used for the initial filing of
 Design                 design applications accompanied by a
                        request for expedited examination under
                        37 CFR 1.155.

Mail Stop Express       Requests for abandonment of a patent
 Abandonment            application pursuant to 37 CFR 1.138,
                        including any petitions under 37 CFR
                        1.138(c) to expressly abandon an
                        application to avoid publication of the

Mail Stop               Applications under 35 U.S.C. 156 for patent term
 Hatch-Waxman PTE       extension based on regulatory review of a product
                        subject to pre-market review by a regulating
                        agency. This mail stop is also to be used for
                        additional correspondence regarding the
                        application for patent term extension under
                        35 U.S.C. 156. It is preferred that such initial
                        requests be hand-carried to:

                        Office of Patent Legal Administration
                        Room MDW 7D55
                        600 Dulany Street (Madison Building)
                        Alexandria, VA 22314

Mail Stop ILS           Correspondence relating to international patent
                        classification, exchanges and standards.

Mail Stop Issue Fee     All communications following the receipt of a
                        PTOL-85, "Notice of Allowance and Fee(s)
                        Due," and prior to the issuance of a patent
                        should be addressed to Mail Stop Issue Fee,
                        unless advised to the contrary.

                        Assignments are the exception. Assignments
                        (with cover sheets) should be faxed to
                        571-273-0140, electronically submitted
                        (, or submitted in a
                        separate envelope and sent to Mail Stop
                        Assignment Recordation Services,
                        Director - U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
                        as shown below.

Mail Stop L&R           All documents pertaining to applications subject
                        to secrecy order pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 181, or
                        national-security classified and required to be
                        processed accordingly. Such papers, petitions for
                        foreign filing license pursuant to 37 CFR 5.12(b)
                        for which expedited handling is requested, and
                        petitions for retroactive license under 37 CFR
                        5.25 may also be hand carried to Licensing and

                        Technology Center 3600, Office of the Director
                        Room 4B41
                        501 Dulany Street (Knox Building)
                        Alexandria, VA 22314

Mail Stop Missing       Requests for a corrected filing receipt and
 Parts                  replies to OPAP notices such as the Notice
                        of Omitted Items, Notice to File Corrected
                        Application Papers, Notice of Incomplete
                        Application, Notice to Comply with Nucleotide
                        Sequence Requirements, and Notice to File Missing
                        Parts of Application, and associated papers and

Mail Stop MPEP          Submissions concerning the Manual of Patent
                        Examining Procedure.

Mail Stop Patent Ext.   Applications for patent term extension or
                        adjustment under 35 U.S.C. 154 and any
                        communications relating thereto. This mail stop
                        is limited to petitions for patent term extension
                        under 35 U.S.C. 154 for applications filed
                        between June 8, 1995 and May 29, 2000, and patent
                        term adjustment (PTA) under 35 U.S.C. 154 for
                        applications filed on or after May 29, 2000.
                        For applications for patent term extension under
                        35 U.S.C. 156, use Mail Stop Hatch-Waxman PTE.
                        For applications for patent term extension or
                        adjustment under 35 U.S.C. 154 that are mailed
                        together with the payment of the issue fee, use
                        Mail Stop Issue Fee.

Mail Stop Patent        Submission of comments regarding search templates.
 Search Template

Mail Stop PCT           Mail related to international applications filed
                        under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in the
                        international phase and in the national phase
                        under 35 U.S.C. 371 prior to mailing of a
                        Notification of Acceptance of Application Under
                        35 U.S.C. 371 and 37 CFR 1.495 (Form

Mail Stop Petition      Petitions to be decided by the Office of Petitions,
                        including petitions to revive and petitions to
                        accept late payment of issue fees or maintenance

Mail Stop PGPUB         Correspondence regarding publication of patent
                        applications not otherwise provided, including:
                        requests for early publication made after filing,
                        rescission of a non-publication request, corrected
                        patent application publication, and refund of
                        publication fee.

Mail Stop Post          In patented files: requests for changes of
 Issue                  correspondence address, powers of attorney,
                        revocations of powers of attorney, withdrawal as
                        attorney or agent and submissions under 37
                        CFR 1.501. Designation of, or changes to, a fee
                        address should be addressed to Mail Stop M
                        Correspondence. Requests for Certificate of
                        Correction need no special mail stop, but
                        should be mailed to the attention of Certificate
                        of Correction Branch.

Mail Stop RCE           Requests for continued examination under
                        37 CFR 1.114.

Mail Stop               Correspondence pertaining to the reconstruction
 Reconstruction         of lost patent files.

Mail Stop Ex Parte      Original requests for Ex Parte Reexamination
 Reexam                 and all subsequent correspondence other
                        than correspondence to the Office of the Solicitor
                        (see 37 CFR 1.1(a)(3) and 1.302(c)). Effective
                        September 16, 2012, this mail stop is also to be
                        used for any papers to be filed in an ex parte
                        reexamination proceeding ordered as a result of
                        a supplemental examination proceeding.

Mail Stop Inter         Original requests for Inter Partes Reexamination
 Partes Reexam          and all subsequent correspondence other than
                        correspondence to the Office of the Solicitor
                        (see 37 CFR 1.1(a)(3) and 1.302(c)).

Mail Stop Reissue       All new and continuing reissue application filings.

Mail Stop Sequence      Submission of the computer readable form (CRF) for
                        applications with sequence listings, when the CRF
                        is not being filed with the patent application.

Mail Stop Supplemental  (Effective September 16, 2012). Requests for
 Examination            Supplemental Examination, including original
                        request papers and any other correspondence, other
                        than correspondence to the Office of the
                        Solicitor (see 37 CFR Secs. 1.1(a)(3) AND 1.302(c)).
                        This mail stop is limited to original request papers
                        and any other papers that are to be filed in a
                        supplemental examination proceeding. For any papers
                        to be filed in an ex parte reexamination proceeding
                        ordered as a result of a supplemental examination
                        proceeding, use "Mail Stop Ex Parte Reexam".

Information for addressing patent-related correspondence may also be found
on the USPTO's web site at


   Please address trademark-related correspondence to be delivered by the
United States Postal Service (USPS), except documents sent to the Assignment
Services Division for recordation, requests for copies of trademark
documents, and documents directed to the Madrid Processing Unit, as follows:

        Commissioner for Trademarks
        P.O. Box 1451
        Alexandria, VA 22313-1451

   Mail to be delivered by the USPS to the Office's Madrid Processing Unit,
must be mailed to:

        Madrid Processing Unit
        600 Dulany Street
        Alexandria, VA 22314-5796

   Mail to be delivered by the USPS to the Office's Deputy Commissioner for
Trademark Policy regarding Letters of Protest must be mailed to:

        Letter of Protest
        ATTN: Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Policy
        600 Dulany Street
        Alexandria, VA 22314-5796

   Mail to be delivered by the USPS to the Director regarding the Fastener
Quality Act (FQA) must be mailed to:

        Director, USPTO
        ATTN: FQA
        600 Dulany Street, MDE-10A71
        Alexandria, VA 22314-5793

   Mail to be delivered by the USPS to the Commissioner regarding the
recordal of a Native American Tribal Insignia (NATI) must be mailed to:

        Native American Tribal Insignia
        ATTN: Commissioner for Trademarks
        600 Dulany Street
        Alexandria, VA 22314-5793

Do NOT send any of the following via USPS certified mail or with a
"signature required" option: submissions to the Madrid Processing Unit,
Letters of Protest, applications for recordal of insignia under the
Fastener Quality Act, notifications of Native American Tribal Insignia.

   Trademark-related mail to be delivered by hand or other private courier
or delivery service (e.g., UPS, Federal Express) to the Trademark Operation,
the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, or the Office's Madrid Processing Unit,
must be delivered to:

        Trademark Assistance Center
        Madison East, Concourse Level Room C 55
        600 Dulany Street
        Alexandria, VA 22314

Information for addressing trademark-related correspondence may also be found
on the USPTO's web site at

                          PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE

   Please address correspondence to be directed to a mail stop identified
below to be delivered by the United States Postal Service (USPS) as follows
(unless otherwise instructed):

        Mail Stop _____
        Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
        P.O. Box 1450
        Alexandria, VA 22313-1450

Mail Stop
Designations            Explanation

Mail Stop 3             Mail for the Office of Personnel from NFC.

Mail Stop 6             Mail for the Office of Procurement.

Mail Stop 8             All papers for the Office of the Solicitor except
                        communications relating to pending litigation and
                        disciplinary proceedings; papers relating to pending
                        litigation in court cases shall be mailed only to
                        Office of the Solicitor, P.O. Box 15667, Arlington,
                        VA 22215 and papers related to pending disciplinary
                        proceedings before the Administrative Law Judge or
                        the Director shall be mailed only to the Office of
                        the Solicitor, P.O. Box 16116, Arlington, VA 22215.

Mail Stop 11            Mail for the Electronic Ordering Service (EOS).

Mail Stop 13            Mail for the Employee and Labor Relations Division.

Mail Stop 16            Mail related to refund requests, other than
                        requests for refund of a patent application
                        publication fee. Such requests should be directed
                        to Mail Stop PGPub.

Mail Stop 17            Invoices directed to the Office of Finance.

Mail Stop 24            Mail for the Inventor's Assistance Program,
                        including complaints about Invention Promoters.

Mail Stop 171           Vacancy Announcement Applications.

Mail Stop Assignment    All assignment documents, security interests,
 Recordation Services   and other documents to be recorded in the
                        Assignment records. Note that documents with
                        cover sheets that are faxed to 571-273-0140 or
                        submitted electronically (
                        are processed much more quickly than those
                        submitted by mail.

Mail Stop Document      All requests for certified or uncertified
 Services               copies of patent or trademark documents.

Mail Stop EEO           Mail for the Office of Civil Rights.

Mail Stop External      Mail for the Office of External Affairs.

Mail Stop Interference  Communications relating to interferences and
                        applications and patents involved in interference.

Mail Stop M             Mail to designate or change a fee
 Correspondence         address, or other correspondence related to
                        maintenance fees, except payments of
                        maintenance fees in patents. See below for
                        the address for maintenance fee payments.

Mail Stop OED           Mail for the Office of Enrollment and Discipline.

                           Maintenance Fee Payments

   Unless submitted electronically over the Internet at,
payments of maintenance fees in patents should be mailed through the
United States Postal Service to:

        United States Patent and Trademark Office
        P.O. Box 979070
        St. Louis, MO 63197-9000

   Alternatively, payment of maintenance fees in patents (Attn: Maintenance
Fee) using hand-delivery and delivery by private courier may be made to:

        Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
        Attn: Maintenance Fee
        2051 Jamieson Avenue, Suite 300
        Alexandria, Virginia 22314

                        Deposit Account Replenishments

   To send payment to replenish deposit accounts, send the payments through
the United States Postal Service to:

        United States Patent and Trademark Office
        P.O. Box 979065
        St. Louis, MO 63197-9000

   Alternatively, deposit account replenishments (Attn: Deposit Accounts)
using hand-delivery and delivery by private courier (e.g., FedEx, UPS, etc.)
may be delivered to:

        Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
        Attn: Deposit Accounts
        2051 Jamieson Avenue, Suite 300
        Alexandria, VA 22314

   Information abount deposit account replenishments may also be found on
the USPTO's web site at
Top of Notices Top of Notices
Reference Collections of U.S. Patents Available for Public Use in Patent and Trademark Resource Centers
             Reference Collections of U.S. Patents Available for
             Public Use in Patent and Trademark Resource Centers

The following libraries, designated as Patent and Trademark Resource Centers
(PTRCs), provide public access to patent and trademark information received
from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This
information includes all issued patents, all registered trademarks, the
Official Gazette of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, search tools such
as the Cassis CD-ROM suite of products and supplemental information in a
variety of formats including online, optical disc, microfilm and paper.
Each PTRC also offers access to USPTO resources on the Internet and to
PubWEST (Web based examiner search tool), a system used by patent examiners
that is not available on the Internet.

Staff assistance and training is provided in the use of this information.
All information is available free of charge. However, there may be charges
associated with the use of photocopying and related services. Hours of
service to the public vary, and anyone contemplating use of these
collections at a particular library is urged to contact that library in
advance about its services and hours to avoid inconvenience.

State                   Name of Library                  Telephone Contact

Alabama                 Auburn University Libraries         (334) 844-1737
                        Birmingham Public Library           (205) 226-3620
Alaska                  Fairbanks: Keith B. Mather Library,
                        Geophysical Institute,
                        University of Alaska, Fairbanks     (907) 474-2636
Arizona                 Phoenix, Arizona
                        State Library of Arizona
                        Arizona State Library Archives
                        and Public Records                  (602) 926-3870
Arkansas                Little Rock: Arkansas State
                        Library                             (501) 682-2053
California              Los Angeles Public Library          (213) 228-7220
                        Riverside: University of
                        California, Riverside, Orbach
                        Science Library                     (951) 827-3316
                        Sacramento: California State
                        Library                             (916) 654-0261
                        San Diego Public Library            (619) 236-5800
                        San Francisco Public Library        (415) 557-4400
                        Sunnyvale Public Library            (408) 730-7300
Colorado                Denver Public Library               (720) 865-1711
Connecticut             Fairfield: Ryan-Matura Library
                        Sacred Heart University             (203) 371-7726
Delaware                Newark: University of Delaware
                        Library                             (302) 831-2965
Dist. of Columbia       Washington: Howard University
                        Libraries                           (202) 806-7252
Florida                 Fort Lauderdale: Broward County
                        Main Library                        (954) 357-7444
                        Miami-Dade Public Library           (305) 375-2665
                        Orlando: University of Central
                        Florida Libraries                   (407) 823-2562
Georgia                 Atlanta: Library and Information
                        Center, Georgia Institute of
                        Technology                          (404) 385-7185
Hawaii                  Honolulu: Hawaii State Library      (808) 586-3477
Illinois                Chicago Public Library              (312) 747-4450
                        Macomb:  Western Illinois
                        University Libraries                (309) 298-2722
Indiana                 Indianapolis-Marion County Public
                        Library                             (317) 269-1741
                        West Lafayette Siegesmund
                        Engineering Library,
                        Purdue University                   (765) 494-2872
Iowa                    Davenport: Davenport Public Library (563) 326-7832
Kansas                  Wichita: Ablah Library, Wichita
                        State University                  1 (800) 572-8368
Kentucky                Louisville Free Public Library      (502) 574-1611
                        W. Frank Steely Library
                        Northern Kentucky University
                        Highland Heights, Kentucky          (859) 572-5457
Louisiana               Baton Rouge: Troy H. Middleton
                        Library, Louisiana State University (225) 388-8875
Maine                   Orono: Raymond H. Fogler Library,
                        University of Maine                 (207) 581-1678
Maryland                Baltimore: University of Baltimore
                        Law Library                         (410) 837-4554
                        College Park: Engineering and
                        Physical Sciences Library,
                        University of Maryland              (301) 405-9157
Massachusetts           Amherst: Physical Sciences Library,
                        University of Massachusetts         (413) 545-2765
                        Boston Public Library               (617) 536-5400
                                                                 Ext. 4256
Michigan                Ann Arbor: Art, Architecture &
                        Engineering Library,
                        University of Michigan              (734) 647-5735
                        Big Rapids: Ferris Library for
                        Information, Technology &
                        Education, Ferris State
                        University                          (231) 592-3602
                        Detroit: Public Library             (313) 481-1391
                        Michigan Technological
                        University, Van Pelt and
                        Opie Library, Houghton              (906) 487-2500
Minnesota               Hennepin County Library
                        Minneapolis Central Library         (612) 543-8000
Mississippi             Jackson: Mississippi Library
                        Commission                          (601) 961-4111
Missouri                Kansas City: Linda Hall Library     (816) 363-4600
                                                                  Ext. 724
                        St. Louis Public Library            (314) 352-2900
Montana                 Butte: Montana Tech Library of
                        the University of Montana           (406) 496-4281
Nebraska                Lincoln: Engineering Library,
                        University of Nebraska-Lincoln      (402) 472-3411
New Hampshire           Concord: University of New
                        Hampshire School of Law             (603) 513-5130
Nevada                  Reno: University of Nevada, Reno,
                        Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center      (775) 784-6500
                                                                  Ext. 257
New Jersey              Newark Public Library               (973) 733-7779
                        Piscataway: Library of Science and
                        Medicine, Rutgers University        (732) 445-2895
New York                Albany: New York State Library      (518) 474-5355
                        Buffalo and Erie County Public
                        Library                             (716) 858-7101
                        Rochester Public Library            (716) 428-8110
                        New York: New York Public Library,
                        Science Industry & Business Library (212) 592-7000
North Carolina          J. Murrey Atkins Library, University
                        of North Carolina at Charlotte      (704) 687-0494
North Dakota            Grand Forks: Chester Fritz Library,
                        University of North Dakota          (701) 777-4888
Ohio                    Akron - Summit County Public        (330) 643-9075
                        Cincinnati and Hamilton County,
                        Public Library of                   (513) 369-6932
                        Cleveland Public Library            (216) 623-2870
                        Dayton: Paul Laurence Dunbar
                        Library, Wright State University    (937) 775-3521
                        Toledo/Lucas County Public Library  (419) 259-5209
Oklahoma                Stillwater: Oklahoma State
                        University Edmon Low Library        (405) 744-6546
Pennsylvania            Philadelphia, The Free Library of   (215) 686-5394
                        Pittsburgh, Carnegie Library of     (412) 622-3138
                        University Park: PAMS Library,
                        Pennsylvania State University       (814) 865-7617
Puerto Rico             Bayamon: Learning Resources Center,
                        University of Puerto Rico           (787) 993-0000
                                                                 Ext. 3222
                        Mayaquez General Library,
                        University of Puerto Rico           (787) 832-4040
                                                                 Ext. 2023
                        Bayamon, Learning Resources Center,
                        University of Puerto Rico           (787) 786-5225
Rhode Island            Providence Public Library           (401) 455-8027
South Carolina          Clemson University Libraries        (864) 656-3024
South Dakota            Rapid City: Devereaux Library,
                        South Dakota School of Mines and
                        Technology                          (605) 394-1275
Tennessee               Nashville: Stevenson Science and
                        Engineering Library, Vanderbilt
                        University                          (615) 322-2717
Texas                   Austin: McKinney Engineering
                        Library, University of Texas at
                        Austin                              (512) 495-4511
                        College Station: West Campus
                        Library, Texas A & M University     (979) 845-2111
                        Dallas Public Library               (214) 670-1468
                        Houston: The Fondren Library, Rice
                        University                          (713) 348-5483
                        Lubbock: Texas Tech University      (806) 742-2282
                        San Antonio Public Library          (210) 207-2500
Utah                    Salt Lake City: Marriott Library,
                        University of Utah                  (801) 581-8394
Vermont                 Burlington: Bailey/Howe Library,
                        University of Vermont               (802) 656-2542
Washington              Seattle: Engineering Library,
                        University of Washington            (206) 543-0740
West Virginia           Morgantown: Evansdale Library,
                        West Virginia University            (304) 293-4695
Wisconsin               Wendt Commons Library,
                        University of Wisconsin-Madison     (608) 262-0696
                        Milwaukee Public Library            (414) 286-3051
Wyoming                 Cheyenne: Wyoming State Library     (307) 777-7281
Top of Notices Top of Notices
Patent Technology Centers
GAU Avg Filing Date
  1610 12/26/2013
  1620 03/15/2014
  1630 09/28/2013
  1640 01/07/2014
  1650 11/10/2013
  1660 06/02/2013
  1670 01/13/2014
  TOTAL 12/20/2013
  1710 05/08/2013
  1720 06/17/2013
  1730 07/14/2013
  1740 07/17/2013
  1750 05/05/2013
  1760 12/07/2013
  1770 06/23/2013
  1780 07/08/2013
  1790 08/20/2013
  TOTAL 07/20/2013
  2110 06/23/2013
  2120 02/15/2013
  2130 07/02/2013
  2140 02/12/2013
  2150 08/08/2013
  2160 07/17/2013
  2170 02/18/2013
  2180 09/25/2013
  2190 08/11/2013
  TOTAL 06/05/2013
  2410 07/14/2013
  2420 11/19/2013
  2430 10/26/2013
  2440 04/26/2013
  2450 04/02/2013
  2460 08/14/2013
  2470 08/02/2013
  2480 02/09/2013
  2490 11/01/2013
  TOTAL 07/08/2013
  2610 04/14/2013
  2620 07/24/2013
  2630 02/21/2014
  2640 08/26/2013
  2650 06/29/2013
  2660 09/28/2013
  2670 03/03/2014
  2680 09/13/2013
  2690 07/17/2013
  TOTAL 09/10/2013
  2810 03/06/2014
  2820 01/19/2014
  2830 06/26/2013
  2840 08/11/2013
  2850 09/13/2013
  2860 12/04/2012
  2870 08/17/2013
  2880 10/29/2013
  2890 03/03/2014
  TOTAL 09/25/2013
  2910 01/01/2014
  2920 10/23/2013
  TOTAL 12/26/2013
  3610 01/28/2014
  3620 06/05/2013
  3630 03/15/2014
  3640 08/05/2013
  3650 10/11/2013
  3660 12/07/2013
  3670 08/26/2013
  3680 06/29/2013
  3690 02/06/2014
  TOTAL 10/17/2013
  3710 10/01/2013
  3720 04/23/2013
  3730 07/11/2013
  3740 01/25/2013
  3750 05/30/2013
  3760 07/05/2013
  3770 05/24/2013
  3780 01/01/2014
  TOTAL 05/24/2013
  1 Report last updated on 02-28-2015.
Top of Notices Top of Notices