PATCONT = Patent Table of Contents TRDCONT = Trademark Table of Contents PATPCTI = Patent PCT Information TRDPCTI = Trademark PCT Information PATMFEE = Patent Notice of Maintenance Fees TRDMFEE = Trademark Notice of Maintenance Fees PATEXPI = Patent Expiration of Patents TRDEXPI = Trademark Expiration of Patents PATERR1 = Patent Erratum TRDERR1 = Trademark Erratum PATDELY = Patent Delayed Payment of Maintenance Fee TRDDELY = Trademark Delayed Payment of Maintenance Fee PATREIS = Patent Reissue Applications Filed TRDREIS = Trademark Reissue Applications Filed PATREQ1 = Patent Requests for Ex Parte Reexamination Filed TRDREQ1 = Trademark Requests for Ex Parte Reexamination Filed PATREQ2 = Patent Requests for Inter Partes Reexamination Filed TRDREQ2 = Trademark Requests for Inter Partes Reexamination Filed PATTMEX = Patent Expiration of Trademark Registrations TRDTMEX = Trademark Expiration of Trademark Registrations PATSERV = Patent Service by Publication TRDSERV = Trademark Service by Publication PATCFR1 = Patent 37 CFR 1.47 Notice by Publication TRDCFR1 = Trademark 37 CFR 1.47 Notice by Publication PATPRAC = Patent Registration to Practice TRDPRAC = Trademark Registration to Practice PATLICS = Patent Availability of Patents for License or Sale TRDLICS = Trademark Availability of Patents for License or Sale PATERR2 = Patent Errata TRDERR2 = Trademark Errata PATERR3 = Patent Erratum TRDERR3 = Trademark Erratum PATCOCN = Patent Certificates of Correction TRDCOCN = Trademark Certificates of Correction PATTTAB = Patent Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the TTAB TRDTTAB = Trademark Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the TTAB PATTAB1 = Patent Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the TTAB TRDTAB1 = Trademark Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the TTAB PATTAB2 = Patent Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the TTAB TRDTAB2 = Trademark Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the TTAB PATTAB3 = Patent Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the TTAB TRDTAB3 = Trademark Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the TTAB PATTAB4 = Patent Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the TTAB TRDTAB4 = Trademark Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the TTAB PATTAB5 = Patent Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the TTAB TRDTAB5 = Trademark Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the TTAB PATTAB6 = Patent Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the TTAB TRDTAB6 = Trademark Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the TTAB PATTAB7 = Patent Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the TTAB TRDTAB7 = Trademark Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the TTAB PATTAB8 = Patent Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the TTAB TRDTAB8 = Trademark Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the TTAB PATBOXS = Patent Addresses for Mail to the U.S. PTO TRDBOXS = Trademark Addresses for Mail to the U.S. PTO PATLIBS = Patent and Trademark Depository Libraries TRDLIBS = Trademark Patent and Trademark Depository Libraries PATEXAM = Patent Technology Centers TRDEXAM = Trademark Patent Technology Centers PATDRAW = No Patent Drawings Are Included in this Issue's OG TRDDRAW = No Trademark Drawings Are Included in this Issue's OG