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Patent Technology Monitoring Team (PTMT)


- this report has been prepared with support from the National Science Foundation -

Ownership Category Breakout

(patent ownership is determined by the first-named assignee listed on a patent)
(patent counts are displayed by calendar year of grant)

Number and Percent of Total Utility Patents,
Number and Percent of all U.S.-Owned Utility Patents,
and Number and Percent of U.S.-"Non-Federal Organization-Owned" Utility Patents,
By Calendar Year of Grant
1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Patent
1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Patent
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total Patent
Total Number of Utility Patents Granted (A) 67,559 64,429 78,317 74,810 74,143 76,278 72,000 70,226 65,269 66,102 48,854 61,819 65,771 57,888 56,860 67,200 71,661 Total Number of Utility Patents Granted (A) 70,860 82,952 77,924 95,537 90,365 96,511 97,444 98,342 101,676 101,419 109,645 111,984 147,517 153,485 157,494 Total Number of Utility Patents Granted (A) 166,035 167,331 169,023 164,290 143,806 173,772 157,282 157,772 167,349 219,614 224,505 253,155 4,896,275 Total Number of Utility Patents Granted (A)
Total Number of U.S.-Owned Utility Patents (B) 51,976 48,741 57,945 53,349 53,238 52,591 48,634 46,311 43,264 43,014 31,272 38,832 40,819 35,340 34,299 40,145 41,585 Total Number of U.S.-Owned Utility Patents (B) 39,989 45,594 42,292 52,572 49,619 53,522 54,220 55,273 58,100 57,951 63,395 64,079 83,487 87,072 87,943 Total Number of U.S.-Owned Utility Patents (B) 90,488 89,183 89,745 86,035 76,263 91,573 81,120 79,660 84,416 110,682 111,685 124,948 2,772,261 Total Number of U.S.-Owned Utility Patents (B)
Total Number of U.S.-Owned Utility Patents Not Granted to Universities (C=B-D) 51,787 48,543 57,701 53,112 52,982 52,342 48,313 45,951 42,897 42,644 31,005 38,438 40,379 34,881 33,862 39,595 40,991 Total Number of U.S.-Owned Utility Patents Not Granted to Universities (C=B-D) 39,313 44,748 41,458 51,311 48,405 52,162 52,646 53,598 56,278 56,022 61,194 61,589 80,238 83,633 84,766 Total Number of U.S.-Owned Utility Patents Not Granted to Universities (C=B-D) 87,173 85,828 86,406 82,936 73,497 88,181 78,049 76,765 81,283 106,336 107,519 120,151 2,696,908 Total Number of U.S.-Owned Utility Patents Not Granted to Universities (C=B-D)
Total Number of U.S.-Owned Utility Patents Granted to Universities (D) 189 198 244 237 256 249 321 360 367 370 267 394 440 459 437 550 594 Total Number of U.S.-Owned Utility Patents Granted to Universities (D) 676 846 834 1,261 1,214 1,360 1,574 1,675 1,822 1,929 2,201 2,490 3,249 3,439 3,177 Total Number of U.S.-Owned Utility Patents Granted to Universities (D) 3,315 3,355 3,339 3,099 2,766 3,392 3,071 2,895 3,133 4,346 4,166 4,797 75,353 Total Number of U.S.-Owned Utility Patents Granted to Universities (D)
Total Number of U.S.-Organization-Owned Utility Patents Excluding U.S.-Federal-Organization-Owned Patents (E) 38,816 36,832 43,137 39,928 38,731 38,186 35,541 34,390 31,507 31,355 22,504 27,641 29,433 25,783 25,677 29,999 31,181 Total Number of U.S.-Organization-Owned Utility Patents Excluding U.S.-Federal-Organization-Owned Patents (E) 29,490 33,727 31,437 38,665 36,094 39,132 40,308 41,826 44,037 44,038 48,742 50,221 66,052 69,389 70,886 Total Number of U.S.-Organization-Owned Utility Patents Excluding U.S.-Federal-Organization-Owned Patents (E) 74,328 74,153 75,327 73,021 65,207 78,924 70,497 69,960 74,799 97,756 99,527 111,808 2,209,993 Total Number of U.S.-Organization-Owned Utility Patents Excluding U.S.-Federal-Organization-Owned Patents (E)
Total Number of U.S.-Organization-Owned Utility Patents Excluding Both U.S.-Federal-Organization-Owned and U.S.-University-Owned Patents (F=E-D) 38,627 36,634 42,893 39,691 38,475 37,937 35,220 34,030 31,140 30,985 22,237 27,247 28,993 25,324 25,240 29,449 30,587 Total Number of U.S.-Organization-Owned Utility Patents Excluding Both U.S.-Federal-Organization-Owned and U.S.-University-Owned Patents (F=E-D) 28,814 32,881 30,603 37,404 34,880 37,772 38,734 40,151 42,215 42,109 46,541 47,731 62,803 65,950 67,709 Total Number of U.S.-Organization-Owned Utility Patents Excluding Both U.S.-Federal-Organization-Owned and U.S.-University-Owned Patents (F=E-D) 71,013 70,799 71,988 69,922 62,441 75,532 67,426 67,065 71,666 93,410 95,361 107,011 2,134,640 Total Number of U.S.-Organization-Owned Utility Patents Excluding Both U.S.-Federal-Organization-Owned and U.S.-University-Owned Patents (F=E-D)
U.S. University-Owned Patents as a % of Total Utility Patents (D/A) 0.28% 0.31% 0.31% 0.32% 0.35% 0.33% 0.45% 0.51% 0.56% 0.56% 0.55% 0.64% 0.67% 0.79% 0.77% 0.82% 0.83% U.S. University-Owned Patents as a % of Total Utility Patents (D/A) 0.95% 1.02% 1.07% 1.32% 1.34% 1.41% 1.62% 1.70% 1.79% 1.90% 2.01% 2.22% 2.20% 2.24% 2.02% U.S. University-Owned Patents as a % of Total Utility Patents (D/A) 2.00% 2.01% 1.98% 1.89% 1.92% 1.95% 1.95% 1.83% 1.87% 1.98% 1.86% 1.89% 1.54% U.S. University-Owned Patents as a % of Total Utility Patents (D/A)
U.S. University-Owned Patents as a % of all U.S.-Owned Utility Patents (D/B) 0.36% 0.41% 0.42% 0.44% 0.48% 0.47% 0.66% 0.78% 0.85% 0.86% 0.85% 1.01% 1.08% 1.30% 1.27% 1.37% 1.43% U.S. University-Owned Patents as a % of all U.S.-Owned Utility Patents (D/B) 1.69% 1.86% 1.97% 2.40% 2.45% 2.54% 2.90% 3.03% 3.14% 3.33% 3.47% 3.89% 3.89% 3.95% 3.61% U.S. University-Owned Patents as a % of all U.S.-Owned Utility Patents (D/B) 3.66% 3.76% 3.72% 3.60% 3.63% 3.70% 3.79% 3.63% 3.71% 3.93% 3.73% 3.84% 2.72% U.S. University-Owned Patents as a % of all U.S.-Owned Utility Patents (D/B)
U.S. University-Owned Patents as a % of U.S-"Non-Federal, Organization-Owned" Utility Patents (D/E) * 0.49% 0.54% 0.57% 0.59% 0.66% 0.65% 0.90% 1.05% 1.16% 1.18% 1.19% 1.43% 1.49% 1.78% 1.70% 1.83% 1.91% U.S. University-Owned Patents as a % of U.S-"Non-Federal, Organization-Owned" Utility Patents (D/E) 2.29% 2.51% 2.65% 3.26% 3.36% 3.48% 3.90% 4.00% 4.14% 4.38% 4.52% 4.96% 4.92% 4.96% 4.48% U.S. University-Owned Patents as a % of U.S-"Non-Federal, Organization-Owned" Utility Patents (D/E) 4.46% 4.52% 4.43% 4.24% 4.24% 4.30% 4.36% 4.14% 4.19% 4.45% 4.19% 4.29% 3.41% U.S. University-Owned Patents as a % of U.S-"Non-Federal, Organization-Owned" Utility Patents (D/E)


* Note that a very limited number of U.S. university-owned patents are owned by a U.S.-Federal-Organization
(for the 2012 report, there was one patent granted in 2002 to the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, a U.S.-Federal-Organization)

PTMT Contacts

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U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Electronic Information Products Division - PTMT
P.O. Box 1450
Washington, DC 20231-1450

tel: (571) 272-5600
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