Reissue Applications Filed

   Notice under 37 CFR 1.11(b). The reissue applications listed below are
open to inspection by the general public in the indicated Examining Groups
and copies may be obtained by paying the fee therefor (37 CFR 1.12(b)).

   4,926,547, Re. S.N. 08/103,184, Aug. 5, 1993, Cl. 257/81, MODULAR
SEMICONDUCTOR POWER DEVICE, Antonio P. Spatrisano, et. al., Owner of
Record: Inventor, Attorney or Agent: Richard A. Bachand, Ex. Gp.: 2508

   4,962,193, Re. S.N. 08/385,888, Feb. 9, 1995, Cl. 536/24, PROCESS FOR
PURIFYING 2',3'-DIDEOXNUCLEOSIDES, Kenzo Yokozeki, et. al., Owner of
Record: Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Tokyo, Japan,  Attorney or Agent: Norman, F.
Oblon, Ex. Gp.: 1807

   5,102,990, Re. S.N. 08/389,269, Feb. 16, 1995, Cl. 530/388, DIRECT
RHENIUM, Buck A. Rhodes, Owner of Record: Aberlyn Capital Management
Limited Parnership, Waltham, Mass.,  Attorney or Agent: Deborah A.
Peacock, Ex. Gp.: 1806

   5,148,957, Re. S.N. 08/ 387,222, Feb. 10, 1995, Cl. 228/002, FRICTION
WELDING, John G. Searle, Owner of Record:  Rolls-Royce PLC, London,
England, Attorney or Agent: Lee E. Johnson, Ex. Gp.: 3205

   5,162,825, Re. S.N. 08/339,185, Nov. 10, 1994, Cl. 351/163, CEMENTED
LENS AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF, Yosio Kamekura, et. al., Owner of
Record: Asahi Kogaku Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha, Tokyo, Japan,  Attorney or
Agent: Bruce H. Bernstein, Ex. Gp.: 2507

   5,286,037, Re. S.N. 08/376,789, Jan. 23, 1995, Cl. 273/460, ELECTRONIC
HAND HELD LOGIC GAME, Nabil N. Ghally, Owner of Record: Inventor, Attorney
or Agent: Jay A. Bondell, Esq., Ex. Gp.: 3304

   5,302,702, Re. S.N. 08/394,077, Feb. 24, 1995, Cl. 530/399, CHIMERIC
FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTORS, Andrew P. Seddon, et. al., Owner of Record:
American Cyanamid Co., Stamford, Conn., Attorney or Agent: Anne M.
Rosenblum, Ex. Gp.: 1812