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Patent Technology Monitoring Team (PTMT)

Patenting By NAICS Industry Classification
Breakout By Ownership Category
-- Fractional Counts --

- this report was created with support from the National Science Foundation -

Count (*) of 1963 - 2012 Utility Patent Grants,
As Distributed By Calendar Year of Grant

- Explanation of Data -

Listing of Ownership Categories For 0.5 or More Utility Patents During the Period
Having Primary Classification Corresponding To

NAICS Classification 325
Chemicals ( ** ROLLUP, includes 3251-3259 ** )

( North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) classification is determined by
the primary U.S. Patent Classification System (USPC) patent classification and a USPC to NAICS concordance - see 'Explanation of Data' )
( this Fractional Counts report proportionally distributes a patent across each matched industry -- see 'Explanation of Data' )
( * in Fractional Counts tables, counts are rounded)

The following table displays Ownership Categories and FRACTIONAL counts of utility patents associated with each of them; patents are distributed by year of patent grant.
Counts Sequence ID NAICS Classification Classification Title (U.S. or Foreign) Assignment ID Ownership Category PRE_1964 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total
Frac / YoG 06 325 Chemicals ( ** ROLLUP, includes 3251-3259 ** ) (U.S. Ownership) 2 U.S. CORPORATION 4256 4529 5297 7051 6955 5936 6721 5991 5539 8043 6191 6609 7032 7278 6476 6775 4736 5615 6200 5049 4898 5582 5701 5008 5483 5354 6626 6300 7000 7330 7750 7008 6988 7889 9359 11041 11315 10507 10814 11015 10020 8132 6850 8623 7777 7458 7927 10427 10130 11125 363712
Frac / YoG 06 325 Chemicals ( ** ROLLUP, includes 3251-3259 ** ) (U.S. Ownership) 4 U.S. INDIVIDUAL 241 212 251 330 386 224 300 251 293 525 341 405 359 312 299 331 249 348 335 261 284 303 285 290 346 297 427 438 456 484 442 445 509 575 655 839 944 748 890 767 707 501 384 423 381 317 327 478 521 582 21295
Frac / YoG 06 325 Chemicals ( ** ROLLUP, includes 3251-3259 ** ) (U.S. Ownership) 6 U.S. GOVERNMENT 149 144 170 202 240 205 223 193 224 308 325 258 275 298 213 191 127 171 161 148 164 175 140 120 139 112 142 160 164 220 210 207 172 177 229 274 259 189 233 194 194 201 170 203 171 173 194 235 249 247 9936
Frac / YoG 06 325 Chemicals ( ** ROLLUP, includes 3251-3259 ** ) (U.S. Ownership)   -- Subtotal -- 4646 4885 5718 7583 7581 6365 7243 6435 6056 8876 6857 7272 7667 7887 6989 7297 5112 6134 6695 5458 5346 6059 6126 5418 5967 5762 7194 6897 7619 8033 8401 7659 7669 8641 10243 12154 12517 11443 11936 11976 10921 8834 7404 9249 8328 7948 8448 11140 10901 11954 394943
Frac / YoG 06 325 Chemicals ( ** ROLLUP, includes 3251-3259 ** ) (Foreign Ownership) 3 FOREIGN CORPORATION 1130 1283 1472 1937 2060 1799 2522 2404 2383 3846 3061 3622 4139 4780 4026 3896 2862 3613 4025 3487 3423 3710 4119 3817 4291 4317 5542 5632 5857 6132 6385 5835 5979 6044 6869 8293 8261 8004 8863 8931 8139 6947 5699 7185 6626 6502 6946 9627 9844 10952 257114
Frac / YoG 06 325 Chemicals ( ** ROLLUP, includes 3251-3259 ** ) (Foreign Ownership) 5 FOREIGN INDIVIDUAL 116 94 146 178 171 115 155 157 176 339 295 331 271 271 221 206 148 210 255 196 167 178 161 171 173 180 256 251 264 262 242 214 232 263 319 387 441 374 445 396 403 306 214 284 248 214 243 353 344 355 12387
Frac / YoG 06 325 Chemicals ( ** ROLLUP, includes 3251-3259 ** ) (Foreign Ownership) 7 FOREIGN GOVERNMENT 20 32 34 60 55 17 34 31 11 12 15 35 18 38 26 30 26 43 41 70 56 80 68 76 88 83 87 85 97 110 88 49 34 55 69 70 49 37 31 31 21 18 16 7 18 8 28 46 37 53 2235
Frac / YoG 06 325 Chemicals ( ** ROLLUP, includes 3251-3259 ** ) (Foreign Ownership)   -- Subtotal -- 1265 1409 1651 2175 2286 1931 2711 2591 2570 4196 3371 3987 4428 5088 4273 4132 3036 3866 4321 3753 3646 3967 4348 4064 4552 4579 5885 5967 6217 6504 6715 6098 6245 6362 7257 8749 8751 8414 9339 9358 8563 7271 5929 7476 6892 6723 7217 10025 10224 11360 271737
Frac / YoG 06 325 Chemicals ( ** ROLLUP, includes 3251-3259 ** ) (ALL Ownership) A All Ownership Categories 5911 6293 7369 9758 9867 8296 9954 9026 8625 13072 10227 11260 12095 12975 11262 11428 8148 9999 11016 9211 8992 10026 10474 9481 10519 10341 13079 12864 13837 14538 15116 13757 13914 15003 17500 20903 21268 19858 21275 21334 19484 16105 13333 16724 15220 14671 15665 21166 21125 23314 666679

PTMT Contacts

Questions regarding these reports should be directed to:

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Electronic Information Products Division - PTMT
P.O Box 1450
Alexandria VA 22313-1450

tel: (571) 272-5600
fax: (571) 273-0110

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